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1、 Quality management regulations for production materialNovember 2010 Quality management regulations for production material1Introduction .3 2Purpose.3 3Scope of validity.3 4Quality aim.3 5Documentation/admission/previous suppliers.3 6Changes.4 7Demands on the supplier's quality and environmental

2、 management system.5 8Supplier approval.5 9Supplier evaluation.6 10Process audit.6 11Advanced product quality planning (APQP.6 12Proof of process capability.6 12.1Initial samples.7 12.2Series.7 13Sampling .8 13.1Initial samples.9 13.2Other samples.9 14Parts with specific requirement for verification

3、 (D.10 15Component parts (directed parts.11 16Packing and identification.11 17Quantity assurance concept.12 18Incoming inspection.12 19Complaints .12 20Escalation process.13 21Deviation permission (AWE.13 22Miscellaneous .14 23International standards.14Index: 103 Page: 2/14 Save/changed:November 201

4、0Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieser vertraulichen Unterlage(n, Verwertung und The copying, use, distribution or disclosure of the confidential and proprietary informa- Quality management regulations for production material1IntroductionThe perfect quality for customer satisfaction is heavi

5、ly influenced by our suppliers' purchase parts. This means that the supplier's ability to supply quality and the reliability of their products is an important decision criteria for the allocation of orders.The contract partners (supplier and Brose agree that high quality and the reliability

6、of technical products with the best possible competitiveness can only be achieved when cooperation be-tween the partners improves, the quality management system is consistently applied and continual improvements are carried out.2PurposeThese quality assurance terms contain definitions for Brose supp

7、liers with respect to quality man-agement system requirements and to achieving the zero error aim.3Scope of validityThe definitions apply tothe Brose Groupand are part of all contracts for the production and supply of production materials (subject of contracts.4Quality aimBrose demands a "zero

8、error aim" from its suppliers. In order to pursue this zero error aim, con-sequential advance quality planning, implementation in production, effective serial monitoring, re-qualification and permanent improvements (CIP are indispensable. The focus must be on pre-venting errors rather than iden

9、tifying errors. The supplier will produce and test the subject of the contract according to the rules of the quality management system (refer to point 7 and accord-ing to the latest status of technology. "Zero errors" means: no failures (complaints and no defective parts. This is also cons

10、idered in our supplier evaluation (refer to section 9.5Documentation/admission/previous suppliersThe supplier will produce detailed records of the implementation of his quality managementmeasures, including initial sample documents, qualification/re-qualification proof and the corre-sponding samples

11、 and will retain them for at least 15 years after expiry of spare parts.If requested, the supplier will grant Brose access to the documentation and will hand over the re-quested samples. He will also support Brose with the analysis of documentation and samples. Index: 103 Page: 3/14 Save/changed:Nov

12、ember 2010Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieser vertraulichen Unterlage(n, Verwertung und The copying, use, distribution or disclosure of the confidential and proprietary informa- Quality management regulations for production materialThe documentation must be provided immediately at the requ

13、est of Brose, but within 24 hours at the latest. This particularly applies to product features for which running or punctual proof of sta-tistical capacity is required and assured.If the order placed with the supplier includes development work, the requirements will be speci-fied in writing by the c

14、ontract partners, e.g. in the form of a specification book. The supplier is obliged to operate functional project management in the planning phase of products, processes and other comprehensive tasks. This must be documented in the quality management plans (pro-duction creation process and coordinat

15、ed with Brose.If the development service also includes software components for the product, project processing according to the minimum requirements of Automotive SPICE Level 2. Should the end customer demand higher requirements, these must be fulfilled according to the corresponding specification b

16、ook.The supplier will grant the persons commissioned by Brose and its customers, if arrangements are made, access to the company premises and facilities if required for checking the existence and function of the quality management system and the supplier's resources (audit. Brose will announce t

17、he visit of commissioners in good time but the right to short-notice visits is reserved in the case of unexpected errors and failures (within a few hours.If the supplier procures pre-supplies for production or quality assurance of the subject of the con-tract (preparatory materials, software, servic

18、es, production or testing equipment from third parties (sub-suppliers, the supplier either guarantees the quality of such pre-supplies with his own means or by incorporating the sub-supplier contractually in the supplier's quality manage-ment system.At the request of Brose, the supplier will pro

