1、 电子万年历的设计与制作(翻译)1、 引言电子钟已成为人们日常生活中必不可少的物品,广泛用于个人家庭以及车站、码头、剧院、办公室等公共场所,给人们的生活、学习、工作、娱乐带来了极大的方便。随着技术的发展,人们已不再满足于钟表原先简单的计时功能,希望出现一些新的功能,诸如日历的显示、闹钟的应用等,以带来更大的方便,而所有这些,又都是以数字化的电子时钟为基础的。因此,研究实用电子时钟及其扩展应用,有着非常现实的意义,具有很大的实用价值1。由于数字集成电路技术的发展和采用了先进的石英技术,现代电子钟具有走时准确、性能稳定、制作维修简单等优点,弥补了传统钟表的许多不足之处。我们利用单片机技术设计制作的
2、电子万年历, 可以很方便的由软件编程进行功能的调整和改进,使其在能够准确显示年、月、日、时间、星期的同时,还能具有很多其他的功能。如设定闹钟、语音报时、阴阳历的转换、二十四节气的显示等,有一定的新颖性和实用性,同时体积小、携带方便,使用也更为方便,具有技术更新周期短、成本低、开放灵活等优点,具备一定的市场前景。这里要介绍的就是一款可满足使用者特殊要求,输出方式灵活、计时准确、性能稳定、维护方便的实用电子万年历。2、技术可行性随着国内超大规模集成电路的出现,微处理器及其外围芯片有了迅速的发展。集成技术的最新发展之一是将CPU和外围芯片,如程序存储器、数据存储器、并行I/O口、串行I/O口、定时/
3、计数器、中断控制器及其他控制部件集成在一个芯片之中,制成单片计算机(Single-Chip Microcomputer)。而近年来推出的一些高档单片机还包括有许多特殊功能单元,如A/D、D/A转换器、调制解调器、通信控制器、锁相环、DMA、浮点运算单元、PWM控制输出单元、PWM输出时的死区可编程控制功能等。因此,只要外加一些扩展电路及必要的通道接口就可以构成各种计算机应用系统,如工业流水线控制系统、作为家用电器的主控制器、分布式控制系统的终端节点或作为其主控制节点起中继的作用、数据采集系统、自动测试系统等2。单片机的出现,并在各技术领域中得到如此迅猛的发展,与单片机构成计算机应用系统所形成的
4、下述特点有关: 2.1、单片机构成的应用系统有较大的可靠性。这些可靠性的获得除了依靠单片机芯片本身的高可靠性以及应用有最少的联接外,还可以方便地采用软、硬件技术。2.2、系统扩展、系统配置较典型、规范,容易构成各种规模的应用系统,应用系统有较高的软、硬件利用系数。 2.3、由于构成的应用系统是一个计算机系统,相当多的测、控功能由软件实现,故具有柔性特征,不须改变硬件系统就能适当地改变系统功能。 2.4、有优异的性能、价格比。可以说,目前国内外面临的单片机应用技术,如同60年代面临晶体管技术,70年代面临数字集成电路一样。单片机和可编程门阵列相结合,构成新一代电子应用技术是不可能回避的一项新型的
5、工程应用技术3。3、 设计背景随着经济的不断发展,人们对生活质量的要求也在不断地提高。厂家也不断的推出各种电子产品以满足人们的需要,而电子万年历则顺应了人们对时间方面的要求。传统的电子万年历功能较为单一,价格较高,较难走进千家万户,没能达到人们生活中所需要的最基本要求,本课题旨在设计一款,功能较全面,价格较低且实用性强的电子万年历。以满足不同使用者的需求。4、设计要求能设计并制作出功能比较全面,价格较为适中的电子万年历。功能要求:可以显示年、月、日、显示时间、星期;扩展要求:具有阴阳历转换功能、节日功能。设计相应的软件并与硬件设计者共同完成系统的软件设计工作,基本完成系统的软、硬件统调工作。编
6、写符合天河学院毕业论文规范的设计论文。设计者应具备单片机系统设计的基本知识,设计须提供单片机系统的开发工具。5、设计的意义随着电子技术的迅速发展,特别是随着大规模集成电路 出现,给人类生活带来了根本性的变化。尤其是单片机技术的应用产品已经走进了千家万户。电子万年历的出现给人们的生活带来了诸多方便。但传统的电子万年历除显示时间以外,功能较为单一,逐渐失去了市场。新型电子万年历的产生 更会带来更多方便,现在的发展方向以实用型,方便型,美观型,精巧型为主。电子万年历作为电子类小设计不仅是市场上的宠儿,也是单片机实验中一个很常用的题目。我国生产的电子万年历有很多种,总体上来说以研究多功能电子万年历为主
8、可靠。AT89C51是由ATMEL公司推出的一种小型单片机。95年出现在中国市场。其主要特点为采用Flash存贮器技术,降低了制造成本,其软件、硬件与MCS-51完全兼容,可以很快被中国广大用户接受,其程序的电可擦写特性,7、AT89C51和DS1302的资料. 7.1 AT89C51AT89C51是一种带4K字节闪烁可编程可擦除只读存储器(FPEROMFlash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory)的低电压,高性能CMOS 8位微处理器,俗称单片机。AT89C2051是一种带2K字节闪烁可编程可擦除只读存储器的单片机。单片机的可擦除只读存储器
9、可以反复擦除100次。该器件采用ATMEL高密度非易失存储器制造技术制造,与工业标准的MCS-51指令集和输出管脚相兼容。由于将多功能8位CPU和闪烁存储器组合在单个芯片中,ATMEL的AT89C51是一种高效微控制器,AT89C2051是它的一种精简版本。AT89C单片机为很多嵌入式控制系统提供了一种灵活性高且价廉的方案。 主要特性:·与MCS-51 兼容 ·4K字节可编程闪烁存储器 ·寿命:1000写/擦循环·数据保留时间:10年·全静态工作:0Hz-24MHz·三级程序存储器锁定·128×8位内部RAM
10、83;32可编程I/O线·两个16位定时器/计数器·5个中断源 ·可编程串行通道·低功耗的闲置和掉电模式·片内振荡器和时钟电路 管脚说明:P0口:P0口为一个8位漏级开路双向I/O口,每脚可吸收8TTL门电流。当P1口的管脚第一次写1时,被定义为高阻输入。P0能够用于外部程序数据存储器,它可以被定义为数据/地址的第八位。在FIASH编程时,P0 口作为原码输入口,当FIASH进行校验时,P0输出原码,此时P0外部必须被拉高。P1口:P1口是一个内部提供上拉电阻的8位双向I/O口,P1口缓冲器能接收输出4TTL门电流。P1口管脚写入1后,被内部上
11、拉为高,可用作输入,P1口被外部下拉为低电平时,将输出电流,这是由于内部上拉的缘故。在FLASH编程和校验时,P1口作为第八位地址接收。 P2口:P2口为一个内部上拉电阻的8位双向I/O口,P2口缓冲器可接收,输出4个TTL门电流,当P2口被写“1”时,其管脚被内部上拉电阻拉高,且作为输入。并因此作为输入时,P2口的管脚被外部拉低,将输出电流。这是由于内部上拉的缘故。P2口当用于外部程序存储器或16位地址外部数据存储器进行存取时,P2口输出地址的高八位。在给出地址“1”时,它利用内部上拉优势,当对外部八位地址数据存储器进行读写时,P2口输出其特殊功能寄存器的内容。P2口在FLASH编程和校验时
