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1、Lesson 23 Lesson 23 One mans meat is another One mans meat is another mans poisonmans poisonHI-POP poison n.毒药毒药 One mans meat is another mans poison. (What is good for one man may be very bad for another.) 各有所爱 take poison 服毒Eg. He committed suicide by taking poison. give poison to sb./sth.使某人或某物中毒

2、 hate sb. like poison 恨透某人了 name ones poison (口语)说出自己喜欢喝的酒Eg. -Name your poison,please =whats your poison?你们要喝什么酒? poisonous adj. 有毒的 be poisonous to ones ideas对某人的思想有害 highly / slightly poisonous 剧毒的;毒性小的 poison vt.毒害,使中毒毒害,使中毒 -He was poisoned by pesticide.(杀虫剂,农药) drug n. 毒品 take drug (=use drug)

3、 吸毒 take a drug 吃药 drug rehabilitation(修复;康复) center 戒毒所illogical adj.illogical adj.不合逻辑的,无章法的logical adj.logical adj.符合逻辑的符合逻辑的logical relation逻辑关系 logical reasoning逻辑推理Some of his arguments are illogical.It seems illogical to change the timetable so often. il- il-作为前缀表作为前缀表“不,非不,非”legal合法的-illegal

4、 非法的licit 合法的-illicit 不正当的literate受过教育的,有文化的-illiterate 文盲的legible 清晰的,易辨认的-illegible 难辨认的 ink-fish 乌贼 octagon 八角形October (it was the 8th month according to Roman calendar)octogenarian 八旬老人 delicacy n.美味,佳肴,精美的食物美味,佳肴,精美的食物;精致;优雅;精致;优雅; local delicacy 风味小吃,当地特色菜肴 -He considered chicken to be a great

5、 delicacy. delicate adj.美味的,可口的(=delicious);精美的;纤细的;微妙的 delicate perfume淡雅的香水;delicate skin 娇嫩的皮肤; delicate structure 精巧的结构; delicate sense of smell 灵敏的嗅觉 repulsive adj.令人反感的,令人生厌的令人反感的,令人生厌的 I find octopus repulsive. The sight of him is repulsive to me. 一见到他就让我讨厌。 My stomach would turn at the idea

6、of frying potatoes. disgusting adj. 令人反感的, 令人生厌的 disgusting personal habitsstomach n.胃胃stomach cancer / stomach troubleHe had an upset stomach。肚子痛You should take this medicine on an empty stomach.空腹服用空腹服用Avoid drinking on an empty stomach.have a strong stomach for sb. / sth. 容忍,忍耐I dont have a stron

7、g stomach for the snobs(势力小人)turn ones stomach 让人觉得反胃让人觉得反胃The sight of the slaughtered cow turned my stomach.have no stomach for a fight / quarrel 没心思打架、吵没心思打架、吵架架 【联想联想】appetite n. 食欲;嗜好食欲;嗜好She is suffering ffrom lack of appetite.Mary has no appetite for hard work.have a bad appetite 没有食欲improve

8、the appetite 增进食欲lose ones appetite 食欲减退have an appetite for knowledge 求知欲turn v.感到感到恶恶心,反胃(心,反胃(转动转动,使旋使旋转转,翻,翻过来过来)Her stomach turned at the sight of blood. The sight of greasy food made my stomach turn / turned my stomach. fry v.油炸油炸; 油煎油煎 frying pan煎锅fried egg 煎鸡蛋 fried chicken 炸鸡fry up 加热加热 -Fr

9、y up the food ,please. boil v. 煮;boil an egg; instant-boiled mutton 涮羊肉 stew v. 炖; stewing steak 焖牛排; stewed chicken 炖鸡 steam v. 蒸;steamed-bread 馒头 bake v. 烤, 烘焙 bleach v.(放热水中)焯一下 roast v.烤(肉); n. 烤肉adj. 烧烤过的 barbecue n. 烧烤;烤肉 fat n.(动物、植物)油,脂肪动物、植物)油,脂肪 fatty food 富含脂肪的食物 fatty acid 脂肪酸; fatty liv