19、vide information on which sub-suppliers are commis-sioned. Brose reserves the right to visit these sub-suppliers if required for checking the existence and function of the quality management system and the sub-supplier's resources. Brose will an-nounce the visit of commissioners in good time but

20、 the right to short-notice visits is reserved in the case of unexpected errors and failures (within a few hours.6ChangesBrose will inform the supplier punctually in writing if the requirements of the subject of the con-tract change.The supplier is obliged to notify Brose of any changes to products a

21、nd processes. This informa-tion must be provided in full and punctually so that Brose has the opportunity to check andobject before the respective change is applied to the subject of the contract. Furthermore, the supplier must provide sufficient notice to make arrangements with Brose so that all ne

22、cessary ac-tions (sample installation, Brose samples, Brose samples for the OEMs, validation, long-termtesting and OEM authorization can be processed. If changes are made to the parts, the general requirement is that the first three deliveries to each assembling Brose factory are clearly marked with

23、 the reason for the change and the part's service life updated. The data of deployment and Index: 103 Page: 4/14 Save/changed:November 2010Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieser vertraulichen Unterlage(n, Verwertung und The copying, use, distribution or disclosure of the confidential and

24、proprietary informa- Quality management regulations for production materialmarkings must be notified within sufficient time and coordinated with the respective Brose fac-tory.If the supplier discovers deviations to the properties or reliability with respect to the agreed re-quirements when checking

25、the subjects of the contract, he will immediately notify Brose (voluntary declaration and must include corrective measures, such as the improvement of pro-duction processes, materials, parts, testing procedures and testing facilities etc. Up until these corrective measures take effect, Brose can req

26、uest special measures (e.g. higher level of testing, 100% tests, additional working/process steps for an appropriate period. The additional incurred costs will be charged to the supplier.7Demands on the supplier's quality and environmental management sys-temSuppliers must generally permanently p

27、rove the existence of a functioning quality management system according to ISO/TS 16949, using the certification through an accredited certification company or up date an arranged date.Certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001 or validation according to EMAS is required of companies involved

28、 with surface technology (galvanics and coating systems.The requirements according to CQI (AIAG must be documented and presented in a suitable form by companies with special thermal treatment, galvanic surface treatment and surface coatingprocesses. Brose requests the corresponding proof as required

29、, but at least once per year.The supplier must be able to prove that all relevant environmental regulations are established,their impacts on the organization are known and the environmental regulations are permanently complied with.The supplier must send new or extended certificates to the central q

30、uality and environmental de-partment in Coburg to quality without being prompted.8Supplier approvalNew suppliers or new supplier production sites will only be approved after successful completion of a technology audit by Brose. This is required before manufacturing can be carried out for Brose on th

31、ese production sites.Index: 103 Page: 5/14 Save/changed:November 2010Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieser vertraulichen Unterlage(n, Verwertung und The copying, use, distribution or disclosure of the confidential and proprietary informa- Quality management regulations for production materia

32、l9Supplier evaluationAll deliveries will be recorded and used for a supplier evaluation according to an internal Brose system.Quality, project management, logistics performance, audit results, missing certificates, escalation levels and purchasing assessment are incorporated in the supplier assessme

33、nt.If the A-status is not achieved in the monthly supplier assessment, the supplier must take suit-able measures to promptly achieve the "A" assessment status once again.An extensive explanation of the supplier assessment (in the supplier management manual can be found at in the Purchasing

34、/Download-Center category.10Process auditBrose reserves the right to carry out process audits in accordance with VDA 6.3 on the supplier's premises or on the sub-supplier's premises in coordination with the supplier, after announcement at short-notice or at regular intervals if necessary.The

35、 supplier is obliged to implement the measures specified and coordinated within the scope of a process audit.11Advanced product quality planning (APQPAdvance quality planning will be carried out by Brose based on the VDA degree of maturity. The supplier will receive information on this from the resp

36、ective responsible Brose quality planner. The supplier is obliged to actively support the requirements of advance quality planning.Specific customer requirements will be communicated to the supplier by the respective Brose specialist department and must be considered and adhered to by the supplier.

