苏河湾概念设计oct suhe creek showroom_第1页
苏河湾概念设计oct suhe creek showroom_第2页
苏河湾概念设计oct suhe creek showroom_第3页




1、NEW LIFE OF SUZHOU CREEKThe century-old historical warehouse has been carefullyred and converted tuses as the flagshipcornerstone of a major new urban re-developmentprojecthe core of Shanghai.At beginning of 2011, Kokaistudios was invited by OCT Land Shanghai to lead a thorough restoration and renov

2、ation project of a historically significant warehouse on the North side of Suzhou Creek in Shanghai. The warehouse; the early 20th Century Ewo Packing Factorywarehouse building; is thebuilding to openhenew large scale OCT urban re-development projectSUHE CREEK designed by Fostartners andt lwillpass

3、residential, office, SOHO, commerand hoareas including the the 4th Bvlgari Ho. The building now serves initially as the Project Showroom,Sales Center and VIP Reception Venue as well as housing the studios for two of Chinas most prominentcontemporary artists, Yan Peiand Liu Xiaodong andeventually wil

4、l be part of the future riverside commer space.l苏州河的新生百年历史老仓库透过精心修复后拥有全新的用途,成为心大型城市再开发项目的领航奠基之作市中2011 年初,受华侨城之邀,Kokaistudios 引领这一位于上海苏州河北岸,有着重要历史意义的老仓库的彻底修护和改建项目。由Fostartner 设计的华侨城大规模城市再开发项目苏河湾,要建集居住、办公、SOHO、商业和酒店于一体的大型社区;改建后的这一20 世纪早期怡和打包工厂的仓库是此项目第一个完工并对外开放的建筑。目前这筑先期作为项目展厅、销售中心和 VIP 接待,同时两位中国最杰出的当代

5、画家,严培明和刘小东的一部分。也已入驻,而最终它将成为未来河畔商业区的Shanghai, China中国Total Design全方位设计201220121,600 sqm1,600 平方米Suhe Creek苏河湾Showroom展示厅Suhe Creek Showroom Kokaistudios began our work on the project by undertaking an accurate survey of the building which provided the ne sary insight of all the elements contributing

6、to the buildings original character and their different s es of conservation. The original structure made of cast iron and wooden pillars with wood slabs and trusses, proved in good condition and worth preserving. The upper two floorsof the original brick façade, characterized by their sober de

7、corations and moldings, also emerged in good conditionsunder the thick skin of plaster and paapp d in layersduring previouserventions. Irreversibly damaged andlost, instead, was the ground floor, where the original portalsand windows were ravagedhe recent decades, whenthe building was converted and

8、used as a supermarket.Kokaistudios 首先对建筑进行精确的勘测,就改建留下的厚厚灰泥和漆层覆盖之下获得良好的保护,也有著很其原初风格的所有要素及其不同的保存状态,提供必要的识察。旧楼铸铁和好的状态。而一楼构件的损毁和遗失则无法弥补,原来的和木质梁柱的原框架,木质厚板和桁架,经检验状态良好被完整的保留下来。上两层以素净装饰和饰件为特色的砖墙立面,在先前窗户,在仓库被改建成超市的几十损毁殆尽。Suhe Creek Showroom This loss offered the opportunity for a more contemporary ervention:

9、 the original sequence of openings was reestablished using new materials; aluminum framed double glazed windows, a language clearly non mimeticoriginal elements meld harmoniously with new features and materials; complementing each other in a clearlydistinguishable way. In keng with Kokaistudios prev

10、iousaward winning renovation projects; all efforts were takenso as to bring the building to its originalegrity withoutto ensuret the implemenion of all nesary M&Ealtering the clear distinction betn original pre-existingsystems required to meet modern uses and codes wasdesign and the new Kokaistu

11、dios design. The principledith the dual focus of limiting any impact on theto clearly define new and old elements in a projectoriginal structure and decorations and also to minimizecarries as wello theerior spawhere renovatedthe negative visual impact on the finished project.这些遗失反而为当代设计介入提供了机遇 :原有排窗

12、采用铝材料和谐融合,以鲜明的方式互补生辉。如同早期获奖的改建项目, Kokaistudios 的原则是全力确保所有必需的机电系统的安装尽可能减少对原建筑结构和装饰造成影响,并尽量不破坏建成大楼的视觉美感。合金框架双层玻璃窗进行改建运用不可模仿的设计语言,在不改变原建筑风貌和 Kokaistudios 新设计风格鲜明差异的情形下,还原老建筑原始样貌的整体性。清晰界定新老设计元素的原则延伸到内部空间,经修复的原始要素巧妙的与新设计特征、新Suhe Creek Showroom The c nt requirement for different areas to meet various func

13、tional needs as well as to plan for a future use with other tenants drove Kokai to create a largely open plan design t valorizes the heritage and original beauty of thebuilding stands as a symbol of the re-development of this historical district of Shanghai; and a re-affirmation ofKokaistudios beft

14、historical buildings play a criticalrolehe urban fabric of great cities. Conveniently located only 10 minutes from the Bund and Xiandibuilding. The finished building strikes a balance betnrespectful renovation and the needs of the developer and itareas, the SUHE CREEK development area is poisedacts

15、as the flagship for the new SUHE CREEK project; antoe a major new destination in Shanghai briningexceptional multi-use developmentt will contain retail,new vitality and energy to the historical downtown district t will bring great benefits to the city and its residents.residential, commerl, hoand leisure components. The的象征,本建筑


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