1、Five Famous MountainsThe Great WallBrief Introduction of the Great Wall To the northwest and north of Beijing, a huge, serrated wall zigzags its way to the east and west along the undulating mountains. This is the Great Wall, which is said to be visible from the moon. The Great Wall is one of the gr
2、eatest wonders in the world that created by human beings! A map of the Great Wall This map shows the Great Wall running from This map shows the Great Wall running from Jiayu Pass of Gansu Province to Shanhai Pass of Jiayu Pass of Gansu Province to Shanhai Pass of Hebei Province. Representative secti
3、ons of the Hebei Province. Representative sections of the Great Wall built in Ming times are situated near Great Wall built in Ming times are situated near Shanhai Pass, Gubeikou and Juyong Pass. Shanhai Pass, Gubeikou and Juyong Pass. The history of the Great Wall Construction of the Great Wall sta
4、rted in the 7th century B.C. The vassal states under the Zhou Dynasty in the northern parts of the country each built their own walls for defense purposes. After the state of Qin unified China in 221 B.C., it joined the walls to hold off the invaders from the Xiongnu tribes in the north and extended
5、 them to more than 10,000 li or 5,000 kilometers. This is the origin of the name Of the 10,000-li Great Wall. The history of the Great Wall The Great Wall was renovated from time to time after the Qin Dynasty. A major renovation started with the founding of the Ming Dynasty in 1368, and took 200 yea
6、rs to complete. The wall we see today is almost exactly the result of this effort. With a total length of over 6,000 kilometers, it extends to the jiayu Pass in Gansu Province in the west and to the mouth of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east. What lies north of Beijing is only a small
7、section of it.Badaling Section The Badaling section of the Great Wall snaking along the mountains northwest of Beijing was built at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty in the 14th century. Being 7.8 meters high and 5.8 meters wide at the top on the average, it has battle forts at important points, inc
8、luding the corners.Mutianyu Section The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall, 70 kilometers northeast of Beijing, is linked to the Gubeikou section on the east and the Badaling section on the west. It is one of the best sections of the Great Wall. The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall is crenellated
9、for watching and shooting at the invading enemy. Some of the battle forts on the wall are as close as 50 meters apart.Jinshanling Section Located in Miyun County northeast of Beijing, the Jinshanling division of the Great Wall, like the simatai division, belongs to the Gubeikou section of the coloss
10、al defense barrier. The battlements in the Jinshanling division of the Great Wall are built along the ridge of a mountain, where the soldiers can resist the invading enemy by takingadvantage of the high terrain . A decrepit battle fort at dusk often reminds one of the battles in ancient times.Simata