13、外部数据存储器时,将跳过一个ALE脉冲。如想禁止ALE的输出可在SFR8EH地址上置0。此时, ALE只有在执行MOVX,MOVC指令是ALE才起作用。另外,该引脚被略微拉高。如果微处理器在外部执行状态ALE禁止,置位无效。/PSEN:外部程序存储器的选通信号。在由外部程序存储器取指期间,每个机器周期两次/PSEN有效。但在访问外部数据存储器时,这两次有效的/PSEN信号将不出现。/EA/VPP:当/EA保持低电平时,则在此期间外部程序存储器(0000H-FFFFH),不管是否有内部程序存储器。注意加密方式1时,/EA将内部锁定为RESET;当/EA端保持高电平时,此间内部程序存储器。在FLA
14、SH编程期间,此引脚也用于施加12V编程电源(VPP)。XTAL1和XTAL2分别为反向放大器的输入和输出。该反向放大器可以配置为片内振荡器。石晶振荡和陶瓷振荡均可采用。如采用外部时钟源驱动器件,XTAL2应不接。有余输入至内部时钟信号要通过一个二分频触发器,因此对外部时钟信号的脉宽无任何要求,但必须保证脉冲的高低电平要求的宽度。 整个PEROM阵列和三个锁定位的电擦除可通过正确的控制信号组合,并保持ALE管脚处于低电平10ms 来完成。在芯片擦操作中,代码阵列全被写“1”且在任何非空存储字节被重复编程以前,该操作必须被执行。此外,AT89C51设有稳态逻辑,可以在低到零频率的条件下静态逻辑,
15、支持两种软件可选的掉电模式。在闲置模式下,CPU停止工作。但RAM,定时器,计数器,串口和中断系统仍在工作。在掉电模式下,保存RAM的内容并且冻结振荡器,禁止所用其他芯片功能,直到下一个硬件复位为止。 串口通讯单片机的结构和特殊寄存器,这是你编写软件的关键。至于串口通信需要用到那些特殊功能寄存器呢,它们是SCON,TCON,TMOD,SCON等,各代表什么含义呢?SBUF 数据缓冲寄存器这是一个可以直接寻址的串行口专用寄存器。有朋友这样问起过“为何在串行口收发中,都只是使用到同一个寄存器SBUF?而不是收发各用一个寄存器。”实际上SBUF 包含了两个独立的寄存器,一个是发送寄存,另一个是接收寄
16、存器,但它们都共同使用同一个寻址地址99H。CPU 在读SBUF 时会指到接收寄存器,在写时会指到发送寄存器,而且接收寄存器是双缓冲寄存器,这样可以避免接收中断没有及时的被响应,数据没有被取走,下一帧数据已到来,而造成的数据重叠问题。发送器则不需要用到双缓冲,一般情况下我们在写发送程序时也不必用到发送中断去外理发送数据。操作SBUF寄存器的方法则很简单,只要把这个99H 地址用关键字sfr定义为一个变量就可以对其进行读写操作了,如sfr SBUF = 0x99;当然你也可以用其它的名称。通常在标准的reg51.h 或at89x51.h 等头文件中已对其做了定义,只要用#include 引用就可
17、以了。SCON 串行口控制寄存器通常在芯片或设备中为了监视或控制接口状态,都会引用到接口控制寄存器。SCON 就是51 芯片的串行口控制寄存器。它的寻址地址是98H,是一个可以位寻址的寄存器,作用就是监视和控制51 芯片串行口的工作状态。51 芯片的串口可以工作在几个不同的工作模式下,其工作模式的设置就是使用SCON 寄存器。REM 为允许接收位,REM 置1 时串口允许接收,置0 时禁止接收。REM 是由软件置位或清零。如果在一个电路中接收和发送引脚P3.0,P3.1 都和上位机相连,在软件上有串口中断处理程序,当要求在处理某个子程序时不允许串口被上位机来的控制字符产生中断,那么可以在这个子
18、程序的开始处加入REM=0 来禁止接收,在子程序结束处加入REM=1 再次打开串口接收。大家也可以用上面的实际源码加入REM=0 来进行实验。TB8 发送数据位8,在模式2 和3 是要发送的第9 位。该位可以用软件根据需要置位或清除,通常这位在通信协议中做奇偶位,在多处理机通信中这一位则用于表示是地址帧还是数据帧。RB8 接收数据位8,在模式2 和3 是已接收数据的第9 位。该位可能是奇偶位,地址/数据标识位。在模式0 中,RB8 为保留位没有被使用。在模式1 中,当SM2=0,RB8 是已接收数据的停止位。TI 发送中断标识位。在模式0,发送完第8 位数据时,由硬件置位。其它模式中则是在发送
19、停止位之初,由硬件置位。TI 置位后,申请中断,CPU 响应中断后,发送下一帧数据。在任何模式下,TI 都必须由软件来清除,也就是说在数据写入到SBUF 后,硬件发送数据,中断响应(如中断打开),这时TI=1,表明发送已完成,TI 不会由硬件清除,所以这时必须用软件对其清零。RI 接收中断标识位。在模式0,接收第8 位结束时,由硬件置位。其它模式中则是在接收停止位的半中间,由硬件置位。RI=1,申请中断,要求CPU 取走数据。但在模式1 中,SM2=1时,当未收到有效的停止位,则不会对RI 置位。同样RI 也必须要靠软件清除。常用的串口模式1 是传输10 个位的,1 位起始位为0,8 位数据位
20、,低位在先,1 位停止位为1。它的波特率是可变的,其速率是取决于定时器1 或定时器2 的定时值(溢出速率)。AT89C51 和AT89C2051 等51 系列芯片只有两个定时器,定时器0 和定时器1,而定时器2是89C52 系列芯片才有的。波特率在使用串口做通讯时,一个很重要的参数就是波特率,只有上下位机的波特率一样时才可以进行正常通讯。波特率是指串行端口每秒内可以传输的波特位数。有一些初学的朋友认为波特率是指每秒传输的字节数,如标准9600 会被误认为每秒种可以传送9600个字节,而实际上它是指每秒可以传送9600 个二进位,而一个字节要8 个二进位,如用串口模式1 来传输那么加上起始位和停
21、止位,每个数据字节就要占用10 个二进位,9600 波特率用模式1 传输时,每秒传输的字节数是9600÷10960 字节。51 芯片的串口工作模式0的波特率是固定的,为fosc/12,以一个12M 的晶振来计算,那么它的波特率可以达到1M。模式2 的波特率是固定在fosc/64 或fosc/32,具体用那一种就取决于PCON 寄存器中的SMOD位,如SMOD 为0,波特率为focs/64,SMOD 为1,波特率为focs/32。模式1 和模式3 的波特率是可变的,取决于定时器1 或2(52 芯片)的溢出速率。 7.1 DS1302DS1302 ,DS1302是DALLAS 公司推出的
