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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Education1. 常见考题 A 教育目的Some people think that university should provide knowledge and skills related to future career; others think the true function of university is to provide knowledge only. What is your opinion of the main function of university?B 教学方法Many people use distance-learni

2、ng programs to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the same benefits of attending college. To what extent do you agree or disagree?C 学科Most countries spend lots of money on education. In your opinion which two of the following subjects are the most important for your people and

3、 which one is the least important?Literature Sports Mathematics Economics Physics History Music GeographyD 理论与实践 In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people

4、 to do this and give your opinion.E 教育与就业In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most students should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2. 常用思路 教育的五

5、大目的:1. 德提高道德标准2. 智学习理论知识,培养独立性思维,创造性思维及分析性思维,解决问题的能力,提高人际交流技巧和社交能力,适应社会3. 体提高身体素质4. 美自我修养对艺术和文学的欣赏5. 劳学习实用技能有助于将来就业Five purposes of education:1. MoralImprove the moral standard2. IntellectualLearn theoretical knowledgeCultivate independent ,creative and analytical thinkingProblem-solving abilityImpr

6、ove the interpersonal skills and social skillsAdapt to the society3. PhysicalDevelop physical fitness4. Psychological(aesthetics)Self-cultivation The appreciation of art and literature5. WorkLearn practical skills Be beneficial to future career3. 素材积累 A. 教育目的a 大学应培养学生的分析性思维及批派性思维。What the university

7、 should focus on is to develop the analytical and critical thinking of students. b 现如今任何理论知识只要上网便可以获得,因此获得知识不是大学存在的目的。Nowadays, any information can be accessed by the click of the mouse. Therefore, acquiring knowledge Is not the purpose of the university. c大学也应培养职场所需的人才。The university should also nu

8、rture people who the workplace needs most. B. 教学方法(远程教育VS传统教育)a. 传统的教育中的老师在学生发展中扮演重要角色。Teachers play a significant role in the development of students. b. 远程教育更加便利。The distance learning is more convenient. c. 远程教育使学生更加独立。The remote learning allows students to be more independent. d. 问题的关键不是哪个更好,而是如何

9、使二者结合到一起。 The question is not which one, but how can we combine both. C. 学科a 数学是科技的语言,音乐是情感的语言,英语是解决问题的语言。 The mathematics is the language of technology, music is the language of emotion and English is the language of problem-solving. b 数学是一门基础学科,将很多领域连接到一起。 Mathematics is a fundamental subject whic

10、h combiness many different fields together. c 说人文科学更重要还是自然科学更重要这事挺主观的,因为他们都有价值。 It is somewhat subjective to say which is more important , the humanities or sciences , as both have values . D. 理论实践Advantages:a. 扩大视野Expand ones outlook b. 对未来有清晰认识Have a clear perspective of futurec. 有更好的人脉可以利用Have be

11、tter personal resources to draw onDisadvantages:a. 蒙蔽学生思想Cloud students minds b. 发现重新适应学术环境很困难Find it difficult to readapt to the academic environment c. 重新回到学校的愿望变得没那么吸引人The desire of coming back becomes less appealingE. 教育与就业好的工作:high-salaried /well-paid /decent job a.投资一个人的教育就是投资一个人的未来。 Investing

12、 in ones education is investing in ones future. b.学历高的人更容易找到工作,并且在未来会挣得更多。 Graduates with higher degree are more likely to find a decent job and earn more in the future. c.这个问题在短期内是对的,但可能会给社会留下长期的问题。 This may be true in the short-term, but it may leaves a long-term problem for the society. d. 当关系到确保

13、每个人都能接受合适的教育时,政府不能采取捷径。 The government may not take shortcuts when it comes to ensuring everyone receives proper education. 4. 作业 In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages

14、 for young people to do this and give your opinion.Write at least 120 wordsEnvironment1.常见考题 A. 个人环保Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment; only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?B .燃油加价The best way to solve the worlds traff

15、ic and pollution problem is to increase the price fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures might be effective?C.减少航班Long distance flights use more fuel than cars and pollute the environment. We should discourage non-essential flights instead of limiting the use of the car.

