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1、广东学位英语考试真题与解析(完整版)2021年广东学位英语考试真题及答案分析完好版Part I Dialogue completion (15 points)Directions: there are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D, choose the one that best completes the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSEWR SHEET.1. Debra: Oh!

2、What a beautiful cat! What do youthink?Donald: _ Dogs are more loyal than catsA. I think I d rather get a dog.B. Yeah, it is beautiful!C. I have no idea.D. You have to clean after it.【答案】 A【分析】 由“狗比猫更忠诚可知, Donald 以为他情愿获取一只狗。2. Jane: My watch always gains ten minutes a day. Mary: _ My watch always lo

3、ses ten minutes aday.Jane: No kidding. It seems that both of us shouldthrow it away and buy a new one.A. That s ridiculous.B. That s funnyC. That s coolD. That s great【答案】 B【分析】 简说“我的腕表每日快十分钟。 玛丽说: “真风趣,我的腕表每日慢十分钟。3. Jennifer: It s freezing outside! _ I thoughtthis cold front was supposed to pass.Ga

4、bricla: Yeah, I thought so too. That s what Iread online this morning.A. I haven t read the weather report.B. The weather report was rightC. What happened to the weather report?D. I should have read the weather report.【答案】 C【分析】“ What happened to the weather report? 意思为“天气预告怎么了?4. Tony: Welcome back

5、, Monica. How are you? Monica: I m OK. _A. You are welcome!B. Fancy meeting you there C. Aren t you happy? D. Thank you for asking【答案】 D【分析】由问句“你好吗?,可知回复为“我很好,感谢咨询。5. Ruby: Hello, this is Information. Can I help you?Dora: _A. I m calling to make a complaint.B. Can you tell me your name?C. OK, thank

6、you for your helpD. That s very kind of you.【答案】 A【分析】由“ Can I help you? 我能为您效力吗?;“ I m calling to make a complaint.我打 是想投诉6. Steve: Would you like anything to drink? I have Sprite and orange juice.Bob: _A. I m terribly sorry about that.B. How can it be?C. That s quite alrightD. Sprite would be fine

7、.【答案】 D【分析】问句:“你想喝点什么吗?我有雪碧和橘子汁。回复“橘子汁就好。7. Jane: Why don t we play tennis this afternoon?Bill: _A. Sounds like an excellent job. B. That s a brilliant idea.C. I m sure it isnsobadt.D. Of course we do【答案】 B【分析】问句“今日下午我们为何不打网球呢?。回复“那是个好想法。8. Louis: Can I have some information about the health club?A.

8、 Yes, you do B. Go aheadC. That s a good idea D. Yes, certainly【答案】 D【分析】问句“我能认识一些相关这个健康俱乐部的信息吗?。回复“是的,自然了。9. Mori: This looks a great party. Thanks for inviting me.Susan: _A. Never mind.B. Glad you could make itC. Don t bother with that.D. I d better ask you.【答案】 B【分析】“这看起来是个很棒的聚会。 感谢你邀请我。 ;“很快乐你能来

9、。10. Julie: I up food and m going to the supermarket to pickdrink for Saturday s picnic. Anysuggestions?Jack: _A. I m all ears to youB. I wouldn t mind thatC. I d rather notD. It s up to you【答案】 D【分析】“有任何建议吗?对应“由你来决定。11. Bruce: I ve been going to the gym for half a year now!Alice: _ You look so fit.

