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1、experience 12 maipulator i a utm. on meCani - am rese arc bega .、.,.“y.diumt em, afe. years wit wih cm teCnolgy of -pment, "k- mecai Ga nd sag of i_ a Uom-i on a becameani-srai evau.onsa ., a nd . -.Noworg ofm- pro-in ie,wics am.As t st on neauesal ck era ge ne-bns I-ca detect the exerna e.onme

2、t, but can s» . so. compete i e wed ng pa iig , . y a s s emes Se -nd ge arms - equipped wi h sesr s a sha- thee.ere s aceta amount of "-n.e,w ca arms to am - a bas s "ere- egand中电广西防城港电力有限公司一管理制度一发电厂检修规程电气专业设备检修规程380V电动机检修作业指导书此文件产权属中电广西防城港电力有限公司所有、未经许可、不得以任何方式外传m aniuaor modea nd pr

3、ogammal e controlle s itroducin 2.1 Seec dlc son wt h mai pua or cntrol 1.11siiatin of contol elas ad di scee el ecrnic ci . i ca n control old i n_s_l e qupmet but as moe cmmon.Maily the - Iw o elaivly cha p ad you can me e te odasionnd, s.p. (or sm pie idustra e quipmet S he ca - e thmno、how r the

4、 - tw o control m ode s (reay andds-teeecrnic cr-is) ae thee ata laws (| cannotIdapt tothe cmpl ex igc control, 2 only fr the -. c, the ack of com pa. a nd 3) not rfmig the .sem wih euime nt mprov-e .s. Spring fr the opmetof CCinas moden i n_s_l ” omainecnolgy thesusata i nce a - i n the eve of i_s_

5、l ”omain, complete d the perec r of thecm pue too muc. Intems of controlig the cmpute sow his tw o grea n、- :(< eacof the had-wae can be i nstale d on one or more micoprcsss;(2 the o.dre of the slwae wt ng cntent control s al a bout. Nw in s al , s in the cnteX of i.sra a utomatin ca n ole b e -

6、e i t hrre - sammae Log ca Cent o.r - t as PC) 2) Dstiue d Contol »sem (D, frsort) a nd 3)the Pogg ammae Logca Ccntrler(”Cfor sort. 2 12 PC a.dtePC and D, as,ea c re te oforgis and fr _t-a procesig maesi i . f hadwa e tee usg ahg lev e of sa-i arc slwaeresusese. te ned f or mmy i nopeaina sstms

7、 S thecm pue -n e.ci cntrols isseed a mod. ea tme ad i n cmpuat Dstiuedss-saed .tomac isumetused t cntr ol whe -snow iis - esuy develppd i nti-sral cntrlcm pue ci b.on.s - adta .si nao had“ loopcntrl b-nte -the e .nage loug h dstilue d sstm hhs Ig eg- am_ns of prcss cntrl s te m_ isei teworkor- ” pr

8、may . rela cd re ay th. huking ofundns. M a"- cet uy .meged mic oeecr oni - tecnolgy hhs id son mic oeecr . ni cs.- ng ttc log Co e (ta is中电广西_r l c c tai c tc |ga d de etssu sst d a e ss l a g ds 1dg iv k le_auswaessg eCLPGuangxiCLPGX-P-PRO-000-0- 380V C机检修作业指导B文件编码CLPGX-P-PRO-000-0-生产管理部电气专业3

9、80V电动机检修作业指导书版次签发日期本次主要修改摘要1年月 日版次日期编写审核复审批准备注12008.06.05版次;ataA4:效时间:一2008 < I- 06力 105 H修订次数:0380Vt机检修作业指导书31 设备概况三相异步电机是基于气隙旋转磁场与转子绕组中感应电流相互作用产生电磁转矩,从而实现将电能转换成机械能的一种交流电机。380V交流电机,它具有结构简单、使用、维护方便,运行可靠和效率较高、性能好等特点广泛应用于工业生产中,作为拖动水泵,油泵,风机及其其他机械的动力。380V交流电机在我公司遍布整个生产区域,各个运行系统。2目的为了保证380V电机检修符合检修工艺及

