1、附录外文资料原文及翻译Porous Elastic Road Surface as An Ultimate Highway NoiseMeasureS. MEIARASHIAdva need Material Team, Material & Geotech ni cal Research Group, Public WorksResearch In stitute, Japa nmeipwri.go.jpAbstractHighway traffic no ise in urba n areas of Japa n is a serious problem, not only for
2、 reside nts along highways, but also for highway adm ini strators. Only 13 perce nt of urba n highways have met the en vir onment sta ndard for no ise. Noise barriers cannot be used as a no ise coun termeasure on the majority of highways on which access is not con trolled. Noise levels of areas alon
3、g some urba n highways exceed the sta ndard by 15 dB(A) or more. This problem is imped ing new highway con struct ion in urba n areas. Porous asphalt paveme nt has rece ntly bee n in troduced on urba n highways in Japa n. Its no ise reducti on effect of 3 dB(A) is in sufficie nt, because it only imp
4、roves the no ise en vir onment satisfacti on rate by a few perce nt. Furthermore, the durability of its no ise reducti on effect usually seems to be only three years, which is shorter tha n its life-cycle as paveme nt.The Public Works Research In stitute (PWRI) has, since 1993, bee n developi ng a n
5、ew low-noise pavement named “PorousElastic Road Surface ”(PERS). This new paveme nt has a porous structure composed of granu late rubber made from old used tires as its aggregate and uretha ne res in as its bin der. Its porosity is approximately 40 perce nt. The paveme nt was first proposed in Swede
6、 n in the 1970s, however, Swedish researchers have failed to improve it as a practical paveme nt. Noise reduct ion levels are 15 dB(A) for cars and 8 dB(A) for trucks. The author estimates that the pote ntial no ise reducti on levels in Leq exceed 10 dB(A). More tha n 90 perce nt of highways in urba
7、 n areas would meet the sta ndard if this no ise reducti on level were achieved. The PWRI has already solved several of the problems with PERS, for example, in sufficie nt adhesi on betwee n the paveme nt and the base course, low skid resista nee, and its poor fireproof performa nee. Its tech ni cal
8、 level has already reached the stage of test con struct ion on urba n highways.This paper examines the general performanee of PERS obtained through past developme nt at the PWRI. It also summarizes the results of rece nt research done to further improve the no ise reduct ion levels of PERS and the f
9、irst test con structi on using PERS in Japan. The final noise reduction target for any type of vehicle is between 15-20 dB(A). The author expects that PERS will reduce highway traffic no ise problems in urba n areas of Japa n to a minor, n egligibllevel in the near future.Key words:paveme nt, no ise
10、 reducti on, highway traffic no ise, skid resista nee, durability, adhesi on1. IntrodutionThe Public Works Research In stitute (PWRI) has, since 1993, bee n developi ng a new low-noise pavement named “PorousElastic Road Surface ”(PERS). This new paveme nt has a porous structure composed of granu lat
11、e rubber made from old used tires as its aggregate and uretha ne res in as its bin der. Its porosity is approximately 40 perce nt. The paveme nt was first proposed in Swede n in the 1970s, however, Swedish researchers have failed to improve it as a practical paveme nt. Noise reduct ion levels are 15
12、 dB(A) for cars and 8 dB(A) for trucks. The author estimates that the pote ntial no ise reducti on levels in Leq exceed 10 dB(A). More tha n 90 perce nt of highways in urba n areas would meet the sta ndard if this no ise reducti on level were achieved. The PWRI has already solved several of the prob
13、lems with PERS, for example, in sufficie nt adhesi on betwee n the paveme nt and the base course, low skid resista nee, and its poor fireproof performa nee. Its tech ni cal level has already reached the stage of test eon struct ion on urba n highwaysThis paper examines the general performanee of PER
