1、.高频单词思忆高频单词思忆1.The Chinese government did well in 1.The Chinese government did well in p SARS from spreading. p SARS from spreading.2.He c up at the good news.2.He c up at the good news.3.There is a friendly a of helping 3.There is a friendly a of helping each other with difficulties in study in eac
2、h other with difficulties in study in our class. our class.4.Do you believe God e ? 4.Do you believe God e ? 基础落实基础落实Unit 4 Astronomy:the scienceUnit 4 Astronomy:the scienceof the starsof the starsreventingreventingheeredheeredtmospheretmospherexistsxists3.What it was to become was uncertain until 3
3、.What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into the dust settled into a solid globe.a solid globe.它它( (地球地球) ) 将成为什么样子一直是个谜,直到将成为什么样子一直是个谜,直到4545 3838亿年以前亿年以前 这些尘埃凝聚成一个固体球体。这些尘埃凝聚成一个固体球体。 be to do
4、sth.be to do sth. (1) (1)表示表示“应当应当/ /必须做某事必须做某事”,通常用于通知和,通常用于通知和 说明书里。说明书里。 (2)(2)表示表示“_”_”,其完成式,其完成式 则表示则表示“本来打算做某事本来打算做某事”。 (3)(3)表示表示“将来不可避免要发生的事将来不可避免要发生的事”。 考点提炼考点提炼按计划或安排将要做某事按计划或安排将要做某事即学即用即学即用(1)(1)下岗工人主要靠面包和茶生存。下岗工人主要靠面包和茶生存。 The laid-off workers mainly _ The laid-off workers mainly _ bread
5、 bread and tea. and tea.(2)(2)有一个解决目前地理问题的好办法。有一个解决目前地理问题的好办法。 There _ a good way to solve the There _ a good way to solve the _ problem in geography. _ problem in geography. exist onexist onexistsexistsexistingexisting2.escape2.escape .which prevents heat from _ from .which prevents heat from _ fro
6、m the earth into space.( the earth into space.(回归课本回归课本P P2626) )观察思考观察思考 He escaped from the enemys prison.He escaped from the enemys prison. 他从敌人的监狱逃了出来。他从敌人的监狱逃了出来。 He made his escape on a rainy night.He made his escape on a rainy night. 他在一个雨夜逃走了。他在一个雨夜逃走了。 That is really a narrow/near escape.Th
7、at is really a narrow/near escape. 那可真是九死一生。那可真是九死一生。 escapingescaping归纳总结归纳总结escape _escape _。escape+ escape+ n.n./doing sth./doing sth.逃脱了逃脱了/ /避免了避免了 escape from/out of.escape from/out of.从从逃跑逃跑sth.escape sb.sth.escape sb.被某人遗忘;未被注意被某人遗忘;未被注意 a narrow escapea narrow escape九死一生九死一生make ones escape
8、make ones escape逃跑逃跑 易混辨异易混辨异escape,flee,run awayescape,flee,run away(1)escape(1)escape着重强调逃跑后的结果,而不是逃跑的动着重强调逃跑后的结果,而不是逃跑的动作本身。作本身。v. & n.v. & n.逃跑,逃离逃跑,逃离(2)flee(2)flee着重强调逃跑的行为,常含有因着重强调逃跑的行为,常含有因“惧怕惧怕”而而 逃跑的意味。逃跑的意味。(3)run away(3)run away强调动作性,有时含有强调动作性,有时含有“不辞而别不辞而别”之之 意,是口头用语。意,是口头用语。 即学即用即学即用(1
9、)(1)有什么办法可以避免和他见面吗?有什么办法可以避免和他见面吗? Is there any way to _ him?Is there any way to _ him?(2)(2)我一时忘了他的名字。我一时忘了他的名字。 His name _ for the moment. His name _ for the moment. escape meetingescape meetingescaped meescaped me归纳总结归纳总结mass _mass _。a mass of/masses ofa mass of/masses of大量的大量的the mass mediathe m
10、ass media大众传媒大众传媒mass productionmass production批量生产批量生产in the massin the mass总体上,总的来说总体上,总的来说注意注意 在表示在表示“大量的,许多的大量的,许多的”含义时,含义时,a mass a mass of/masses ofof/masses of既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数 名词。在英语中类似的短语还包括:名词。在英语中类似的短语还包括:plenty of,a plenty of,a lot of,lots of,a quantity of,quantities oflot
11、 of,lots of,a quantity of,quantities of等。等。n.n.( (聚成一体的聚成一体的) )团团; ;块块; ;大多数大多数; ;质量质量; ;群众群众; ;大量大量不同但比较的项目相同。不同但比较的项目相同。 (2)(2)主语相同,但比较的项目不同。主语相同,但比较的项目不同。 (3)as much/many+(3)as much/many+名词名词+as+as分句分句 He took as much butter as he needed. He took as much butter as he needed. 他带的这些黄油够需要的。他带的这些黄油够需
