1、Lesson 16 Insurance 保险保险TEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilledTEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilledvA. the party seeking cover completes a proposal form.vB. the insurance company assesses the risk and fixes a premium to be paid.vC. the premium is paid and cover starts.vD. if a l
2、oss is suffered, the insured makes a claim for compensation.vE. the claim is investigated, and if found to be valid the compensation is paid. vDear Miss LiaovThank you very much for your letter of 16 July in which you inquired about our insurance cover.vI have enclosed leaflets explaining our three
3、fully-comprehensive marine policies which offer the sort of cover you require, and I think that policy 1281 would probably suit you best as it offers the widest protection with full indemnification.vIf you wish, I could get one of our agents to call on you to discuss any details that might not be cl
4、ear.vI look forward to hearing from you soon. vWe would like to inform you that a number of pieces of crockery were damaged on our shipment to Dolly Enterprises Ltd., Singapore. The consignment was shipped clean on the SS Changfeng which left Shanghai for Singapore on16 November, and you have our de
5、claration form No. GCR 110 33429. vWe have already sent our customer replacements but would like a claims form to complete. Thank you. vYours sincerely,GLOBAL INSURANCE LTD.v I am sending the claims form you requested in your fax of 23 November 200- and we will consider the matter once we have full
6、details. v I think I ought to point out that this is the fourth time you have claimed on a shipment. Though I appreciate that your products are fragile, and that in each case the goods have been shipped clean, it would in your interest to consider new methods of packing. I agree that the claims have
7、 been comparatively small, but in future you will have to ask your customers to hold consignments for our inspection to determine the cause of damage. I should also mention that further claims may affect your premium when the policy is renewed. vDear Mr. AivYour fax of August 9 has been received wit
8、h many thanks.vThe quotation you faxed us is on CIF basis. As we are in a open cover agreement with our underwriter, we prefer that you send us CFR quotations. vHowever, we will also be interested to know what benefits we are likely to get if consignments are to be covered at your end.vWe are lookin
9、g forward to your early reply. v Dear Mr. Yi 10.v Thank you for your fax of August.v Attached is our CFR quotation for Hand Tools and we are sure you will find our prices workable.v We usually insure the goods sold on CIF basis with our undertaker, the Peoples Insurance Company of China (PICC) for 1
10、10% of the total invoice value against All Risks and War Risks as per the Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the PICC of January 1, 1981. if a higher percentage or broader coverage is required, the extra premium will be for buyers account.v As to insurance with the Peoples Insurance Company of China, we
11、wish to inform you that the PICC is a state-owned company of China with agents in practically all the major cities and seaports in the world. It is noted for settling claims promptly and equitably and is therefore one of the worlds prestigious leading insurers. So far as we know, the rates they quot
12、e are among the most competitive in the line. For the details, please refer to the copy of its prospectus we are sending you by courier. If you have further questions, please let us know. Dear Miss Liao, Re: 150 pieces Tea sets With reference to the order No. 894 for 150 pieces Tea sets. we have ope
13、ned through the Bank of China, New York, confirmed, irrevocable L/C for US$2900, valid till July 20. It is your usual practice to insure the goods against FPA for only 10% above invoice value. But owing to the special feature of our goods, wed like to have the fragile goods insured against FPA and B