11、i Section Located to the east of Jinshanling, the Simatai division of the Great Wall is 3,000 meters long and has 35 battle forts. The wall rises and falls with the precipitous mountain ridge, while the battle forts are located high up the hills.Culture of the great wallThe man who have not climbed
12、the Great Wall is not the true man.Culture of the great wallLoving our China, repairing our Great wallHow to go to badalingRailway: Zhenjiang South Railway Station to Beijing Railway Station Airplane: Zhenjiang to Nanjing Lukou Airport + Flight form Nanjing to BeijingFive Famous MountainsFive Famous
13、 Mountains 五岳(五岳(Five Famous Mountains),是中国),是中国五大名山的总称。即东岳泰山(位于山东)、五大名山的总称。即东岳泰山(位于山东)、西岳华山(位于陕西)、北岳恒山(位于山西西岳华山(位于陕西)、北岳恒山(位于山西)、中岳嵩山(位于河南)、南岳衡山(位于)、中岳嵩山(位于河南)、南岳衡山(位于湖南),其中泰山居首。它们是封建帝王仰天湖南),其中泰山居首。它们是封建帝王仰天功之巍巍功之巍巍(Worship days)而封禅祭祀而封禅祭祀( FengChan sacrifice)的地方,更是封建帝王受命于天的地方,更是封建帝王受命于天(Rights gra
14、nted ),定鼎中原,定鼎中原(rule the country)的象征。的象征。五岳景色各有特点,受到许多游客的青睐,许五岳景色各有特点,受到许多游客的青睐,许多文人作家也留下了大量诗文作品。多文人作家也留下了大量诗文作品。Five Famous Mountains东岳泰山巍东岳泰山巍峨陡峻峨陡峻(abrupt ),气势磅礴气势磅礴(Towering Magnificent ),被尊为五,被尊为五岳之首。岳之首。 五岳又各具特色:泰山雄五岳又各具特色:泰山雄(majestic)、衡山秀、衡山秀(beautiful)、华山险华山险(steep),恒山奇,恒山奇(peculiar),嵩山奥,嵩
15、山奥(metaphysical) 。Five Famous MountainsThe prominent peak, Yuhuang peak, is 1545 meters high Five Famous MountainsTaishan Mountain, a typical representative of the Chinese famous traditional mountains, is a mountain with a long history and a special historic status. Five Famous Mountains南岳衡山南岳衡山地临湘水
16、地临湘水之滨,林之滨,林木苍郁木苍郁(Verdant Luxuriant) ,景色幽,景色幽(secluded)秀,享有秀,享有“五岳独五岳独秀秀”的美的美名。名。 Five Famous Mountains衡山,又名南衡山,又名南岳,是我国五岳,是我国五岳之一,位于岳之一,位于湖南省衡阳市湖南省衡阳市南岳区,海拔南岳区,海拔1300.2米。米。 Five Famous Mountains中华祝颂词中华祝颂词“福如东海,寿比南山福如东海,寿比南山”的的“南山南山”即衡即衡山。山。 Five Famous Mountains西岳华山,险西岳华山,险(steep)居五岳之首。居五岳之首。“自古自古
17、华山一条路华山一条路”,登临,登临犹比上天难,不吃豹犹比上天难,不吃豹子胆,只能望峰叹。子胆,只能望峰叹。 Five Famous Mountains华山是我国著名的五岳之一,海拔华山是我国著名的五岳之一,海拔2154.9米米 Five Famous Mountains长空栈道悬空半壁长空栈道悬空半壁(a plank road built along the face of a cliff ),下临深渊下临深渊(chasm),是华山最险,是华山最险要处之一。没有过人的胆量要处之一。没有过人的胆量(courage)和坚定的意志和坚定的意志(will),是不敢一游的。是不敢一游的。 Five Fa
18、mous Mountains北岳恒北岳恒山则山山则山势陡峭势陡峭(Steep hill),沟谷深沟谷深邃邃 (Valleys deep )Five Famous Mountains主峰天峰岭在浑主峰天峰岭在浑源县城南,海拔源县城南,海拔2016.8米米 。悬空寺悬空寺(temple)位于位于北岳恒山脚下、浑源北岳恒山脚下、浑源县城南县城南5公里处的金公里处的金龙峡龙峡(canyon)内西岩内西岩峭壁峭壁(cliff)上。上。 Five Famous Mountains中岳嵩山雄险中岳嵩山雄险(majestic steep)有之,奇秀有之,奇秀(peculiar beautiful)有之,似乎突
19、出在一个有之,似乎突出在一个“奥奥(metaphysical)”字上字上 。Five Famous Mountains嵩山由太室山与少嵩山由太室山与少室山组成,最高峰室山组成,最高峰连天峰连天峰1512米米 。少林寺位于嵩山少少林寺位于嵩山少室山北麓五乳峰室山北麓五乳峰(peak)下,少林武下,少林武术更是中华武术的术更是中华武术的瑰宝瑰宝(treasure),蛮,蛮声海内外声海内外(Pretty sound at home and abroad) “五五岳岳归归来来不不看看山山,黄黄山山归归来来不不看看岳岳” 。Five Famous Mountains“五五岳岳归归来来不不看看山山,黄黄山山归归来来不不看看岳岳” 。黄黄 山山In 1990 December, Anhui Huangshan Mountains Scenic Spot was collected into Directory of World Cultural and Natural Heritage by the UN Organization of
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