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1、翻译翻译on P711. I dont know the reason why oxen have not been replaced by tractors in some African countries.2. My organization plans to open a new clinic in a remote part of Kenya which will help improve the childrens health there. 3. The other day the tailor received a new sewing machine that was don

2、ated by a charity organization. 4. This is a jar in which you can store seeds.5. Before they can fly in space, astronauts have to go through hundreds of hours of training.6. This couple whose golden wedding anniversary is today is celebrating with a toast.7. The political party that offered the best

3、 economic programme succeeded in the election campaign.8. The moment when I clicked my fingers was the sign to start the concert.Discovering useful words and expressions1. _ to change slightly to make something work better2. _ a mental shelf for cooking meat, toasting bread, etc3. _ connected with w

4、hat is being done or discussed4. _ an ideaadjustgrillrelevantconcept Find words in the unit for the following meanings.5. _ an honour6. _ something that has been organized7. _ written work in an office, such as writing reports or letters8. _ to breathe air into your nose noisilypaperworksniffprivile

5、ge arrangement Complete the paragraph with the words or phrases below in their proper forms. otherwise airmail be dying to adjust muddy hear from fortnight platform remoteSharon looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. She had posted the _ letter to Tim last week but had had no reply. She smoothe

6、d her hair down with a wet comb, wiped her _ shoes, and thought about the three months she had known him. He was the nicest boy she had ever met, _ she would not haveairmailmuddy otherwisefallen in love with him. She stillremembered that he _ quickly when he heard she came from a _ village. At first

7、 she had _ him every week but now she had not heard for a _. Why? She had decided to find out. adjustedremoteheard from fortnightShe walked down the _ to catch the train to New York feeling both excited and nervous. She _ see him again but what if he didnt want to see her?platform was dying to1. hea

8、r from 收到来信收到来信2. be dying to 渴望渴望; 极想极想3. come across (偶然偶然) 碰见、发现碰见、发现4. dry out 完全变干完全变干; 干透干透; (使使)变干变干5. dry up 干枯干枯; (供应供应, 思路思路)枯竭枯竭6. in need 在困难中在困难中; 在危机中在危机中7. stick out 伸出伸出 8. up to 多达多达9. make a difference 有影响有影响; 有作用有作用10. care for 关心关心; 照顾照顾; 喜欢喜欢; 想要想要 “渴望渴望”的类似说法的类似说法1. have a stro

9、ng desire for sth.2. be eager to do sth.3. be thirsty for sth.4. desire to do sth. 5. long to do sth. / for sth.P71Ex 1dry out dried uppicked uppicked outlook uplook outtake . outtake upcome out come upP71Ex 2heate bread - toastdone willingly - voluntarydressmaker - tailordistant - remotegive - dona

10、tehand out - distributeevery week - weeklytake part - participatework - operatesafety - securitylist - cataloguesupport - assistancelarge suitcase - trunkbuy - purchase1. be dying for / to do sth. 渴望渴望, 极想极想, 渴望做某事渴望做某事 Im dying for a piece of cake. I am dying to know where you are from.(1) 我极想出国我极想

11、出国 _(2) 他很渴望喝点酒他很渴望喝点酒 _I am dying to go abroad.He was dying for a little wine.2. come across 偶然遇见偶然遇见/发现发现e.g. The boys had never come across anything like this and started jumping out of the windows.她在找东西时偶然发现了一些旧信件。她在找东西时偶然发现了一些旧信件。She _ in the course of her search.came across some old letterscom

12、e along 快点快点, 来吧来吧come back 回来回来, 折回折回come from 来自来自, 从从来来come off 从从离开离开, 脱落脱落come out 出来出来, 出版出版come up 走过来走过来, 走近走近come over 过来过来come to 来到来到, 结果是结果是(1) I _ some interesting books in the room. A came about B came across C came out D came off (2) This situation should never have _. A came over B c

13、ame up C came back D came about(3) How is your work _? A coming along B coming back C coming to D coming upBDA3. dry out (使使)变干变干; 干透干透(1) 他告诉我加热罐子是为了使剩余的食他告诉我加热罐子是为了使剩余的食物变干。物变干。 He told me that the can was heated to _ the leftover food.(2) Water the plant regularly, never letting _(让土壤干枯让土壤干枯) .dr

14、y outthe soil dry out4. dry up (河流,湖泊等河流,湖泊等) 干枯干枯; 弄干、晒弄干、晒干、变干干、变干; (供应、思路供应、思路) 枯竭枯竭(1) During the drought, the river dried up.(2) The writers long separation from social dried up his imagination.(3) 太阳很快就会把马路晒干的。太阳很快就会把马路晒干的。 _The sun will soon dry up the roads.5. in need 在困难中在困难中, 在危急中在危急中 be i

15、n need of sth. 需要需要 have the need for sth. 对对的需要的需要 according to the need 根据需要根据需要句意理解句意理解:A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友。患难朋友才是真朋友。(1) 我们应该帮助有困难的人。我们应该帮助有困难的人。 We should help those in need.(2) 他现在很需要一大笔钱。他现在很需要一大笔钱。 He now is in great need of much money.6. care for 关心关心, 照顾照顾; 喜欢喜欢, 想要想要 care about 在乎在乎, 关心关心 take care of 照顾照顾, 保管保管 with care 仔细地仔细地, 认真地认真地 be careful of 当心当心, 小心小心 be careful about 讲究讲究 be careful for 当心当心,


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