14、reakage for 150% of the invoice value for this transaction. The extra premium will be for our account. We shall be grateful if you will arrange insurance as requested and let us have your information as soon as the goods are delivered. Yours sincerely,2. Arm yourself 1. insurance n. the act, busines
15、s or system of insuring 保险 arrange, effect, provide, take out, cover, attend to insurance 投保,办理保险 the insurer 保险人 the insured 被保险人 underwriter 保险商 保险公司 insurance agents 保险代理人 insurance amount 保险金额 insurance broker 保险经纪人 insurance coverage 保险范围 v. insure 给以保险,投保 (后接货物或险别) insure on/against 等介词 常用的表达方
16、式:insure(货物) for(金额)with(保险公司)against(险别) e.g. 我们已与中国人民保险公司将100 公吨羊毛按发票金额的110% 投保一切险, 保险费用为3%。 Weve covered insurance with Peoples Insurance Company of China on the 100 metric ton of wools for 110% of the invoice value against all risks at the rate of 3%. 2. all risk 两种最主要的保险条款,一个是ICC, 英国伦敦保险协会制定的“协
17、会货物保险条款”,另一个是 CIC, 即中国保险条款。该条款是由中国人民保险公司制订,中国人民银行及中国保险监督委员会审批颁布。根据C.I.C.保险条款, 海洋保险基本险别有三种:即(1)free from particular average (F.P.A.) 平安险。 (2) with particular average (W.A.) 水渍险(基本险)。 (3)all risk 一切险(综合险)。 中国人民保险公司(PICC)承保的险别有:基本险别,即FPA(平安险),WPA(水渍险),All Risks(一切险)和附加险。常见的一般附加险(general additional risk
18、)和特殊附加险(special additional risk)有:general additional risk: Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery Risks (TPND) 偷窃、提货不着险 Fresh and /or Rain Water Damage Risks 淡水雨淋险Shortage Risk 短量险Inter-mixture & Contamination Risks 混杂、玷污险Leakage Risk 漏损险Clash & Breakage Risks 碰损、破碎险 Taint of Odor Risk 串味险Sweat
19、ing & Heating Risks 受潮受热险Hook Damage Risk 勾损险 Rust Risk 锈损险Breakage of Packing Risk 包装破裂险Special additional risks: Failure to delivery 交货不到险Import Duty Risk 进口关税险On Deck Risk 舱面险 Rejection Risk 拒收险Strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工、暴动、民变险Contingency insurance “cover sellers interest only
20、” 卖方利益险Aflatoxin risk 黄曲霉素险 War Risk. 战争险 3. coverage n. the extent of protection afforded by an insurance policy 保险范围,承保险别e.g. 关于保险,是按发票金额的120%投保至目的港。 Regarding insurance, the coverage is for 120% of the invoice value up to the port of destination only. v. cover 投保 cover the goods against 投保险别 cove
21、r the insurance with 向投保 cover against 投保险 v. cover 投保e.g.保险由卖方按发票金额的130%投保平安险和破碎险。 Insurance is to be covered by the seller against FPA and breakage risk for 130% of the invoice value. n. cover 保险,险别 arrange insurance cover4. premium n. the amount paid for an insurance policy 保险费 premium rebate 保险费
22、回扣 premium rate 保险费率 5. discharge n. unloading cargo from a ship 卸货 discharge of the goods 卸货 port of discharge 卸货港 v. discharge 从卸货 e.g. 卸货需要多长时间? How long will the discharge of the cargo take? 水渍险在货物卸船后60天有效。 WPA. must be valid for period of 60 days after the discharge of goods. 6. warehouse n. a
23、place in which goods or merchandise are stored; a storehouse 仓库商品或货物贮存之处;货栈 warehouse to warehouse clause 仓至仓条款 exwarehouse 仓库交货价格条款7. file v. lodge, register 提出 e.g. 在我方职员检查了哥拉斯戈的仓库后,发现40包货物没有用5层硬纸袋包装。 After a check-up by our staff at the warehouse in Glasgow, it was found that some 40 bags had not
24、 been packed in 5-ply strong paper bags. 这完全是由于仓库经理的疏忽而造成的。 This was due entirely to negligence on the part of the warehouse managers. file a claim 提出索赔 8. undertake v. make oneself responsible for, agree to do 担任,答应,约定 undertake to do sth. undertake sth.9. sustain v. suffer 蒙受,遭受undertake the risk
25、承担风险undertake (take on ) an enterprise 创办事业e.g. 如果A方不能按要求提供有关保险信息,B方将不承担任何责任。 Party B neednt undertake any obligation when Party A cannot release information about insurance as requested. 厂方答应接受订货。 The manufacturer undertake to accept orders.n. undertaker 承办商, 企业主n. undertaking 事业,企业 e.g.当被保险货物遭受损失或
26、损害时,保险公司将根据保险单上规定 的保险条款进行赔偿。 When the goods insured sustain loss or damage, the Company shall undertake to indemnify according to the Insured Condition specified in the Policy.10. submit v. give sth. to a person or an organization提交,呈交11. time-barred adj. null 失效的 e.g.出口商在装船之后向议付行议付货款时,须提交下列单据。 The
27、following documents should be submitted when the exporter ask the negotiating bank for the payment after the shipment. e.g.如未在两年期间提起司法诉讼或仲裁,根据本公约的任何诉讼即失去时效。 Any action under this Convention is time-barred if judicial or arbitral proceedings have not been instituted within a period of two years. 12.
