1、 Unit 1 Book 1 Be Yourself 大学英语综合教程大学英语综合教程 Skim for the main idea and scan for the key information of the text; Appreciate the application of parallelism in the text;3. Grasp the language points and grammatical structures in the text, and learn to express the idea fluently;4. Conduct a series of re
2、ading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.Do you remember the favorite game in your childhood?你还记得儿时你还记得儿时最爱的游戏吗?最爱的游戏吗?Boys GamesSlingshot 弹弓弹弓Whipping top 陀螺陀螺Wrestle角斗角斗男生游戏男生游戏Marble 弹珠弹珠Vaulting horse 跳马跳马Play cards卡片卡片Kicking shuttlecock 踢毽子踢毽子Bungee ju
3、mping跳皮筋跳皮筋Girls Game女生游戏女生游戏Beanbag game 丢沙包丢沙包Blowing bubbles 吹泡泡吹泡泡Other GamesBlind touch 摸瞎子摸瞎子Fly the kite放风筝放风筝Eagle catchs a chickling老鹰捉小鸡老鹰捉小鸡其他游戏其他游戏What kind of life would you take when you become a social man? 踏入社会之后踏入社会之后你会有一个什么你会有一个什么样的生活呢?样的生活呢?While casting a nostalgic glance over th
4、e past, when life was pure and simple, the author feels overwhelmed by the complexities of the adult world. Can he regain the lost paradise?回顾追忆往昔的纯真岁月点滴之时,回顾追忆往昔的纯真岁月点滴之时,成人世界的复杂、烦扰实乃生命难以承成人世界的复杂、烦扰实乃生命难以承受之重。时光流转,可否重拾往昔?受之重。时光流转,可否重拾往昔? resignationn.辞职;辞职书;听任;顺从辞职;辞职书;听任;顺从 tender v.提供;投标提供;投标pudd
5、len.水坑;地上积水水坑;地上积水ripplen. 涟波;涟漪;波纹涟波;涟漪;波纹recessn.休息休息oakn.橡树;橡木橡树;橡木lemonade n.柠檬水柠檬水multiplication n.增加;繁殖;乘法运算增加;繁殖;乘法运算 rhymen.韵;押韵;韵文韵;押韵;韵文blissfully ad. 极快乐地;有福地极快乐地;有福地maturevi. 成熟成熟;长成长成nucleara. 原子核的;原子能的原子核的;原子能的prejudicen.偏见;成见偏见;成见abusevt. 辱骂;虐待;滥用辱骂;虐待;滥用spine n.脊柱;脊椎;书脊;尖刺脊柱;脊椎;书脊;尖刺
6、ripvt. 撕裂;扯撕裂;扯splatterv.使水等飞溅使水等飞溅naive a.天真的;幼稚的天真的;幼稚的crashv.崩溃崩溃;撞碎;猛使撞碎;猛使破碎破碎depressinga. 令人沮丧的令人沮丧的gossipn.流言蜚语流言蜚语tender ones resignation 辞职辞职multiplication table乘法表乘法表nursery rhyme童谣;儿歌童谣;儿歌be unaware of 没有发觉的;不知道的没有发觉的;不知道的be oblivious to / of没注意到;不知道没注意到;不知道be glued to粘到粘到上上work out可以解决;设
7、计出;作出;计算出可以解决;设计出;作出;计算出consist of由由组成;构成组成;构成 Text StudyMy ResignationTo whom it may concern, I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as an adult. I have decided to accept the responsibilities of an eight-year-old again. I want to go to McDonalds and think its a four star restaurant. I want
8、 to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make ripples with rocks. I want to think M & Ms are better than money because you can eat them. I want to play dodge ball at recess and paint with watercolors in art. I want to lie under a big oak tree and run a lemonade stand with my friends on a ho
9、t summers day. I want to return to a time when life was simple, when all you knew were colors, multiplication tables, and nursery rhymes, but that didnt bother you, because you didnt know what you didnt know and you didnt care. All you knew was to be happy because you were blissfully unaware of all
10、the things that should make you worried or upset. I want to think the world is fair, that everyone is honest and good. I want to believe that anything is possible. Text Study Somewhere in our youth, we matured and learned too much. There are nuclear weapons, war, prejudice, and abused children,lies,
11、 unhappy marriages, illness, pain and death. A world where companies poison our water and our soil, and children kill. What happened to the time when we thought that everyone would live forever, because we didnt grasp the concept of death? When the worst thing in the world was if someone took the ju
12、mp rope from you or picked you last for kickball. Text Study I want to be oblivious to the complexities of life and be overly excited by the little things again. I want to return to the days when children played hide-n-seek outside instead of being glued to a television, when video games were as har
