英语可做定语,表语,补语,状语 的成分_第1页
英语可做定语,表语,补语,状语 的成分_第2页
英语可做定语,表语,补语,状语 的成分_第3页
英语可做定语,表语,补语,状语 的成分_第4页
英语可做定语,表语,补语,状语 的成分_第5页
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1、一.定语,状语,补语,表语 系统的比对,理解This is an interesting book. 这是一本有趣的书(形容词做定语, 特指有趣的,不是其他无趣的)This book is interesting. 这本书很有趣。(形容词做表语, 补充说明主语 the book的特质)We found this book interesting.我们发现这本书有趣。This is an interesting book for Children. 对于儿童来说这本书是有趣的。(for Children 对象状语)This interesting book sold well in 2016.

2、这本书在2016年卖的很好。(in 2016 做时间状语, interesting做定语修饰book)其实句子结构, 主, 谓, 宾, 定, 状, 补。 大家可以把这些成分,用一个舞台剧去构想, 就像他们互相搭配,形成的一个场景。一场戏基本构架就是 主 谓 宾,类似于 主人公, 动作, 人物的特质描述 或 事物。定 状 补: 可以理解为 定语 人物的塑造 剧本里设定好的, 状语相当于 情节中的环境,地点等, 补语 相当于事情的扩充,补充说明,类似独白。基本的框架搭建好了, 就可以排练演出了例句1She is a kind and easy-going girl with a good temp

3、er 主语 谓语 定语 宾语 补语 so that a lot of classmates love her. 结果状语从句(classmates 配角)例句2:Jack happened meet Rose crying and standing at the verge of boat at the evening a few days ago ,he persuaded her and tried every means to save her. But it is funny that he was mistaken for a bad man who wanted to hurt R

4、ose.Jack, Rose, boat, 人物, 舞台 都有了。 然后就是叙述故事的情节。Meet Rose, 谓语,宾语, 几天前的傍晚 时间状语Crying and standing 补充说明 Rose人物当时的特征, At the verge of boat, 地点At the evening a few days ago, 时间然后根据这个场景开始扩充事件, 描述。二 可做定语成分定语主要是修饰限定名词或者代词的, 一般能修饰名词或代词的词, 也都是形容词性特征的, 或者 时间 地点加以限定的 副词。主要是 形容词,形容词性物主代词, 数词, 不定式, 分词, 介词词组,句子,形容词

5、 作定语She is a beautiful girl.She is a kind girl.This is an interesting book.The tall boy is Jimmy.形容词性物主代词 作定语This is his bike. Whats your name please?Whose picture is it?This is my bag.数词作定语There are four apples on the table.We have four lessons in the morning. 我们上午有四节课。Hainan is the second largest

6、island of China. 海南是中国的第二大岛。不定式作定语Do you have anything more to say? 你还有什么要说的吗?There is nothing to say. 没什么要说的了。She give me some books to read. 她给了我几本书去读,(让我去读的书, 修饰限定名词books的)I have nothing to worry about. 我没什么好担心的。 (担心的是修饰事情的, 没什么让我担心的事, 这里 to worry about 是作定语的)I have a lot of homework to do. 我有许多要

7、做的作业。(要做的 to do 什么? 要做的作业, 修饰限定名词 homework的)介词短语做定语Who is the old lady with a baby in her arms? 那个抱着小孩的妇女是谁?(抱着小孩的 妇女, 不是其他的人, 特指抱着小孩的, 修饰限定的,补语是补充说明的, 说明所修饰词的特征,更多的特点的, 不是限定的。I found him in trouble, 我发现他有麻烦了, 这里发现他,发现他怎么了? 发现他有麻烦了, 对这个人,这件事的补充说明叙述, 补语补语 补充说明主语或宾语的,为了使句子完整的, 去掉了就会觉得句子不完整,好像没说完, 所以当判

8、定不了补语 还是 定语时, 去掉这个词, 看看句子意思是否还是一个完整的意思)分词做定语分词往往跟所修饰的名词或代词, 意思上是动宾结构, 如果是主动就用现在分词, 是被动就用过去分词)Barking dog seldom bite. 会叫的狗很少咬人。Polluted air is harmful to peoples health. 被污染的空气对人们的健康有害。This is one of the houses built last year. 这是去年所建的房子其中一个。句子作定语She has found the necklace that she lost last year. 她