10、 And no more beer belly! A. I can say so.B. It s that right? C. I can tell.D. Is it possible?【答案】 C【分析】“我已经去健身房半年了。对应“我看得出来。你看上去这样健康。12. Joan: Why are you so late? Michael: _ I left them in the car.A. I couldn t find my car keysB. You know what happened?C. I didn t catch the busD. My car was out of

11、order【答案】 A【分析】问句“你怎么这么晚?回复“我找不到我的车钥匙,我把它们落在车里了。13. Terri: Derrick, don t you think you should take a vacation? Even one or two days would be fine. Derrick: _ There s too much work.A. No wayB. That s rightC. It is likelyD. I think so【答案】 A【分析】“德里克,你不以为你应当度假吗?即便是一到两天就能够。;“绝对不行能。有太多工作。14. Donald: Let

12、s eat out, shall we? Debra: I ve gone through my paycheck for theweek alreadyDonald: _ Don t worry about it. Ittreat.A. You said it!s myB. I couldn t agree moreC. I m brokeD. No problem【答案】 C【分析】 “让我们出去吃, 好吗?; “我囊空如洗。15. Timothy: Stanley, there s a Mr. Miller on thephone who wants to talk to you.Sta

13、nley: _ Can you ask him to hold? Tell himI ll talk with him in a fewseconds.A. Who is Mr. Miller?B. I m busy at the momentC. I don t know himD. What s happened?【答案】 B【分析】 “斯坦利, 有个米勒先生找你接 。 ;“我此刻很忙。你能叫他别挂 吗?Part II Reading Comprehension (40ponts) Directions: there are four passages in this part.Each

14、passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D, choose the best and mark your answer on the ANSEWR SHEET.Passage OneHave you ever heard of a pawpaw( 木瓜 )? If not, do not feel bad. Many Americans do not know of the fruit, alt

15、hough it is native to the U.S.Once, however, it wasone of the most popular fruits in North America. Happily, those who love the pawpaw are trying to return it to its former position in American foods.A pawpaw is a tropical fruit that used to be grown along the East Coast from New York to Florida and

16、 all over the eastern U.S.At one time, it could be found as far west as Nebraska.The pawpaw was an important food for Native Americans and even early European settlers. Pawpaws reportedly were a favorite treat of George Washington, the first U.S. president, who especially liked them cold. Thomas Jef

17、ferson, the third U.S. president, was also s fan of the fruit. He planted papaws at his home in Virginia. He also sent pawpaw seeds to his friends in France, American explorers Lewis and Clark wrote in their journals about the pawpaw.The pawpaw is difficult to be sold commercially. The fruit require

18、s a very special environment-low, wet areas that sometimes flood. It has a very short harvest season, from two to three weeks in September and October. In addition, the fruit is good to eat for only two to three days after harvesting. This makes it hard to sell anywhere distant from the pawpaw tree

19、it comes from.Planters are again growing pawpaw trees and harvesting the fruit. In several states farmers haveorganized “ pawpaw festivals to reintroduce people to food. At such a festival in Maryland recently,farmers displayed different products made with pawpaws, like pawpaw jams, pies, ice-cream

20、and beer.16. Many American people do not know that the pawpaw _A. Was once popular in the U.S. B. Is native to the U.S. onlyC. Has become popular again D. Is a healthy fruit【答案】 B【分析】依据文章“Many Americans do not know ofthe fruit, although it isnative to the U.S.能够得出答案。17. The pawpaw used to be found m

21、ainly _A. Around NebraskaB. In the eastern U.S.C. All over FloridaD. In New York suburbs【答案】 B【分析】依据文章“A pawpaw is a tropical fruit thatused to be grown along the East Coast from New York to Florida and all over the eastern U.S.能够得出答案。18. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are mentioned in parag

22、raph 3 as _A. American explorersB. Famous politiciansC. Early pawpaw plantersD. Pawpaw lovers【答案】 D【分析】依据文章“ Pawpaws reportedly w ere a favorite treat of George Washington, the first U.S. president, who especially liked them cold. Thomasto anizedJefferson, the third U.S. president, was also

23、s fan ofthe fruit.能够获取答案。19. It is difficult to sell the pawpaw on a large scale for the following reasons EXCPEPT that the fruit _A. Requires a very special environment B. Has a very short harvest seasonC. Does not taste goodD. Is difficult to preserve after harvesting【答案】 C【分析】依据文章“The fruit requi