10、质量标准,文明生产管理的要求。为所有参加本项目检修人员和质量检验人员确定必要的质量保证程序。3适用范围本规程规定了中电广西防城港电厂电气专业380V电动机检修项目、工艺及质量标准。本规程适用于中电广西防城港电厂电气专业380V电动机检修和维护。4作业条件4. 1所涉及检修的380V电机已经确认停电,并办理相关的安全文件。4.2 参加本次检修项目的人员必须明确检修任务和内容。4.3 所需的检修工器具必须齐全。4.4 所有参加本次检修项目的人员必须熟悉本作业指导书,并根据作业指导书所要求的检修项目和检修工艺标 准进行检修。4.5 准备好本次检修项目所需要的各种损耗材件。4.6 项目开工前必须进行安

11、全及技术交底,并在交底书上签名。5风险评估5.1 参加本项目检修的人员必须经过岗前安全培训,以及有关的技术培训,并取得相应的合格资格。5.2 项目施工前必须对项目施工人员进行安全交底,并在交底书上签名。同时做好安全防护工作。5.3 项目施工前,施工人员必须接受相关安全文件后方可进行本次施工任务。5.4 项目施工人员必须明确本次施工内容和范围。5.5 对380V电机施工前,必须对电机进行验电,在确认无电时方可进行下一步的施工。5.6 项目施工人员必须正确佩带安全帽,着装符合工作和安全要求,作好个人安全防护措施。5.7 本项目施工人员在施工时必须按要求施工,严禁野蛮施工。6本项目380V电机检修设

12、备清单(表 1)表1380V电机设备清单序号负荷名称功率(kW )数量1密封油泵电机7.52m anipUat or control mode ad pr ogammae control es intr-cton 2.1 Seec d sc s on wi "aip.atorcontrol 11l Uaoicaton of control reays and d - ee ee ctoni c ci_i cancontroi i d i n.srai efn,u aso mor e common. lai ny these two ” cheap ad yu can mee t Ie

13、 -d fasi i ne d, pie(or p, “ “equi pmel S o he casee temnow, however these control mode s . ad di scee ee One ci_i s) ae these fata flaws-) cannot apt tie compl ex lggc control, « ony fr thecure ct the a ck of cmpati biliy ad(3) not rfrming Ie .sem - equi pment improveme nts S prig d - "me

14、t of ccia' s mode n indusr a auomai on teCnolgy Ie substata incea - i t he m of i.sra1 auomain, compete d the perfect reay of the cmpue too much.I terms of control ig the cmpue showe d hs wogea ava .tag(1) eachof the hae can be isd onoe or more mic“roc or* « the off ca de sgner of Ie softwa

15、re w.i ng content control is al a.* Now in several ways i n the cntex of i_stal automat i n ca n ofen be see ways(1)Prgrmmae LogialControkr( .rd to - PC) « Disrbutd C.nt.l Systm DCS for sort), ad « the ProgammabeLogi ccl Contol e PLC fr sort) 112 PLC and thePC and DS cntrst cntas , eacof t

16、ethrre te chnologi esof org ns ad dev elpmetrrques fr fst ditaproce ssg maes i ivetd the compute I. The m I br ought i n tems of hadw ae thee usig a hgh leel of sada dizti on, can uue more cmpatiI lty tool, s a r ch sftwae resuces eseca thenne d fr .moiay i n opena ly ms So t he cmpUe caelfeciey con

17、tr I l is usd t o control ad m-tis sped on tI e viua model ea tme ad i computatinal req rme nts ID siutd sstm stated wih a cnt.lsystmfr idustril aUomaic int ument Idto cntrl w hees now i s -fl devloped ito i ndustril cntr I l compUe Idas accetra c-ctinad di stiuin .sem ad tra I stinof disrbUe d cont

18、rol sstm i n anal ogue had., lop cntolhhsbeun te-c the use of a huge aa、e T hough dis.UOly m ha s .rat id'antaes iI loprigUain, but ony as a measof c-inuousproelscontrolsp0ndig re1y neds w man e ite w or 0r de cntol一prmay sre1a r t hs huking . stm, focued on the ccnt" ng teruni ng or de of

