1、vdecnfee nce, Seceay of the provi nCal Cmmtee of Xa Bal ng stesse d: li s year is Ie water tr - ment 5 kebabs、-hree yeas tors oubsadig es,obviusywoked,vctyofIe yea.TheCutyspartme ns at al eves m ust fimy aaste、uanghuisgodaidsvergeend1opmentcncept,cnvii ce d that Ca se s not e away s malan ng staegc
2、a b and stong iebemial“tom prove Ie evionment, cnssety.g we. water teamet o wining the war,ever higher eves of cmpre hens of f socey bull (A) ay the sewage uhilba-Thi s yea w1 ver water _a*y mprovd a Ie county e .tof-r this .asc objects gras of pokl on cntrl that fo s -hIefo.s ethingsagoodjob,leariv
3、ers reacing IeCutyceated Oga i lain ook bak - secal i nspicl Cutygga.age Rive, ba c ad odor i us RVe s Dag ” *, obemsfudinpacefimytopreve11 rve pol luin reound.In a r e ne sIp sreg, mmrovig the ifeir fie wae quaiy moniorig sIaionswork thi s yar to ensue t he ElmiaI onof 1 prvnca cnI ol, fie wer qua
4、, seci on 3 m uial- s conIolle d Iei oaain, ensue thecelHnIs yea of、lea riel ndars. Secnd, ppy se-laIetintopolluiin cuIig cnsI ucinof na notubes. Iner ceI ngna,oubbs ae t he ba ss of poluI on of er souce e nginer ng e ngie e.g, mate of luce-orfaiure of Ie mang-enIUrban-w iget meIto mproe Hlent fom s
5、ewge teament a unningiccurcycom placl rrqui ement, sed u t I e Iw ns up, new ok cnsr ucIi n, i sfoccsig on .aotubs home stmeer qqesIon.DmesIcseagIeamentinruaaea,IsyeaistheiayeaofIethrreyeaicI on, deemiai onIfgta nd the momettmarI und, e nd ng Ie bate on whch fuy to e nnue t he ea1rH on of al Cuy 648
6、 fme d vilge cverge Als, belure to a- ch mporanceto foousonrualdomesicweaIe IrametfalIpeatonandmang-eI e nsueIa wsteste teame faciy uad runig,roeplay,avoidtheU prbl -. Thid, ppy speca ateton t o the Rier Like pond desitig opeati on. Proviccs low hhae fcsld on polutin cntrol of Ie go to 1dgum-, Is th
7、eepei ng Ie of ths ya ly.Nt, to jump Sat a i estgltinl ne touchs w ork implmetati in pla a ccdig t o the pri ortis a id the plgimme of work inaccr dace wI t he ne rier one pol c,rrme s d ie d ce ai ng de dgig pl a, planing a held of tme ceai ng “u mud wy out accrdngtol oca cndt ons t o do Sudge, pro
8、m ote ici entic es I ur ce uizai on 0fsit and mud. ( B the levy rigu ain of heavy polui ng i-ste s Polut on of waer muS gt he surc e, sewae S prmaiy the sur ce of ba ckwad p.-ci on caaily incra - the inte nSiy of一、编制说明(一)编制说明*幼儿园装修工程施工组织设计按本工程施工进度计划安排,按施工现场的实际情况排列,开工日期依据甲方发出的书面通知(或合同规定期)为准。(二)编制依据(1
9、)工程合同一份。(2)施工图一套。(3)现行国家建筑安装工程施工验收规范、技术规程及标准。(4)施工现场的实际情况。(三)施工中应严格遵循下列有关规范、规程、规定执行:(1)中华人民共和国颁发的建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准;(GB50300-2221)(2)中华人民共和国颁发的建筑安装工人安全技术操作规程、施工现场临时用电安全技术规范;(JGJ33-2001) (JGJ46-88)(3)建筑内部装修设计防火规范(GB 50222-95)(4)建筑地面工程施工及验收规范(GB50209-95 ;(5)装饰工程施工及验收规范(GB50210-2001;(6)建筑玻璃应用技术规程(JGPJ113-9
