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1、现代分析技术讲义合编温州大学化学与材料工程学院二00六年二月第一章X-ray DiffractionPrinciple and Experiments2005-2006一、前言1.1 目的 材料科学研究中,结构与功能、性能联系,以性能为导向,寻求和设计最适宜结构化合物。性能与结构相关,又决定于成份和工艺,在新材料研制与开发,冶金生产过程,表面处理,腐蚀产物等分析中均有重要应用。宏观表象深入至微观认识。结构参数信息为生产工艺改进,研制新材料、建立新理论提供依据。方法实质: X射线与物质交互作用(相干散射是产生衍射花样原因)。 衍射花样三要素:峰位,峰强与线形。1.2 重要性当今材料科学

2、研究中,功能意识加强以及结构与性能联系意识提高,期望以性能为导向,寻求和设计最适宜结构化合物付诸实现。结构参数信息给出新观念,为生产工艺改进,研制新材料、建立新理论提供依据。材料性能与基本相和析出相种类,数量相关。相的形成又取决于成份和工艺制度,在新材料研制与开发、冶金生产、表面处理、腐蚀与防腐等领域有重要作用。1.3 信息分析试样属何物质,那种晶体结构,并确定其化学式。原理:任何结晶物质均具有特定晶体结构(结晶类型、晶胞大小、质点种类、数目分布)和组成元素。一种物质有自已独特衍射谱与之对应,多相物质的衍射谱为各个物相行对谱的叠加。1.4 粉末法主要应用(1)区分结晶质与非晶质。例如区分玻璃与

3、宝石。(2)判断金属加工前后金属晶格的变化。(3)确定颗粒的大小和择优取向。计算颗粒度。(4)根据JCPDS鉴定表可以鉴定化合物以及混合物。(5) 测定晶胞参数、确定晶格类型、衍射群等。未知相自动指标化程序。(6) 通过晶胞参数的差异确定类质同像变种及化学成分的变化规律。(7)可以用来研究非晶质(如煤、玻璃等)的构造。(8) 测定混合相中各化合物的含量。分辨率较高,测定时间一般很短,定性分析鉴定化合物相(即确定矿物成分),一般只需几分钟到十几分钟。不破坏样品。 经X射线测定后的样品还可用于红外、差热等测试,因此,在科学研究中,应先做x射线分析,再做其他研究。1.5 Crystals1晶体结构与

4、空间点阵(空间点阵+晶体结构的结构单元)基本特点:质点(结构单元)沿三维空间周期性排列(晶体定义),并有对称性。空间点阵:实际晶体中的几何点,其所处几何环境和物质环境均同,这些“点集”称空间点阵。为简化晶体结构提出。按对称性分为七个晶系。晶体结构中晶体结构周期性与对称性,原子排列的规律共七个类型。Bravais点阵Bravais(法国晶体学家)点阵:空间点阵中选取能反映空间点阵周期性与对称性的单胞。要求:单胞相等棱与角数最多棱间直角最多体积最小。1848年Bravais证明只有14种。14种Bravais点阵分4类:P简单;C底心;I体心;F面心。二、X射线衍射X射线的发现、波粒性W.C. R

5、öntgen discovered the X-rays(1895). he was honoured by the Noble prize for Physics (1901). W.H.Bragg and M.L.Bragg discovered X-ray diffraction phenomenon(1912). M.V.Laue discovered Laue experiment and Laue equation.C. G. Darwin developed dynamic theory of scattering of X-rays at crystal lattic

6、e(1912). Ware and quanta E=hv.A powder Pattern offer Informations2.1 X射线产生,X射线谱与特征谱The “x-ray” is generated by keV electrons hitting a target. When the incoming electrons are decelerated by the material, an EM wave is generated. This is the inverse photoelectric effect. X-ray tube: sealed, cooled by