24、res a very specialenvironment-low, wet areas that sometimes flood. Ithas a very short harvest season, from two to threeweeks in September and October. In addition, thefruit is good to eat for only two to three days afterharvesting. This makes it hard to sell anywheredistant from the pawpaw treeit co

25、mes from.能够得到答案。20. Pawpaw festivals are organized in some states_A. As a way of celebrating harvestB. As part of the traditional cultureC. To display pawpaw growing techniques D. To reintroduce people to the fruit【答案】 D【分析】依据文章“In severalstates farmers have“ pawpaw festivals to reintroduce people 能

26、够获取答案。Passage TwoThroughout history, humans have suffered from acondition that they have never been able toescape ageing. Some researchers, however, believewe may be thinking about it in the wrong way. Theysay we should start treating ageing itself as adisease one that can be prevented and treated.T

27、heir hopes are founded on recent discoveries thatsuggest biological ageing may be entirely preventableand treatable. From a biological preventive, the bodyages at different rates according to genetic andenvironmental factors. Tiny errors build up in ourDNA and our cells begin developing faults that

28、cangrow into tissue damage, which leads to ageing andageing related diseases.One of the leading figures in human life research,Aubrey De Grey, explains in an interview that theirgoal is to develop a set of therapies for middle-agedand older people that will leave them physically andmentally equivale

29、nt(相当的 ) to someone under the ageof 30.“ Of course, without wiping their memories,he adds. But he doesn t think that is will be possibleto stop ageing altogether. He sees a future where“ rejuvenation technologies can be applied to oldpeople in order to revert their cells to what they werelike when t

30、hey were in their youth, buying them extratime. The idea is that someone who is treated at the age of 60 will be biologically reverted to 30. But because the therapies are not permanent fixes. Theircells will end up becoming 60 years old again inanother 30 years time.21. By“ treating ageing itself a

31、s a diseaseresearchers mean _A. Aged people are liable to diseasesB. Ageing can be dealt with like a diseaseC. Ageing is a disease hard to cureD. Ageing should be treated carefully【答案】 B【分析】依据文章“They say we should starttreating ageing itself as a diseaseone that can beprevented and treated.能够得出答案。,

32、some22. Humans age at different rates due to _reasons.A. Physical B. BiologicalC. Genetic and environmental D. DNA and cell-related【答案】 C【分析】 依据文章“From a biological preventive, thebody ages at different rates according to genetic andenvironmental factors.23. The goal of De GreyA. Freeze peopleB. Mak

33、e people youngerC. Stop ageing altogetherD. Adjust people【答案】 B能够得出答案。 s research is to _.s ages memories【分析】依据文章“One of the leading figures inhuman life research, Aubrey De Grey, explains in an interview that their goal is to develop a set of therapies for middle-aged and older people that will lea

34、ve them physically and mentally equivalent tosomeone under the age of 30.24. What does“ rejuvenation能够得出答案。 (para.3) possiblymean?A. Relating to cellsB. Relating to genes.C. Becoming healthy.D. Becoming young.【答案】 D【分析】 rejuvenation一词的意思为“返老还童.25. What will happen if someone is treated with De Grey

35、s technology?A. He will stay young for a longer time B. He will no longer grow old.C. He will live up to at least 60 years old.D. He will not get ageing-related diseases.【答案】 A【分析】依据文章“Their cells will end up becoming60 years old again in another 30 years time.能够得出答案。Passage ThreeWhen jack Davis, 9,

36、 looks up at the night sky, he doesn t see just the stars. He sees his future. The fourth grader from New Jersey has a deep interest inouter space and the alien(外星的 ) beings he thinksmight live there.In July, Jack heard that NASA was looking for anew planetary protection officer and decided he wasth

37、e right person for the job. The position, whichfocuses on preventing astronauts from accidentallybringing extremely small, potentially dangerous alienlife-forms back to Earth and ensuring that astronautsdo not take Earth-based germs with them into space,pays from $124,406 to $187,000 per year.Jack w