9、找到了她去年丢失的项链。It happened at the time when I left the office. 当我要离开办公室的时候事情发生了。三可做补语的成分补语,就是补充说明 主语和宾语的,分为 补语 和 宾语补语。 一般由 名词, 形容词,副词,不定式,现在分词,过去分词,介词短语,除了句子, 可以看出来大部分的词都可以做补语, 补语是适用范围最广的, 还有状语, 独立主格, 几乎 形容词, 副词, 不定式, 分词, 介词短语都可以做。这样记得话不容易混淆。关于主语补语的介绍,大家比较凌乱, 可以看一下下方解释, 辅助区分 主补和 表语。补语和表语本来从内容上来说一个意思,去区

10、分是没什么意义的。只是不同的语法书上的不同提法。表语:是表述主语的特征、状态、身份等,位于动词之后。由名词或形容词担任。补语、补足主语和宾语意义的句子。表语也是主语补语中的一种,不过之所以称为表语,是它前面的谓语动词是is, are, am, keep, feel之类的系动词。如果谓语动词不是系动词,则称为主语补语。如下面的例子:I am a student. (a student是表语)The plane landed safe. (safe 就是主语的补足语)所以可以说表语是主语补语的一种特殊情况。主要看谓语动词。例如,He waked up frightened. fright

11、ened便是主语补足语,但我们无法称之为表语主语补语He woke up frightened. 他惊恐的醒来。The plane landed safe. 飞机安全的降落。宾语补语形容词做补语What you said made Xiao Wang angry. 你说了什么让小王生气的。I found the classroom empty. 我发现教室空荡荡的。When I ran to school , only to find the door locked. 当我跑到学校时,却发现校门锁了。We found this book interesting. 我们发现这本书挺有趣的。I w

12、ant to baked it hard.我想把它烘硬了。do you like your tea strong? 你要浓茶吗?I drank water hot. 我喝热水Dont let your cat loose. 不要让你的猫无拘无束。I wish you happy. 愿你快乐。Put these things straight. 把这些东西整理好。Burn it black. 把它烧黑。He drove her mad. 他把她逼疯了。She could talk herself blue in the face, I still wouldnt believe her.即使她讲

13、的口干舌燥,我仍然不相信她。名词作补语We elected him our monitor at the meeting.在会上我们选他作为班长。I name my dog Pit. 我叫我的狗pit。We made him our monitor . 我们让他做我们的班长。I found him a liar. 我发现他是一个骗子。爱说谎的人We think your brother a good person. 我们认为你哥哥是一个好人。副词作补语。Please ask her in. 请让他进来。I found him out. 我发现他不在家,出去了。Please call the s

14、tudents back at once. 立刻让学生们回来。He was seen to take his cap off. 他被看见摘他的帽子。不定式做补语My father will not allow us to play on the street. 爸爸不会让我妈在街上玩耍的。We believe him to be guilty. 我们相信他是有罪的。I felt my hands tremble. 我感觉我的手抖了。 (感官动词,变化的动词, 使役动词后 接不带to的不定式)We consider Tom to be one&#

15、160;of the best students in our class.  我们认为汤姆是班上最好的学生之一We didn't expect there to be so many people there.我们没料到会有那么多人在哪里。The book is believed to be uninteresting. 人们认为这本书没什么意思。

16、介词短语作补语I found him in trouble. 我发现他遇到麻烦了。I dont want her in danger. 我不想让她处于危险之中。They found the machine in a good state. 他们发现这台机器运转良好。He is thought of as a good person. 他被认为是一个好人。现在分词作补语。We hear her singing in the hall. 我们听见她正在大厅里唱歌。I found him lying in bed, sleeping. 我发现他躺在床上, 睡觉。She smelt something

17、 burning. 她闻到什么东西好像着火了。Tom was caught sleeping in class. Tom 被发现在课堂上睡觉。过去分词作补语He found his face reflected in the water. 他发现他的脸被倒映在水中。I heard it spoken of in the next room. 我听到隔壁房间说到了它。He managed to get it done on time. 他设法按时完成。The door was left fastened. 门是锁着的。三 可做状语成分状语用来修饰动词,形容词,副词,句子等表示行为发生的时间,地点

18、,目的,方式,原因,程度等。状语可以是一个句子、短语或者一个副词、一个形容词等等,用来修饰谓语动词。副词在英语里威力最大,除了可以修饰动词以外,还可以修饰形容词(Yao Ming is very tall.里的very修饰形容词)、修饰副词(He can speak English very well.里的very修饰副词well)。可作状语的有: 副词, 形容词, 分词, 不定式, 介词短语, 词组, 复合结构, 从句等。一般形容词 多表示伴随状语现在分词,过去分词多表示 方式,原因状语。副词多表示程度状语介词短语类似于插入语,多表示时间方面的状语不定式多表示目的状语句子多为地点,时间,之类

