Unit 18 Beauty Period Five_第1页
Unit 18 Beauty Period Five_第2页
Unit 18 Beauty Period Five_第3页
Unit 18 Beauty Period Five_第4页
Unit 18 Beauty Period Five_第5页




1、Period FiveCommunication Workshop,Language Awareness 3,Culture Corner,Bulletin Board & Writing.用适当的介、副词填空1“Beauty and the Beast” was directed by Jean Cocteau.It is based _ the version of the fairy tale _ Madame Le Prince de Beaumont.2The film deals _ the theme of appearances _ a very interesting and

2、 clever manner.3In one vivid scene,Beauty looks _ the mirror and her face is transformed _ the Beasts.4When I called _ Sherlock Holmes _ the second morning after Christmas,he was lying _ the sofa next _ some newspapers.5_ about four oclock _ the morning,he was coming back from a party when he saw a

3、tall man carrying a goose.6Peterson did not know what to do _ either the hat or the goose so he brought both to me _ Christmas morning.7He used to be quite rich but something must have happened _ him,probably problems _ drink.8Wordsworth grew _ in one of the most beautiful areas of England.9_ an adu

4、lt,Wordsworth worked together with the fellow poet,Samuel Taylor Coleridge.10_ the age of 25,he began travelling _ the country.完成句子1He _(曾做过警察),but now he is a worker.2The old lady _(总会坐在树下),waiting for her lost son.3Our school is not _(以前的样子)4_(我习惯于步行),because I havent got a car.5We are eating out

5、more often _(比以往).佳句翻译与仿写1For example,when Beauty is walking back and forth while waiting for the Beast to visit her room,you can see a statues head following her movements!翻译_仿写过马路的时候,一定要小心。_2Although it has neither the cute characters nor the wonderful songs of the Disney version,it speaks to peop

6、le of all ages.翻译_仿写她对发生的事情不闻不问。_3Peterson did not know what to do with either the hat or the goose so he brought both to me on Christmas morning.翻译_仿写(1)我不知道下一步该做什么。_(2)要么汤姆,要么玛丽明天做这件事。_4He used to be quite rich but something must have happened to him,probably problems with drink.翻译_仿写昨晚一定下雨了,因为路面是

7、湿的。_.单项填空1Treat_ to a glass of wine to help you relax at the end of the day.Aone Boneself Cyou Dyourself2Whats the noise? It sounds as if it comes from upstairs._. It must be the windowcleaner working next door.AIm not sure BI hope not CId rather not DI dont think so3I felt so bad all day yesterday

8、that I decided this morning I couldnt face _ day like that.Aother Banother Cthe other Dothers4Lets go for a picnic this weekend together with our classmates,OK?_. I love getting close to nature.AI couldnt agree more BThats all rightCOut of the question DIm afraid not5At the meeting they discussed th

9、ree different _ to the study of mathematics.Aapproaches BmeansCmethods Dmanners6We always keep_ spare paper in case we run out.Atoo much Ba number ofCplenty of Da good many7Encourage your children to try new things,but try not to _ them too hard.Adraw Bstrike Crush Dpush8Teachers recommend parents_t

10、heir children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.Anot allow Bdo not allowCmustnt allow Dcouldnt allow9Mark_have hurried.After driving at top speed,he arrived half an hour early.Aneednt BwouldntCmustnt Dcouldnt10My daughter _ like chocolates,but now she likes fruits.Aused to BwouldCmight

11、Dcould.阅读填空I dont remember how many examinations Ive taken since I began my schooling._1_I dare say that,in fact,almost no student likes examinations.We often hear people say “Examinations are teachers magic weapon”,so most of us may think it is our teachers who give us students so many examinations

12、._2_Since almost all of them had once been students before they became teachers.As I mentioned just now,we dont like examinations,and neither do our teachers,which may be reasonably concluded.Whats more,the more examinations we take,the more time will be taken from our teachers and the more trouble

13、our teachers have to take._3_4_It is the system in our country,I think,that gives us students so many examinations.If there were no entrance examinations,and all the students could go up to the higher grades without competition,there would not be so many examinations in primary and middle schools._5

