1、单击 Options 菜单或在丛窗口右击,单击 View 命令,再单击你选择的视图。提示:Tip: One way of quickly identifying the current view is to note which view has the check mark.一条快速识别当前视图的途径是注意哪个视图具有复选标记。11.2 Using Expanded Thoughts View 使用扩展想法视图(HYL:简称为扩展视图 吧)Pro+CoreUsing the Expanded Thoughts view along with the Expand All command le
2、ts you see all generations of your Thoughts. Using the Expanded view gives you ultimate flexibility and control over which Thoughts are displayed and how they are arranged. Not only can you expand your view in every direction at once, but you can even choose to expand or collapse some Thoughts while
3、 leaving others as they are.同时使用扩展视图和 Expand All 命令让你看到你的想法的所有世代。使用扩展视图会给你最大的适应性和管理所有想法的显示和如何安排。你不仅能一次扩 展到你所有的范围,而且你还能扩展和收缩一些想法。Renov onsPERSONALEdtnf3f Fltr;LDIYHom mprovementFurnituretHous- .oraaecRatesRentlonst>btos1Com. '!' Theatre Movies and Ente alnment >Movies Housepros &.Al
4、mtsC tðfs seaRcCðloncb-Figure 104. Jane' s 8rain in Normal View|.> Jane's Braln- Ll:EPE sc JALT-Il3F F.l.r.J.0"1RenOV3tions'acallon.and Travel081.1.1111.1009>uA border around a Thought indicates that all of its generations are currently showing.一个想法周围临界的的所有同世代的就是当前显示
5、的。When you switch to Expanded Thoughts view, additional generations do not initially display. Click the Expand All and Collapse All buttons on the toolbar to show and hide distant Thoughts. You can also use the Expand All and Collapse All commands on the Options menu or the context menu (as shown in
6、 Figure 103).当你改为扩展视图时,其它的世代最初并不显示。单击工具栏上的 ExpandAll 和 Collapse All 按钮来显示和隐藏较远世代的想法。你同样可以使用 Options菜单或背景菜单中的 Expand All 和 Collapse All 命令。(参见图 103)注释:A rule of thumb for when you might use each view is to use Normal view whenyoure creating Thoughts and navigating the Plex and to use Expanded view fo
7、rviewing and analyzing Thoughts.当你可能使用各个视图时,有一个一般的规则。当你创建想法和浏览丛时用 正常视图,当你查看和分析想法时用扩展视图。11.2.1 Expanding All Thoughts by One Generation 一下子扩展到所有想法When your Brain is in Expanded view you can expand all visible Thoughts by one generation by clicking the Expand All button. Each time you click this butto
8、n, another generation of all Thoughts will appear in the Plex.当你的脑处于扩展视图时,你可以通过单击 Expand All 按钮在一个世代上扩展所有可见想法。每次单击这个按钮,所有想法的其它世代都会显示在丛中。11.2.2 Collapsing All Thoughts 折叠所有想法(HYL:如同 MSWord 中的大纲视图 一样)When your Brain is in Expanded view you can collapse all Thoughts by clicking the Collapse All button.