22、涓流充电时钟芯片,内含有一个实时时钟/日历和31 字节静态RAM,通过简单的串行接口与单片机进行通信实时时钟/日历电路.提供秒分时日日期.月年的信息,每月的天数和闰年的天数可自动调整时钟操作可通过AM/PM 指示决定采用24 或12 小时格式.DS1302 与单片机之间能简单地采用同步串行的方式进行通信,仅需用到三个口线:1 RES 复位,2 I/O 数据线,3 SCLK串行时钟.时钟/RAM 的读/写数据以一个字节或多达31 个字节的字符组方式通信.DS1302 工作时功耗很低,保持数据和时钟信息时功率小于1mW.DS1302 是由DS1202 改进而来,增加了以下的特性.双电源管脚用于主电
23、源和备份电源供应Vcc1,为可编程涓流充电电源附加七个字节存储器.它广泛应用于电话传真便携式仪器以及电池供电的仪器仪表等产品领域.下面将主要的性能指标作一综合: 实时时钟具有能计算2100 年之前的秒分时日日期星期月年的能力还有闰年调整的能力; 31 8 位暂存数据存储RAM; 串行I/O 口方式使得管脚数量最少; 宽范围工作电压2.0 5.5V; 工作电流2.0V 时,小于300nA; 读/写时钟或RAM 数据时有两种传送方式单字节传送和多字节传送字符组方式;⣶
24、98; 8 脚DIP 封装或可选的8 脚SOIC 封装根据表面装配; 简单3 线接口; 与TTL 兼容Vcc=5V; 可选工业级温度范围-40 +85; 与DS1202 兼容; 在DS1202 基础上增加的特性;对Vcc1 有可选的涓流充电能力;双电源管用于主电源和备份电源供应;备份电源管脚可由电池或大容量电容输入; E-calendar design and production (translation) 1, Introduction Clock h
25、as become an everyday essential items, are widely used in individual households, as well as stations, terminals, theaters, offices and other public places, to people's lives, study, work, entertainment brought great convenience. As technology advances, people are no longer satisfied with a simpl
26、e timing function of the original clock, hoping some new features, such as the calendar display, alarm clock application, so as to bring greater convenience, all of which, they are both is based on digital electronic clock basis. Therefore, the study and practical application of electronic clock and
27、 its extension has a very real sense, has great practical value 1. As digital integrated circuits technology development and adoption of advanced quartz technology, modern electronic clock with the travel-time accuracy, stable performance, making simple repairs, etc., make up the traditional watch m
28、any of the deficiencies. We use single-chip microcomputer designed an electronic calendar, can be easily programmed by the software functional adjustments and improvements, so that it can accurately display the year, month, day, time, weeks at the same time, but also has many other functions. Such a
29、s setting the alarm clock, voice timekeeping, lunisolar calendar conversion, 24 solar terms of the displays, there is a certain novelty and usefulness, while small, portable, easy to use and more with technology refresh cycle is short, low-cost , open and flexible, etc., with a certain degree of mar
30、ket prospects. Here is to introduce a user to meet specific requirements, the output flexible and timing accuracy, stable performance, convenient maintenance and practical electronic calendar. 2, the technical feasibility of With the emergence of the domestic super-large scale integrated circuits, m
31、icroprocessors and peripheral chips has been rapid development. Integration technology is one of the latest developments in the CPU and peripheral chips, such as program memory, data memory, parallel I / O ports, serial I / O ports, timer / counter, interrupt controller and other control components
