1、船舶转让合同Ship Sale and Pu rchase Agreeme nt甲方:中国建设银行股份有限公 司广州荔湾支行Party A:Chi naCon structio nBank,Guan gzhou Liwa n Branch地址:Address:乙方:中国进出口银行Party B : The Export-lmport Bank of Chi na地址:北京市西城区复兴门内大 街30号Address: No.30, Fu Xi ng Men Nei Street, Xiche ng District, Beiji ng.(甲方和乙方以下统称为 卖方”(Party A and Pa
2、rty B here in after calledthe “ Sellers ”丙方:Party C:地址:Address:(以下称买方”(here in after called the) “ Buyers ”鉴于头方在广州航运交易有 限公司组织的2016年3月 日的公 开竞价转让中中标,按照本合同 以下条款和条件,卖方同意向买 方转让卖方经(2014武海法商字第 00401号判决书和(2014)武海法商 字第00470号判决书确认的在WJZ2006-YC012、WJZ2006-YC013 号两份79600吨散货船造船合 同合同项卜的一切权利,包括 主张船舶交付等相关权利。Whereas
3、the Buyers have succeeded in the bidding organized by Guangzhou Shipping Exchange Company Limited( “ GSEC )on *2016, the Sellers agreed toassigrhhe Sellers rights in clud ing the rights of tak ing delivery of the vessels un dehe two “ SJriipbig Con tract for 79600 DWT Bulker Carrier ” WoZ2006- YC012
4、 & No WJZ2006-YC013which con firmed by(2014)Wu-Hai-Fa-Sha ng-Zi No.00401 and (2014)Wu-Hai-Fa-Shang-Zi No.00470to the Buyers on the follow ing terms and con diti ons.1.船舶概况1. The Vessel船名:Ship s Name:建造时间:When Build:船旗国:Flag:船舶地点:Curre nt Po siti on:IMO编号:IMO Number:建造船厂:Where Build:登记地点:PI ace o
5、f Registrati on:总吨/净吨:GT / NT:2.转让价格2. Pu rchase P rice转让卖方在 WJZ2006- YC012、WJZ2006-YC013 号两份79600吨散货船造船合同项下 的一切权利,包括主张船舶交付The Sellerassig n the Sellersights includi ng the rights of tak ing delivery of the vessels un der th “ Shipbildi ng Con tract for 79600 Tons Bulker ” NWJZ2006-YC012& No WJZ
6、2006-8等相关权利,价格为人民币元 (大写:人民币元,下称 转让价 格”)。转让价格为卖方实收的人 民币金额,其余必要费用均由买 方支付和承担。YC013to the Buyersagai nst the Buyer of the total price of CNY * (in words: Chinese Yuan *, the Purchase Price”). The PurchasePrice is the amount in CNY to be received by the Sellers. All other n ecessary costs shall be p aid
7、and borne by the Buyers.'p ayme nt3.付款(1)买方在规定的时间内将转 让价格分两期足额支付到广州航 运交易有限公司指定的账户:买 方已付的竞价保证金自动转为首 期(下称“第一期”);第二期 为转让价格扣减第一期之后的金 额(下称“尾期”)。(2)广州航运交易有限公司收 到的两期船款均归卖方所有,由 广州航运交易有限公司转付给卖 方。(3)广州航运交易有限公司收 到的首期、尾期中的任何部分或 全部为人民币以外其他货币的, 广州航运交易有限公司按照本合 同签订货币账户所在银行现汇买 入价(结汇价格)将货币(不含 利息)结汇成人民币。(4)广州航运交易有限
8、公司已 收到的人民币总金额(包括直接 以人民币收到的金额以及结汇为人民币的金额)少于转让价格 的,买方应在本合同签订后三个 工作日内补足差额;超额部分, 由广州航运交易有限公司按照原 币种、原路径退回给买方。3. P ayme nt(1) The Buyers shall pay the Pu rchase Price in full by two installments to the account designated by GSEC, specifically; the bidding deposit (theDeposit ” ) shallautomatically become
9、the first installment (the First Installment ”)and the balanee of the Pu rchase P rice after deduct ion othe Deposit is the 2nd installment (the Final Installment ”). The two In stallme ntsreceived by GSECsha be of Sellers ' title and shall be transfe GSECto the Sellers.rred by(3) When the first
10、 and/or second installment(exclusive of interests) received by GSEC are p aid not in CNY, such amount shall be con verted i nto CNY as per the buying rate (rate of settleme nt excha nge) on the sig nin date of this Agreement between USD and CNY of the bank where GSEC opens its USD account.(4) In cas
11、e of any shortage between the Purchase Price and the amount in CNY (consisting of the payment made in CNY and those con verted into CNY) received by GSEC, the Buyers shall pay the shortage within three worki ng days as of the sig ning date of this Agreeme nt; if any over payme nt GSEC shall refund t
12、he over paid amount to the Buyers in the orig inal curre ncy and rout it received the payment.4.船舶交接(1)买方付清款项后,买方按 照与南京奕淳船舶制造有限公司(下称“船厂”)之间另行签订 的船舶交接协议办理交接手 续。卖方不对船舶交接及其费用 承担责任。(2)本协议生效后,船舶发生4. Delivery of vessel(1) The Vessel will be delivered to the Buyersaccordanee with the Ship ' Delivery Ag
13、reeme nt con cluded betwee n the Buyers and Nanjing Yichu n ship build ing Co., Ltd. (the Ship yard” ). The Sellersshall not be res pon sible for the deliver ofthe Vessel and the costs thereof.(2) The liability, fees and risks in relati on to the Vesselshall be borne by the Buyers fromin的有关责任、费用和风险均