9、 Only the active Thought will remain in the Plex.当你的脑处于扩展视图时,你可能通过单击 Collapse All 按钮来折叠所有的想法,只有活动想法保留的丛中。注释:When your Brain is in Normal view, clicking the Collapse All button hides one generation of Thoughts (the youngest).当你的脑处于正常视图时,单击 Collapse All 按钮则隐藏想法的一个世代(最年轻的)。11.2.3 Expanding and Collapsi
10、ng Individual Thoughts 扩展和折叠单独的想法(H YL:与上面扩展和折叠所有想法相对应,只扩展和折叠某一个想法)When your Brain is in Expanded view you can expand or collapse one or more Thoughts by using controls that appear when you point at a Thought with the mouse. You can expand an individual Thought up to two generations using these cont
11、rols.当你的脑处于视图时,当你的鼠标指向某个想法时,你能通过使用控制器扩展或折叠一个或多个想法。你可以使用这些控制器单独将某个想法扩展为两个世 代。The Thought will remain as you left it (expanded, collapsed, or however it was previously) even when you point at a different Thought and expand or collapse it.这个想法将一起存在,即使你的鼠标指向其它的想法并扩展和折叠那个想法。Thoughts that are surrounded b
12、y a dotted-line border have already been fully expanded.一个想法会完全展开后,将被点线(点组成的线,如下图)组成的边界所包围。11.2.4 Panning and Scaling the Expanded View 平铺和缩放扩展视图When in Expanded view, Thoughts may be displayed anywhere within the Plex window; the network of Thoughts may be too large to display all Thoughts onscreen
13、 at once.当你显示扩展视图时,想法可能会显示在丛窗口的任意位置;同时在屏幕上显示所有的想法,这时想法组成的网络也许太大。To move all of the Thoughts onscreen at once, use your mouse to drag any blank area of the Plex window. You can drag up, down, left, or right to position the Thoughts in the Plex as you want to see them. Your Brain will retain its curre
14、nt structure as you reposition it within the Plex.要在屏幕上同时移动所有的想法,就用你的鼠标拖拽丛窗口的任意背景区域。根据你想看的内容,你可以在丛中向上、向下、向左或向右拖拽来重新布置这些 想法。像你在丛中重新安排的,你的脑保持当前它当前的结构。To see more of the view at once, you can resize Thoughts using the mouse wheel or by dragging the resizing circle behind the active Thought.要同时看到更多的视野,你
15、可以使用鼠标滚轮或通过拖拽活动想法后面的调节圈来调整想法。11.2.5 Adjusting the Distance Between Thoughts 调节想法间的距离When your Brain is in Expanded view you can change the distance betweenThoughts by holding down the Ctrl key as you move the mouse wheel up or down.当你的脑位于扩展视图中时,你可以这样来改变想法间的距离,在上下移动 鼠标滚轮的同时按下 Ctrl 键。Ctrl-wheel up to
16、increase the distance between ThoughtsCtrl+上滚来增加想法间的距离。Ctrl-wheel down to decrease the distance between ThoughtsCtrl+下滚来减小想法间的距离。11.2.6 Dragging Thoughts to Different Locations in the Plex 在丛窗口中拖拽想 法到不同的地方When your Brain is in Expanded view you can adjust the layout of Thoughts by dragging them to a
17、 new location in the Plex. Dragging a Thought will automatically pull along connected Thoughts and push other Thoughts out of the way as you drag.当你的脑位于扩展视图时,你可以通过拖拽它们到一个丛中的新位置来调节想法的布局。拖拽一个想法会自动连已经连接的想法一起拉走,并排挤其它的想 法到此拖拽路径之外。Thoughts that have been dragged will be anchored to their assigned location
18、 unless you move them again, you change the view, or unanchor them using theAnchor control described below.被拖拽的想法会锚定在它指定的位置上,除非你再次移动它们、改变视图或 使用如下所述的锚定控制器来解除锚定。Before you drag a Thought, the circle in its Anchor control will be empty. Afteryou drag a Thought, the circle in its Anchor control will be
19、filled. When the control is filled, the Thought will not move unless you move it yourself. When the Anchor control is empty, the Thought will automatically be repositioned based on the location of the connected Thoughts.在你拖拽某个想法之前,其锚定控制器里面的圈是空的。在你拖拽某个想法之后,其锚定控制器是被填充的(HYL:即实心的)。当控制器是实心儿时,想 法将不移动,除非你自
20、己移动它。当控制器是空的时,这个想法会以连接的想法 为基础自动重新布置。You can click the Anchor control to toggle its state.你可以单击锚定控制器来触发(HYL:即开关)其状态。提示:Tip: When you use Expanded view, you may find it more convenient to switch the Plex to full screen. Double-click within the Plex to maximize it. Double-click a second time to restore