32、in a single chip of the , the made-chip computer (Single-Chip Microcomputer). In recent years launched a number of high-end microcontroller also includes many special functional unit, such as the A / D, D / A converters, modems, communications controller, PLL, DMA, floating point unit, PWM control o
33、utput unit, PWM the output when the dead-programmable control functions. Therefore, as long as necessary, along with some expansion of the channel interface circuit and can be formed a variety of computer application systems, such as industrial production line control systems, household appliances,
34、as the main controller, distributed control system, the terminal node or as part of its master control node from the Following the role of data acquisition systems, automatic test systems, etc. 2. SCM, and have been in various technical fields such rapid development, and SCM systems constitute a com
35、puter applications related to the formation of the following characteristics: 2.1, single-chip computer application systems have greater reliability. The reliability of access in addition to their high reliability microcontroller chip itself and the application of at least connection, but also can e
36、asily use the software and hardware technology. 2.2, system expansion, system configuration more typical, standardized, easy to create various size applications, the application system has a higher hardware and software utilization factor. 2.3, due to the application constitutes a system is a comput
37、er system, a considerable number of measurement, control function is performed by software, it has flexible features, no need to change the hardware system will be able to change the system functions properly. 2.4, has excellent performance price ratio. Can be said that facing the MCU application te
38、chnologies at home and abroad, as the 60's transistor technology faces 70 years to face the same digital integrated circuits. Microcontroller and programmable gate arrays combine to form a new generation of electronic applications and technology are impossible to evade a new type of engineering
39、application of technology 3, design background As the economy continues to develop, people's quality of life demands are constantly improving. Manufacturers have also been the introduction of a variety of electronic products to meet people's needs, and e-calendar will conform to people's
40、 time requirements. The more traditional electronic calendar features a single, higher prices, more difficult to every family, and did not meet the needs of people's lives are the most basic requirement, this topic aims to design a functional more comprehensive, low price and practical strong el