7、 water, Filament x-ray tubesNow take these high energy electrons (up to 100,000 eV) and slam(猛烈撞击) them into heavy atoms - any element.2 kinds of X-Rays are produced:“Bremsstrahlung”(韧致辐射)(Continuous x-rays)“Characteristic”The Principle of Generation.The Photoelectron Effect and characteristic Spect

8、rum GenerationEmissios Spectrum of a Mo X-Ray TubeExcite volt and Filter of X-ray Target2.2 与物质交互作用相干散射:产生衍射花样原因Bragg coherent scatteringXRD: Diffraction ConditionBraggs Law:constructive interference only when: The Bragg equation n = an integer is the x-ray wavelengthd = dhkl Debye-Sherrer CameraThe

9、 powder may be fitted to a glass fibre or into a glass capillary.A X-Ray film, mounted like a ring around the sample, is used as detector.Collimators shield the film from radiation scattered by air. A modern DiffractometerXRD: X-ray Tube (non-monochromatic)XRD: Q/2Q ExampleDiffraction: scattering of

10、 X-rays by periodic electron density diffraction reflection against lattice planes, if: 2dhklsinq = nlPolycrystalline sample has a number of peaks due to mixture of crystal orientations.Information contained in diffraction dataLattice parameters (a, b, c, a, b, g) obtained from the directions of the

11、 diffracted X-ray beams.Electron densities in the unit cell, obtained from the intensities of the diffracted X-ray beams. Electron densities ® atomic coordinates (x, y, z)The unit cell structure factor 2.3 衍射实验分析法多晶粉末法Reflection Planes in a Cubic Lattice晶体衍射 Bragg 公式 2d sin= nPowder X-ray Diffr

12、actionPowder Diffraction Pattern (diffractometer)三.  D8 ADVANCE 多晶X射线衍射仪3.1 D8 ADVANCE X射线衍射仪3.2 核心部件光源-高压发生器与X 光管精密测角仪光学系统The Bragg-Brentano Geometry探测器原理3.3 控测,数据采集与数据处理软件 Soffware简介 Basic系统控制管理与数据采集软件  EVA 基本数据处理软件 X射线衍射应用软件l 数据采集仪器调整,测量方案(策略)标准测量,定量测量,高低测量,PSD,织构,应力,(残余)。l

13、60; 数据处理标准数据处理,定性分析,定量分解,铝电解槽分析,线形分析,晶粒大小,织构ODF,宏观应力,点阵参数/指标化,精测点参,Rietveld ,Refectarmtring,HRXRD, GADDSl  现代化的软件易于使用,强有力的图形动能,全谱拟合和自动精修(Rietveld methods),完善的应用,开放系统,高质量的外观(显示,图象)l  标准图形用户界面(Windows 2000)通用的视屏,快速点击,易用,真正多任务,其余Windows应用的数据和图象输出,面向题目,上下文菜单。l 用microsoft word 打报

14、告。物相检索对所有物相检索,能分析多样混合物,微量相和具有择优取向物相化学元素选择可括明用户数据库(实验、有机、矿务等),有那些元素,验某些元素,分析中全谱可位移等。结果列表和显示,(给出卡号、化合物名与化学式、Y标度直接访问PDF2取数(由光盘直接检索)PDF2,给出d、I、hkl卡片号,还给出结晶学参数与相关数据。 数据处理Background SubtractionPeak SearchConventional Search with d/I-FileUnique Search with Raw DataComparison of ResultsSelection of Chemical

15、 ElementsSEARCH List and Display of ResultsDirect Access to PDF-2Report with Microsoft WORD定量相分析线性分析拟合函数,给出峰参数。Crysige软件,用Wanren-Auerbach法(给出结晶尺寸分布与相对柱长,均方根应变分布,累计柱长。Index and metric软件,用Treor和ITO指标化,并求点阵。Rietvcld(Topas)粉末晶体结构精化,给出循环n次后的Rwp(权重线性均方残差),一般10收敛即可,他表示总体计算谱计算与实测的吻合程度。Stress软件,给出不同角下I-2曲线和经