19、的,比较广泛。(一) 副词做状语,修饰动词,形容词,介词词组 或者整个句子。AHe lent a laptop just now. 他刚刚借了一台笔记本。可以有如下两种理解:1.( just 副词 修饰 时间副词 now)2.固定用法:这里两个词组不能拆开,只是作为一个短语适用 例如:You were rude to say that to your father just now. just now不是just修饰now的问题,而是一个固定用法,表示“刚刚”。个人认为这两种理解都可以, 知道这个用法就可以,会用就Ok.BI push the door very hard.在这个句子中very

20、和hard都是副词.hard是修饰push这个动作的副词;而very则是修饰hard这个副词的副词.在这里注意 very hard 作为程度状语 作为一个整体修饰动词push,并不修饰整个句子。程度副词的特点程度副词用于表示程度,常见的有almost, fairly, pretty, rather, quite, very, much, too, greatly, nearly, half, highly, awfully, deeply, partly, perfectly, really 等。 C .does it happen that children learn their moth

21、er tongue so(程度副词) well(描述性副词)? 其他例句参考:Speak politely. 讲礼貌It is very nice of you. 你真是太好了。Read loudly. 大声读。The girl dances very well. 这个女孩跳舞跳得好。We must work hard. 我们必须努力工作。He does his work very carefully. 他做工作非常仔细。I want to see the film very much. 我很想看这部电影。He angrily closed the door. 他生气地把门关上了。He has

22、 just left for work. 他刚刚离开去上班。We have already read the book. 我们都已读过这本书。The number of watching Tv rises quickly.(quickly副词修饰动词rise)副词用来修饰动词时要放在动词的后面,如果动词带有宾语要放在宾语的后面He looked carefullyHe did his homework carefully副词修饰形容词副词时放在形容词副词时放在其前面She is very beautifulShe runs very fast个人觉得其实都可以,有时前有时后,大部分常见的是在其

23、后。只不过所修饰的动词如果接有宾语的话,要放在宾语后面。例:He happily played a game.= He played a game happily.It is raining heavily.这里的heavily是副词修饰雨下的大Pretty soon the lilacs would be in bloom. 很快丁香就要开花了。介词词组可以被副词修饰,常用的是well, much:例如This is well above the March average. 这远远高于3月份的平均水平。Whose boundaries go well beyond the European

24、 Union, 他们的边界远远超出了欧盟的范围有一些副词可以修饰整个句子,说明说话人的态度,称为 句子副词。Honestly, I think youre a little prejudiced. 说真的,我感觉你有点偏见。Luckily, she were in when I called. 幸好我去时她在家。Curiously enough, he had never seen the little girl. 说也奇怪, 他从未见过那小女孩。Most likely, hes gone to bed. 很可能他已经睡了。What he says is true, possibly. 他的话

25、可能是真的。(二)介词短语作状语,一般修饰整个句子,表示时间,说话人态度等At present about 38% of the Chinese population smoke. 目前中国大约有38% 的人吸烟。To his surprise, she criticized him instead of praising him. 使他吃惊的是,她不仅没有表扬他反而批判了他。Ill be back in two hours.我两小时后赶回来。She was born in 1990. 她是1990年出生的。(三)不定式作状语不定式常可作状语来表示目的(a)、 结果(b)、程度(c)、原因(d

26、)等。也可以用来修饰整个句子,可称为 句子状语。a. To search for gold, many people went to California. 为了找金子,许多人都去了加利福尼亚。We can send a car over to fetch you.我们可以派车去接你。b. They lifted a rock only to drop it on their own feet.他们搬起石头砸了自己的脚。He hurried to the place only to find the house empty.他赶到那里只发现房子里空无一人。c. it was too late

27、to do anything now.现在做什么都已为时太晚。We are fortunate enough to get an empty car.我们很幸运,找到了一辆空车。Youre far too clever to have done that.你很聪明,不会做出这种事的。d. what has happened to make you so sad?出了什么事让你这样伤心Im glad to see you here.在这里见到你真开心。She shuddered to think of it.想到这事她不寒而栗。不定式也可以用来修饰整个句子,可称为 句子状语。To be fran