41、ectronic calendar. In order to meet different user needs. 4, the design requirements Be able to design and create a more comprehensive features, the price is more moderate electronic calendar. Functional requirements: You can display year, month, day, show time, week; expansion requirements: a lunis
42、olar calendar conversion function, holiday function. To design appropriate software and hardware and system software designers have completed design work, and basically complete the system software and hardware integration transfers. Thesis prepared in accordance with specifications of the Milky Way
43、 College of papers. Designers should have the basics of microcomputer system design, design to provide SCM system development tools. 5, the significance of the design With the rapid development of electronic technology, especially with the large scale integrated circuits appear to human life brought
44、 about fundamental changes. In particular, the application of microcomputer technology products have been entered into households. The emergence of electronic calendar has brought a lot of people's lives easy. However, traditional electronic calendar Apart from showing the time beyond the functi
45、onal is more a single, gradually lost the market. The emergence of new electronic calendar will bring more convenience, the present direction of development with practical, convenient type, beautiful type, compact-based. E-calendar as a small electronics design is not only the darling of the market,
46、 but also one of the most commonly used microcontroller experiment subject. Produced in our country there are many kinds of electronic calendar, on the whole to study multi-function electronic calendar-based, so that addition to the original calendar display time, date and other basic functions, als
47、o has the alarm and alarm functions. Production of electronic business calendar more from the quality, price, and practical to consider, continuous improvement of the electronic calendar designed to make it more that have market. 6 knowledge of design The design for the software, hardware, a combina
48、tion of a group design. In the software design process to deal with the hardware part of the relevant knowledge, which will help design a better understanding of the subject will help software design. Essential to understand the basic functions of some of the major components, roles. This design is
49、used in addition to integrated clock chip, there are programs using MCU using the AT89 series of single-chip microcomputer made calendar circuit, using the method of combining software and hardware to control LED digital tube output, respectively, used to display year, month, day, hour, minute, seco
50、nds, its most important feature is: the hardware circuit is simple, easy installation and easy to implement, software design a unique and reliable. ATMEL Corporation AT89C51 launched by a small microcontroller. 95 years in the Chinese market. The main feature for the introduction of Flash memory tec