13、mless as Pac-man, instead of spine-ripping, blood splattering Mortal Combat, and TV still had some shows on that werent about sex, killing, and lies. Text Study I remember being nave and thinking everyone was happy because I was. Afternoons were spent climbing trees and fences and riding my bike. I
14、never worried about time, bills, or where I was going to find the money to fix my car. I used to wonder what I was going to do or be when I grew up, not worry about what Ill do if this doesnt work out. I want to live simply again. I dont want my day to consist of computer crashes, mountains of paper
15、work, depressing news, how to survive more days in the month than there is money in the bank, doctors bills, gossip, illness, and loss of loved ones. Text Study I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth, justice, peace, dreams, the imagination, mankind and making angels in t
16、he snow. So, heres my checkbook and my car keys, my credit card bills and my 401K statements. I am officially resigning from adulthood. And if you want to discuss this further, youll have to catch me first, cause, “ Tag! Youre it!” Text StudyPart I (Para.1-2)The writer expresses his wishes to go bac
17、k to beautiful childhood days.Part II (Paras.3-6)The ugliness of the adult world is contrasted with the purity of the childhood days.Part III (Para.7)The writer restates his wishes to go back to the childhood days. Text OrganizationI. Read aloud the following paragraph and learn it by heart. Then, t
18、ranslate it into Chinese. I remember being nave and thinking everyone was happy because I was. Afternoons were spent climbing trees and fences and riding my bike. I never worried about time, bills, or where I was going to find the money to fix my car. I used to wonder what I was going to do or be wh
19、en I grew up, not worry about what Ill do if this doesnt work out. I want to live simply again. I dont want my day to consist of computer crashes, mountains of paperwork, depressing news, how to survive more days in the month than there is money in the bank, doctors bills, gossip, illness, and loss
20、of loved ones. 我记得自己曾是多么天真无邪,以为自己快乐、人人也都无我记得自己曾是多么天真无邪,以为自己快乐、人人也都无忧无虑。一个个下午,我爬树、翻围栏、骑自行车。那时我忧无虑。一个个下午,我爬树、翻围栏、骑自行车。那时我不会为时间、账单或是到哪儿弄钱修车而发愁。我过去常想不会为时间、账单或是到哪儿弄钱修车而发愁。我过去常想,长大了要做什么,要成为什么样的人,而不会担心如果这,长大了要做什么,要成为什么样的人,而不会担心如果这些不能实现我该怎么办。我想重新过上这种单纯的生活。我些不能实现我该怎么办。我想重新过上这种单纯的生活。我不想自己的生活都是些什么电脑失灵、工作成绩、令人沮
21、丧不想自己的生活都是些什么电脑失灵、工作成绩、令人沮丧的消息、盘算如何维持生计、支付医生的账单、听各种闲言的消息、盘算如何维持生计、支付医生的账单、听各种闲言碎语、患上可怕的疾病或是失去所爱的人。碎语、患上可怕的疾病或是失去所爱的人。 Text ComprehensionII. Answer the following questions.What does the author intend to do? 2. What is the most unforgettable part about the past?3. Is the author satisfied with the adul
22、t world? He claims to submit his resignation as an adult and to relive the moment as a child.Those simple and carefree days are the most unforgettable.No, he isnt.4. What upsets him as he grows up? 5. Whats the favorite pastime for children today? 6. Whats the problem with the TV programs today? Tex
23、t ComprehensionThe complexities of the adult world and the social wrongs upset him.Children today are glued to television and video games.TV programs feature shows about sex, killing, and lies.7. Why does the author want to discard his checkbook? 8. What does the author mean by “resigning from adult
24、hood”? Text ComprehensionHe wants to free himself from the enslavement of material gains.He expresses his wishes to be free from the worries and trouble of the adult world, and to restore4 the simplicity and purity of the childhood days.1. Make a list of the details mentioned in the text to make a c