16、背底扣除,LPG修正后 K1的峰形,给出sin2-d曲线。Tex. ODF分析。Refsim软件,给出实测与模拟精修后如层厚,密度、表面与界面粗糙度和层序。四试验方法-X射线衍射实验定性相分析(物相鉴定)4.1 仪器参数设定 仪器: D8 Advance X射线衍射仪 Cu靶,K1辐射,软件扣除K2衍射峰 管电压40kV,管电流40mA, 检测器:固体探测器 Sol-X 扫描方式:/2步进扫描,0.1 sec/step, 步长0.01° 扫描范围:10°90° 连续记谱4.2 实验步骤 a.试样:固体试样(粉末,固体片) 制样:粉末压片,固体片直接测试 b.收集数

17、据 c.数据处理4.3 实验报告 实验目的,实验原理,实验方法,实验步骤,数据处理,实验结果,讨论第二章 红外光谱法§1引言一、电磁波谱的一般概念DE = hn, n = c/l频率大,则能量高。二、分子吸收光谱:1 转动光谱, 分子所吸收的光能只引起分子转动能级的变化,在远红外及微波区域。可测定分子的键长和键角。2 振动光谱,分子所吸收的光能引起振动能级的变化,多在中红外区域,叫红外光谱。3 电子光谱,分子所吸收的光能使电子激发到较高的能级。电子光谱在可见及紫外区域。红外光谱是分子光谱,用于研究分子的振动能级跃迁。 §2 基本原理1 红外光波波长位于可见光波和微波波长之间

18、0.75-1000 mm(1 mm = 10-4 cm)其中:远红外 0.75-2.5 mm中红外 2.5-25 mm 4000-400 cm-1近红外 25-1000 mm红外光波的波长常用波数(cm-1)表示。波数的定义:每1厘米范围内所含光波的数目。波数 = 104/l(mm)。因此,2.5 mm波长,相当于104/2.5 cm-1,即:4000 cm-1,而25 mm相当于400 cm-1。2 红外吸收 红外吸收:一定波长的红外光照射被研究物质的分子,若辐射能(hn)等于振动基态(Vo)的能级(E1)与第一振动激发态(V1)的能级(E2)之间的能量差(DE)时,则分子可吸收能,由振动基

19、态跃迁到第一振动激发态(V0 ® V1):DE = E2 - E1 = hn 分子吸收红外光后,引起辐射光强度的改变,由此可记录红外吸收光谱,通常以波长(mm)或波数(cm-1)为横坐标,百分透过率(T %)或吸光度(A)为纵坐标记录。 T % 愈低,吸光度就愈强,谱带强度就愈大。根据T ,谱带强度大致分为:很强吸收带(vs,T 10);强吸收带(s,10T 40),中强吸收带(m,40 T 90),弱吸收带(w,T 90),宽吸收带用b表示。 稀溶液中测得的红外光谱,其谱带的吸光度(A)可遵守BeerLambert定律: Aacl 式中a为吸光系数,l为吸收池的厚度,c为溶液的浓度

20、。若c用mol浓度表示,则a用e表示,e为mo1吸光系数。a或e仅在定量分析时使用。红外光谱用于结构分析及结构鉴定时,均使用相对强度T (或A),此时所指的强吸收带或弱吸收带是对于整个光谱图的相对强度而言。3 振动自由度与选律 IR选律:在红外光的作用下,只有偶极矩(Dm)发生变化的振动,即在振动过程中Dm¹0时,才会产生红外吸收。这样的振动称为红外“活性”振动,其吸收带在红外光谱中可见。在振动过程中,偶极矩不发生改变(Dm0)的振动称红外“非活性”振动;这种振动不吸收红外光,在IR谱中观测不到。如非极性的同核双原子分子N2,O2等,在振动过程中偶极矩并不发生变化,它们的振动不产生红

