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1、 Terahertz Range Communication Shaoxuan Wang IVEM 146100 3.An experiment of THz communication 1.The introduction of THz 2.The applications of THz Content 4.The commercial products of THz“Terahertz radiation occupies a middle ground between microwaves and infrared light waves,it s frequency range is

2、from 0.3THz 3THz, wavelengths of radiation in the terahertz band correspondingly range from 1 mm to 0.1 mm and technology for generating and operating it is in its infancy,so it is a emerging discipline in the physics.Figure1: The location of terahertz region in electromagnetic spectrum 110310610910

3、121015101810211024100MF, HF, VHF, UHF, SHF, EHF微波可见光kilomegagigaterapetaexazettayottax-射线g 射线THz 间隙Hz频率 (Hz)1 THz 1 ps 300 m 33 cm-1 4.1 meV 47.6 Kdcclassical transportquantum transitionFigure2. Application of THz6Figure2:THz imaging in the security7 THz application in MedicineFigure3:THz imagining(

4、a and b) and absorption coefficient images of the samples: (c and d)8Xi-Cheng ZhangShort BiographyDr. Zhang was the Professor and Acting Head of the Department of Physics in University of Rochester, professor Zhangs research interests center around Terahertz waves. His research is focused on the gen

5、eration, detection, and applications of free-space THz beams with ultrafast optics9.Jianquan YaoBiographyLaser and Non-Linearity Expert, Director of the Chinese Optical Society. Professor Yao Jianquan has long been engaged in the research of nonlinear optical frequency laser and converter techniques

6、 10.Figure4:This is a diagram of THz generator 12C band laser is a wave length between 1530 and 1565nm11;UTC-PD is a device that can generate CW THz radiation and make the best use of the telecom-based technology (1550 nm)16.Figure5. 0.14THz 10Gbps wireless communication system12At first we encode t

7、he 10Gbps data at the transmitter, then the signal is modulated by the device of 16QAM,which is a digital modulated conversion. Finally the signal is converted to a carrier frequency of 6GHz and the bandwidth of 3.6GHz ,and the we use the KaLo generator to change the signals frequency into about 133

8、.8GHz ,the last we emit the signal by a antenna. The receiver process is opposite to the transmitter12.Figure6:Performance of 0.14 transmitter and receiver10The core component of transmitter and receiver is the 0.14THz sub-harmonic mixer , which is a device based on Schottky diode. Figure8:500 m dis

9、tance 10Gbps transmission test12Figure9:500m distance 10Gbps wireless communication experiment12THz commercial productsTHz technology will have a strong competitive edge in the IT field. From now on, there are many companies engaged in work related to the commercialization of THz technology in the w

10、orld. For example, the AB Millimeter company of France13 , the NTT company of Japan14 ,and the Microtech company of the US15 are all the leaders of THz field. There are so many commercial products which is produced by this three corporations, The following are their products. The products of AB Mill

11、imeter Company The products of AB Millimeter Company Figure10: 600-1000GHz Submillimeter wave sources15The subteraherz source HG-wr1.2-FB-DH provides 0.001-0.01 mW output power in the spectral range 660-1000 GHz15 The products of AB Millimeter Company FrequencyDynamic Range200GHz102dB300GHz90dB400GH

12、z74dB500GHz60dB600GHz45dB700GHz75dB820GHz60dB920GHz45dB1000GHz30dBFigure11:MVNA-8-350Vector Network Analysis System16The products of NTT Company The products of NTT Company Figure12 : Device of NTT company in THz imagining and communication16The products of NTT Company The products of NTT Company UT

13、C-PD (uni-traveling-carrier photodiode) photomixers are ideal to generate CW THz radiation, making the best use of the telecom-based technology (1550 nm). Two-types of UTC-PD photomixer modules are available: a waveguide-coupled module suitable for THz communication experiments, and an antenna-integ

14、rated module which can be used as radiation source for THz spectroscopy and imaging16.The products of US Microtech InstrumentsFigure13:THz detector17The detector is designed for registration of the THz wave ,a square wave modulation of wave and a saw-tooth of signal voltage from the detector is prop

15、ortional to intensity the intensity of the radiation. A black filter is filled in the detector to prevent the visible and infrared waves. Figure14. The parameter of the THz detectorConclusion 1.THz can be obtained for the wireless communication transmission rate of 10GB/s . Compared with the current

16、 ultra broadband technology, it is hundreds or thousands of times faster than ultra broadband communication. 2.Compared the infrared-ray ,it also has a very high ability to penetrate the fog and a strong cloud directivity . This makes THz bandwidth of the communication can be carried out extremely h

17、igh security communications in harsh environment. 3. Although there are many advantages of THz communication system, there are also have so many constraints, such as, Lack of emission source and the detector at room temperature; THz signal modulation and processing are remains the focus of study.Ref

18、erences1 X.-C. Zhang , Center for THz Research Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA.“Resent Progress for THz Science & Technology (PPT)”20/11/20142.K.Namjou,S.Chai,E.A.Whittaker,J.Faist,C.Gmachl,F,capasso,D.L.Sivco,and A.Y.Cho.Sensitive absorption spectroscopy with a room-temperature distribute

19、d-feedback quatum-cascade laser. Optics Letters,23(3):219-221,February 19983J.F.Federici,B.Schulkin,F.Huang,D.Gary,R.Barat,F.Oliveira,and D.Zimdar.THz imaging and sensing for security applications explosive,weapons and drugs.Semiconductor Science and Technology,20054.A.Y.Pawar,D,D,Sonawane,K.B.Erana

20、de,andD.V.Derle.Terhertz technology and its applications. Drug Invention Today,5:157-163,20135Reeno Reeder,Development and Optimisation of Modelling Methods and Algorithms for Terahertz Range Raduation Source s based on Quantum Well Heterostructures.ISBN978-9949-23-609-1 20146 Jian-quan Yao,Professo

21、r and Director, Institute of Laser & Opto-electronics,Tianjin University, “THz-Technology and Its Application Foreground(PPT)”,07/09/20087 Faustino Wahaiaa, , , Gintaras Valusisb, LuisM.Bernardoa, Ablio Almeidaa, Joaquim A. Moreiraa, Patricia C. Lopesa, Jan Macutkevicb, Irmantas Kasalynasb, Dalius Seliutab,Ramunas Adomaviciusb, Rui Henriquec, Machado Lopesd “Detection of colon cancer by terahertz techniques”,” Journal of Molecular Structure”. Volume 1006, Issues 13, 14 December 2011, Pages 7


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