12、要的。 (4)as+(4)as+形容词原级形容词原级+ +名词词组名词词组+as+as分句分句 as+as+adj.adj.+a(n)+a(n)+n.n.+as+as句型是句型是“as.as”as.as”结构的一结构的一 种变化形式。与种变化形式。与asas的这种用法类似的词还有的这种用法类似的词还有too. too. to.to.句型中的句型中的too,too,感叹句中的感叹句中的howhow,so.that. so.that. 句型中的句型中的soso等。等。 Jack is as efficient a worker as Bill. Jack is as efficient a wor
13、ker as Bill. 杰克和比尔都是工作效率很高的工人。杰克和比尔都是工作效率很高的工人。 即学即用即学即用 (1)(1)我想用一种尽可能大众化的方式把我的个人经历我想用一种尽可能大众化的方式把我的个人经历 表达出来。表达出来。 I want to express my personal experience in I want to express my personal experience in _. _.(2)(2)这位歌手希望利用尽可能流行的歌曲来表达个人这位歌手希望利用尽可能流行的歌曲来表达个人 的思想情感。的思想情感。 The singer tends to express
14、his feelings andThe singer tends to express his feelings and thoughts in _. thoughts in _. as universal a way as possibleas universal a way as possibleas popular a song as possibleas popular a song as possible串联扩展串联扩展n.n.(表身体部位的名词)(表身体部位的名词)v.v.(动词)(动词)shouldershoulder肩膀肩膀shouldershoulder挑起;承担挑起;承担b
15、ackback背背backbackfaceface脸脸faceface面对;对付面对;对付headhead头部头部headheadnosenose鼻子鼻子nosenosearmarm手臂手臂armarmhandhand手手handhand递,交;提出递,交;提出武装某人武装某人慢行;闻出慢行;闻出主管;给标题;主管;给标题;前往,朝(某方向)走前往,朝(某方向)走背靠;支持背靠;支持2.2.利用转化法,品句填利用转化法,品句填/ /选词选词(1 1)Last night I Last night I a sweet a sweet .(dream).(dream)(2 2)In order t
16、o In order to a better a better ,we must ,we must not harm other not harm other things. things. A.life B.living C.live A.life B.living C.livedreamtdreamtdreamdreamCBA串联扩展串联扩展同源动宾词组同源动宾词组词义词义dream a .dreamdream a .dream做了个做了个梦梦的死的死live a .lifelive a .life过上过上生活生活闻闻香味香味打了一个打了一个架架smile a .smilesmile a
17、.smile笑了一个笑了一个笑笑die a .deathdie a .deathsmell a.smellsmell a.smellfight a .fightfight a .fight【例例1 1】My uncles house My uncles house in the downtown area in the downtown area is much smaller than ours,but it is twice is much smaller than ours,but it is twice _ expensive. ( _ expensive. (四川高考四川高考) )
18、A.as B.so A.as B.so C.too D.very C.too D.very 解析解析 butbut分句实际上是一个省略句分句实际上是一个省略句, ,补充完整为补充完整为: : but it is twice as expensive as ours but it is twice as expensive as ours。 课文原文课文原文 .I found I was .I found I was carried _ oncarried _ on the earth and fell over. the earth and fell over.考题回扣考题回扣Atwice a
19、s far astwice as far as【例例2 2】When he _ the doorWhen he _ the door,he found his he found his keys were nowhere. ( keys were nowhere. (湖南高考湖南高考) ) A.would open B.opened A.would open B.opened C.had opened D.was to open C.had opened D.was to open 解析解析 句意为:当他要打开门时句意为:当他要打开门时, ,发现哪里也找发现哪里也找 不到钥匙了。表示即将发生的
20、动作用不到钥匙了。表示即将发生的动作用be to do be to do sth. sth.,所以,所以D D项符合句意。项符合句意。A A项中出现了项中出现了would,would,该该 词用于将来时态或用来表达某种倾向。词用于将来时态或用来表达某种倾向。 课文原文课文原文 What it _ was uncertain until What it _ was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settle
21、d into a solid globe. the dust settled into a solid globe.was to becomewas to becomeD【例例3 3】Encourage your children to try new Encourage your children to try new things,but try not to _ them too hard. things,but try not to _ them too hard. ( (宁夏高考宁夏高考) ) A.draw B.strike C.rush D.push A.draw B.strike
22、 C.rush D.push 解析解析 句意为:鼓励你的孩子们尝试新的东西。句意为:鼓励你的孩子们尝试新的东西。 但尽量不要太过分。但尽量不要太过分。drawdraw拉拉;strike;strike敲敲, ,打打;rush;rush 冲冲, ,均不合题意。均不合题意。pushpush向前推,符合题意。向前推,符合题意。 课文原文课文原文 As the rocket rose into the air,we were As the rocket rose into the air,we were _ back into our seats. _ back into our seats. Dpus