19、fuctons 1are d by te mic opr oce ssr in te 一 970 of the ath ce nuy ”- mcreecrnis -hnol. h s oped r.idypeope soon mcre -ton - proc” e w be.-d i thePLomae Logi -l c.ntoae "t s中电广西to develop as afacorya.omaosa-ds"- good sths uni-ea. - age* s-h as has good cm pam y w de "yha e i s cmpi -

20、,gama-"emas- i assitecntet of i_s_l PLC appkabns bec_e ubi_tus. M ope d cut. agri -l Sy ha sbee napp. ofmecai-have. age areas offamia." s on. Toda y the higeve of.tm - ncmmaiula I a home nd broa d if esach p.ie lutomaln me Canial am rrsea chbega Yu 20th - n.y medumem, ale .as Wlh W* c

21、omp.er and utmaton opmet Maes mlchai ca am on Ie Gand stge ofid .a Uomain ad sne grrduay be came a id - r a lain sadads, and - mpora.ne ca be sen. Now o“a obol am sent mos of mas producin ad use on Ie p.oucin ne, whch s programed am. As the is -neain ofmaiulaor posli m cnt.l -CLPGX-P-PRO-000-0- 380V

22、电机检修作业指导书maneaues ack s al geneains tha ca n dle c the exeraevr onme nt, bucan stil luce uycom plee ie wld ig lining , l- formaeras smplmovementscnsol dain, undertand hhs some uiuHydidn't opporunities aw aee - i w I rld a nge Wthi nsme lea ding e- l of koWegehhs ha s must awaennss hope de sgner

23、s can i yihouof d g ni the can iucces of using iths de sg in the prSecnd geeaionmecai cl ams ae e - ip.1| ndmm|u or ha. HlHvronmetthee is a ran outof "ses", e Ihe mecaialam is Io use the progrm - a bais. D-IeeCLP Guangxi- os I f exeiece 12shat the rbot序号负荷名称功率(kW )数量2定子冷却水泵电机4523电泵液力偶合器润滑油

24、泵1114EH油泵电机4525EH油泵循环电机1.526小机主油泵电机5527主机油箱排烟风机电机328小机油箱排烟风机电机1.129小机辅助油泵55210#1机交流启动油泵电机55111#1机交流润滑油泵45112汽室真空泵电机160313轴加风机电机18.5214密封油排烟风机电机3215#1锅炉渣水池排渣泵电机5.5116引风机轴承冷却风机电机7.5417冷渣水循环泵电机18.5318磨煤机密封电机185219给煤机刮板清扫电机0.93620给煤机胶带驱动电机16.4621等离子火检风机7.5222等离子冷却水泵风机7.5223火检冷却风机212iutiigaal ctied c 2 l

25、一 一 sui11111at- -s!i*Pgaalgcil fe* aP2 is- teyse(s131Pgi1g cltiePf版次:ataAicee *ici c*1dsieipu 1Mytw etvl1yc etaiie _ u-aqelse*e , eel *es w cla lceetii. _e *es alawadttig 一 t2yf一je1k 一 a i -eg * sse itPcta-tasc thetgigi e l i e-eetfa *cigaki ietet_eii ii u-gglvesiic sct1ys i-swe esucee ilefieici ti

26、l ste sceifcvytseti eiseditl l el14:,效卜卜打叶:g de 2008,k 06 305 11lvlilus- lu ac lg 1s atlcl s-lev idsiuaicltl fe lcultci ectligc u l swtiies d siue syte at icysefiutluai*ue*cl eai i ucefl dvlituta ctcu l ueetlcli修修次数:0g It ags ec th la l cisllces s 2t fcldigsiiwig cictluNsev l w,cXidiiat*ctsiwss* |tr

27、siis-utsytegriglctaIgt 11c ugiig isiue s*geav ag1g-ti第X山共Y加5序号负荷名称功率(kW )数量24导向轴承润滑油泵电机1.5425空预器主驱动电机/辅助电机15426空预器支持轴承润滑油泵电机1.527小修周期及标准检修项目7.1 小修周期380V电动机小修周期为 1年7.2 小修标准项目(见表 2)表2 小修标准项目清单序号标准检修项目备注1电动机端盖、风扇检查2电动机定子检查3电动机转子检查4电动机电缆检查8小修前准备8.1 检修作业文件包经批准并盖章生效。8.2 检修所需材料、备品备件齐全。(见表 3)8.3 检修工器具准备就绪,经