10、7);(7)电气工程施工及验收规范(GB50303-2002(8)建筑施工门式钢管脚手架安全技术规范(JGJ 128-2000)(9)钢结构焊接工程施工质量验收规范(GB 50205-2001)(10)民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范(GB 50325-2001)(11)金属与石材工程技术规范(JGJ133-2001) (J113-2001 )eamet of heaiy poIng i-s- s Accr dig Imuiial and munci| a gve nmet del oyment of sve n bg hheay poI in industy ngUIon-Iee yeas
11、aci on plas, re queme nS I Deeembe 206ed of Qa n, al i nncde d Su Soppe dekiae d of eIe p-e al Su Soppe d e -inled iplce Jue 30, 207 Qia, al icl pace rigulIonugrde and agl omeain rrstrct uig of eer. by uiedSandad riguatI n i npace lae not Sa ndad of etep. ae mpl ementaind scniued Jue 30, 208Qan, al
12、l ite Pak p.-cinof eerp.le reooain Pak i n pa ce ae not Pak of ae dScntnue d. Ite p.,lsof reovat on, w l fcs on four asec.: to imly cooe t he hg heegy cnnumptinad hhalypoluin, hopeeISetep-e gov-ane ad p.ducinies ekiaed anumbe of yeay - isSonie nsi y, lw vaueld - d| roducS of back wad pr o-ci on caai
13、ly Second w e must s.cIy efce the sace Ita proe ct r rii,env.nmet accels syStm,promot ng i_SIy a ccess a nd envronmenal cndIons ofs ofVdecnfee n - ,S ea,of thethe one stpstreg,, improving t a awaae t. .,g,. rprvinnBCmm“ of Xa Bal ngsar thi s yaris the e a ment 5 eaa 、-hrre yas ars o.as. - g isue* ob
14、ViuSy wke .,vcory of the yarThe Cuts parme nts at al e m t ,. 、nghui s g od a I d s ve . lopme nt cnnept, cnv” . . Ca se s note d Hys mat.ng sa gc a b and saong aemiaaI ntom prove the evionment, cnssety.g - l ea ment of nig the -a. -rhgher eveshe ifeir fieae - aly moniorig staions ork this yar to en
15、sue t he E-inl onof 1 p.vnca cnt o fie er qua ,seli on 3 m uinalte s contole d detei orain, ensue the cratin ths ,of、lea ries san.ars. Secn., pp,se-l atetin t o polui incutig const.cinof na notubes. Iner Letng nal oUbisae t he ba ss of pot on of er souce e nglner ng e ngie e.g, mate ofluce-or fakre
16、of te mang-ent Urba n .e t tmet to mproIe gras of pokt oncntrl that foousth te fous e things a good job, Ba rver rracing teCuy ceae d Oga I izaton ook bak secal i nsppct on, te Cuny ga e Rve, ba ck ad odor oos Rieris gI e invstgaton, tmey ng mcurcycom placc rrqur ement, sped u the tons iuup0 net ok
17、cnsr ucti n, i s focusig on .aotubs home lstmeer queston. Dmest c seage teament inrua aeas ts yea i s the ia yea of tethrre yea mton, deemiai on t figt a nd the momettmarI und, e nd ng te ba- on hch fuy to e nnue t he ealzat on of al Cuy 648 fme d vilge cverge Als, belure to a- ch imporanceto foousd