37、These stipulations will be documented in the APQP in writing.Advance quality planning must be carried out according to the specifications of the currently valid ISO/TS 16949.12Proof of process capabilityIn order to obtain information on the capability of processes, process capability analyses must b

38、e carried out in all phases of a project by the supplier. Information on the implementation of proc-ess capability analyses in general is provided in the VDA Bd. 2 document "Assuring the quality of deliveries" and VDA Bd. 4 "Process capability examination" from the "Quality

39、management in the automobile industry" series. If other regulations are to be applied, Brose will notify the supplier punctually in a suitable form.Index: 103 Page: 6/14 Save/changed:November 2010Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieser vertraulichen Unterlage(n, Verwertung und The copying

40、, use, distribution or disclosure of the confidential and proprietary informa- Quality management regulations for production materialIndex: 103Page: 7/14 Save/changed: November 201012.1 Initial samplesProof of the provisional capability (Ppk for critical safety and important features must be include

41、dwith the initial sample report and forms the basis for successful initial sampling.Process capability must be proven for these "special features" in a suitable form. This proof canbe provided with process capability indicators, 100% testing, Poka-Yoke, initial parts and finalparts testing

42、 for tool-related sizes or SPC etc. This will be agreed in detail between the supplierand Brose within the scope of the APQP (manufacturing capability analysis.For variable/measurable features, this can take place by achieving the provisional process capabil-ity indicators PPK according to the follo

43、wing table. This PPK value must be proven separately foreach molding tool or each cavity.pk to Brose drawing 2.00 Important features ( 1.67In order to carry out this examination, at least 25 random samples, each with at least 4 parts,are taken at even intervals. In order to increase the significance

44、 of this examination, it is recom-mended that more than 25 random samples, each with 5 parts, are used (source: VDA 4,chapter 7 process capability. During the withdrawal process, no readjustments to the machines,changes to the parameters or other interference is permitted. If fundamental faults occu

45、r, theprocess must be restarted and the test begun again.12.2 SeriesThe supplier must check and record compliance with the required values for critical safety and/orimportant features during the course of series production.For "special features", process capability, such as within the scop

46、e of the QVP, must be proven.For variable/measurable features, this can take place by achieving the process capability indica-tors CPK according to the following table.pk to Brose drawing 1.67 Important features ( 1.33Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieser vertraulichen Unterlage(n, Verwertun

47、g und The copying, use, distribution or disclosure of the confidential and proprietary informa- Quality management regulations for production materialIndex: 103Page: 8/14 Save/changed: November 2010If the required process capability is not achieved, the supplier is obliged to promptly optimize thepr

48、oduction process at his own cost. Up until this point, defective deliveries must be ruled out bytaking other suitable measures (100% testing, Poka-Yoke.If conventional proof is not possible (e.g. material batch another suitable measure must be takento provide proof which rules out a defective delive

49、ry (100% testing, Poka-Yoke, factory test cer-tificate DIN EN 10204-3.1.For all processes with multiple molds in the tools, proof of the capability for each tool mold mustgenerally take place separately. In the case of tool adaptations or tool maintenance, internal sam-pling must be carried out to d

50、etermine the influence the component could have.The supplier provides proof of compliance with the required values by granting access to thedocumentation on-site or by sending the respective documentation to Brose at the request ofBrose at any time.13 SamplingDepending on the internally selected sam

51、pling stages, the supplier receives information on the ini-tial sampling from Brose in writing. Sampling stage 2 of the PPF procedure is the standard for theextent of sampling and the necessary documents. Different requirements will be commissioned inwriting by Brose in the course of the first sampl

52、e order. The currently valid sampling stages (VDAor PPAP must principally be applied. Outdated stages will be rejected by Brose.Another component of sampling is:IMDS (international electronic material data system on the contents of purchase partsThe supplier must have entered the corresponding infor

53、mation on the contents of purchase partsin the IMDS, and in the corresponding Chinese material data system CAMDS (Chinese Automo-tive Material Data System if required, before the delivery date of the initial sample. If required,coordination with the central Brose materials laboratory in Coburg must be carried out. In the ini-tial sample report, the ID number previously a


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