14、S obtained through past developme nt at the PWRI. It also summarizes the results of no ise reduct ion levels of PERS at the first test eon struct ion site in Japa n. The first part deals mai nly with improveme nt of no ise reduct ion effect with cha nging its porosity and thick ness, adhesi on to th
15、e base course, durability, wear resista nee, wet frictio n, and fire resista nee, whereas the sec ond part focuses on the laboratory performa nee testi ng in adva nee to ide ntify a new con structi on method of PERS before trial con struct ion on highways and the no ise reduct ion effect observed at
16、 the con struct ion site2. Latest technology2.1 Noise reductionThe author has con ducted four no ise measureme nts in total at the PWRI test ing course to improve the noise reduction effect of PERS, including the first one described above. The sec ond no ise measureme nt in 1995 was focused on the i
17、n flue nee of porosity on noise reduction. Figure 2 shows that noise reduction of PERS is almost saturated at the porosity of 35% and over. In the third noise measurement of 1996, a major issue was the effect of PERS thickness on noise reduction. The optimal PERS noise reducti on levels for passe ng
18、er cars, light trucks, and heavy trucks are 14-16 dB(A), 4-5 dB(A), and 3-5 dB(A), respectively. Figure 3 reveals that the noise reduction of PERS becomes a maximum at the thick ness of 3 cm. Con sideri ng the relatively small differe nee of no ise reduct ion betwee n 3 cm thick ness of PERS and 2 c
19、m thick ness of PERS, and material cost reduct ion, the optimal thick ness of PERS seems to exist betwee n 2 cm and 3 cm. The optimal PERS no ise reduct ion levels for passe nger cars, light trucks, and heavy trucks are 13-19 dB(A), 8-9 dB(A), and 6-10 dB(A),respectively.trucks are 8-10 dB (A). As a
20、 result, the author had to improve wet friction whilesacrifici ng no ise reducti on for passe nger carsperforma nee tha n DAP, with far better deformati on performa nee tha n conven ti onal paveme nt such as DENAPFigure 4 - Accelerated pavement test2.5 Fire resistanceFire resista nee was thought to
21、be a pote ntial problem, since rubber may burn fiercely.The fire hazard problem has been studied by PWRI. Squares of PERS 5 5 m were x placed outside a laboratory, 36 liters of diesel oil or gasoli ne were spri nkled on the surface as well as on an adjace nt (conven ti on al) asphalt paveme nt. The
22、fluid was the n ignited with a torch, and factors such as pavement materials, height of flames and gen erati on of smoke were observed and the tests were also filmed.In the experime nts, three surfaces were compared: dense asphalt con crete, porous asphalt con crete and the 5X5 m pan els of PERS. Th
23、e results, as give n in Table 1, show that regardi ng spreadi ng speed and flame height, the PERS was safer tha n the dense asphalt con creteF igure 8 illustrates these tests.Table 1 - Fire resistance test conditionSurface typeBur ning of fuel and paveme nt materialsFlame heightSmoke gen erati onDen
24、apFuel oil spreadi ng2.5-3.0 mFuel oil bur nedover the paveme ntin completely,surface stron glyproduci ng a colu mnbur ned with reddishof black smoke.flames but thepaveme nt did notburn.DapFuel oil evaporat ingApproximately 0.3 m Only a little smokethrough the voids ofthe paveme nt ign ited,caus ing
25、 blue flames.However, paveme nt materials did notburn.PersFuel oil evaporat ing1.0-1.5 mwas observed.A colu mn of blacksmoke was observedfrom the burningrubber pan els.through paveme nt voids ign ited; rubber pan els bur ned up, caus ing reddish flames. Fire spread over the paveme nt very slowly.b)P
26、ERSa) Dense Asphalt PavementFigure 8 - Fire resistance3. F irst test constructionPERS con struct ion in highways requires the structure to be developed as a total paveme nt system and a con struct ion method that is very differe nt from the previous ones in PWRI test courses. There are two reas ons
