已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、一、根据题意完成句子1How _ is this T­shirt?Five dollars.2What's nine and(加) eleven?_3Ten and four is_.4_ _meat do you want?One kilo(公斤)二、单项选择5_are these trousers?8 dollars.AHow much BHow manyCWhat much DWhat many6There are five _ on the bed.Ashorts Bpair of shortsCpairs of shorts Dpairs of shortw w w

2、 .7She bought_clothes for me.Aa BanCmany Dmuch8Sam enjoys collecting. He has collected over three_stamps.(江苏淮安)Ahundred BhundredsChundred of Dhundreds of9This dictionary is twenty­five _.Ayuans BpoundCdollar Ddollars10How much _these trousers?Aare BisCam Ddo11“_tea did you have?”“Two cups.”AHow

3、 manyBHow muchCWhatDWhich12I have eleven apples. My sister gives me nineteen apples. Now, I have _ apples.Atwenty Btwenty­nineCthirty Dforty13There are_people in the movie theater.Atwo hundredsBtwo hundredCtwo hundred ofDhundred of14How much _ these black shoes?Ais Bare Chave Dhas15I don't

4、like this hat. It's too _.I want a small one.Abig Bsmall Cshort Dlong16Can I help you?_.I just have a look.AYes, please BNo,thanksCHere you are DSorry,you can't17How much _ this pair of shoes?Eight dollars _ OK.Ais;are Bare;is Cis;is Dare;are18_ are the shoes?They are green.AWhat BWhereCHow

5、DWhat color19This white T­shirt _ nice.Asound Bsounds Clook Dlooks20The socks are very cheap(便宜的)I'll _ them.Aplay BlikeCtake Dask21How much _ do you want?Ahamburgers BapplesCbananas Dchicken22_?Yes, please. I want a sweater.AWhat do you like BExcuse meCCan you help me DCan I help you23Can

6、I have a look at the green sweater?OK._.AHere they are BHere are theyCHere you are DHere are you三、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空24_are those shoes?They're twenty dollars.25How much _do you want?26How much is the skirt?$100_two.27How much _these socks?28How much rice _he want?四、根据汉语完成句子29那件绿色的毛衣多少钱?_ _ is the gr

7、een sweater?30他想要什么颜色的?_ _ _ he want?31有什么我可以帮忙的吗?是的。我想买一支钢笔。_ _ _ _?Yes,please. I want to buy a pen.32这件红色的毛衣看起来很好。The red sweater_ _.33我要买这件棕色的裤子。I will _ _ _ trousers.五、 句型转换34(2015·重庆A)The English dictionary is 25 dollars(对画线部分提问)_ _ is the English dictionary?35That shirt is 20 dollars.(用sh

8、orts作主语改写句子)_ shorts _ 20 dollars.36How much is this sweater? (用sweaters作主语改写句子)How much _ _ sweaters?37What can I do for you?(改为同义句)_ _ _ _?38These shoes are yellow(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ these shoes?六、看图片写出问句或答语39_?It's 9 dollars.40 _?They are nine dollars.41How much is the shirt?_42_?They are 3 dollar

9、s.43How much are the trousers?_七、 补全对话从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。A:_(44)B:Yes,please.I want a skirt for my daughter.A:OK. Come and have a look at the skirts here. We have different colors._(45)B:White.A:How about this one?B:Hmm,it looks nice._(46)A:It's thirty dollars.B:Oh.I think the price is high fo

10、r me.A:_(47) It's only fifteen dollars.B:Let me have a look. Oh, it's too big. Do you have a smaller one?A:Yes.Here you are.B:_(48)A:You are welcome.AExcuse me.BWhat color do you want?CCan I help you?DThank you.EHow much are they?FWhat about this one?GHow much is it?八、原创阅读 (词数:约80;建议用时:6分钟)H

11、ello!I'm Sally. I'm an English girl. I live in Beijing with my parents. Now I am in a clothes store. Wow!I see lots of nice clothes in it. They sell sweaters at a good price. They have some bags _(1)sports. They have hats in red, black and yellow. The brown skirts are on sale. They are only

12、15 dollars. I think they are cheap,so I buy a small one for myself and a _(2)one for my mother.49How much is the skirt?A15 dollars.B20 dollars.C21 dollars. D25 dollars.50在(1)处填上适当的介词_51在(2)处填上适当的形容词_52Where does Sally live?_53What color are the hats?_答案:一、1.much 2.Twenty 3.fourteen4How much点拨:本题采用寻找

13、题眼法。题眼为meat,不可数名词,提问数量用how much。二、5.A6C点拨:考查词组five pairs of shorts 意为“五条短裤”。7C点拨:clothes为集合名词,只能用many修饰。8A点拨:hundred前有具体数字修饰时,表示确切数目,其后不跟of,也不能用hundreds,故此处选A。9D点拨:yuan为人民币“元”,无复数形式;pound为英国货币“英镑”,需用复数形式;dollar为“美元”,需用复数形式,故选D。10.A11B点拨:tea为不可数名词,用how much提问数量。12C点拨:本题采用推算法。111930。13B点拨:hundred与具体数字

14、连用时,后不加­s,且不与of连用;当表示概数时,如“成百上千的”,使用“hundreds of”。14.B15A点拨:本题用形容词辨析法解题。big 大的;small 小的; short 短的;long长的。根据句意:我不喜欢这顶帽子。它太_。我想要一顶小的。可知应该选A。16B17C点拨:this pair of.作主语,谓语动词用单数;价格作主语时,即便是复数也要看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数,故选C。18D点拨:本题用前后照应法解题。由答语They are green.可知选D。19D点拨:nice为形容词,意为“好看的”,应用look修饰,主语为单数故选D。20C点拨:本题用

15、动词辨析法解题。play玩;like 喜欢;take带走,买下;ask问。句意:这些袜子很便宜,我将买下它们。故选C。21D点拨:How much 意为“多少”,后接不可数名词,而四个选项中只有chicken“鸡肉”是不可数名词。故选D。22D点拨:本题用结合语境法解题。根据答语:Yes, please. I want a sweater. 是的。我想要一件毛衣。可知问句应该是售货员所说的话,应该是Can I help you? 故选D。23C点拨:句意:我能看看这件绿色毛衣吗?好的,给你。故选C。三、24.How k26.for27.are28does点拨:原词给的是do,因本题主语为he,应将助动词do变为does。四、29.How much30What color does31Can I help you32looks nice33take the brown五、34.How much35Those; are36are these37Can I help you38What color are六、39.How much is the sweater40How much are the shoes41It's 8 dollars42How much are the socks43They are 9 dollars七、4448:C


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