28、检查完好。(见表 4)8.4 检修人员已经落实,并经现场安全、技术交底,明确检修的目的、任务和要消缺的缺陷表3检修备品及材料序号备品名称规格型号类别单位在装量推荐库存1轴承SKF套42松锈灵国产瓶53二硫化铝5KG/ 桶国产桶5m anipuat a cntol -Jon 2.1 Seec d.-son-a"-orIll Ca _icaton of ee .i c di n-srai . n,u . a. you can mee 2"e-i a- 1-no-w hweve I - a.di srete eectonc ." ae I - fata fowl() n

29、ot- 2 ”the a. of cmp.i bi- ad(3) not ns-"me"""' s mode n indusr a auomai on teCnolgy Ie .b.a" incea - it he i.f i_s_l aUom.in, cmpee to muc.I temsf cmpueSo- d is wogea -a ntages a-e can be" 2 the off ca de wii ng cntet aboutNow in al ways ofi_.I n of-n be ways(1)g4P

30、rgrmmae Log - l'onto - ., to _ PC) I DSiutd DS for Sort), ad Logi Contol e PLC fr Sort) Ill PLC a PC and D, cntrst cntaS , ea te ns ad dev _pmet r.qU_ets fr _td_prooesSg maes i ivetd t in aethee ” a igl l of Sada dizti on,-n uue more cmpatiUty toos Sa r ch sfwae resures ese thenned fr mm. i n op

31、emn. . - ms adm_t is s_ on tIe viua mod. ea tme atatiq.- e nts Dsiutd sst_ statedwih iddstaaUomaic iSr to cnt" w hees now i S sccssu. - Ue a sa eta c.ctinad d SriUin . - m ad ta . Stin of diSr h.d“ lop cnto,isb-nte-c the Ie a-atge, Siu. . - mia s grat as of s "c. - nus e ithew o. or de cn”

32、、” .rmay s rela r t hsh” offu.ons Male hce nuy -ege- mc- eecrn hno3 1a s .re on - proces” e be u- 4绝缘清洗剂国产桶55白布国产米100序号备品名称规格型号类别单位在装量推荐库存6抹机布国产公斤106毛刷国产把107工业酒精国产瓶3“n、u-r St d lp - afaloryanow uue d a* a indu*tia rbo* imaiula Uomao sanad* Feiahome ndbeandu_, the cnl.l gbroa d I f e*achbj-V- "e

33、 apeaoe i.I. III. - ln ind " a godutmain. Id - tK auprie >ut omaonme Canical am rr*ea ch bega Yu 2thomain tegy-ntuy med um em,-me a .l . . . 一 . -. l .*th* un-ead-naae* *-h a* h- gafe .a*wth wt er and* n - 0Pme -ood cm pailt y w de a- - .tmat. utmlon eveopmetn * a *ea- belt ”ha - e i * cmple

34、e, ad prMae* michaia -nipuatrapll.onbegatI . 一 IL . .I be m-terd i a so file it weca am on te Gand *tge of idu*ra*i teuomain ad-ng logsi -, mel.ca pr-nt- of i_*_l PLC app.0 n. beole *g, ad othe in_*-.一 . 11. 1*ne grrduay be -mekdouSrle ubiquto*. Ms Especay aL. L . I_- lain *a.ar*,higor . l ow -mpe.u

35、e . . . .* 1.I . L . . I .y a|r yo p* po no gi ope d cuntr ” cul haand i* mporanneca be *en. Noworgna obothrr-lti on la se liIsbbe n apple ofmelaia- *ofcum- nc* *o - dgr- -e a*o bri LI .ma* pro - tonia ha.ng* g - tlonvei.ng are ae* offamlad, reeaead u*e on te proulinne, whichenle tte *edlprogrrmmedI

36、 e tat u* a robot* atet > . i .i.i .am. A* the i*e' pepe* on -a oe a -g- g 0P.l am, ad * on. Toda y te higeve of-tm ncmbind wtgeneainon "a of-eve > i.i _f maiu rpo*ti cnt.l . ma. wr . manh e* .ee* alhoug okng cnditon*, la a*pct . l. _. _ . I _ .in*til .lng I antngh* of ldelvey"*a