27、for improvi ng the structure and con struct ion method.The first one is a time con stra int. One pote ntial applicatio n of PERS is for heavy-traffic arterial highways in urba n areas, where the worki ng time is limited to 10 hours at ni ght (such as from 8 PM to 6 AM) to avoid caus ing traffic con
28、gesti on. The sta ndard area of paveme nt resurfaci ng of an urba n highway is 2,000-3,000 square meters per day. The con struct ion work invo Ives removing the exist ing weari ng course & base course, con struct ing new semi-flexible paveme nt as the base course, putti ng adhesive on the base c
29、ourse, and pav ing PERS as show nFigure 9(a). Con sideri ng the worki ng time before pav ing PERS, it is impossible to complete all the works within the limit.The sec ond reas on is for quality con trol of adhesive performa nee. In the early stage of development of PERS, there were various troubles
30、concerning the adhesive as men ti oned in the previous sect ion. The polymer type of adhesive is very sen sitive to the ambient conditions of curing such as temperature and humidity. It seemsvery difficult to mai ntain stable performa nee of the adhesive duri ng outdoor work.In resp onse to these pr
31、oblems, pre-fabricated types of PERS would appear to be the on ly soluti on. The mai n pre-fabricated types of paveme nt products are In ter-Lock ing Block (ILB), Pre-stressed Concrete Panel (PCP), and Reinforced Concrete Panel (RCP). The ILB has bee n widely used for pedestria n ways especially in
32、prestige areas and shopp ing malls, where architects and pla nners are in terested in the visual impact of pav ing. Some ILBs are also to be found in in dustrial areas, such as storage yards and dock-side pav ing, where the mai n concerns are structural performa nee, cost and maintenan ce. The PCP i
33、s pre-te nsioned in the tran sverse direct ion duri ng fabricati on, and post-te nsioned together in the Ion gitudi nal direct ion after placeme nt. The PCP and RCP are mai nly used for sect ions where extremely high durability is required, such as the paveme nt in tunn els.In view of the time con s
34、tra in ts, it is impossible to use PCP and RCP as the base course of PERS because of the slow speed of con struct ion of less tha n 100 square meters per ten hours. The prese nt mecha ni cal method of layi ng ILB improves the con struct ion efficie ncy and overcomes the con stra int. With this backg
35、ro und, the author has proposed using ILB for the first test con structi on of PERS. However, ILB has bee n used in very few cases for highways and its durability for the surface course is unknown. The author has clarified the in itial durability of the ILB-PERS composite surface by accelerated pave
36、me nt tests in the laboratory show n iFigure 9(b). No fatal damage to the surface was found after 12,000 passes of the test truck.PERS was first con structed at Tazawa of Nati onal Highway Route 46 on 18 October, 2002. The total nu mber of lanes is two and the width of each is 3.75 meters. The total
37、 len gth is 20 meters. The traffic volume, heavy traffic ratio, and speed limit are 10,120 vehicles per day, 20%, and 60k m/h, respectivelyF igure 10 shows the gen eral view of the sect ion and the in itial con diti on of the PERS surface. The author measured the no ise of in dividual vehicles by us
38、ing a special method proposed by Meiarashi (1996). The vehicles were limited to smaller ones such as passe nger cars and light trucks, because of the short sect ion len gthF igure 11 illustrates the arra ngeme nt of equipme nt, i ncludi ng a sound level meter as a microph one and two sets of photo-d
39、etectors as a speed meter. Figure 12 shows the A-weighted peak levels of vehicles measured at PERS and DENAP. When no ise reducti on levels are defi ned as the differe nee in levels betwee n PERS and DENAP, they are approximately give n by the formula:夕WL = 0.1V4. ConclusionThe Public Works Research