14、由买 方承担。the con clusi on of this Agreeme nt.5.债务(1)卖方确认,船厂已经保证 在权益转让时该船没有任何租 约、负担、抵押权、船舶优先权 或任何其他随船债务,并承担对 于因交船之前产生的债务而对船 舶提出的任何索赔,由船厂承 担。5. En cumbra nces(1) The Sellers warra nt that, the Ship yard hasc on firmed that the Vessel, at the time o" assignmentof the rights, is free from all charter
15、s, en cumbra nces,mortgages, maritirne(2)本合同签署之后,如果有 任何第三方声称就交船之前对该 船已经存在的债务对船舶行使和 主张任何权利,买方应及时通知 船厂,并积极应诉和抗辩,卖方 对此不承担任何责任,也不与船 厂承担连带责任。(3)如果根据生效判决或者仲 裁裁决书或者船厂确认的和解协 议书,船厂应对第三方的索赔承 担赔偿责任,则由船厂直接向第 三方承担责任,或者在买方履行 判决书或者仲裁裁决书或者和解 协议书之后,由船厂补偿买方。lie ns or any other debts whatsoever.The Ship yard un dertak
16、esto indemnify the Buyers against all consequencesof claims made aga inst the Vessel which have bee n in curred p rior to the time of deliveryof the Vessel.(2) Afterconclusion of this Agreement,in caseany third parties claim on the basis of existi ng debts aga inst the Vessel p rior to th delivery,
17、Buyers shall promptly notifythe Ship yard, take an active res ponse to the action and defense the case. The Sellers shall neither take any liability for this nor take any joint and severalliability with the Shipyard.(3) If according to the effective and binding judgment, arbitration award or settlem
18、ent agreeme nt agreed by the Shi pyard, as the case may be, the Ship yardshould be liable a third party claims, the Ship yard shall either directly assumethe liability for the third p arty, or reimburse the Buyers after th Buyers fulfills its obligations under the judgme nt or arbitrati on award or
19、settleme nt agreement.for6.税收和费用转让价格为卖方实收的船舶 价款(人民币)。买方支付和承 担所有税收和费用,包括但不限 于:(1) 买方银行收取的付款手 续费;(2) 外币汇兑费用和汇率变 动(如有);(3) 广州航运交易所收取的 交易鉴证费、广州航运交易有限 公司收取的船舶竞价服务费;(4) 船舶出口(如有)至中 华人民共和国境外所需支付的代 理费用、税收和费用;6. Taxes and costsThe Pu rchase Price is the amount in CNY to be actually receivedby the Sellers.The
20、Buyers are to pay and bear any other taxes and costs, in cludi ng but not limited to:(1) the bank chargeswhen the Buyers pay the Purchase Price;(2) the costs and fluctuation of the currency excha nge(ifa pp licable);(3) the verification fees charged by Guangzhou Shipping Excha nge,the service fees c
21、harged by GSEC;(4) the agency fees, taxes and costs for the Sellersexport ing (if app licable)the Vessel t outside the territory of the Peoples(5)买方进口(如有)和登 记船舶所需的代理费用(自交船 之日起)、税费、登记费用;(6) 公证认证费用;(7) 自交船之日起发生的其 他必要的费用。Rep ublic of China;(5) the agency fees from the time ofDelivery , taxes and costs
22、fothe Buyers ' imp ortin app licable) and registeri ng the Vessel un der the Buyers ' flag(6) the notarization and legalization fees;(7) any other necessary costs arising after delivery of the vessel.g (if7.买方违约买方未按照本合同的规定付 清转让价格的,卖方有权取消本 合同,没收买方已经支付的转让 价格,并向买方索赔卖方遭受的 其他损失。7. Buyers DefaultS
23、hould the Buyers failed to pay offhe Pu rchase Price in accordancewith this Agreement, the Sellers have the right to can cel the Agreeme nt,kee p the Pu rchase Price already p by the Buyers,a nd claim aga in sttheBuyers for any other losses so suffered.aid8.卖方违约卖方仅对因无权转让船舶权 益导致船舶无法交付承担违约责 任。卖方承担违约责任
24、的范围以 收到的转让价款为限,不对买方 其他直接和间接损失和费用承担 赔偿责任。8. Sellers DefaultThe Sellers shallbe liable to the Buyers if and only if the Vessel is failed to be delivered due the fact that the Sellers are not entitled to transfer the rights of the Vessel. The Sellers liability shall not exceed the Purchase Price receiv
25、ed by the Sellers and shall not be liable any other direct or in direct losses suffered an d/or costs in curred by the Buyers.toor9. _买方代表买方需要派代表登船的,风 险和费用由买方自行承担,并与 船厂签订相应的文件。9. Buyers RepresentativesIf the Buyersplacerepresentativesonboard the Vessel, the Buyers shall take sole risk and expense fo
26、r their representatives placed on board the Vessel and sig n the necessarydocume nts with the Shipyard.10.争议解决本合同以及本争议解决条款 适用中华人民共和国法律。因本 合同引起的任何争议,在中国南 沙国际仲裁中心,按照受理仲裁 申请时该中心生效的仲裁规则进 行仲裁。10. Disputes ResolutionThis Agreeme nt and this Dispu tes Resoluti on clause shall be gover ned by and con strued in accordanee with the laws of the Peoples Rep ublic of China. Any dis pute aris ing out of this Agreement shall be referred to China Nansha Arbitration Center for arbitration in accorda nee with the Cen ters
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