23、hedpushed【例例4 4】In the good care of the nurses,the boy In the good care of the nurses,the boy is _ recovering is _ recovering from his heart operation.from his heart operation. ( (浙江高考浙江高考) ) A.quietly B.actually A.quietly B.actually C.practically D.gradually C.practically D.gradually 解析解析 句意为:心脏手术后
24、在护士们的精心护理句意为:心脏手术后在护士们的精心护理 下,这个男孩渐渐地痊愈了。下,这个男孩渐渐地痊愈了。quietlyquietly静静地;静静地; actuallyactually实际上实际上;practically;practically实际地实际地;gradually ;gradually 逐渐地。逐渐地。 课文原文课文原文 _ the weight lessened and I was _ the weight lessened and I was able to talk to him. able to talk to him.GraduallyGraduallyD【例例5 5】
25、The art show was _ being a failure; The art show was _ being a failure; it was a great success. ( it was a great success. (天津高考天津高考) ) A.far from B.along with A.far from B.along with C.next to D.regardless of C.next to D.regardless of 解析解析 far fromfar from远非;完全不远非;完全不;along with;along with与与 一起一起;ne
26、xt to;next to几乎几乎, ,差不多差不多; ;紧临着紧临着;regardless ;regardless of of不管;不顾。句意为不管;不顾。句意为: :这次艺术展绝不是一次失这次艺术展绝不是一次失 败,而是一次巨大的成功。句中败,而是一次巨大的成功。句中a failurea failure与与a a success success为抽象名词具体化为抽象名词具体化, ,分别表示分别表示“失败的人失败的人/ / 事事”和和“成功的人成功的人/ /事事”。 课文原文课文原文 “ “We are too _ the earth now to feel We are too _ the
27、 earth now to feel its pull,” he explained. its pull,” he explained. Afar fromfar from.品句填词品句填词1.He doesnt like to be v ,instead,he 1.He doesnt like to be v ,instead,he prefers to solve the problem in peace. prefers to solve the problem in peace.2.Without o ,we couldnt live.2.Without o ,we couldnt l
28、ive.3.In cold winter days,there will be ice on 3.In cold winter days,there will be ice on the s of the water. the s of the water.4.With the d of science,many new 4.With the d of science,many new things are invented. things are invented. 5. G speaking5. G speaking,he is a smart boy he is a smart boy
29、except his carelessness. except his carelessness. 自主检测自主检测iolentiolentxygenxygenurfaceurfaceevelopmentevelopmentenerallyenerally6.His p at the meeting made everybody 6.His p at the meeting made everybody excited. excited.7.Another of his books will be p 7.Another of his books will be p next month. n
30、ext month.8.The reason why we have to fall to the ground8.The reason why we have to fall to the ground is that there is g . is that there is g .9.G ,he realized that he had done 9.G ,he realized that he had done wrong to her. wrong to her.10.The river is so polluted that every day 10.The river is so
31、 polluted that every day we can see a lot of things f on we can see a lot of things f on the water. the water. resenceresenceublishedublishedravityravityraduallyraduallyloatingloating.短语运用短语运用 in all directions,go by,give birth to,in in all directions,go by,give birth to,in time,depend on,prevent.fr
32、om,as well as, time,depend on,prevent.from,as well as, be different from be different from,escape fromescape from,watch.watch. doing,masses of,because of doing,masses of,because of 1.Whether life will continue on the earth 1.Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will
33、_ for millions of years to come will _ whether this problem can be solved. whether this problem can be solved.2.If you put your heart into it2.If you put your heart into it,youll youll succeed _. succeed _.depend ondepend onin timein time3.There were _ people in the shops 3.There were _ people in th
