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1、人教新目标九年级英语中考复习系列桐城市新渡中心中学主 讲: 徐 成星沙英语网初三复习系列动词不定式用法归纳概说动词不定式(to do)是初中英语课的一个重点,也是中考要考查的一个项目。动词不定式属于非谓语动词的一种形式,很多同学经常把它和谓语动词混在一起,掌握起来有困难。下面我们对动词不定式的用法做简单归纳,帮助同学们记忆 动词不定式的主要用法 一、动词不定式在句子中不能独立充当谓语,没有人称和数的变化。二、动词不定式是由“to+动词原形”构成(有时可以不带to)。动词不定式的否定形式是“not+动词不定式”(此时not不能再与助动词连用)。三、动词不定式短语具有名词、形容词和副词等的功能,可

2、在句中用做多种句子成分。 主语 宾语 表语 定语 状语 宾补 配套练习 主语:常置于句末,而用主语:常置于句末,而用itit代替其做形式主语。代替其做形式主语。例:例:To go in for sportsTo go in for sports helps you stay fit. helps you stay fit. It helps you stay fit It helps you stay fit to go in for sports.to go in for sports. It is dangerous It is dangerous to swim in the deep

3、sea to swim in the deep sea on your own. on your own.注:此句式中不定式逻辑上的主语可由注:此句式中不定式逻辑上的主语可由forfor或或ofof引出,引出, 逻辑主语由逻辑主语由ofof引出时,表语的形容词为引出时,表语的形容词为kindkind,nicenice, good good,politepolite,cleverclever,foolishfoolish,rightright,wrongwrong等等 表示性格品质评价的形容词。表示性格品质评价的形容词。 例:例:Its right of him Its right of him

4、 to refuse the invitationto refuse the invitation. . (him (him为逻辑主语为逻辑主语) ) 点击规律:动词不定式在句中作主语时,除了点击规律:动词不定式在句中作主语时,除了直接作主语直接作主语外,外, 常放在:常放在: It is It is adjadj(形容词)(形容词)to do sthto do sth或或 It is It is n n(名词)(名词)to do sthto do sth句型中,句型中, it it仅作形式主语。仅作形式主语。 返回 动动 词词 宾宾 语语 此种情况可按固定搭配或句式去记。此种情况可按固定搭配

5、或句式去记。例:例:would you like to see my photos?would you like to see my photos? Kevin planned to visit his uncle Kevin planned to visit his uncle类似用法的词还有:类似用法的词还有: startstart,wantwant,agreeagree,hopehope,beginbegin,decidedecide agree,love,like ,hate ,prefer等。等。I found it very difficult to get a job.(itI

6、found it very difficult to get a job.(it为形式宾语为形式宾语) )点击规律:点击规律: 这些动词后面除接不定式外,还可以接动名词,意思这些动词后面除接不定式外,还可以接动名词,意思 区别不大区别不大提示板:提示板:like doinglike doing指经常性动作,而指经常性动作,而like to dolike to do指一次性的动作。指一次性的动作。 I like swimming I like swimming,but I dont like to swim nowbut I dont like to swim now 我喜欢游泳,但我现在不想游

7、。我喜欢游泳,但我现在不想游。 stopstop,forgetforget,rememberremember,go on go on ,trytry等词或短语后面可以等词或短语后面可以接不定式。接不定式。 点击规律:上述动词后面接不定式和接动名词意思大不相同。点击规律:上述动词后面接不定式和接动名词意思大不相同。 提示板:提示板: 1 1)stop to do sthstop to do sth:停止一件事,去做另一件事。:停止一件事,去做另一件事。 stop doing sthstop doing sth:停止正在做的事。:停止正在做的事。 例句:例句: When the teacher c

8、ame in When the teacher came in,the students stopped the students stopped talking talking;当老师走进来时,学生们停止说话;当老师走进来时,学生们停止说话; when he came out when he came out,the students stopped to talkthe students stopped to talk 当老师走出去时,学生们又开始说话。当老师走出去时,学生们又开始说话。 2 2)思考:)思考:forgetforget,rememberremember,go ongo on

9、,trytry等词或短语后面接等词或短语后面接不定式和动名词用法有何区别?不定式和动名词用法有何区别? 点击规律:在点击规律:在findfindfeelfeelit itadjadjto do sthto do sth句型中,句型中,it it是是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。如:形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。如: The man downstairs found it difficult to get to sleep The man downstairs found it difficult to get to sleep I feel it easy to recit