25、ontrast between the childhood days and the adult world. 2. What do your childhood days look like? Anything special happened in your childhood days which is most unforgettable, or which has enduring influence on you? Describe it. III. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups and make presen
26、tations via PPT. Text Comprehension3. People often reminisce about life during the “good old days” and lament the lost times. Nostalgia is a yearning for the past, which is often idealized. Do you want to go back to the past? Why or why not? 4. Childhood experiences have a strong impact on who you a
27、re today. Now, as a university student, you are standing on the brink of adulthood. Its important to look into the future, to see where you are going. Make a plan to prepare for your university life. Text Comprehension IV. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below and change the f
28、orm where necessary. abuse blissful consist of crash glue mature naive oblivious overly recess 1. Outwardly he appeared forgiving, but in the _of his mind, he planned revenge. 2. Lets hope the _ sunny weather keeps up for Saturdays tennis match.recessesblissful Exercises 3. As they_, many young radi
29、cals mellow into a more tolerant attitude towards life and society. 4. The boys breaking of window glasses caused a hail of _. 5. I stayed_ to his side because I was so afraid of getting lost. 6. The speaker grounded on, _of his listeners boredom. 7. It would be _to think that this could solve all t
30、he areas problems straight away. matureabuseobliviousgluednaive Exercises 8. Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter _of atoms. 9. The maid put the tray on an unsteady table, and everything _to the floor. 10. Your views on economics are _simplistic. consist overly crashed ExercisesV.
31、Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in brackets. 1. It would be imprudent (of you) to (resignation) _from your present job before you are offered another. 2. The (simple) _of the book makes it suitable for children. 3. Peter seemed to have an instant under
32、standing of the most (complexities) _issues. 4. His pleasant voice and manner (prejudice) _the jury in his favor. resignprejudicedsimplicitycomplex Exercises5. The thought of having to take the exam again (depressing ) _me. 6. She was bitten on the ankle by a (poison) _ snake. 7. The miraculous (sur
33、vive) _of some people in the air crash was widely reported by the press. depressedsurvivalpoisonous Exercises8. If anything goes wrong, I will hold you personally (responsibility) _. 9. Finally the letter of appointment came, making it all (officially) _. 10. Children unaccompanied by an (adulthood)
34、 _ will not be admitted. responsibleadultofficial Exercises ExercisesVI. Rewrite the following sentences after the model. 1. I want to return to a time. At that time life was simple. I want to return to a time when life was simple. 2.You were blissfully unaware of all the things. Those things should
35、 make you worried or upset. You were blissfully unaware of all the things that should make you worried or upset. Model1. Do you know the man? The man came to see Tom this morning. 2. He is a man. We should all learn from him.3. The team is headed by a middle aged man. His wife is easygoing. Exercise
36、sDo you know the man who came to see Tom this morning?He is a man whom we should all learn from.The team is headed by a middle aged man whose wife is easygoing. Exercises4. They have invited me to visit their country. That is very kind of them. 5. We will put off the outing until next week. At that
