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1、1.对 地点,位置 提问,用 where。例如:They are studying Chinese in China. Where are thestudy ing Chin ese?2.就时间提问,用“ when例如:She came to Japan in 1990. Japan?When did she come to3.对具体时刻、几点钟提问,用“what time。例如:He ofte n goes to bed at ten. go to bed?What time does he oft4.对谁提问,用“who主格或“whom宾格例如:二特殊疑问句的用法:对划线局部提问,可以用什

2、么疑问词?The girl is sta nding at the stati on. Who is sta nthe stati on?【专项练习】特殊疑问句She likes the new skirt. Which skirt does she like?8. 对 颜色提问,用“what colour。例如:Her blouse is white. What colour is her blouse?9. 对职业提问,用“what。例如:His mother is a teache r. What is his mother?Her brother works as a policema

3、n. What does her brother work as?My cousin is a doctor. What is your cousin ' s job?【发卷日期】2022年月日【学生】 -、 特殊疑问句的定义:用特殊疑问词引导的疑问句叫做 特殊疑问句朗读句子时用降调。答复特殊疑问句时不 能用yes或no而必须问什么就答复什么。例如:Where's the restaura nt? 哪里有餐厅? It ' near the station.车站附近。They often go home with Tom. go home with?Whom do the

4、y ofte n5.对谁的人或物提问,用“ whose 例如:I will meet my father. Whose father will you meet?6.对年龄,多少岁提问,用“how old。 例如:The man over there is sixty. there?How old is the man o7.对 哪一个提问,用“which。例如:10. 对 次数提问,用 “ how many times。答复时,一次是once ,两次是twice ,三次堤three y times ,四次是four times,如此类推 例如:He has bee n to En gla n

5、d twice. How many times hashe bee n to En gla nd?11. 对 数量提问用“howman对可数名词进行提问或“how much对不可数名词进行提问例如:There are 50 stude nts in Class 1. How many stude ntsen are there in Class 1?I have some new shoes. How many new shoes do you have?ding aS he spent 10yuan on the book. How much did she spe nd on the bo

6、ok?There is little water in the bottle. How much waterthere in the bottle?12. 对方式,方法;感觉如何提问,用“how例如:We come to school on foot. How do you come to school?er She is feeling much better now. How is she feeling now?13. 对原因提问,用“why,答复时常用because开头。例如:He didn ' come because he was ill yesterday. Why di

7、dn 'the come yesterday?14. 对 做什么提问,用“ whatdo/doing/done。例如: He works as a worker. What does he d6问职业 We are looking at the blackboard. What are you doing?问正在做什么They have see n the film. What have they done?做过什么15. 对一段时间,花了多长时间提问,用“how long。常跟一般现在时连用。答复时,fo叶时间段,since+时 间点。例如:We have stayed here f

8、or six years. stayed here?He has worked in Beiji ng si nee 1980.-ortHphas heworked in Beiji ng?16. 对频度、频率提问,用how often。答复时,经常会用到 频度副词 always总是,usually 通常,often 经常,sometimes 有时,seldom 很少,never 从不例如:物。例如:The man is 2 metres tall. How tall is the man?The hill is 300 metres high. How highhsilhe19. 对 重量提

9、问,用“howheavy 对 大小提问,用“how big 例如:The elephant weighs 3 tons. How heavy does the elepha nt weigh?The stone is about 11 metres long, 5 metres wide, 7 metres high.How big is the stone?20. 对物品长度,提问,用“how long;对物品宽度提问, 用 “how wide。例如:How long have you The desk is 4 metres long.The river is 100 metres wid

10、e.How long is the desk? How wide is the river?21. 对 星期几提问,用“what day。欧美国家习惯把星期天 视作每周第1天例如:Today is Friday. What day is today?22. 对 日期提问,用“whatthe date 英式的日期表示方式:日/月/年;美式的日期表示方 式:月/日/年例如:She is late for school once a week. late for school?How often is she Yesterday was 1 July, 1995.英式或 Yesterday was

11、July1, 1995.美式How ofte n do you getWe sometimes get up at 10:00.up at 10:00?17. 对 将来要做的某事提问,用“how soon。常和一般将 来时连用例如: What was the date yesterday?23. 对 距离提问,用“ how far。有时需用花多长时间乘搭某种交通工具作为表示距 离的方式,此时切勿与“ how long高混例如:How soon will Lucy be ItLucy will be back in four days.s 2 miles from my home to scho

12、ol. How far is it fromback?18. 对 高度提问用“how tall表示人或“how high表示your home to school?24. 对 尺寸,尺码提问,用“ what size。例如:I want size 42 shoes. 宀 What size shoes do you want?25. 对 天气状况提问,用“ Whatthe weather like?或“ Howthe weather。例如:Today is rainy. What is the weather like today? How is the weather today?26. 对

13、 天气的温度提问,用以下几种方式提问:1What temperature is it today?2How many degrees is it today?3What is the temperature today?二、如何把陈述句改为特殊疑问句对句中F划线局部提问。分类例句【第一种情况】句中有 be 动词am, is, are, was, were;【肯定句】He is a driver.【特殊疑问句】Who is a driver?特殊疑问词+be动词+主语+其他句子成分。【第二种情况】句中有情态动词;【肯定句】She will come tomorrow.【特殊疑问句】What wi