21、 the Tools tabs.提示:当你使用扩展视图时,你可能会发现更多便捷的方法来转换丛为全屏。在丛中双击来使它最大化。再次双击不愿工具标签。11.3 Scroll Bars 滚动栏(HYL:一般称为滚动条更为合适)When your Brain is in Normal view and there are more Thoughts than those currently showing in the Plex, you will see PersonalBrains vertical and/or horizontal scroll bars. You can drag the s
22、croll box in the bar to view Thoughts that are off the screen. The size of the scroll box automatically adjusts to give you an approximate idea of how much content there is off-screena smaller scroll box means there is more off-screen data.当你的脑在正常视图并且有比现在丛中显示的想法更多的想法时,你将看到PersonalBrain 的垂直和(或)水平滚动栏。
23、你可以拖拽滚动栏中的滚动块来查看 不在(HYL:当前)屏幕中的想法。滚动块的大小会自动调节,来给你一个大概 印象,即关于有多少内容在屏幕之外(HYL:可以这样理解,滚动块可以根据屏 幕外有多少内容来自动调节大小)。一个越小的滚动块表明有更多的屏幕外数据。11.4 Filtering Thoughts from the View 从视图中过滤想法If you find that you have too many Thoughts onscreen that you are no longer using, but you do not want to forget them, you can
24、specify Thoughts to be hidden based on how recently you activated them. By default, the unfiltered display shows all Thoughts regardless of how long it has been since you activated them. By turning on the filter, you can choose to hide Thoughts that you havent accessed within a specified number of d
25、ays:如你发现你有过多不常用的想法在屏幕上,而你又不想忘记它们,可以以最近多长时间激活过它们为基础来指定指定(某些)想法为隐藏。通过运行过滤器,你能选择隐藏的想法,它们是你在指定的天数之内没有访问的。1. Click the Options menu, then click the Filter Thoughts command (or click the Filter Thoughts button on the main toolbar). The Select Filter State dialog box will be displayed.单击 Option(HYL:设置)菜单,再
26、单击 Filter Thoughts command(HYL:过滤想法)(或单击 Filter Thoughts(过滤想法)按钮在主工具栏上)。将显示选 择过滤信息(HYL:称为条件、选项划为合适)对话框。2. Click the Hide Thoughts not accessed within radio button.单击 Hide Thoughts not accessed within(隐藏 XXX 天之内没有访问的想法) 单选按钮。3. Replace the current number with your preferred number of days, then click
27、 the OK button.用你选择的天数更换当前的数字,再单击 OK 按钮。The current filter state is indicated in the toolbar by the Filter Thoughts button.When the button showsred dots, Thoughts are not currently being filtered. When there are no red dots, a filter is active.当前过滤器信息在工具栏上通过 Filter Thoughts 按钮标示出来。当这个按钮显示红点,当前想法没有被过
28、滤,当还是红色时,一个过滤器被激活了。The filter settings affect which Thoughts will display in the Plex, the search results, and reports.这些过滤器的设置影响,哪些想法将被显示在丛中、搜索的结果和报告。Tip: Remember to check this setting if you cant find something that youremember putting into your Brain.提示:如果你记得什么东西你已经放入脑中却搜索不到,记着检查这些设置。11.5 Using
29、Your Brains Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) 使用你的脑的额外感 知能力(HYL:应该是第六感吧)ESP Sync is a feature that works automatically to anticipate what Thought you might want to activate, based on what youre doing in another applicationtyping text or copying text, files, or URLs. This intuitive assistance means you
30、dont need to navigate to the Thought yourself. Note that ESP only monitors what you type under Windows.第六感同步是一个功能,这个功能自动预测你要激活哪个想法,它基于你在其它的应用程序中干什么输入文字、复制文字、文件或 URL。这个直觉援 助意味着你不用自己定位到一个想法。注释,这个第六感只能监测你在 Windows 中的输入。 When ESP Sync suggests a Thought, the suggestion appears in large dimmed type below
31、 the activate Thought.当第六感同步建议一个想法时,这个建议发生在活动想法下的众多的无效输入之中。 When ESP Sync activates a Thought, it is moved to the center of the Plex as if you activated it yourself. The name of the most recent active Thought appears in large dimmed type below the ESP Sync-activated Thought.当第六感同步激活一个想法,它会移动到丛的中心,如同
32、你自己激活它。最近激活想法的名称显示在第六感同步活动想法之下的众多无效输入中。Note:Whether ESP Sync suggests or activates a Thought is based on the currentPreferences settings (explained below).注释:无论第六感同步建议或浩气长存一个想法,都是基于当前参数设置(说 明如下)。Say that ESP Sync is in automatically activate mode and you are composing an email message to a friend. Y