16、To what extent do you agree or disagree?D.人与动物Some people think it is acceptable to use animals for the benefits of humans. Other people think it is wrong to exploit animals for human purpose. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2常用思路 1.常见环境问题a 气候变化,全球变暖b 空气污染,垃圾变多c. 能源危机,水资源匮乏,森林减少d. 自然灾害,

17、酸雨,沙尘暴,干旱,水灾2.问题产生原因人口增长,工业发展,长期人类活动。3.正确的解决办法a. 世界方面:全球合作,达成共识,制定环境保护的国际标准b. 政府方面:制定环境保护法律,鼓励低碳经济c. 科技方面:开发可再生的,绿色能源,投资节能科技。d. 公司方面:推出环保产品,引领绿色消费习惯e. 个人方面:提升环保意识,倡导低碳生活方式。Issues:Climate change, global warming Air pollution, the increase of rubbish/garbage Energy crisis , water shortage, deforestati

18、on Natural disasters, acid rain , sand storm ,drought , flood Causes: the increase of population, the industrial development , the long-term human activity Solutions:Global corporation, reach the agreement, set the international standard of protecting the environment Make laws for protecting the env

19、ironment , encourage the low carbon economy Exploit the renewable, green energy , invest in energy-saving technology Promote the environmental-friendly products Lead the green consuming habits Raise the awareness in environmental-friendlyEncourage low carbon lifestyle 3. 素材积累 A个人环保从我们的观点来看,我们的个人习惯可能

20、不重要,但在宏观角度却是很重要的。 From our perspectives, our individual habits may seen insignificant , but it indeed very important at the macro level. 这是一个既影响个人又影响集体的问题,因此它的解决办法要包含所有人。 This is a problem that affect us, individually and collectively; therefore, the solution must involve us all. B. 燃油加价但是还有其他各种各样的措

21、施可以被采取,这些措施对措施对这些问题有很大影响。 But there are other measures that could be implemented that would have a huge effect on these problems. 劝说厂商和行人采用新科技,将会是更有效的解决办法。Persuading manufactures and travelers to adopt new technology would be more effective. 如果足够多的轻轨和地铁被建立并且有效的维护,那么路上的交通将会有将会急剧减少。If sufficient sky t

22、rains and underground train systems were built and effectively maintained in our major cities, then traffic on the roads would be dramatically reduced. C. 减少航班为了减少污染,我们都应该做出牺牲。In order to reduce the pollution ,we all have to make some sacrifices. D. 人与动物然而其他人指出,人类是特殊的且优于动物,因此人类可以以任何一种他们所需要的方式使用动物。 O

23、thers , however, point out that, the human beings are superior to animals ; therefore, people could exploit animals in whatever way they want. 4.作业 The best way to solve the worlds environmental problem is to increase the price fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures might

24、 be effective?Write at least 250wordsTechnology1.常见考题 A. 网络生活It is now possible to perform everyday tasks such as banking, shopping and business transitions without meeting people face to face. What effects may it have on the individual and society as a whole?B.虚拟与现实Public museums and art galleries

25、are not needed because people can see historical objects and artistic works by using computers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?C. 科技产品There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh t

26、he benefits of the mobile phones?D太空探索In the last century when an astronaut first arrived on the moon he said “ it is a big step for mankind, but some people think it makes little difference to our daily life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2.常用思路 1. 现代科技的正面影响提高工作效率便利,任何信息轻点鼠标便可获得促进沟通获得各种各样