37、nl* ad undee -、ne* oni<* l<* forSpe - -nd.ns I I . . . I . . . . . L .m-* *mpecal dev ce* Now tune*of cn*ol da hh* Secndgeeainddnl oppormelai cl am* ae e - ippdCLPGX-P-PRO-000-0- 380V电机检修作业指导书中电广西coee Crnic* a utmal cntrl telnology and the apdunie* aw aee1* i w I rld a nge wthi n*me lea ding e

38、- l of kowegedevl opme tan*t he -cel* of PLC hadwae *fwae ad *mu.nn* hope de *gnerwt h *e* nd mai pula or ha<e the nvronmettee i* a ran -out of "*e*",* weCLP Guangxihh* ha * mu*t awaer * can i yiouIhe melaialof de*g Iamcntol i the can m_e* of u*ig iu*e the progrm1* adeveopment,I. .now n

39、inesh* *g in the pr I ceid*I f - eiene 12ba-.Dfeecehat the rbot表4 检修工具版次;ataA4:效卜卜抨止g de 2008I;06月505 I I修订次数:0序号工具名称规格型号类别单位数量1铜棒通用只22轴承加热器通用台13卡簧钳内卡/外卡通用把各14拉马5T/10T通用只各15螺丝刀T/十字通用把各26套筒扳手通用套17钢丝钳通用把18尖嘴钳通用把19斜口钳通用把110榔头通用把111活动扳手10" 12"通用把各112呆扳手通用套113撬杠通用根214双臂电桥通用块115摇表通用块1716力用表通用块11

40、7油盘通用个118鎏子通用把29电机检修前的试验9.1 项目施工人员首先应检查电机是否已经确定断电后方可进行施工。9.2 拆开接线端盖对电缆进行拆线,并作好标记。9.3 对电机检修前的试验:9.3.1 测量电机定子线圈绝缘电阻,并作好记录。9.3.2 测量电机定子线圈吸收比,并作好记录。9.3.3 测量电机定子线圈直流电阻,并作好记录。10电机检修的拆卸以及检修项目和工艺10.1 首先作好拆卸前的位置标记,以免在复装的时候发生错误。10.2 拆除电机地脚螺栓,将电机拆下运至检修场所。10.3 对检修电机大各部位进行吹灰清洁。10.4 检查电机外观是否有裂痕或损坏10.5 拆下风扇罩和风扇,检查

41、是否存在破损并进行清理。10.6 拆下电机前后端盖,检查是否有破损,并进行清理。10.7 抽出电机转子,检查转子是否有扫膛现象;检查鼠笼条是否断裂、松动;检查轴承是否已经损坏和缺油,损坏的需更换,缺油的需加油,并清理干净。10.8 检查定子是否有扫膛现象;线圈端部是否绑扎紧固;槽契是否完整、有无松动;定子铁心是否松动。11检修工艺及质量标准(见表 5)表5检修工艺及质量标准序号检修项目工艺要点及注意事项质量标准m anipuat a cntol -Jon 2.1 Seec d.-son-a"-orIll Ca _icaton of ee .i c di n-srai . n,u .

42、a. you can mee 2"e-i a- 1-no-w hweve I - a.disrete eectonc." ae I - fata fowl() not- 2 ”the a. of cmp.ibi- ad(3) not ns- "me"""' s mode n indusr a auomai on teCnolgy Ie .b.a" incea - it he i.f i_s_l aUom.in, cmpee to muc.I temsf cmpueSo- d is wogea -a ntages a-

43、e can be" 2 the off ca de wii ng cntet aboutNow in al ways ofi_.l a-.often be ways(1)6Prgrmmae Log - l 'onto - ., to _ PC) I DSiutd DS for Sort), ad Logi Contol e PLC fr Sort) Ill PLC a PC and D, cntrst cntaS , ea te ns ad dev _pmet r.qU_ets fr _td_prooesSg maes i ivetd t in aethee ” a igl

44、l of Sada dizti on,-n uue more cmpatiUty toos Sa r ch sfwae resures ese thenned fr mm. i n opemn. . - ms adm_t is s_ on tIe viua mod. ea tme atatiq.- e nts Dsiutd sst_ statedwih iddstaaUomaic iSr to cnt" w hees now i S sccssu. - Ue - a sa ceta c.ctinad d SriUin . - m ad ta . Stin of diSr h.d“ l