33、ou dont recall her husbands name and youd like to include it in your message. Assuming youve entered that information in the Note for her Thought, your Brain would automatically find it for you as you finish typing her name by pressing the space bar or any other terminator.比如说,第六感同步在自动激活模式而且你正给朋友创建一
34、封电子邮件。你不记得她丈夫的名字而且你喜欢将它包括在你的信息中。假如你已经输入这些信 息到她的想法的注释中,在你输入完她的名字并按空格键或其它的终止符号后, 脑将自动为你查找它(她的名字)。注释:By default, ESP Sync is case-sensitive, so it will be looking for matchesbased on the capitalization you use. You can turn this sensitivity off (see below).注释:默认情况下,第六感同步是事件敏感的,基于你使用大写的来查找匹 配的。你能关闭这个敏感(
35、如下)。With ESP Sync in automatically activate mode, if you copy a file that is attached to a Thought on your hard drive, that Thought will be activated. So, to activate a Thought that is link to a file, you can right-click it and click the Copy command on the context menu (you dont ever have to actual
36、ly paste the file anywhere). This is a convenient feature when you find a file using an external search application such as Google Desktop and then want to see it in your Brain.在第六感同步的自动激活模式中,如果你在你的硬盘复制一个匹配于一个想法的文件,这个想法将激活。那么,要激活一个连接到某个文件的想法,你能右击它再在背景菜单中单击 Copy 命令(你从来不需要在任何地方粘贴它)。当你使用外部搜索程序如 GoogleD
37、esktop 搜索文件然后再想在脑中查看时,这是一个 方便的功能。11.5.1 Setting ESP Sync Preferences 设置第六感同步偏好By default, ESP Sync is on in Suggestion mode, but you can de-activate it as well as change how it behaves. To view or change the current settings, click the Options menu, then click the Preferences command (or right-click
38、 a blank area of the Plex and click Preferences in the context menu).默认情况下,第六感同步功能处于建议模式,但你即能取消激活它又能改变如何显示它。要查看或改变当前设置,单击 Option 菜单,再单击 Preferences 命 令(或右击丛的背景区域再在背景菜单中单击 Preferences)。To turn ESP Sync off:要关闭第六感同步功能 Uncheck Monitor clipboard取消复选 Monitor Clipboard。(HYL:监测剪贴板)Windows: Uncheck Monitor
39、keyboardWindows:取消复选 Monitor Kerboard(HYL:监测键盘)To turn case-sensitivity off:要关闭事件敏感功能: Uncheck Ignore text that is all lowercase取消复选 Ignore text that is all lowercase(忽视所有字母(否认大小写)To request that a Thought found by ESP Sync stays active beyond one minute even if you dont click within your Brain:欲要求,
40、通过第六感同步找到的想法保持活动更长时间甚至于你不在脑单击。 Uncheck Cancel if not used within 1 minute取消复选 Cancel if not used within 1 minute(如果在 1 分钟之内不用)To have ESP Sync automatically activate a Thought instead of only making a suggestion:要第六感同步功能自动激活一个法来取代只进行建议 Expand Activation and select Automatically activate扩展 Activation
41、,再选择 Automatically activateTo have ESP Sync only suggest a Thought instead of making it active:要让第六感同步功能只建造建议取代其激活功能 Expand Activation and select Suggest only扩展 Activation,再选择 Suggest only12 Using PersonalBrain Tools 使用 PersonalBrain 工具You can think of each of PersonalBrains six Tools as a personal
42、assistant who is ready to help when asked. You can give any of them the day, week, or year off if you choose not to use their services, but theyre all standing by, ready to assist you-at the click of your mouse.你可以认为 PersonalBrian 的 6 个工具的每一个是一个私人助理,当你有问题时他已经准备好来帮助你。如果你选择不使用他们的服务,你可以给他们任意 一个一天,一周或一年
43、的假,但他们始终准备好帮助你只要你的鼠标单击。12.1 Tools Overview 工具概述Each of the six Tool tabs can be displayed on any side of the PersonalBrain window. You can change their size to suit your preferences. Here are general guidelines that apply to all Tools:六个工具中的每一个都能显示在 PersonalBrian 窗口的任意一侧。你可以改变它们的大小来适合你的偏爱。这里有些一般的准则适
44、用于所有的工具: To access a Tool, click its tab. For example, to access the Calendar Tool, click the Calendar tab.要访问某个工具,单击其标签,例如,访问 Calendar 工具,单击 Calendar标签。 To enter information using a Thought-specific Tool, activate the Thought,then click the Tools tab.要使用某个指定想法工具输入信息,激活这个想法,再单击这个工具的标签。 To view Thoug