28、k, your English is not flawless. 坦率地说,你的英语不是完美无瑕的。To be honest, I dont quite agree with you.说老实话, 我不完全同意你的一件。To tell you the truth, I hate to do it.说真的,我不愿这样做。You are wrong about the facts to begin with. 首先你把事实都弄错了。(四)形容词作状语形容词有时也可做状语, 常和句子的谓语用逗号隔开:He spent seven days in the wind and snow, cold and

29、hungry.他在风雪中过了七天,又冷又饿。Tired and hungry, he arrived home.他到家了,又累又饿。Afraid of the dogs, she entered by the back door.由于害怕狗,她从后门进去了。She went back to Boston, eager to see her Children.她回到波斯顿,急于见她的孩子。Helpless, I decided to give up the job.我无可奈何,决定辞去这份工作。有时形容词也可和动词一起用,中间不加逗号。He stood helpless, not knowing

30、 what to do. 他无可奈何的站着,不知如何是好。He sat motionless. 他一动不动的坐着。Dont throw that plastic bag away, it may come in handy.别把那塑料袋扔掉,他可能会有用处。(五)分词(短语)作状语1. 现在分词(短语)也常可用作状语, 通常有逗号把它和主谓分开,可以表示伴随情况(a)原因(b)、时间(c)等a. Opening the drawer, he took out a book. 他打开抽屉,拿出一本书。Taking off our shoes, we crept cautiously along

31、the passage.脱掉了鞋,我们小心翼翼地沿着通道爬行。He lay still, staring blankly at the ceiling.他静静地躺着, 茫然地望着天花板。She went out of the room, taking the flowers with her.她带着那些花走出屋去。Lena shook her head, smiling.丽娜笑着摇了摇头。 b. Being poor himself, he couldnt help us.他自己就很穷, 没有力量帮助我们。Not knowing her address, we couldnt get in t

32、ouch with her.由于不知道她的地址,我们无法和她联系。Feeling rather tired, she went to bed.由于感到相当疲劳,她就睡觉了。c. Hearing the news, they decided to act.听到这消息,他们决定采取行动。Seeing this, she became rather worried.看到这情况,她很有些发愁。Walking through the park, we saw a fine flower show.我们从公园穿过时看到一个漂亮的花卉展。分词有时用完成形式(a),有时有自己的逻辑主语(b)a. Having

33、 been there once, he knew the place fairly well.由于去过那里一次,他很熟悉这地方。Not having received instructions, he didnt know what to do.由于没收到指示,他不知道该怎么办。b. The day being fine, we decided to have a picnic by the lake.天气很好, 我们决定到湖边野餐。There being nothing else to discuss, he declared the meeting closed.由于没有别的事要讨论,

34、他宣布闭会。Weather permitting, well go on a tour of the lake district next week.如果天气允许,我们下星期将去游览湖区。有些分词常和某些动词连用, 中间不加逗号。I have spent all day looking for you.我花了一整天时间找你。She always ready to go skating. 她向来爱去溜冰。I lay tossing half the night.我翻来覆去半夜没睡着。2.用过去分词做状语的时候也不少,可以表示伴随情况(a)原因(b)、时间(c)等He entered, accom

35、panied by his secretary.他由秘书陪着走了进来。A woman came in, followed by her daughter.一个妇女走了进来,后面跟着她的女儿。Moved by his speech, many people volunteered to help in the work.受他讲话的感动, 许多人自愿参加这项工作。Taken in time, the medicine will be quite effective.如果及时服用,这药是相当有效的。I stand prepared to dispute it.我准备对此提出异议。(六)此外,词组,复

36、合结构,从句 也可作状语Ill stay here another five months. (词组作状语)He entered the room, his nose red with cold.(复合结构作状语)He asked me to stay where I was.(从句做状语)可做表语的成分主语+系动词+形容词She felt a bit dizzy. 她感到有点头晕。The dish smells good.这盘菜闻起来不错She remained comparatively calm.她保持相对镇静。Gradually he became silent. 慢慢地他安静了下来。Those chocolates smell tempting.那些巧克力闻起来很诱人。He felt troubled and distressed. 他感到很烦恼痛苦。She didnt look convinced. 她显得不太信服。主语+系动词+名词(代词)That girl was my fiancée. 那女孩是我的未婚妻。We can remain friends. 我们可以继续做朋友。I still stand your friend. 我仍然是你的朋友。His dream has at last become a reality. 他的梦想终于成为现实。主


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