21、外吸收谱带。有些分子既有红外“活性”振动,又有红外“非活性”振动。如CO2: 对称伸缩振动,Dm = 0,红外“非活性”振动 反对称伸缩振动,Dm¹0,红外“活性”振动,2349 cm-1 分子振动当作谐振动处理时,其选律为 DV ± 1。 实际上,分子振动为非谐振动,非谐振动的选律不再局限于DV ± 1,它可以等于任何整数值。即DV ± 1,±2,±3。所以IR谱不仅可以观测到较强的基频带,而且还可以观测到较弱的泛频带。 V。® V1 基频带(n) 较强。 V。® V2 一级泛频带(2n - a) 弱 V。

22、74; V3 二级泛频带(3n - b) 更弱, (a、b为非谐振动的修正值,a b,bo) 例如非线性分子SO2的三种振动方式(对称伸缩振动,反对称伸缩振动及弯曲振动)均引起偶极矩的改变。因此,SO2分子的三种振动方式在红外光谱中均为“活性”振动。 又如RCHO,CO伸缩振动的IR:1740-1720 cm-1强吸收带。 4 分子的振动方式与谱带 一般把分子的振动方式分为两大类:化学键的伸缩振动和弯曲振动。 (1) 伸缩振动 指成键原子沿着价键的方向来回地相对运动。在振动过程中,键角并不发生改变。伸缩振动又可分为对称伸缩振动和反对称伸缩振动。分别用ns和nas表示。 (2) 弯曲振动 弯曲振

23、动又分为面内弯曲振动和面外弯曲振动,用d表示。如果弯曲振动的方向垂直于分子平面,则称面外弯曲振动,如果弯曲振动完全位于平面上,则称面内弯曲振动。剪式振动和平面摇摆振动为面内弯曲振动,非平面摇摆振动和卷曲振动为面外弯曲振动。 同一种键型,其反对称伸缩振动的频率大于对称伸缩振动的频率,远远大于弯曲振动的频率,即nas ns d,而面内弯曲振动的频率又大于面外弯曲振动的频率。 在红外光谱图中,除了以上的振动吸收带外,还可出现以下的吸收带和振动方式。 (3) 倍频带: (4) 合频带: 倍频带与合频带统称为泛频带,(5) 振动偶合: (6) 费米共振:当强度很弱的倍频带或组频带位于某一强基频吸收带附近

24、时,弱的倍频带或组频带和基频带之间发生偶合,产生费米共振。§3 仪器介绍及实验技术1 红外光谱仪结构及工作原理色散型双光束红外分光光度计结构简图示于图17。包括红外光源、单色器、检测器、放大器和记录仪五大部分。 2 Fourier变换红外光谱仪70年代研制的Fourier变换红外光谱,简称(FTIR)主要由光学检测和计算机两大系统组成光学检测系统的主要元件是Michelson干涉仪;见图18(a) 通过样品(S)到达检测器(D)的干涉光的强度I将作为两束光的光程差S的函数I(S)记录下来,经过傅里叶变换(计算机处理),将干涉谱I(S)变成我们熟悉的光谱I(n)。除常规红外光谱测试外,

25、FTIR的优点在于:扫描过程的每一瞬间测量都包括了分子振动的全部信息,检测时间大大缩短,利于动态过程和瞬间变化的研究。利用计算机储存,多次累加大大提高信噪比,与气相色谱联用解决了痕量分析问题。分辨率高且测量范围宽(104-10cm-1)。3 实验技术 (1)样品池 红外光谱测试所需的样品池窗片一定要红外透明,一般是NaCl、KBr等盐晶制成.。 (2)红外样品制备 第三章 元素分析法 元素分析仪由主机(包括氧化还原反应炉、气相色谱柱、热导检测器)、电子天平、数据处理系统等组成,主要用于测定化合物的碳、氢、氮、硫元素百分含量。特点为精确、高效、操作简便。该仪器利用动态闪燃和气相色谱分离技术,直截