10、e the text I feel it easy to recite the text 点击规律:某些动词或短语后面既可以接动词不定式作宾语,点击规律:某些动词或短语后面既可以接动词不定式作宾语, 又可接动名词作宾语,二者用法上的区别可以通过造又可接动名词作宾语,二者用法上的区别可以通过造 句子加以区分,如上页的句子加以区分,如上页的stopstop例句。例句。 返回表表 语语放在连系动词放在连系动词bebe后面后面 例句:例句:His wish is to become a scientistHis wish is to become a scientist Our duty is to

11、protect the enviroment. Our duty is to protect the enviroment. The first important thing is to save theThe first important thing is to save the soldierslives soldierslives 当务之急是抢救战士们的生命。当务之急是抢救战士们的生命。 点击规律:动词不定式在句中作表语时,通常对连系点击规律:动词不定式在句中作表语时,通常对连系动词前面的名词进行诠释说明。动词前面的名词进行诠释说明。 返回 定定 语语 动词不定式做定语放在所修饰的名

12、词动词不定式做定语放在所修饰的名词 、代词的后面。、代词的后面。例:例: He is the first person to sail around the world. He is the first person to sail around the world. I have a lot of work to do I have a lot of work to do The doctor said he could do nothing to help the boyThe doctor said he could do nothing to help the boy 点击规律:动词不

13、定式若在句中作定语,常放在被修饰的名词、点击规律:动词不定式若在句中作定语,常放在被修饰的名词、 代词之后。代词之后。 提示板:如果动词不定式和前面所修饰的词构成动宾关系,提示板:如果动词不定式和前面所修饰的词构成动宾关系, 且动词是不及物动词,切记不要忘掉后面的介词。如:且动词是不及物动词,切记不要忘掉后面的介词。如: I have a small bedroom to live I have a small bedroom to live inin Have you got some pens to write Have you got some pens to write withwit

14、h? 返回 作 状 语 a a目的状语:放在目的状语:放在gogo,comecome,useuse,livelive,in orderin order等词后面等词后面. .如:如: I come to see you I come to see you He runs fast in order to get there in time He runs fast in order to get there in time They brought in photos of their families for me to They brought in photos of their fami

15、lies for me to look at look at b b原因状语:放在原因状语:放在sorrysorry,gladglad,surprisedsurprised, disappointeddisappointed, excited excited等词后面。(等词后面。(有些资料上把这类称为不定式在有些资料上把这类称为不定式在表示心理、情感、评价等的形容词后,对其进行补充说明,表示心理、情感、评价等的形容词后,对其进行补充说明, 作形容词补足语作形容词补足语)如:)如: I am glad to see you here I am glad to see you here I am

16、sorry to trouble you I am sorry to trouble you c c作结果状语。如:作结果状语。如: Some of the apples are hard to reach Some of the apples are hard to reach The room is large enough to hold 1000 people The room is large enough to hold 1000 people 返回宾语补足语( (1)在多数复合宾语及物动词后要带to: tell,ask,want,order,teach,invite,warn,w

17、ish,help,get,wish,等词后面常接不定式作宾补。例: Iaskedafriendtoreadittome I tell him not to go there by bus Edisons mother taught him to read and write (2)在表示感觉、致使等意义的动词(see,watch,hear,feel,make,let,have, observe, notice, help等)后不带to 的不定式作宾补。如: The boss makes them work 16 hours a day I heard her sing in the next

18、room 提示板:若变成被动语态,在上述结构中,不定式符号to要加上。如: They are made to work 16 hours a day by the boss She was heard to sing in the next room 返回 “疑问词不定式”用法 不定式前可带what,who,which,where,when,how, whose,等疑问词,这种不定式短语在句中作宾语、宾语补足语、主语等。例:He didnt tell me where to go. (直宾) I dont know what to say now.(宾语) I dont know what t

19、o do next(宾语) He taught us how to use the computer(宾语补足语) Its still a question how to get there(主语) 在初中阶段还涉及到“不定式被动语态一般式(to be+过去分词)”例:There are twenty more trees to be planted. 返回根据句意,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1Its time for us _(have)supper 2Would you like_(go)shopping with me? 3It took us half an hour_(work)out


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