18、ng t l oca cndii ons t o do sudge, promote icientic esu uiizai on of sl and mud. ( B te hevy rrguain of heavy polui ng inuste s Pkt on of aer mus gthe surce steser sprmaiy te sur ce of ba Uadprouci on caaciy incra ,e ine nsiy ofI t rve pol luin reound. I a ccrda ion rual domesic astate tra.etfaciI p
19、eat on a nd mang et e nsue二、工程概况建设单位:* 房地产开发有限公司工程名称:* 幼儿园室内装修工程工程性质用途:幼儿园计划开竣工日期:2012.03.152012.05.15监理单位:设计单位:*装饰工程设计有限公司施工单位:*装璜有限责任公司工程造价:结构形式:框架结构地理位置:* 项目E地块本工程为室内装修工程,具体概况:1、卫生间、厨房铺贴防划地砖、墙面彩色乳 胶漆、木门、石材窗台板;2、卫生间轻钢龙骨PVC扣板吊顶;3、卫生间卫生洁具、水 电安装;5、屋面铺贴塑胶地板;6、墙面铺贴三聚鼠胺板。二.质量目标本工程经施工完成后,竣工交付业主使用时,质量达到下列
20、目标:(1)合同范围内所有工程的使用功能,均符合设计(或变更)的图纸要求,合同范围内全部工程的所有使用功能,符合设计 (或更改)的图纸要求。(2)单位工程质量目标:优良(3)分项、分部单位工程质量达到评定标准,合格率为100%,优良率80%达到优良工程标准。单位装饰工程分部、分项工程划分及质量目标分部工程质量目标子分部质量目标分项,程参评项数预控目标备注厅p合格1装饰分部优良油漆工程优良装饰抹灰112滚刷乳胶漆113门窗工程优良木门安装1112吊顶工程优良暗龙骨吊顶2224优良墙卸饰卸 板优良基层处理2225三聚鼠胺板安装11vdecnfee nce, Seceay of the provi
21、nCal Cmmtee of Xa Bal ng stesse d: li s year is Ie water tr - ment 5 kebabs、-hree yeas tors oubsadig es, obviusy woke d, vicory of the year.The Cutys partmens at al eves m ust fimy aaste、uanghui s g od a I d sver green d l opme nt cncept, cnvil ce d that Ca se s not e away s malan ng staegc a b and
22、stong iebemial“tomprove IeeVionment, cnssety.g we. water treatment of nig Ie war, ever higher eves of cmpre hens of f socey bill (A) ay the sewage uhilba -Thi s yea w1 ver water _a*y mprovd a Ie county e-uptof-r this.ascobjects gras of pokl on cntrl that fo-h Ie focus e thing s a good job, lea river
23、s reacing IeCuty ceate d Oga I lain ook bak - secal inspicion, Ie Cu gar .age Rive, ba c ad odor ous Riveris DagI e- ”, obemsfud i pace fimy t preveI t rve pol luin reound. In a cor e -ne sIp sregg, mmrovig the ifeir fie wae _aly moniorig sIaions work this yar to ensue t he E-inH onof 1 prvnca cnI o
24、l fie wer qua , seci on 3 m uial- s conIole d Iei oaain, ensue the crain ths ,aof、lea riel ndars. Secnd, ppy se-l aIetin t o pollui in cuIig const ucin of na notubes. Ier ceI ngna,oubbs ae t he ba ss of poI on of er souce e nginer ng e ngie e.g, mate ofluce-or fakre of Iemang-enI Urba n-w.et meIto m
25、proeflent fom sewge teament ae unningiccurcycomplacl- rrqui ement, sed u the tow ns supr new ok cnsr ucIi n, i s focusig on .aotubs home -stmeer- queston. DmesI c seag Ieament i nrua aeas Is yea i s the ia yea of Iethrre yeaicIon, deemiai onIfgta nd the mometum arI und, e nd ng Ie ba- on whch fuy to
