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1、Australia Cultrue1212设计艺术与服装工程学院设计艺术与服装工程学院 Cooking Culture Australian diet has been heavily influence by people all over the world; Wheat, rice, oranges, bananas and grapes are very common crops in Australia and meat has been always been a large part of Australian diet; Kangaroo, though once a popu

2、lar meat in Australias early history, is no longer widely consumed; Beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and seafood are more common in twenty-first century Australia. Australian to eat British West cuisine, the staple food for cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, eggs, animal protein food, light taste, do not lik

3、e greasy, famous for its abundant and a large quantity . The main milk drinks, beer and coffee, not spicy food, and very interested in Chinese cuisine. 澳大利亚人以吃英式西菜为主,主食为牛、羊肉、鸡、鸭、蛋等,尤喜动物蛋白质类食物,口味清淡,不喜油腻,以丰盛和量大闻名。主要饮品为牛奶,啤酒和咖啡,不吃辣,对中国菜颇感兴趣。Cooking CultureDilicious food 袋鼠肉Australus 皇帝蟹King Crab 杜蛎 Oys

4、ter 鲍鱼 Abalone 龙虾 Lobster 鳄鱼肉Crocodile meat 拉明顿蛋糕 Lamingtons 安扎克饼干Anzac biscuitsAustralusAustralus tastes like beef , but do not eat beef export tender, nothing special. However, the Australian country animal to taste the kangaroo meat as, no doubt another layer of cultural taste. 口味和牛肉有点相似,但没有牛肉嫩,也

5、没有什口味和牛肉有点相似,但没有牛肉嫩,也没有什么特别之处。但是,品尝一下作为澳大利亚国兽的袋么特别之处。但是,品尝一下作为澳大利亚国兽的袋鼠肉,无疑另有一层文化上的滋味。鼠肉,无疑另有一层文化上的滋味。King Crab 皇帝蟹是指蟹的肥大,大的皇帝蟹是指蟹的肥大,大的皇帝蟹足有面盆大,看着就让人皇帝蟹足有面盆大,看着就让人垂涎欲滴垂涎欲滴。King crab is refers to the mast, the king crab foot basin, look at the people be unable to hide ones greed.OysterAlso known as

6、oyster, Australian oyster and fat, and clean, cheap. 又称蚝,澳大利亚的蚝又肥,又干净,又便宜又称蚝,澳大利亚的蚝又肥,又干净,又便宜。 蚝蚝可以生吃,也可以蒸吃可以生吃,也可以蒸吃 , ,新鲜的蚝连盖都没有打开,顾新鲜的蚝连盖都没有打开,顾客可以看着营业员开盖后,挤鲜柠檬汁至蚝肉上佐酱生客可以看着营业员开盖后,挤鲜柠檬汁至蚝肉上佐酱生吃,美味无穷吃,美味无穷 Abalone 澳大利亚澳大利亚盛产鲍鱼盛产鲍鱼 但是,但是,澳大利亚人不懂怎样吃鲍鱼澳大利亚人不懂怎样吃鲍鱼 鲍鱼除了出口之外,基本上鲍鱼除了出口之外,基本上只有在中国餐馆可见只有在

7、中国餐馆可见 。The rich Australian abalone but, Australians do not know how to eat ,abalone apart from exports, basically only seen in Chinese restaurants.Australian lobsterAustralian lobster nutrition is rich, tender meat, delicious sweet, smooth crisp, the flavor have a style of ones own. Because of its

8、strong adaptability, can endure the bad weather environment. 澳洲龙虾营养丰富,肉质细澳洲龙虾营养丰富,肉质细嫩、滑脆,味道鲜美香甜,风味嫩、滑脆,味道鲜美香甜,风味别具一格。其适应性强,能忍耐别具一格。其适应性强,能忍耐恶劣天气环境恶劣天气环境。Crocodile meat 鳄鱼肉中蛋白质含量较高,其鳄鱼肉中蛋白质含量较高,其中含有人体所必需氨基酸比例适中,中含有人体所必需氨基酸比例适中,并且还含有对人体有很高营养价值并且还含有对人体有很高营养价值的高级不饱和脂肪酸以及多种微量的高级不饱和脂肪酸以及多种微量元素元素。The high

9、 protein content of crocodile meat, which contains the body essential amino acid ratio is moderate, and also contains a very high value of nutrition on the human body of high unsaturated fatty acids and a variety of trace elements.It is a cube of sponge cake coated in chocolate and dried coconut.Lamingtons are sometimes served as two halves with a layer of cream and strawberry jam between. LamingtonANZAC Biscuits Anzac biscuits have been popular with Austra


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