38、rote a letter to NASA, noting hisqualifications for thejob.“ My sister says I am analien, Jack wrote, pointing out that since he isyoung, he can“ learn to think like an alien. Hesigned the letter“ Jack Davis, Guardian of theGalaxy.Within days, Jack received a personal letter fromNASA s planetary sci

39、ence director, James L. Green.“ We are always looking for bright future scientistsand engineers to help us, Green wrote. I hope youwill study hard and do well in school. We hope to seeyou here at NASA one of these days!Jack said he was“ shocked when Green sresponse arrived.“ I shouted, I got a lette

40、r fromNASA! Green says he loves to answer letters fromchildren. He calls his response a“ gravity assist.Spacecraft use gravity assistance from objects likeplanets and moons to help power the craft towardanother celestial(天上的 ) body. Green hopes a replycan influence a person s path in life in a simil

41、ar way.26. Which of the following can best describe JackDavis?A. Mature B. Curious.C. Talented.D. Honest【答案】 B【分析】依据文章“The fourth grader from NewJersey has a deep interest in outer space and thealien( 外星的) beings he thinks might live there.能够得出答案。27. What is the job responsibility of the planetary p

42、rotection officer?A. To ensure the mental and physical health of the astronautsB. To protect Earth from possible alien attacks in the futureC. To keep harmful substances form spreading between Earth and outer space.D. To study the unknown substances astronauts brought back to Earth【答案】 C【分析】依据文章“ Th

43、e position, which focuses on preventing astronauts from accidentally bringing extremely small, potentially dangerous alienlife-forms back to Earth and ensuring that astronauts do not take Earth-based germs with them into space,pays from $124,406 to $187,000 per year.能够得出答案。28. In this letter, Jack e

44、xplains that his strength lies in his _A. Personality B. Appearance C. HobbyD. Age【答案】 A【分析】依据文章“Jack wrote a letter to NASA,noting his qualifications for the job.“ My sister says Iam an alien, Jack wrote, pointing out that since heis young, hecan“ learn to think like an alien. Hesigned the letter“

45、Jack Davis, Guardian of theGalaxy.能够得出安安。29. In his response to the boy, James Green _. A. Encourages Jack to be a future NASA scientist B. Invites Jack to visit NASA as soon as possibleC. Tells Jack NASA s requirements for scientists【答案】 A【分析】依据文章“Within days, Jack received apersonal letter from NA

46、SA s planetary sciencedirector, James L. Green.“ We are always looking forbright future scientists and engineers to help us,Green wrote. I hope you will study hard and do wellin school. We hope to see you here at NASA one ofthese days!能够得出答案。30. In the last paragraph, the author intends to_.A. Suppo

47、rt Green for using gravity assist in projects.B. Introduce the concept of gravity assistC. Guide young people by giving them a gravity assistD. Explain how Green s letter serves as a gravityassist【答案】 C【分析】依据文章“influence a personGreen hopes a reply can s path in life in a similar way.能够得出答案。Passage

48、FourOnline dating has just been revealed to be one ofthe most common ways to start a relationship. Butnew research reveals that the concept is still highlyflawed( 出缺点的 ).An analysis of 400 studies into online datingshows that while it offers access to plenty of othersingles, users can be overwhelmed

49、 and put off by thevolume of choice, defeating the purpose.The research, by Northwestern University andpublished in the journal Psychological Science in thepublic interest, found that the processes involveddon t lend themselves to forming strongrelationships. The findings also indicated that theconc

50、ept of an online profile(介绍 ) is not entirely usefuland“ can result in treating potential partners asmere objects.Lead author Eli JFinkel explained:“ Onlinedating is a terrific addition for singles to meet.However, there are two problems. First, studyingover seemingly endless lists of profiles of people onedoes not know, as on Match , does not revealmuch about them. Second, it“ overloads people andthey e


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