34、e shops yesterday. yesterday.4.Nothing can _ their plans _ being 4.Nothing can _ their plans _ being carried out. carried out.5.We _ the sun _ behind the trees 5.We _ the sun _ behind the trees and the evening fell. and the evening fell. 6.Our sons are very _ each other. 6.Our sons are very _ each o
35、ther. 7.We spent three hours waiting in the rain 7.We spent three hours waiting in the rain _ you! _ you!8.As time _,I began to realize what I 8.As time _,I began to realize what I did was wrong. did was wrong.masses ofmasses ofpreventpreventfromfromwatchedwatchedsettingsettingdifferent fromdifferen
36、t frombecause ofbecause ofwent bywent by9.Carbon dioxide can prevent heat from 9.Carbon dioxide can prevent heat from _ the earth into space. _ the earth into space.10.They own a house in France _ a 10.They own a house in France _ a villa in Spain. villa in Spain.11.The birds were flying about _11.T
37、he birds were flying about _ _. _.12.She _ a fine healthy baby. 12.She _ a fine healthy baby. escaping fromescaping fromas well asas well asin allin alldirectionsdirectionsgave birth togave birth to.完成句子完成句子1.The problem of pollution is _1.The problem of pollution is _ _ ( _ (值得关注值得关注).).2.The unexp
38、ected snowstorm _ 2.The unexpected snowstorm _ _ ( _ (阻止了我们去登山阻止了我们去登山).).3._ (3._ (当心车辆当心车辆)while )while crossing the road. crossing the road.4.Our teacher took us to the park _4.Our teacher took us to the park _ _ ( _ (以使我们高兴以使我们高兴).).worth payingworth payingattention toattention toprevented us fr
39、omprevented us fromclimbing the mountainclimbing the mountainWatch out for the trafficWatch out for the trafficto cheer usto cheer usupup5._(5._(既然大既然大 家同意了我的计划家同意了我的计划),l),lets start for Shanghai ets start for Shanghai next weekend.next weekend.6.This is _(6.This is _(如此有如此有 趣的一部影片趣的一部影片) I have se
40、en it twice. ) I have seen it twice. Now that everyone agrees to my planNow that everyone agrees to my planso interesting a film thatso interesting a film that.单项填空单项填空1.That hotel is always full because it offers 1.That hotel is always full because it offers a friendly _ and personal service. a fri
41、endly _ and personal service. A.surface B.atmosphere A.surface B.atmosphere C.system D.appearance C.system D.appearance 解析解析 考查名词词义辨析。句意为考查名词词义辨析。句意为: :这家旅馆总是这家旅馆总是 住满客人住满客人, ,因为它提供一种友好的氛围和个性化的因为它提供一种友好的氛围和个性化的 服务。服务。surfacesurface表面;水面;表面;水面;atmosphereatmosphere气氛;大气氛;大 气气;system;system系统系统, ,体系体系;
42、appearance;appearance外表外表; ;出现出现, ,露面。露面。B2.At first,we didnt know about Jim.But _, 2.At first,we didnt know about Jim.But _, we came to know that he was an honest boy. we came to know that he was an honest boy. A.suddenly B.luckily A.suddenly B.luckily C.gradually D.generally C.gradually D.generall
43、y 解析解析 考查句义理解及副词辨析。句意为考查句义理解及副词辨析。句意为: :起初我起初我 们不了解吉姆,但逐渐地们不了解吉姆,但逐渐地, ,我们开始知道他是一个我们开始知道他是一个 诚实的孩子。诚实的孩子。graduallygradually逐渐地,慢慢地。逐渐地,慢慢地。 C3.Im sorry youve been waiting so long,but 3.Im sorry youve been waiting so long,but itll be some time Brian gets back. itll be some time Brian gets back. A.whe