26、了当的分析路线,全新的载气电子质量流量控制,使测试结果精确可靠。每次开机测试,待仪器稳定、标样校准(约需两个半小时)后,一个样品的四种元素同步测定12分钟可以完成。 我院2000年8月购置的该仪器是国内从意大利进口的最新型号1112型中的第一台。CHNS-O测定预分析阶段的气路图 氦流经过螺线管阀EV2到气流传感器S1,并且直接通到气流传感器S2。这两个气流传感器与相关的配比(proportional)阀EVP1、EVP2相连。与自动进样器AS连接的配比阀EVP1控制经过气路的氦气,直至螺线管阀EV3。该阀正常情况开着,经过排气口(vent)4把氦气排放到大气中。配比阀EVP2控制R2,F,C

27、C2组成的气路直至螺线管阀EV4。该阀正常情况开着,让氦气到达自动进样器的点1,净化样品所在的区域。氧气线O2与螺线管阀EV1相连,这个阀控制氧气入口。Sequence of the Method Stages方法步骤的次序(中英对照)CHNS Determination During pre-analysis the solenoid(螺线管,圆筒形线圈) valve(阀,活门,瓣膜,电子管,真空管) EV1 shuts off the oxygen flow, whereas the solenoid valve EV2 allows Helium to flow in the circu

28、it. 当预分析时,螺线管阀EV1切断了氧气流,而螺线管阀EV2允许氦气在气路中流动。When Start Analysis is pressed, the valve EV1 opens, whereas the valve EV2 switches to allow Oxygen to flow in as far as the combustion reactor R1for the preset time.按下“开始分析”键,螺线管阀EV1打开,而螺线管阀EV2切换到让氧气在预定时间流到燃烧反应器R1。After a few seconds the sample, weighed in

29、 a tin container and stored in the autosampler, is dropped into the combustion reactor.几秒钟后,在锡容器中称过、放在自动进样器中的样品掉落到燃烧反应器内。Tin, coming in contact with an extremely oxidizing environment, triggers a strong exothermic reaction. Temperature reaches approximately 1800 instantly causing the sample combusti

30、on.锡一开始与极端氧化性的环境接触,就引发强烈的放热反应。温度达约1800 ,立刻使样品燃烧。At the end of the time set for Oxygen introduction, the valves EV1 and EV2 return to their original position restoring the Helium flow.在设定的引入氧气时间末尾,螺线管阀EV1和EV2回到初始位置,恢复氦气流。The combustion products are conveyed across the reactor R1 where oxidation is co

31、mpleted. Nitrogen oxides and sulfur trioxide possibly formed are reduced to elemental nitrogen and sulfur dioxide, and Oxygen excess is retained.燃烧产物穿过完成氧化的反应器R1传输,可能形成的氮氧化物被还原为单质氮和二氧化硫,过量氧气被挡住。Then the gas mixture ( N2, CO2, H2O and SO2) flows into the gas chromatographic column( 气相色谱柱) CC1 where s

32、eparation occurs.然后N2, CO2, H2O和 SO2的气体混合物流进气相色谱柱CC1,气相色谱柱里发生分离。The eluted(洗提过的) gases are conveyed (传输)to the thermal conductivity detector TCD that generates electrical signals(电子信号), which, properly processed(处理) by the Eager 300 software, provide the Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen and Sulfur percent

33、ages contained in the sample.洗提过的气体传输到热导检测器TCD,热导检测器产生电子信号,电子信号被Eager 300软件恰当处理提供样品的氮、碳、氢、硫百分含量。Oxygen DeterminationNo switching of valves.没有气体阀切换。When Start Analysis is pressed, the sample weighed in a silver container and stored in the autosampler, is dropped into the reactor R2 where it undergoes