14、ll she do tomorrow?特殊疑问词+情态动词+主语+其他 句子成分。【第三种情况】句中没有be动词或情态动词;句子是一般现在时;【肯定句】They like apples.【特殊疑问句】 What do they like?特殊疑问词+助动词do+主语+其他句子成分。【第三种情况】【肯定句】He plays句中没有be动词或情态动词;tennis every day.【特殊疑问句】How often does he play句子疋般现在时; 主语是第三人称单数;特殊疑问词+助动词does+主语+其tennis?他句子成分; 动词变回原形。【第三种情况】句中没有be动词或情态动词;

15、【肯定句】 came back yesterday.They late句子疋般过去时;特殊疑问词+助动词did+主语+其【特殊疑问句】他句子成分; 动词变回原形。When did they come back late?【补充说明】原句是第一人称1或we作主语的, 改为一般疑问句时要变为第一人称 you,动词必须随主语的改变而改 变。【肯定句】1 had an exam this morning.【特殊疑问句】What did you have this morning?【练习1】选词填空。可以重复使用方框内的词who,which,where,what,whose,how old,why,ho

16、w,when , how much , how far , how many , what time1. A:isit? B: It ' s half past2. A:isMary from? B: America.3. A:isyour school from here? B:5 kilometers.4. A: tgirl? B: She,smyclassmate, Lin da.5. A:are you? B: Fine, thanks.6. A: ls do you have? B: Ihave three.【专项练习】特殊疑问句our teacher.ball is thi

17、s? B: Itboy is Billy? B: That fat b don ' tryioelikte Theyis your brother? B: He do you go home? B: By is nine and two? B: Eleve n water is there in the bott's eigfruit shops are there in the street? There7. A:8. A:9. A:are too dirty.10. A:11. A:12. A:13. A:B: A little.7. s Peter ' s. is

18、 your uncle? The man in a purple 母-shirt is our classmate.8. is it by your watch, Kelly? Itpast seve n.9. _s tenare twelve."肾0. s your sister like best? She likesp laying the guitar.e?【练习3】用正确的特殊疑问词填空。14. A:is a nu rse.15. A: Joe did.16. A:Last summer. your aunt do?

19、 B: She1.2. crossed the river fast? B:3. did you go to Beijing? B:4.【练习 2】 选词填空。不可重复使用方框内的词where,what time,which,what colour ,what size, how many , how much , who , how , what1. a_e those new brushes? They areoran ge.2. are the socks on your feet? They are38.3. is_ your aunt going tomorrow?Washi ngt

20、on D.C.4. grass do the cows eat in the morning?20kilograms.5. do you go to school every day? I go toschool by subway.6. lady is your teacher? The lady in gray isis that pretty girl? She is my sister. do you play basketball? I play it once a week.do_ you go to school? I go to school from Mon day to F

21、riday.are you from? rm from Chan gch un. it from your home to school? It ' s about 10 minutes ' walk.is Lily? She ' s about seventeen. is twelve and eightent ' s thirty.book is it? It ' s Mike ' s. do you watch TV? I watch TV every day.does Philip go to Fran ce? He goes there

22、 by air.do Jo and Paul do? Jo is a doctor and Paul is a man ager.yfflur uncle come back? He will be back in an hour.does the pig weigh? It ' s ninety kilos.do Jim and Wendy play ball? They playball in the after noon.will you finish your homework? In threehours.has a beautiful flower? John has a

23、beautiful flower.have you bee n in Guan gzhou? I ' here for three years.are you going to arrive? Thirty sec onds.are they? They are my parents.do you want to be whe n you grow up? I want to be a sin ger.people are there in Johnare fifty-one.33.is tsec on ds.34.ve beinrItaly for six years.35.will

24、test in half an hour.32.stude nts are there in your class? ThereMoon from the Earth? 1.3 lighthave you stayed in Italy? I have stayedhe finish the test? He' llfinish his's famiare five.【练习4】先将以下句子变成一般疑问句,然后对划线局部 提问。1.The supermarket is near the school. The ly? Thepermarket is n ear the schoo

25、l.变一般疑问句are Jack and Tom? They are behi nd you. is it from here the airport? It ' s n1.5 hour ' s drive.is that red sweater? It ' four hundredand forty-nine yua n.does Sim on' scous in work as? She works as an engin eer.do you clea n up your bedroom? Abouttwice a mon th.than 1000km.e

26、arly就划线局部提问is it from Beijing to Shanghai? Ithave you bee n like this? Ithis for 3 days, doctor.is my mother? She is in the livi ng room. do Ken ' dpaannts own? They own've就划线局部提问been likea restaura nt.does he run? He runs in theplaygro und.2.Tim can speak French very well. speak Fre nch ver

27、y well.变一般疑问句Tim can15. her a new bike.变般疑问句就划线局部提问就划线局部提问就划线局部提问就划线局部提问3. 1 ofte n watch TV on Sun days. I ofte nwatch TV on Sundays.变般疑问句5. Joe is plaving tennis with his friend.Joe is playinqtennis with his friend.变般疑问句就划线局部提问就划线局部提问就划线局部提问就划线局部提问4. Her father will buy her a new bike. Her f


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