44、re A.whereB.since B.since C.till C.tillD.before D.before D4 4.Many Europeans _ the continent of Africa .Many Europeans _ the continent of Africa in the 19th century. in the 19th century. A.exploded B.exposed A.exploded B.exposed C.explored D.expanded C.explored D.expanded 解析解析 考查考查4 4个形近词的词义辨析。句意为:许
45、多个形近词的词义辨析。句意为:许多 欧洲人在欧洲人在1919世纪对非洲大陆进行了探索。世纪对非洲大陆进行了探索。explode explode 爆炸;爆炸;exposeexpose暴露;显示;揭露;暴露;显示;揭露;exploreexplore探索,探索, 探究,勘探;探究,勘探;expandexpand扩大;展开;膨胀。扩大;展开;膨胀。 C5.It is reported that the United States uses 5.It is reported that the United States uses _ energy as the whole of Europe. _ en
46、ergy as the whole of Europe. A.as twice B.twice much A.as twice B.twice much C.twice much as D.twice as much C.twice much as D.twice as much 解析解析 考查倍数的表达方式。倍数考查倍数的表达方式。倍数+as+as+原级原级+as+as . .意为意为“几倍几倍”。 D6.Its _ for the Shenzhou spaceship 6.Its _ for the Shenzhou spaceship that that every Chinese fe
47、els cheerful and proud.every Chinese feels cheerful and proud. A.so a successful flight A.so a successful flight B.so successful a flight B.so successful a flight C.such successful a flight C.such successful a flight D.a such successful flight D.a such successful flight 解析解析 考查考查such.thatsuch.that和和
48、so.thatso.that句型。句意句型。句意 为:对于为:对于“神七神七”来说,这是一次极为成功的飞来说,这是一次极为成功的飞 行,以致于每个中国人都为之高兴和自豪。行,以致于每个中国人都为之高兴和自豪。“so+ so+ adj.adj.+a+a+可数名词单数可数名词单数”或或“such+a+such+a+adj.adj.+ +可数名词可数名词 单数单数”。 B7.He has _ letters to answer and has to 7.He has _ letters to answer and has to work from morning to night. work fro
49、m morning to night. A.much B.a great deal of A.much B.a great deal of C.masses of D.the number of C.masses of D.the number of 解析解析 考查修饰名词表考查修饰名词表“大量大量”的词的辨析。的词的辨析。 masses ofmasses of相当于相当于plenty ofplenty of,意为,意为“许多;大许多;大 量量”。A A、B B两项用于修饰不可数名词两项用于修饰不可数名词;the number ;the number of of意为意为“的数目的数目”,与题意
50、不符。,与题意不符。 8.Its no longer a question now _ man can 8.Its no longer a question now _ man can land on the moon. land on the moon. A.that B.which C.whether D.what A.that B.which C.whether D.what 解析解析 考查句式结构。考查句式结构。itit作形式主语作形式主语,that,that从句作从句作 真正的主语。真正的主语。 CA9.In such dry weather9.In such dry weather
51、,the flowers will have the flowers will have to be watered if they _. to be watered if they _. A.have survived B.are to survive A.have survived B.are to survive C.would survive D.will survive C.would survive D.will survive 解析解析 考查时态。主句是一般将来时考查时态。主句是一般将来时,if,if条件状语条件状语 从句不能用将来时,排除从句不能用将来时,排除C C、D D两项
52、。两项。A A项显然不合项显然不合 句意。句意。B B项项“be to do”be to do”形式表示将来。另外形式表示将来。另外“be be to do” to do”结构还可表示职责、义务、约定、命令、结构还可表示职责、义务、约定、命令、 可能性等。可能性等。 B10._ well have our sports meet this week 10._ well have our sports meet this week _ the weather. _ the weather. A.If;depend on B.Whether;depend on A.If;depend on B.W
53、hether;depend on C.If;depends on D.Whether;depends on C.If;depends on D.Whether;depends on 解析解析 考查主语从句及主谓一致。考查主语从句及主谓一致。ifif一般不引导一般不引导 主语从句主语从句, ,特别是不放在句首。主语从句、动词不特别是不放在句首。主语从句、动词不 定式及动名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。故选定式及动名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。故选 D D项。项。 D11.Alice11.Alice,you look puzzled.Have you you look puzzled.Have you understood it? understood it? Yes,I _ another problem just now. Yes,I _ another problem just now. A.have thought of B.thought of A.have thought of B.thought of C.was thinking of D.had thought
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