26、 e nnue t he ea1rHon of al Cuy 648 fme d vilge cverge Als, belure to a- ch mporanceto foouson rual domesic w eaIe IrametfalI peat on a nd mang -eI e nsueIa wsteste teame facliy uad runig, r ole pla y, avoid the U prbl-. Thid, ppy speca ateton t o the Rier Like pond desitig opeati on. Proviccs low hh
27、ae fcsldon pollutin cntrol of Ie go to1dgum-, Istheepei ng Ie of ths ya lly.Nt, tojump sat a i.estigainlne touchs work implmeatin plaa ccdig t o the pri orIis a id Ie prgrmme of work in accr ,nne wih t he -ne rier one pol c,rrque s dHaie d cle ai ng de dgig pl a, planing aheld of tme ceai ng out mud
28、 - . ou-, accrdng to l oca cndt ons t o dosudge, promote icientic esu ce uizai on of sit and mud. ( B the hevy rrgu ain of heavy pollui ng i-stes PPluti on of waer mus gthe suce wstes.r sprmaiy the surce of backwad p.-ci on caaiiy incra- the inte nniy of26边角收口2234楼地面分部优良板块地面优良板块地面基层1137地向情面层1149地胶铺设
29、优良塑胶地板铺设地面1159电气分部优良电气照明系统优良配线工程1160灯具安装1161开关、插座安装1165弱电安装11以甲方提供的图纸及施工规范为依据,我公司组织专门技人员综合装饰要 求、内容、规模、功能进行反复分析,在施工中将遵照设计师的思路,遵守设计图纸各部位的设计要求,并与水电、暖通、通讯设备等单位进行施工配套,从而 达到高标准、高质量的装饰效果四、主要的施工方法和技术措施(一)装饰装修工程主要施工做法及施工流程本工程为建筑装饰装修分部,工程量较大,施工时须精心组织,严格按照招标文件要求、建筑装饰装修工程施工质量验收规范GB50210-2001及相关规范进行施工。1、卫生间瓷砖墙面本
30、工程瓷砖墙面,采用软底铺贴方法,其方法为:基层抹灰一结合层抹灰一弹线一作贴瓷砖灰饼一贴瓷砖一勾缝。施工时应注意:施工前对瓷砖材质挑选应作为一道主要工序,挑选规格、颜色一致的瓷砖,颜 色不同的瓷砖应分别堆放。挑出翘曲、变形、裂纹、面层有杂质等缺陷的瓷砖。在挑选瓷砖时,还应做一个按瓷砖标准尺寸的门字形木框,钉在木板上,进行大、中、小分类,先将瓷砖从门字形的木框开口处塞入检 .eal. i sisiii e.sv g ea 11 .i g. t e yai l - erecee 06 e i aluet e iiiiisi iliitei lc J -0 -0ial i.cgIadag ait ii
31、.ie sadd g.ie at s aeers i i e. it. . l ie pi- iee ipi. i e lt pik _siu. cesevtlufatry ls t g e e s 1n evlt rsec. ae u-1l adka1cit cu tl e f csc 111c.1r.i acesytei t c a e vtatace e e it pi - id sik i i ige lte iy g e laee 1rosu aill g irtiee.agl at r g d e e isegc evai elig l.ra d civl geevefi esai
32、sg e ueic iieasi i seilsirvigais ici i ilael u s ig iliitaati ikgI l aadage aae s一 i ig aae sag S e u cg s r re dkefcee 1ag p seal xeisnc e fceI akQascnBal ie I cce s v fcf tai. g eig 0rtitvg l ieetai 1tg i1ysi i - egi rg c eae .lgilisse idt.v I c eftriI c li isegvft uuicer 5查,取出后转向900再塞入开口入检查,两次检查后
33、即可分出合乎标准尺寸、 大于标准 尺寸、小于标准尺寸三尖,分类堆放。同一类尺寸者应用于同一房间或同一面墙上,以 做到接缝均匀一致。瓷砖使用前必须清洗干净,应在清水中浸泡 23h (以瓷砖吸足不冒泡为止)。 没有浸泡或浸泡时间不够的瓷砖,与时间粘结性差,而且吸水性强,粘结砂浆中的水分 会很快被瓷砖吸收掉,造成砂浆早期失水;表面湿的瓷砖,粘贴时容易产生浮动自坠, 都会导致饰面空鼓。镶贴前要找好规矩。用水平尺找平,校核方正,算好纵模皮数和镶贴块数,划 出皮数杆,定出水平标准,进行预排。铺贴瓷砖时,先浇水湿润,校核瓷面方正,算好纵模皮数和镶贴块数,划出皮 数杆,排不好整块砖的要留在阴角,最好不要贴窄条
34、砖,应计算好平均割23块砖来消除贴窄条子的现象,以达到墙面整齐美观。 根据已弹好的水平线,在最下一皮砖的下口放好垫尺板,稳好平尺板,并注意 地漏标高和位置,然后用水平尺检验,作为贴第一皮砖的依据,由下往上逐层粘贴,每 贴好一层砖后应及时用靠尺板横向靠平、竖向造直,偏差处用小铲木反轻轻敲平,并及 时校对横竖缝线平直,避免在粘结砂浆收水后再进行纠偏移动, 造成空鼓和墙面不平整。2、塑胶地板面层施工要点(1)塑胶地板面层施工时,室内相对湿度不大于 80%(2)在水泥类基层上铺贴塑胶地板面层,其基层表面应平整、坚硬、干燥、光滑、 清洁、无油脂及其他杂质(含砂粒),表面含水率不大于9%如表面有麻面、起砂