28、enjoy high prestige 享有极佳的声誉13. particular n. detail 细节, 详细n. reputation 声誉,威望adj. prestigious 有声望的e.g.该公司成立于1980年,在该行业享有极佳的声誉。 The firm was established in 1980 and has enjoyed high prestige for this line. 中国的陶器加工精美,享誉世界。 Chinas pottery is beautifully finished and has enjoyed a high prestige in the w
29、orld. 该公司是欧洲有名的保险公司。 The company is a prestigious European insurance business. adj. particular 严谨的,精确的 particular description 详细的描述 particular about/over 挑剔的 in particular 特别地adv. particularly 特别地,显著地e.g.对于详情,我方将随附商品目录一份供你方参考。 For further particular, we shall enclose a copy of price list for your in
30、formation. 14. for 150% of the invoice value 按发票金额150%投保15. borne ( bear ) v. 承担,负担 bear the expenses 承担费用 be borne by 由承担 保险金额的表达还有:for 10% above the invoice value for the invoice value plus 10% for full 100% invoice value plus 10% for the invoice cost plus 10% e.g.公司依照法律对所有赔偿负责。 The Company shall
31、bear all compensation in accordance with the law. 以上提到的损失自港口免费存储期满后16天起开始计算,除不可抗力 外,由买方承担。 The abovementioned loss to be calculated from the 16th day after expiry of the free storage time at the port should be borne by the Buyer with the exception of Force Majeure. Lesson 16 Insurance 保险保险TEXTArm yo
32、urselfMain pointsMake yourself skilledTEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilled4. Make yourself skilled I. Basic Training1. Translate the following expressions into Chinese: Insurance agent All risks Extra premium Insurance policy PICC WPA FPA 保险代理 一切险 额外保险费 保险单 中国人民保险公司 水渍险 平安险 More exercise
33、s 1Fill in the blanks with the proper words given: covering against premium coverage insure for bear prestige covered reputation1)Please arrange insurance on the goods _ All Risks.2)The _ rate for the proposed shipment against WA is 0.7%.3)If a higher percentage is required, we may do accordingly bu
34、t you have to _ the extra premium as well.4)We usually effect insurance _ 110% of the invoice value. 5)Id like to have the insurance _ for 130% of the invoice value. againstpremiumbearforcovered6)The trademark of “ Dancing Red Devil fireworks” enjoys high _ in the main markets of Europe and America.
35、7)Our products rank in front in the same field not only for the technologic norm but also the adoptability which bring our company high _ in the line.8)Please _ the article against WPA.9)We regret being unable to comply with your request for _ insurance for 150% of the invoice value.10)We can provid
36、e such additional _ at a slightly higher premium. prestigereputationinsurecoveringcoverage2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1) Insurance policy or certificate settling agents name is to be indicated, any additional premium to cover uplift between 10 and 17% may be drawn in excess of
37、 the credit value.2) Insurance policy or certificate covers WPA (or FPA.) and war risks as per ocean marine cargo clause and ocean marine cargo war risk clauses of the peoples insurance company of china dated 1/1/1981.3 保险单或凭证须表明理赔代理人的名称,保险费如增加10%-17%可在本证金额以外支付。保险单或凭证根据中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日的海洋运输货物保险条款和海
38、洋运输货物战争险条款投保水渍险(或平安险)和战争险。4) Insurance policy is issued and endorsed to order for the face value of invoice plus 10% with 15 days after arrival of goods at destination, only against FPA and TPND.5)Insurance policy or certificate is issued by an insurance co. with WPA clause covering the merchandise
39、for about 10% above the full invoice value including unlimited transshipment with claims payable at Singapore .6) Marine insurance policy includes both to blame collision clauses and fully covers the shipment. 按发票面值加10%投保平安险和盗窃提货不着险,货物到达目的地后15天有效,保险单开给或背书给由保险公司签发的保险单或凭证按发票总金额另加10%投保水渍险,包括非限定转船的损失,在新
40、加坡赔付。海运保险单包括负责船舶互撞条款和全部货载。v 1. Because of no definite instructions being sent by you to us although at the end of last month, we only effected insurance to cover W.P.A. so as to avoid delayed shipment.v 2. provided you like to comply with Institute Cargo Clauses to effect insurance, we are pleased t
41、o do it as you like, the difference of which, however, is paid by you if there are any. v 3. on arriving, we find a surveyor and on examining it is discovered that fourteen cases are broken, for which we enclosed a damaged list.v 4. the result of the inspection of the surveyor says that this goods i
42、s not for sale, therefore, we can have nothing to do but to ask for replacements immediately.v 5. we have received your fax of October 22, thanks, being informed of your quotation for your present rate for All Risks, now we want to insure to you the consignment as follows:II. Improving TrainingTrans
43、late the following sentences into English:1) 我公司可以承保海洋运输的所有险别。(cover all the risks)2) 保险将在货物从目的港卸货后到达仓库结束。(discharge, warehouse)3) 一切险的承保范围比平安险宽。(coverage, broad)4) 我们通常按发票金额的110%来投保。(insure for)5) 除水渍险和战争险外,请再投保破碎险。(cover insurance against, breakage) We can cover all the risks of ocean transportation. Insurance will terminate when t
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