37、time we wont be so busy. They have invited me to visit their country, which is very kind of them.We will put off the outing until next week, when we wont be so busy.VII. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English using the structure “instead of ”. Model when children pl
38、ayed hide-n-seek outside instead of being glued to a television, There is a growing tendency for people to work at home _ (而不是在办公室里工作而不是在办公室里工作). 2. The economy is shrinking _ (而不是在增而不是在增长中长中). instead of in officesinstead of growing Exercises3. _(没有恼火没有恼火), he seemed quite pleased. 4. We walked dow
39、n the stairs _(而不是乘坐电梯而不是乘坐电梯). 5. Its me that should ask you _(而不是你问我而不是你问我). Instead of being annoyedinstead of taking the elevatorinstead of you asking me Exercises ExercisesVIII. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English, using the word or phrase in brackets. 1. I
40、the scheme (我记得我记得他曾经反对该计划他曾经反对该计划). (remember) 2. They the decision(似乎并不似乎并不了解了解). (be unaware of)remember his objecting to the schemewere seemingly unaware of Exercises 3. I (过去常常起过去常常起床很早并且散步一小时床很早并且散步一小时) before breakfast. (used to)4.There are (夏天路上的车子比冬天多夏天路上的车子比冬天多). (more than) 5. I (已经计已经计算出
41、你应分摊的费用是算出你应分摊的费用是10英镑英镑). (work out) used to get up early and take an hours walk more cars on the road in the summer than in the winterhave worked out your share of the expenses at 10 Exercises Observe a child; any one will do. You will see that not a day 1 in which he does not find something or ot
42、her to make him happy, though he may be in 2 the next moment. Then look at a man; any one of us will do. You will notice that weeks and months can pass 3 which day is 4 with nothing more than 5 , and endure with every polite 6 . Indeed, most men are as 7 as sinners, though they are too bored to sin
43、perhaps their sin is their indifference. IX. Read the following passage carefully and choose the best word or phrase to fill in each blank. passestearsingreeted resignationindifferencemiserable ExercisesBut it is true that they so seldom smile that when they 8 we do not recognize their face, so 9 is
44、 it from the 10 mask we take for granted. And even then a man cannot smile like a child, for a child smiles with his eyes, 11 a man smiles with his lips alone. It is not a 12 ; but a grin; something to do with humor, but 13 to do with happiness. It would seem that happiness is something to do with 1
45、4 , and that it is the ability to extract 15 from the simples things.dodistortedfixedwhereassmilelittlesimplicitypleasure Exercises1. A. past B. passesC. passedD. goes 2. A. tearB. tornC. tearsD. tore 3. A. onB. atC. toD. in 4. A. greetedB. metC. greetingD. encountered 5. A. happinessB. resignationC
46、. pleasureD. satisfaction 6. A. difference B. referenceC. differentD. indifference 7. A. sameB. differentC. miserableD. mistake 8. A. smiledB. smilingC. doD. did 9. A. distortionB. distortedC. distortingD. distort 10. A. fixingB. fitC. fittingD. fixed 11. A. whereasB. whereC. whenD. with 12. A. laug
47、hB. laughterC. smilingD. smile 13. A. somethingB. littleC. lotsD. anything 14. A. simplicity B. simpleC. simplestD. sample 15. A. pleaseB. pleasantC. pleasureD. pleased * resignation n. the act or statement of giving up (a claim or office or possession etc.) 辞职辞职, 辞职书辞职书e.g. He is considering resign
48、ation from the committee. * tender ones resignation* tenderv. to formally offer or show something to someone 提供,投提供,投标标e.g. As company secretary, you must tender the proposal.* puddle n. a small pool of liquid, especially rain water 水坑,地水坑,地上积水上积水e.g. The road was shiny with puddles, but the rain wa