35、、裂 缝或较大的凹痕现象时,宜采用乳液腻子加以修补好,每次涂刷的厚度不大于0.8mm干操后用0号铁砂布打磨,再涂刷第二遍腻子,直至表面平整后,再用水稀释的乳液涂 刷一遍,以增加基层的整体性和粘结力。基层表面用2m直尺检查时允许空隙不应大于2mm(3)塑胶板块在铺贴前,应作预热和除蜡处理,否则会影响粘贴效果,造成日后 reament of heavl poluing i-sre s. Acor dig tomuicial a nd munici a g nmet del oyment of seve n big heavy polui in industy rigUal on lee, s ac
36、ionpias, re queme nts t Dcembe 206ed of Qia n, al i i c _e d su stoppe d elmiae d of enter prse al su stoppe d e Im., i p* Jue 30, 207 Qia, all icUded place r eguolnugade a nd aggi omeatin rest - t uig of eerpri se by Ie. n.ar. regual i n i n pla ce lae not sand of eterpri se are mpi ementaton u ni、
37、Jue 30, 208Ian, al l ite Park pro-cinof enterprse re ocalon Park i n pla ce, late not Park of are Us conlnue d. In Ie p.-ss of reoval on, w l focs on four a sects to Irmly cose t he hig heegy nsumptina. heavypol ulon, hopele ss eteprse gov-a ad prdulion lies, eimiae. a number of yearly emission ie n
38、si y, Iw value ad d irod - s of backward pr o_ci on capaciy Second w e must sri cly enforce the spac, total proje ct liny evionmet acss system, promt ng i-sty a css and enVr onmenai undilons ofofvdecnfee nce, Seceay of the provi nCal Cmmtee of Xa Bal ng stesse d: li s year is Ie water tr - ment 5 ke
39、babs、r three yeas tors oubsadig es,obviusywoked,vicoryoftheyear.The Cutys partme ns at al eves m ust fimy aaste、uanghuisgodaIdsvergreen.lopmentcncept,cnvil ce d that Ca se s not e 、away s malan ng staegc a buy and stong iebemial“tom prove Ie eVionment, cnssety.g we. water treatment of nig Ie war,eve
40、r higher eves of cmpre hens of f socey bill (A) ay the sewage uhilba-Thi s yea w1 ver water _a*y mprovdaIecountye- uptof-r this .asc objects grasof pokl oncntrl that fo- hIefocus ethingsagoodjob,lea rivers reacing IeCutyceatedOgaIlainookbak-specalinspici on, Ie Cuny gar .age River, ba c ad odor ous
41、Riveris Dag I e- ”, obems fud i pace fimy t preveI t rve poMUinreound. In a cor e -ne sIp sregg, mmrovig theifeirfiewaequaiymoniorigsIaions work thi s yar to ensue t he ElmiaI on of 1 prvnca cnI ol, fie wer qua , seci on 3 m uial- s conIolle d Iei oaain, ensue the crain ths - aof、lea riel ndars. Sec
42、nd, ppy se-laIetintopolluiin cuIig const ucin of na notubes. Ier ceI ng na,oubbs ae t he ba ss of poluI on of er souce e nginer ng e ngie e.g, mate of luce-orfaiureofIemang-enIUrba n-w.e t meI to mproe Hlent fom sewge teament ae unningiccurcycom placl- rrqui ement, sed u the tow ns supr new ok cnsr
43、ucIi n, i s focusig on .aotubs home -st meer- queston.DmesIcseagIeamentinruaaeasIsyeaistheiayeaofIethrreyeaicI on, deemiai onIfgt a nd the mometum arIund,endngIebateonwhchfuytoennuethe ea1rH on of al Cuy 648 fme d vilge cverge Als, belure to a- ch mporance to foouson rual domesi c w eaIe IrametfalIp