40、 In stitute (PWRI) has, since 1993, bee n developi ng a new low-noise pavement named “PorouEastic Road Surface ”(PERS). The author estimates that the pote ntial no ise reducti on levels in Leq exceed 10 dB(A). The PWRI has already solved several of the problems with PERS such as in sufficie nt adhes
41、i on between the pavement and the base course, low skid resistance,and poor fireproofperforma nee.Based on the above research results, PERS was first construeted at the NationalHighway Route 46. Noise reduct ion levels measured in the field were less tha n expected, because the size of the con struc
42、ti on area was very small.The author will continue these in vestigatio ns in the field and will attempt ano ther testcon struct ion using a more efficie nt con struct ion method tha n ILBReferences:1 Alan Lilley (1988): “PrecasConcrete Paving History, Design, Applications andProblems ” , The Journal
43、 of the Institute of Highways and Transportation, pp-2582 David Merritt, B. Frank McCullough, and Ned H. Burns (2001): “ FeasibilityUsi ng Precast Con crete Pan els to Expedite Con structio n of Portla nd Ceme ntConcrete Pavements ” , Transportation Research Record 1761, Paper N90413 Meiarashi S, et
44、 al. (1996):“ Noise Reduction Characteristics of Porous Elastic RoadSurface ” , Applied Acstics, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 239-2504 Ulf Sandbergand Jerzy A. Ejsmont (2002): “Tire/RoadNoise Referenee Book” ,INFORMEX Ejsm ont & San dberg Ha ndelsbolag多孔弹性路面将作为最终的高速公路隔音措施Porous Elastic Road Surface as An
45、 Ultimate Highway NoiseMeasureS.MEIARASHI先进的材料队,材料及岩土工程研究组,公共工程研究所,日本meipwri.go.jp摘要:在日本的市区公路交通噪音是一个严重的问题,不仅对公路沿线的居民, 也对公路管理员。只有13 %的城市公路已达到环境噪声标准。隔音板不能作为 大多数出入不受控制的高速公路的隔音措施。一些城市的公路沿线地区的噪音水 平超过15分贝(A)或以上的标准。这个问题是阻碍新的公路在城市地区的建设。 多孔沥青路面最近已在日本的城市公路上采用。其噪音减少3分贝(A)的效果是不够的,因为它仅仅提高了噪声环境满意率几个百分点。此外,其降噪效果的耐
46、久性通常差不多只有三年,这比其作为路面生命周期较短。公共工程研究所(PWRI),自1993年以来,一直在开发一个新的名为“多 孔弹性路面” (PERS的低噪音路面。这种新的路面具有多孔结构,由旧轮胎制 成的剂橡胶颗粒作为其骨料与聚氨酯树脂作为其粘结组成,其孔隙率约为40 %。这种路面设计在20世纪70年代在瑞典首次提出的,但是,瑞典的研究 人员想改善它作为一种实用的路面的想法已经失败。降低汽车噪音水平 15分贝(A)和卡车8分贝(A)。笔者估计,Leq值减少潜在的噪音水平超过10分贝 (A)。如果达到这个降噪水平那么超过 90 %的市区公路将符合标准。公共工 程研究所通过多孔弹性路面已解决了几
47、个问题,例如,路面和基层之间的附着力不足,防滑性低,防火性能差。其技术水平已达到城市公路建设的试验阶段。本文通过过去研究所的发展中检查到多孔弹性路面的一般表现。它还概述 了最近进行的研究结果,以进一步提高多孔弹性路面的降噪水平,用于多孔弹性路面的测试建筑在日本第一次建成。任何类型的车辆的最终噪声减排目标是 15-20分贝(A )之间。笔者预计,多孔弹性路面可将日本的市区公路交通噪音 问题减少到很小,甚至在不久的将来可以忽略不计的水平。关键词:路面,降噪,公路交通噪声,防滑性,耐久性,粘附1 引言公共工程研究所(PWRI),自1993年以来,一直在开发一个新的名为“多 孔弹性路面” (PERS的
48、低噪音路面。这种新的路面具有多孔结构,由旧轮胎制 成的剂橡胶颗粒作为其骨料与聚氨酯树脂作为其粘结组成,其孔隙率约为 40 %。这种路面设计在20世纪70年代在瑞典首次提出的,但是,瑞典的研究 人员想改善它作为一种实用的路面的想法已经失败。降低汽车噪音水平15分贝(A)和卡车8分贝(A)。笔者估计,Leq值减少潜在的噪音水平超过10分贝(A)。如果达到这个降噪水平那么超过 90 %的市区公路将符合标准。公共工 程研究所通过多孔弹性路面已解决了几个问题, 例如,路面和基层之间的附着力 不足,防滑性低,防火性能差。其技术水平已达到城市公路建设的试验阶段。本文通过过去研究所的发展中检查到多孔弹性路面的
49、一般表现。它还概述 了最近进行的研究结果,以进一步提高多孔弹性路面的降噪水平。第一部分主要 涉及降噪效果的改善,改变它的孔隙率和厚度,路面和基层之间的附着力,耐久 性,耐磨性,湿摩擦和耐火,而第二部分重点是通过实验室的性能测试提前确定 一个关于PRES的新的施工方法,并在施工现场观察到降噪效果。2. 最新技术2.1降噪笔者在研究所的测试过程中共进行了 4个噪声测量,以改善多孔弹性路面的 降噪效果,包括上文所述的第一个。在 1995年第二次噪音测量集中于多孔性的 影响对噪声降低。图2,显示了多孔弹性路面减少噪音在孔隙率为35%及以上时几乎饱和。在1996年第三次噪声测量中,主要问题是多孔弹性路面
50、厚度对降 噪效果的影响。多孔弹性路面对客车,轻型卡车和重型卡车最佳降噪声水平分别 是14-16分贝(A) ,4-5分贝(A ),和3-5分贝(A)。图3表明,多孔弹 性路面降噪成效最大为路面厚度是 3厘米。考虑到在PERS的 3 cm厚度和PERS 的2 cm厚度的之间对噪声降低相对小差异和物质成本降低而论,PERS的优选的厚度似乎在2 cm和3 cm之间。客车,轻型卡车和重型卡车的最佳降噪声水平 分别是13-19分贝(A) ,8-9分贝(A),和6-10分贝(A)。卡车是8-10分贝(A)。因此,笔者不得不牺牲客车降噪的同时,提高湿 摩擦。性能优于DAP的,远比传统的路面变形性能更好的 DE
51、NA等。图4 -加速路面试验2.5耐火耐火被认为是一个潜在的问题,因为橡胶可能会猛烈燃烧。火灾隐患问题 已经由PWRI研究所研究。把一个5 X 5米的正方形,放在实验室外,36升柴 油或汽油被洒在表面上,以及相邻(常规)的沥青路面上。然后用火炬点燃,观 察因素,如路面材料,火焰高度和产生的烟雾和测试,并拍摄。在实验中,对三面进行了比较,密集的沥青混凝土,多孔沥青混凝土和5X 5米正方形板。如表1 ,结果表明,对于传播速度和火焰高度,人事处是比 密集沥青混凝土安全。图8说明了这些测试。表1 -耐火试验条件表面类型燃烧的燃料和路面材料火焰高度烟雾产生DENAP散布在路面的燃油强烈燃烧着红色火 焰,但路面没烧。2.5-3.0米燃油燃烧不完 全,生产黑烟 列。DAP燃油蒸发,通过点燃路面的空隙,造成 蓝色的火焰。然而,路面材料没有燃烧。大约0.3米只有一点点烟雾观察PERS燃油蒸发通过路面空隙点燃;橡胶板烧 毁,造成红色火焰。火势蔓延超过路面 非常缓慢。1.0-1.5米观
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