27、的信息,丰富知识2. 现代科技的负面影响侵犯个人隐私加大的工作压力,安全问题,网络犯罪不良内容,如色情,暴力身体健康问题,辐射,视力下降,户外活动变少,长时间不运动的生活方式心理问题,沉溺于虚拟世界,性格变得孤僻A. Positive impactsImprove the work efficiency Convenience , any information can be accessed by the click of the mouse.Improve the communication Acquire various information , enrich our knowledg

28、e B. Negative impactsInvade the privacy Increase the work pressure.Security issue Questionable content , pornography, violent scenes Physical problem, radiation , weaken the eyesight, less outdoor activity , sedentary life style Psychological problem ,be addicted into the virtual world and become is

29、olated 3.素材积累 A 网络生活互联网已经将整个世界放到了我们的指尖上。任何信息只要轻点鼠标就可以轻松获得。 The Internet has put the entire world at our fingertips; any information can be accessed by the click of the mouse. 但只承认积极的影响会有些目光短浅。 But only to admit the positive influence would be short-sighted. 如果便利是我们从所有科技产品中所获得的,那么人与人的交往就是我们所失去的。If co

30、nvenience is what we gain from all of those technologies , then the personal touch/human interaction is what we lose. B 虚拟与现实和十年前相比,互联网使我们不离开桌子便可以看的更多做的更多。Compared with a decade ago, the Internet allows us to do and see more without leaving the desk. 虚拟的在线世界,可以补充,但不能替代现实世界。 The virtual , on-line wor

31、ld could be the complementary , but not substitute the real one. C 科技产品事实上,很难想象我们的生活中没有了手机会怎么样 Actually , it is hard to imagine what will happen without mobile phones. D 太空探索a.太空探索看起来可能像是浪费钱财,但是他的价值要比很多人意识到的还要大。 The Space exploration may seem like a waste of time and money , but its value perhaps gr

32、eater than most realize. b.我们要承认,太空探索潜移默化的影响着我们的生活。 We have to admit that space exploration ripples our life. 4. 作业 The Internet has dramatically altered our lives over the past few decades. Although some of these changes have been negative, the overall effect of this technology has been positive. D

33、o you agree or disagree?Write at least 250 wordsAdvantages:变革交流方式(微信,微博)Revolutionize the way we communicate (Wechat,Weibo )网上的信息都是实用的The information available on the Internet is reliable 方便快捷Convenience Disadvantages:性格孤立Become isolated 身体问题Physical problems Government1. 常见考题 A. 健康医疗Some people thi

34、nk that good health is essential to every person, so medical services should not be run by profit-making companies. Do the advantages of private health care outweigh the disadvantages?B. 住房短缺Housing shortages in big cities can have severe consequences. Only government action can solve this problem.

35、To what extent do you agree or disagree?C. 交通问题As the number of cars increase, more money has to be spent on road systems. Some people think the government should pay for this. Others, however, think that the user should pay for the cost. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.D. 女性Some people

36、 think we need more female leaders to create world peace and reduce violence. To what extent do you agree or disagree?E老龄化社会In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Does this trend have more positive or negative effects on society?F经济Economic progress is one way to m

37、easure the success of a country, while some people think there are other factors. What other factors should be considered? Within these factors, do you think anyone is more important than the others?2. 常用思路 1. 每个政府的基本责任:保卫国家安全维护社会稳定提高社会福利完善公共设施2. 政府有能力汇集并支配各种各样的资源3. 政府应该投入大量的预算在,4. 政府应优先重视教育,科技和人类基本

38、需求,然后投资娱乐设施,丰富人们的文化生活Ensure national security Stabilize the society Improve the social welfare Perfect the public facilities The government have the ability to pool and dominate various resources The government should invest a large proportion of its budget in doingThe government should give top priority to education , technology and the basic human needs, then invest in entertainment facilities to enrich peoples life. 3. 素材积累 A. 健康医疗a. 显而易见地,理想的选择是私人和公共健康保险的综合。 Obviously , the ideal choice is to combine both public and private insurance. b. 因此通过将


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