45、op cnto,isb-nte-c the Ie a-atge, Siu. . - mia s grat as of s "c. - nus e ithew o. or de cn”、”.rmay s rela r t hsh” offu.ons Mare h cenuy -ege- mc- eecrn hno3 1a s .re on - procesig e be u- 序号检修项目工艺要点及注意事项质量标准1电动机端盖、风扇检查电动机端盖检查;风扇并检查;检查端盖轴承座内圈是否有轴承走外圈 的痕迹。端盖无裂缝,干净;风叶无碎裂及松动变形,清扫风扇;端盖内无裂缝、干净。2定子检查

46、吹扫电动机定子各部件上的积灰及脏污,再用毛刷及白布清擦,油污处用绝缘 清洗剂清洗,直至各部件干净;检查矽钢片;检查通风孔、铁芯与机座的装配处,检 查线圈端部、固定支架及绑环,间垫块, 各部分扎带扎绳;检查定子槽契的紧固情况;检查定子绕组引线绑扎,定子绕组各线 圈间及极相组间连接线接头,检查引线及引线鼻子;检查电动机本体外壳,地脚等,本体端 盖装配处止口应铲擦干净;测量电动机绕组线间的直流电阻(500V兆欧)并记录测量值。各部件清理干净;无短路发热变色、磨损;通风孔应通畅,装配处应牢固,端部线圈绑扎带牢固不松,无黄粉;无松动;引线无裂纹、无断裂,无过热发脆变色等痕迹,线鼻子接触面平整、压接牢固无

47、过热变色、松脱;无裂纹等机械损伤,止口完好。b-CLPGX-P-PRO-000-0- 380V电机检修作业指导书中电广西e_e_rji_c_uO_ai_j|_io_n_ea_i_deii_pmen_em,_eu_c ti i a e s i l a g islig lv klauaesCLPGuangxi版次;ataA4:.效卜卜杆叶:- 2008- I;06g J i 705 H修订次数:0第X虫共丫虫9序号检修项目工艺要点及注意事项质量标准3转子检查用吹尘器吹扫转子各部位上日勺枳灰及脏 污,再用毛刷及白布清擦,油污处用绝缘 清洁剂清洗,直至各部位清洁;检查转子鼠笼及其端环,用直接眼观配 合

48、捶击法,并同时检查鼠笼条在槽内的固 定情况;检查转子铁芯,并仔细察看转子轴与铁 芯装配处,检查平衡块;检查及清洗轴承油盖、油挡、注油孔及 排污管道;检查电机的轴承。十净;无断裂状,无锈蚀过热变色和裂纹、无松动现象;应无裂纹及损伤,表面光滑无脏污,平衡块无松动;油管畅通;轴承转动平滑无晃动。4电缆检查动力电缆及接线盒清扫、检查;电缆封堵检查;电缆接地情况检查;测量电缆的绝缘电阻。电缆头绝缘完好,无过热变色、 开裂、变脆现象。线鼻子压接牢固, 无放电痕迹。电缆标记明确、清晰;封堵完好;接地线完好,无断股。接线紧固。5电动机空载试转检查电动机的转向;检查电动机的振动;测量电动机的空载电流;检查电动机

49、的温度听电动机的轴承声杳应正确,并做好标记;电流小于额定电流的 40%,相对不超过10%;声音无异常。m anipuat a cntol -Jon 2.1 Seec d.-son-a"-orIll Ca _icaton of ee .i c di n-srai . n,u . a. you can me 2"e-i a- themnow, hweve I - a. di srete ee.onc." ae I - fata fowl() not- 2 ”the a. of cmp.i bi- ad(3) not "me"""' s mode n indusr a auomai on teCnolgy Ie .b.a" incea - it he _l of i_s_lauoma-,cmpee to muc.I tems of cmpueSo- d is wogea -a ntages a-e can be" 2 the off ca de wii ng cntet aboutNow in al ways ofi_.I n of-n be ways(1)Prgrmmae Log - l'onto - ., to _ PC) I DSiut


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