49、s at an end. e.g. Water spilled out making a puddle onto the table.* ripple n. a small wave on the surface of a liquid, especially water in a lake, etc. 涟波,涟漪,波纹涟波,涟漪,波纹e.g. Mary slid into the water, leaving not even a ripple. e.g. A cool breeze blew gently, without starting a ripple.* M&Ms M&am
50、p;Ms是美国是美国的一种巧克力的一种巧克力豆品牌。豆品牌。 1941年,年,M&Ms牛奶巧克力正牛奶巧克力正式诞生。由弗式诞生。由弗瑞斯特瑞斯特 玛氏及玛氏及好时公司一同好时公司一同打造。现在属打造。现在属于玛氏公司。于玛氏公司。* dodge ball A game in which players try to hit other players with balls and avoid being hit. 躲避球游戏躲避球游戏* recess n. a time during the day or yearwhen no work is done, especially in
51、parliament, law courts etc. 休息休息,假假 the inner hidden parts of something壁凹处壁凹处e.g. I push the problem down into the dim recess of my mind.e.g. The committee is going into recess for a couple of weeks. * oakn. a large tree that is common in northern countries, or the hard wood of this tree 橡树橡树, 橡木橡木
52、e.g. The chair is of solid oak. * lemonade n. sweetened beverage of diluted lemon juice 柠檬水柠檬水 e.g. She tasted her lemonade, then added more sugar. * multiplication table n. a method of calculating in which you add a number to itself a particular number of times 增增加加, 繁殖繁殖, 乘法运算乘法运算 乘法表乘法表e.g. The t
53、eacher hammered away at the multiplication tables.* multiplication* nursery rhyme n.UCcorrespondence in the sounds of two or more lines (especially final sounds) 韵韵, 押韵押韵, 韵文韵文a tale in rhymed verse for children 童谣,儿歌童谣,儿歌e.g. This nursery rhyme is very familiar to me. * rhyme * blissfully ad. extre
54、mely happily or enjoyably 极快乐地,有福地极快乐地,有福地 e.g. We spent a blissful week together. e.g. At first, he was blissfully unaware of the conspiracy against him.* be unaware of not noticing or realizing what is happening 没有发觉的没有发觉的, 不知道不知道的的 e.g. I was unaware of the mans presence. e.g. He stared blankly,
55、as if unaware of what they were doing.* mature v. grow old or older 长成,成熟长成,成熟 cause to ripen or develop fully使使成熟,长成成熟,长成e.g. Boys mature more slowly than girls, both physically and psychologically. e.g. Ill let you have an answer after mature consideration. More 【词义辨析词义辨析】mature, ripe这两个形这两个形容词都含容
56、词都含“成熟的成熟的”意思。意思。mature指生物完成了长生、发育的全过程指生物完成了长生、发育的全过程或周期,表明已经成熟;也可指经或周期,表明已经成熟;也可指经周密、慎重考虑而制定的计划或作周密、慎重考虑而制定的计划或作出的决定。如:出的决定。如:a fully grown, mature organism ripe 主要指水果、谷物和蔬菜等的主要指水果、谷物和蔬菜等的成熟,也可引申作成熟,也可引申作“时机成熟时机成熟”解。解。 e.g. Most tomatoes are red when ripe, but some kinds are yellow. e.g. The time w
57、as ripe for a challenge to the power of the government.* nuclear a. (weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy 原子核的,原子能的原子核的,原子能的 e.g. The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major problem. e.g. They were appalled (使惊使惊骇骇) by the reports of the nuclear war.* prejudice n.
58、 a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation 偏偏 见;成见见;成见 e.g. Prejudice sometimes hampers (妨碍,阻碍妨碍,阻碍) a person from doing the right thing. e.g. There is widespread prejudice against workers over 45.* abuse vt/n. use foul or abusive language towards; treat badly辱骂,虐待辱
59、骂,虐待 use wrongly or improperly or excessively 滥用滥用e.g. The fight against drug abuse goes on. e.g. He burst into a storm of abuse.* be oblivious to/of lacking conscious awareness of 没注意到,不知道没注意到,不知道e.g. He was quite oblivious of the danger. e.g. Wrapped in her problems, Chin was oblivious to her surr
60、oundings.* be glue to be fixed as if by glue 粘到粘到上上, 胶着在胶着在上上 v. be fixed as if by glue 粘到粘到上上, 胶着在胶着在上上e.g. The sheets are glued together with strong adhesive (黏合剂黏合剂). e.g. We were glued to our chairs, listening intently to every word.* glue* Pac-man a popular video game in the 80s 吃豆人游戏吃豆人游戏 * spine n. 脊柱,脊椎,书脊
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