34、 instant(迅即) pyrolysis (热解).按下“开始分析”键,在银容器中称过、放在自动进样器中的样品掉落到反应器R2内,在R2内马上起热解反应。During pyrolysis, N2, CO and H2 form. The pyrolysis products cross the adsorption filter(吸附过滤器) F where halogenated (卤化的)compounds (chlorine, bromine, etc.) are retained.热解时N2, CO 和 H2形成。热解产物穿过吸附过滤器F,卤化化合物(氯、溴等)被挡在吸附器内。Th

35、e gas mixture flows into the chromatoglaphic columns CC2 where carbon monoxide(一氧化碳) is separated from the other gases.气体混合物流进气相色谱柱CC2,气相色谱柱内一氧化碳与其他气体分开。Then the eluted gases are conveyed to the thermal conductivity detector TCD that generated an electrical signal, which, properly processed by the E

36、ager 300 software, provide the Oxygen percentage洗提过的气体传输到热导检测器TCD,热导检测器产生电子信号,电子信号被Eager 300软件恰当处理提供氧百分含量。最重要部分已在上面,以下是讲义全文Operating manual of Flash EA1112Handbook :给出某主题最重要信息。Manual :指出怎样做,怎样使用机器。如教师手册teachers manualChapter 1 Preliminary information1. classification (类别系统)of the instrument environm

37、ental conditions (1)internal(内部的)use.(2) altitude up to 2000 meters.温州海拔最高1611米(泰顺白云尖)浙江海拔最高1921(龙泉黄茅尖)1857(庆元百山祖) (3)temperature from 15 to 35 .(4)maximum relative humidity between 30% and 85%.空气中实际水蒸气密度(或压强)和相同温度下饱和水蒸气密度(或压强)的百分率值。(5)voltage variation not exceeding ±10% of the nominal value.(

38、6)transients (瞬态,瞬变值)according to installation categories(类别。范畴) II.(7) degree of pollution according to IEC 664 (3.7.3)2IEC interindustry emmision control 工业间排放控制注意:离子交换色谱缩写也是IEC (ion exchange chromatography)2 Technical features(1) instrument configurations(2) detector: thermal conductivity detecto

39、r (TCD)热导率(导热系数):其他条件不变时,热导率愈大则导热量愈大。单位瓦/(米·开)(3) instrument control: EAGER 300 software for Windows (4) power supply : 230Vac; 50/60 Hz; 1400VA(5)dimensions: height500mm( 540 with fittings); width depth(6) weight3 safety information use of gases (1) helium (He) as carrier gas (2)oxygen as gas

40、for sample oxidation.Purity of gases(1) Gas chromatographic for He. (2) Minimum 99.995% for O2nominal pressure of gasses 250kPa for He and O2instrument safety safety cut-off deviceInstrument cleaning Instrument configurationsCHNS-O analyzer: for the determination of the amount(%) of carbon, hydrogen

41、, nitrogen, sulfur and determination of oxygen, contained in organic and inorganic chemical products and in substances of different nature and origin, be they solid, liquid or gaseous samples.Section 1 Description (Chapters 2-4)Chapter 2 structure of the instrument (analytical section and control se

42、ction)1 analytical sectionfurnaces Each furnace consists of a quartz candle ( 火花塞,电嘴 ) surrounded by an electrical resistor,. The candle is plunged in a refractory material housed in a metal compartment.(1) Furnace Temperature : The temperature is monitored by a thermocouple of Pt-Pt/Rh %type approp

43、riately located in the furnace.(2) Furnace Cooling: The cooling time varies according to the operating temperature setting.thermal conductivity detector (TCD) It is located in a thermostatic chamber at controlled programmable temperature. This chamber also accommodates the analytical column.Chromato

44、graphic ColumnsThe Chromatographic Column performs the chromatographic separation of the reaction products generated during the combustion or pyrolysis process. The column can be kept at room temperature, or it can be placed in the thermostatic chamber of the TCD detector according to the instrument