10、er 脂肪肝 put on weight/fatlose weight/fat 增肥增肥-减肥减肥 low fat 低脂 血脂 blood fat chew the fat 闲谈,聊天闲谈,聊天 fat meat 肥肉;fat lands 肥沃的土地 fat cat【俚】有钱人abuse n.v. 辱骂,责骂;辜负;辱骂,责骂;辜负;滥用职权滥用职权abuse of power abuse ones position / authority / privilege / trust / confidence 辜负信任;过于自信辜负信任;过于自信/自负自负She is always abusing

11、 and offending people. He burst into a storm of abuse at her.他对她破口大骂。他对她破口大骂。 snail n.蜗牛蜗牛v.缓慢移动缓慢移动 at a snails pace 磨磨蹭蹭,慢吞吞磨磨蹭蹭,慢吞吞-I cant bear him, he does everything at a snails pace. snails mail : letters sent by post 普通邮件 (E-mail)-The car is snailing on the street.【联想】sneak v. to go secretly

12、and quietly 蹑手蹑脚地走They managed to sneak past the guard on the gate. sneak a look / glance at 偷瞟了一眼 luxury n.奢侈品,珍品奢侈品,珍品adj.奢侈的奢侈的 The diamond ring is a luxury to me. The increasing sale of luxury goods is an index of the countrys prosperity. 侈奢品销售的增长是该国繁荣的标志。 luxury goods; luxury tax 侈奢品税luxury car

13、 豪车 luxury liner luxurious adj.奢侈的,豪华的(=extravagant) goods/tax/cat/hotel/liner associate vt 把把和和联系起来;联系起来;vi. 和和来往,共事;来往,共事; n.同事,伙伴(同事,伙伴(=colleague) associate A with B (be associated with)(=connect with=link with) Can you associate snails with delicious food? Chinese will associate red with merry

14、while Americans link it with danger. adj.副的副的 associate professor副教授associate director 副导演,副主任 despise vt.鄙视鄙视Eg. Strategically we should despise all our enemies, but tactically we should take them all seriously.在战略上我们要藐视一切敌人,战术上我们要重视一切敌人。【联想联想】look down upon蔑视,瞧不起蔑视,瞧不起 -Dont look down upon anyone.

15、 contempt n. 轻视,蔑视treat sb. with contempt 鄙视;傲慢对待in contempt of 轻视,不把放眼里in contempt of court 藐视法庭feel contempt for 看不起, 轻视 scorn vt. vi. n. 轻蔑,嘲笑,不屑轻蔑,嘲笑,不屑 (if you treat someone or sth. with scorn, you show contempt for them. ) Several leading officers have quite openly scorned the peace talk. 几名高级

16、官员相当公开地蔑视和平谈判。 make light of 轻视;对轻视;对不在乎不在乎 The matter was much made light of in the press. 这件事在报上被极力贬低。 distain v. / n. 蔑视,轻视,瞧不起蔑视,轻视,瞧不起with distain 轻蔑地轻蔑地 appeal v.引起兴致;吸引;呼吁;求助;诉请;引起兴致;吸引;呼吁;求助;诉请;恳求恳求 n. appeal to sb. 吸引某人, 引起某人兴趣 Eating snails never appeals to me. appeal to sb. to do / for st

17、h.恳求某人做恳求某人做appeal to arms force 诉诸武力;appeal to public opinion 激起社会舆论;appeal to the law 诉诸法律; appeal to sb. for help 请求某人帮助 appeal for sth. 为.而呼吁、请求appeal for aid 求援;appeal for charity 乞求施舍appeal against 不服而上诉appeal against a judgment 不服判决appeal against an arbitration 不服仲裁上诉The police appealed to th

18、e crowd not to panic.Her novels appeal mostly to women.Jazz hasnt much appeal to me. shower n.阵雨,淋浴阵雨,淋浴-My shoes were caked with(厚厚的黏上 ) mud in a country road after a shower. -阵雨过后走在乡村小路上,我的鞋子上沾了些泥块。-She is taking a shower. 洗淋浴 take a shower 沐浴乳 shower gel stroll n.溜达,散步溜达,散步(slow walking for pleas