44、eatonandmang-eI e nsueIa wsteste teame facly uad runig,roeplay,avoidIeU prbl -. Thid, ppy speca ateton t o the Rier Like pond desitigopeaton.Proviccslow hhae fcsld on poluin cntol of Ie go to 1dgumud, Ieepei ng Ie of ths ya y.NI to jump sat a i I estgain l ne touchs w ork imp eat in pla a ccdig t o
45、the pri orIis a id Ie prgrmme of work inaccr nne wih t he -ne rier one pol c,rrque s d ie d ce ai ng de dgig pl a, planing a held of tme ceai ng out mud w. ou, accrdng I l oca cndt ons t o do sudge, prom ote icientic esu ce uizai on 0fsit and mud. ( B Ie hevy rrgu ain of heavy polui ng i-ste s Polut
46、 on of waer mus gthesucewsteser s prmaiy Ie sur ce of ba ckwad p.-ci on caa cly incra - Ie ine nniy of面层起鼓。软质聚氯乙烯板的预热处理,一般宜放进温度为75c左右的热水中浸泡10 20min,使板面全部松软伸平后取出晾干待用,但不得采用炉火或电炉预热;半硬质聚 氯乙烯板,一般用棉丝蘸上丙酮:汽油(1:8)混合溶液进行脱脂除蜡。预热处理和除 蜡后的塑料板块,应平放在待铺的房间内至少24h,以适应铺贴环境。(4)基层处理后,涂刷一层薄而匀的底胶,以提高基层与面层的粘结强度,同时 也可弥补塑料板块
47、由于涂胶量不匀,可能会产生起鼓翘边等质量缺陷。(5)底胶干燥后,根据设计要求在基层表面进行弹线、分格、施放中心线、定位 线和边线,并距墙边面留出200300mn为镶边,以保证板块均匀,横竖缝顺直。(6)在配塑胶板块料时,应考虑房间方正偏差,宜采用预制和现制相结合的方法, 配制好的每块板块应编号就位,以免粘贴时用错,并在铺贴前先试铺一次。(7)塑胶板铺贴时,应按弹线位置沿轴线由中央向四周进行。涂刷的胶粘剂必须 均匀,并超出分格线约10mm涂刷厚度控制在1mn内,塑胶板的背面亦应均匀涂刮胶 粘剂,待胶层干燥至不粘手(约1020min)即可铺贴,应一次就位准确,粘贴密实。(8)塑胶板接缝处均应进行坡
48、口处理。粘接时坡口做成同向顺坡,搭接宽度不小 于30mm焊接时做成V形坡口,坡口角B :板厚1020mm寸,0 = 65 75 ;板厚 28mnM, 0=7585。板越厚,坡口角越小,板薄则坡口角大。(9)软质塑胶板在基层上粘贴后,缝隙如须焊接,一般须经 48h后方可施焊,并 用热空气焊,空气压力应控制在 0.080.1MPa,温度才5制在180250 C 0(10)铺贴塑胶,塑胶基层10mnB、面层厚度3mm总厚度为13mm塑胶需无裂 痕或分层现象,面层与底胶层粘合牢固、均匀,接缝平直、无凹凸现象,表面色泽均匀、 耐久;o(11)标志线应清晰、不反光、无虚边、与面层粘合牢固。3、吊顶工程1
49、.施工工艺(1)弹顶棚标高水平线一划龙骨分档线一安装主龙骨吊杆一安装主龙骨一安装次 龙骨一安装罩面板一刷防锈漆一安装压条弹线(2)弹线:各种线位的做法如下:(3)标高线:弹出距楼地在地坪50cm水平线作为基准线;以基准线为起点,在墙上丈量出基准线与吊顶高度的高差,并作记号弹线;(4)固定吊点用冲击钻钻眼,用膨胀螺栓固定条件,所用吊件为铝合金 T型龙骨配套的标准件 (5)安装吊杆安装主龙骨吊杆:弹好顶棚标高水平线及龙骨分档位置线事,确定吊杆下端头的 标高,按主龙骨位置及吊挂间距,将吊杆无螺栓丝扣的一端与楼板预埋钢筋连接固定。 未预埋钢筋时可用膨胀螺栓。当吊杆与设备及灯具等物体相遇时,应调整吊点构
50、造或另设吊杆(6)安装龙骨安装主龙骨:配装吊杆螺母。在主龙骨上安装吊挂件。将组装好吊挂的主龙骨, 按分档线位置使吊挂件穿入相应的吊杆螺栓,拉线调整标高平直,并进行水平校正。安 装洞口附加主龙骨,按图集相应节点构造,设置连接卡固件。钉周边龙骨,采用射钉固 定。射钉间距为800mm安装次龙骨:按已弹好的次龙骨分档线,卡放次龙骨吊挂件。边吊挂件吊挂在大龙 骨上,间距为500mm600mml次龙骨长度需多根延续接长时,用次龙骨连接件,在吊 挂次龙骨的同时相接,调直固定。用连接件把次龙骨安装在主龙骨上,进行固定加固,使龙骨安装间隔面板的尺寸确 定或根据图纸要求,安装顺序的一端至另一端,从高到低,在灯的位
51、置要加横档龙骨。封板前,隐蔽工程检查是否连接牢固,是否能承受荷载,及时进行补装或加固处理. (7)安装板材 pong i-sre s A ci government de nbig heavy -try- on lee yea s acion p_.T, re qUeme ns t Deembe 20 16ed of Qia n, al i ,u _e d su elmin- d of enter prse al su .i-d i p-*,ue,0,07 Qia, al icu- pace regu*nugade a nd aggi omeain rest- -by u.d _nd.dr.g
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