45、 configuration.Adsorption FiltersThey can be made of glass or plexiglass(有机玻璃 ).Polymethyl methacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸酯;胶质、化学、耐热、不碎玻璃Reactors These are tubes made of quartz or special alloy filled with different materials according to the instrument configuration.Autosampler It performs the automatic inject

46、ion(注射、注入、喷射、投入) into the reactor of samples.2 Control SectionPneumatic (气动,压缩空气的,风动的) Compartment Pneumonia 肺炎 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).It consists of several lines fitted with an electronic flow controller(EFC), which ensures the switching between helium and oxygen, and controls th

47、e flow values.Electronic CompartmentIt comprises the electronic boards for the instrument power supply and control.Chapter 3 Instrument Description1 Front Panel1 Access to the furnaces 2 synoptic(概要的,天气图的,说明书的) panel (面板,控制板,配电盘,镶嵌板油画板,大会议中专门小组)3 Access to the thermostatic chamber2 Rear Panel 1 pane

48、l for connections (including interface section, gas inlet section, electrical section.) 2 cooling fan 3. transformer(变压器)compartment.3 Top Panel fittings(附件,配件,零件, 用品,设备,器材) for mounting (装配,安装,镶嵌)and securing (保证,防护,紧固,关紧) the furnaces reactors. fittings for gas connection.4 Furnaces compartmentThe

49、 furnaces compartment can be reached from the instrument front and removing (lifting )the cover. The furnaces are accessible by removing the protecting plate.The furnaces can reach 1100 .5Fixing plates for the reactors These plates, on top of the furnaces compartment, accommodate (1)connections and

50、fittings for the reactors.(2) automatic sampler6 Fittings for gas connectionsThey are located on the middle bottom (底部)part of the instrument rear panel. Gas inlet ports are directly connected to the EFC(electronic flow controller).Gas inlet pressure must be set as indicated above.250kPa= 2.50bar=36

51、.27psi (pounds per square inch)7 Detector compartmentIt is located on the right front part of the instrument and can be reached by opening the door. It houses the thermal conductivity detector (TCD), located behind the protecting plate and the gas Chromatographic Column8 Access (通路,接近,进入) to the det

52、ector (检测器,探测器) open the right side door to have access to the thermostatic chamber,To reach the detector: (1) remove the adsorption filters from the fastening clips. (2)undo the 4 fixing screws on the protecting plate.9 Description of the detection system10 Electrical compartment(间隔,区划,间,舱,室,箱,格,格板

53、,部分) (1) low voltage section (2) mains voltage section (3) EFC(electronic flow controller).for gas regulation.11 Connections panel (including 1 interface section, 2 electrical section i.e. power supply, 3 gas inlet section )12 Transformers compartment 13 Synoptic panelThis panel shows the instrument

54、 operating conditions, and it is located on the right side of the instrument front panel.Each synoptic is provided with a LED(light emitting diode),which lights up when the relevant function is active. 1 power on When lit, the instrument is powered.2 ready: When lit, the instrument is ready to run a

55、nalyses3 run: When lit, an analysis is in progress.4 stand by (待机,站在一边,准备行动,备用,支持,遵守) When lit, the instrument is in stand-by condition. During this condition, gas flows are decreased to 10 ml/min, and the furnaces temperature is reduced 50% of the set value.5 wake up: When lit, the instrument has b

56、een programmed for a timed automatic startup (READY condition).6 Furnace On :Two LEDs are provided, one for each furnace. When one is lit, the relevant furnace is powered.7 Oven On: When lit, the detector oven is powered.8 TCD : When lit, the detector filaments (灯丝) are powered.9 STOP (Safety Cut Off): It lights up when an alarm (警报,告警,非常信号)condition occurs.Cut off 截止,断开,关车,停汽,停电,断流,关闭,结束工作,保险装置14 Autosamplers MAS 200 Autosampler for solid samplersIt is mounted directly on the connecting fitting of the concerned reaction tube. It consists


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