19、ure in street or in garden) go for a stroll = go for a walk take a stroll = take a walk v.闲逛,漫步闲逛,漫步 -He is strolling along the road. stroller n.散步者,流浪者wander vi.漫步,徘徊,游荡;溜达漫步,徘徊,游荡;溜达-eg. He has nothing to do , so he is wandering along the street. impulse n.冲动(冲动(a sudden wish to do sth.) on (an) i

20、mpulse 凭一时冲动凭一时冲动 He rushed out to catch up with that girl on impulse. have an impulse to do sth. 心血来潮要做某心血来潮要做某事事 On impulse, I picked up the phone and rang my sister in Australia. He had a sudden impulse to go on holidays. impulsive adj. 冲动的冲动的impulsive buying 冲动性购买冲动性购买 dozen n.12个,一打个,一打 pack in

21、 dozen 成打包装 sell by the dozen 论打出售 by weight 以重量计 -We usually buy eggs by the dozen. dozens of 几十,许多的 a dozen of 一打;half a dozen 半打通常dozen 前与具体数字连用时,dozen不加s,不加of; 如果前面与several、a few等连用时,加不加s都可以,但是需要注意,加s时必须加of; 不加s,of可省略。当dozen后面有the, these, those 等限定词,或后面是us, them等代词时,必须加of.lseveral dozen (of) pen

22、cils = several dozens of pencilsltwo dozen eggs; two dozen of these eggs; two dozen of them fancy v.喜爱,喜欢;想像;喜爱,喜欢;想像;n. 喜爱;幻想;想像力喜爱;幻想;想像力Have a fancy for 喜爱;热衷于fancy doing sth. 设想做; 想不到!fancy oneself (as) 自负,自以为是Fancy meeting you here! Fancy you having done such a thing! adj.花哨的,昂贵的,高级的花哨的,昂贵的,高级的

23、 fancy goods花哨商品fancy dress化妆舞会穿的服装 fancy dress party化妆舞会fancy fruits特级水果 The dress is too fancy for me. Text:(L1) People become quite illogical when they try to decide what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten. If you lived in the Mediterranean, for instance, you would consider octopus a great del

24、icacy.Text:(L3)You would not be able to understand why some people find it repulsive. On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fatthe normally accepted practice in many northern countries. 表语从句 (L7-8) -The sad truth is (that most of us have been brought up

25、to eat certain foods and we stick to them all our lives). 在句中充当表语,关联词有从属连词that/ whether, 疑问代词 who/ what, 疑问副词 when/ where/ why/ how -The problem is (who we can get to replace her). The problem is whether we can go through all the difficuclties. 注 :表“是否”只能用whether引导,不用if , as if 也可引导表从,表“好像,宛如”,而且有时要

26、用虚拟。 -All this was twenty years ago, but it seems (as if it were only yesterday). -Thats( not where it belongs.) -Thats (why I want you to work there. -The question is (how he did it). -His first question was( whether she had arrived yet). Text:(L9) No creature has received more praise and abuse tha

27、n the common garden snail. Cooked in wine, snails are a great luxury in various parts of the world. There are countless people who, ever since their early years, have learned to associate snails with food. Text:(L11)My friend, Robert, lives in a country where snails are despised. As his flat is in a

28、 large town, he has no garden of his own. For years he has been asking me to collect snails from my garden and take them to him. Text:(L13) The idea never appealed to me very much, but one day, after a heavy shower, I happened to be walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snails taking

29、a stroll on some of my prize plants. Text:(L15) Acting on a sudden impulse, I collected several dozen, put them in a paper bag, and took them to Robert. Robert was delighted to see me and equally pleased with my little gift. Text:(L16) I left the bag in the hall and Robert and I went into the living-room where we talked for a couple of hours. I had forgotten all about the sn


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