45、ht-specific Tool information for a particular Thought, use the mouse to point to that Thought and highlight it. If no Thought is highlighted, the information displayed is for the active Thought. Because the Search Tool and the Reports Tool do not pertain to specific Thoughts, their window content is
46、 not affectedby the active or highlighted Thought.要查看特定想法的指定想法工具信息,使用鼠标指向这个想法突出显示它。 如果没有想法突出显示,这些显示的信息就是当前活动想法的。因为搜索工具和 报告工具不从属于指定想法,它们的窗口内容不受活动或突出想法的影响。 To make the Tools window taller or shorter: Point at the area just above the Tools window. When the sizing mouse pointer appears, drag up or down
47、to make the window taller or shorter.要调节工具窗口的高矮:鼠标指向紧贴工具窗口上方的区域,当大小调节鼠标指针显示时,上下拖拽来调节窗口的高矮。To make a Tools tab wider or narrower: Drag the middle border left or right.要调节工具标签的宽窄:向左或向右调节中部边界。 To separate a Tool from other Tools: Drag its tab to the side of the Plex or any other Tool pane. You can drop
48、 tabs on the side area of any pane to move the associated Tool there.要从其它的工具中分离一个工具:向丛的一侧拖拽它的标签或任意其它的工具框。你可以释放标签到任意工具框一侧的区域来移动联合在一起的工具。To merge a Tool into another Tools window: Drag its tab to the center of another Tools window.要结合一个工具到其它工具的窗口:拖拽其标签其它工具的窗口中。To maximize or restore a Tool: Double-cli
49、ck on the Tools tab.要最大化或还原一个工具:在这个工具的标签上双击Pro :The Pro Edition allows advanced layout options for the Tools tabs,including auto-hiding and floating the tabs. To enable advanced layout options, click the Options menu, then click the Advanced Tools Layout option.专业版提供工具标签的高级布局设置,包括自动隐藏和浮动标签。要使高级布局设置成
50、为可能,单击 Option 菜单,再单击 Advanced Tools Layout 设置。These three buttons are available in the right side of each Tool in AdvancedTools layout:这三个按钮在每个高级工具布局的右侧可用。Tip: Click the Reset Tools Layout command on the Options menu any time to restore the Tools to the default layout.提示:任何时候单击 Option 菜单中 Reset Tool
51、s Layout 命令可还原工具到默认布局。12.2 Notes 注释Notes associated with a Thought are visible when the Notes tab is active. They can be extremely useful for annotating or expanding information about your Thought.注释标签活动时,注释所联合的想法是可见的。它能非常便利的注解想法或扩展想法的信息。注释:Notes are HTML-based, making it easy to embed hyperlink, im
52、ages, and more.Also, HTML-based notes can be conveniently published on the Web.注释是 HTML 基础的,容易的嵌入超链接、图像等更多,同样,以 HTML为基础的注释能方便得在 Web 上公布。12.2.1 Using Notes Menu Commands 使用注释菜单命令The menu bar at the top of the Notes tab contains menus that pertain only to Notes. Some commands are global for all Notes
53、and some apply to just the active note. For example, all View menu commands pertain to Notes for all Thoughts while the Format menu commands pertain to the specific Note that is active.菜单栏在注释标签的最上面,包含仅从属于注释的菜单。一些命令适用于所有注释而一些应用仅适用于活动注释。例如,View 菜单命令从属于所有想法的 注释,而 Format 菜单命令从属于特定活动注释。注释:For details abo
54、ut all commands on all Notes Tool menus see the LookupReference for All Menu Commands section beginning with Notes Tool File Menu on page 163.关于所有注释工具菜单的所有命令的详细,看 163 页 Notes Tool File Menu开始的 Lookup Reference for All Menu Commands 一节。12.2.2 Using the Notes Toolbar 使用注释工具栏The Notes toolbar includes
55、tools for basic word processing activities. Youveprobably used many of these buttons before in multiple applications.注释工具栏包含一些基础的字处理应用工具。你可能此前在很多应用程序中 用过一些这些按钮。12.2.3 Entering Notes 插入注释To enter a Note, activate the Thought to which the Note pertains, then click in the open area below the Notes toolbar buttons and begin typing. By default, text appears in Design view, but you can switch to the HTML view if needed. Optionally
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