51、hnology to reduce manufacturing costs, its software and hardware is fully compatible with the MCS-51, can be quickly accepted by Chinese customers, its procedures Electrically Erasable features, 7, AT89C51 and DS1302 data. 7.1 AT89C51 AT89C51 is a kind of 4K bytes
52、 of flash erasable programmable read-only memory (FPEROM-Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory) of the low-voltage, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microprocessors, commonly known as microcontrollers. AT89C2051 is a kind of 2K bytes of flash erasable programmable read only memory of the micro
53、controller. MCU EEPROM erasure can be repeated 100 times. The device uses high-density non-volatile memory ATMEL manufacturing technology manufacturing, and industry-standard MCS-51 instruction set and output pins are compatible. Owing to the multi-function 8-bit CPU and flash memory combined in a s
54、ingle chip, ATMEL The AT89C51 is a highly efficient micro-controller, AT89C2051 is a streamlined version of it. AT89C SCM for many embedded control system provides a high degree of flexibility and inexpensive solution. Main features: Compatible with MCS-51 4K bytes of programmable flash memory Life:
55、 1000 write / erase cycles Data retention: 10 years Fully static work: 0Hz-24MHz 3 Program Memory Lock 128 × 8-bit internal RAM 32 programmable I / O Line Two 16-bit timer / counter 5 interrupt sources Programmable Serial Channel Low-power idle and power-down mode On-chip oscillator and clock c
56、ircuitry Pin Description: P0 port: P0 port as an 8-bit open drain bi-level I / O port, each pin can absorb 8TTL gate current. When the P1 port pin for the first time to write 1, is defined as high-impedance input. P0 can be used for external program data memory, which can be defined as data / addres
57、s of the eighth. The FIASH programming, P0 port input as the original code, when FIASH to verify when, P0 output of the original code, this time must be pulled outside P0. P1 port: P1 port is an internal pull-up resistor to provide 8-bit bi-directional I / O port, P1 port buffer to receive the outpu
58、t 4TTL gate current. P1 port pin to write a post, was the internal pull-high, can be used as input, P1 port is an external pull-down low, the output current, which is due to internal pull-up's sake. In the FLASH programming and verification time, P1 port as the eighth-bit address to receive. P2
59、port: P2 port for an internal pull-up resistor 8-bit bi-directional I / O port, P2 port buffer can receive the output 4 TTL gate current, when the P2 port is to write "1", its pin is internal pull-up resistors, and as input. And therefore, as input, P2 port pins are externally pulled low, the output curre
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