14、_Only in this way can examinations be greatly reduced,and then all the students will be happier.AAnd I cant agree more.BThen whats the reason for the large number of examinations?CTo tell the truth,I dont like examinations at all.DSo it is important and necessary to reform the test system.EBut I don

15、t think so.FSo we can easily get the conclusion that teachers are not the ones who are to blame.GThere are too many examinations which make us feel exhausted every day.1_2._3._4._ 5_.书面表达假如你是李晓华,你的新西兰笔友Nick将于八月来四川旅游,特来信询问有关旅游景点的情况。请根据下表所提供的要点,写一封回信,并表示盼望他的到来。旅游资源许多世界著名的风景名胜,如九寨沟(海子:清澈见底,色彩斑斓),都江堰水利工

16、程(2 000多年的历史,仍在发挥作用)。相关信息气候适宜;交通方便。注意:1.词数100左右;2开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;3参考词汇:省份province;海子lake;都江堰水利工程Dujiangyan Irrigation Project。Dear Nick,Im glad to hear that youre coming to Sichuan in August._Yours,Li Xiaohua我们怎么能用更多的方法处理这个问题?What can we do with the problem using more methods?How can we deal with/

17、cope with the problem with more methods?How can we handle the problem with more approaches?How can we solve the problem by more means? 答案.1.onby2.within3.ininto4.onononto 5Atin6.withon7.towith8.up9.As10.Ataround.1.used to be a police2.would sit under the tree3.what it used to be4.Im used to walking5

18、.than we used to.1.比如说,当美女来回走动,同时等待野兽来拜访她的房间时,你能看到一座雕塑的头跟着她移动。While crossing the road,you must be careful.2它既没有可爱的角色,也没有迪斯尼式的美妙歌曲,但老少皆宜。She neither knows nor cares what happened.3彼得森不知道该怎么处理这顶帽子和这只鹅,所以在圣诞节的早晨他把这两样东西带给了我。(1)I dont know what to do next.(2)Either Tom or Mary is to do it tomorrow.4他过去非常

19、富有,但是他身上一定发生了什么事,可能是喝酒的问题。It must have rained last night,for the road is wet.1.D句意为:在一天结束时,喝杯酒有助于放松。treat oneself to.用招待自己。2D考查交际用语。说话人判断那噪音好像来自楼上,而答话人很肯定地说是隔壁清洁工擦窗户的声音,由此可判断出答话人不同意对方的看法,选D项,意为“我认为不是这样的”。3Banother day另外一天。句意为:昨天一天我感觉如此糟糕以至于今天早上我下定决心再也不能那样面对另外一天了。4A考查交际用语。从后面的信息“我喜欢接近大自然”可知,答话人完全赞同对方

20、“周末与同学一起野餐”的提议。A项用于完全赞同对方的建议;B项用于应答致谢或道歉;C项用于拒绝对方的请求,表示“不可能”;D项为委婉的否定答复。5Aapproach方式,方法,其后常接介词to。means与method之后常接of短语;manner后也不接介词to。6C本题考查表数量的短语的用法。too much太多的,修饰不可数名词;a number of许多,大量,修饰可数名词;plenty of丰富的,大量的,修饰可数与不可数名词;a good many许多,修饰可数名词。句意为:我们总是存有大量的备用纸,以防用完了。7D句意为:鼓励你的孩子们尝试新的东西。但尽量不要太过分。draw拉;strike敲,打;rush冲,均不合题意。push向前推,符合句意。8A句意为:老师们建议父母们不要允许12岁以下的孩子骑自行车上学,以确保安全。recommend表“建议”时,其后的宾语从句的谓语用should do或should not do形式,should可以省略,故此题选A。此题还省略了宾语从句的引导词that。9A句意为:马克本没有必要那么急,全速开车后他提前了半个小时到达。根据句意和前后的照应可知应选A项。A项表示“本没有必要”;B项意为“不会”;C项表示“不允许”;D项表示“不可能”。显然,B、C、D三项与后文论述不符。10A由句意可知此


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