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1、专题04 2015年完形真题点拨与高频词汇语境记忆集锦真题限时实战Part I.真题限时实战开始时间: 结束时间: 用时: 得分: 2015年全国1My kids and I were head ing into the supermarket over the weeke nd. Onthe way , we spotted a man holdi ng a piece of paper that said, 41myjob. Family to Feed. ”At this store, a 42 like this is not no rmal. My 10-year-old no ti

2、cedhim and make a _43on how bad it must be to have to sta nd _44in the cold wi nd.In the store, I asked each of my kids to _45_ someth ing they thoughtour “ friend ” there would6 . They got apples, a sandwich and a bottleof juice. Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a47_. I thoughtabout it. We

3、were 48 on cash ourselves, butwell, someti49fesfrom our n eed in stead of our abundance is50_ what we n eed to do! Allthe kids _51somethi ng they could do away with for the week.When we handed him the bag of _52_ , he lit up and thanked us with53_ eyes. When I handed him the gift card, saying he cou

4、ld use it for54his family might n eed, he burst into tears.This has bee n a won derful_55_ for our family. For days the kids havebee n look ing for others we can 56_! Things would have played out so57 if I had simply said, “ No, wereally don have58to givemore. ” Stepping out not only helped a brothe

5、r in59 , it also gave my kids the 60 taste of helping others. It' ll go a long way with them.【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。介绍了作者和孩子们帮助了一位陌生男子,他非常感激,而且作者和孩子们也从帮助别人的过程中体验到了快乐。head 一词多义: 居之首;在名列首位Running a bus in ess heads the list of ambiti ons among the 1,000 people in terviewed by Good Housekeep ing magaz ine.

6、在好管家杂志采访过的1,000人中,创立自己的公司在理想抱负中列 在首位。 公司、组织的)负责人,领导人,首脑,长,主任Heads of government from more than 100 countries gather in Geneva tomorrow.来自100多个国家的政府首脑明日将齐聚日内瓦。 朝着(某一地点)行进(美国英语中亦作 are headedHe headed forthe bus stop.他朝着公共汽车站走去。head into the supermarket去 超市1. On the way 在路上2. spot地点n vt发现spotted过去式双写ps

7、pot sb doing sth发现某人干某事3. hold a piece of paper拿 着一张纸hold 一词多义: VERB拿着;握住;托住Hold the knife at an angle.斜握住刀。He released his hold on the camer他松手放开了照相机。Your idea doesnthold water.你的看法站不住脚。 举行vtNext week a tea ceremony is to be held in Tingfeng Tea house.下周再听风茶楼有评茶会。 VN抱住,捂住,按住(受伤的身体部位等)She groaned an

8、d held her hed.她呻吟着,用手抱住头。文本二:At this store , a 42 like this is not normal. My 10-year-old noticedhim and make a _43on how bad it must be to have to sta nd_44in the cold wi nd.4. at this store在这家商店store vt储存;储备;存放Store the cookies in an airtight tin.把饼干贮存在一个密圭寸罐里。He simply stored the tapes away.他只是将

9、磁带存放起来。He's stored away n early one ton of potatoes.他已经储备了近1吨马铃薯。5. normal正常的 adj. abnormal不正常的6. n otice 通知 n./vtU注意;理会;察觉Don't take any no tice of what you read in the papers.别在意你在报上看到的东西。Take no no tice ofwhat he says 别理会他说的话。These protests have really made the government sit up and take

10、notice (= realize the importance of the situation).这些抗议活动确实引起了政府的警觉和注意7. in the cold wi nd.在寒风中文本三:In the store, I asked each of my kids to _45_ something they thought our “ friend ” there would6_. They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a47. I tho

11、ughtabout it. We were 48_ on cash ourselvesbut well, sometimes _49 from our n eed in stead of our abundance is _50 what we n eed to do! All the kids _51somethi ng they could do away with for the week.8. san dwich 三明治 n9. We were low on cash ourselves, but /sometimes givi ng from our n eed in stead o

12、f our abundance is just what we n eed to do!我们自己的现金是不足的嗯,有时候我们需要的只是从我们的需要中给予而不是从我们的富足中给予!10. abundance丰富; 充足 n abundant adjThe area has an abu nda nee of wildlife这片地区有丰富的野生动植物。U (of sth)(for mal)大量; 丰盛; 充裕 a large quantity that is more than enough习语 in abundance大量; 丰盛; 充裕 =in large quantitiesFruit a

13、nd vegetables grew in abundance on the isla nd.该岛盛产水果和蔬菜。11. All the kids declare something they could do away with for the week. 所有的孩子都宣布他们这周可以不需要的东西。文本四:When we handed him the bag of _52_ , he lit up and thanked us with53_ eyes. When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for_54his fam

14、ily might n eed, heburst into tears.12. light up 点亮 light 过去式 lit /lit13. thank us with watery eyes泪水涟涟得感谢我们。14. ha nd him the gift card把礼品卡递给他15. burst into tears泪流满面。文本五:This has bee n a won derful_55_ for our family. For days the kids havebeen looking for others we can 56! Things would have playe

15、d out so_57_ if I had simply said, “ No, wereally don haVe58to givemore. ” Stepping out not only helped a brother in59 , it also gave my kidsll go a long way with them.the _60_ taste of help ing others. It16. Things would have played out so differently if I had simply said,we really don ' t have

16、 money to give more. ” 如果我只是简单地说,“不,我们真的没有钱给更多的东西”,事 情就会变得如此不同。17. Stepping out not only helped a brother in need, it also gave my kidsll go a long way with them.the sweet taste of help ing others. It走出去不仅帮助了一个需要帮助的兄弟,也给了我的孩子帮助别 人的甜蜜滋味。他们还有很长的路要走以下词汇来自选项1.quit 退出 vt quit doing sth quitted2.suggestio

17、n 建议 me nt 评论 n/vt comme nt on4. decision 决策 n make a decision to do sth5. proud ly 骄傲地 adv6. angrily 愤怒地 adv7. draw画;拉;吸引vt8. arrange 安排 v. arrangement n.9. arrange for sb to do sth安排某人干某事10. pick 挑选 vt11. order秩序;秩序;点菜 vt/n12. supply 供给 vt13. appreciate 欣赏 ;感谢; 意识至U vt appreciative adj appre

18、ciation n.14. Few observers appreciated the immense political significanee of thisdevelopme nt.很少有观察者意识到这一发展的巨大政治意义。15. In time you will appreciate the beauty of this Ian guage.总有一天你会体会到这种语言的优美之处。16. I would appreciate it if 如果,我将不胜感激.17. I would appreciate it if you would tur n the music dow n.18.

19、discover 发现 vt19. dollar 美元 n20. hot meal 热饭21. gift card 礼品卡22. low低的;缺钱的 adj23. soft 软的 adj24. loose 释放 vt/adj25. save节约;救命vt26. beg 乞求 vtbeggar n27. declare 声明v28. share.分享;份额 vt/nShe divided the food into four equal shares.她把食物分成相同的四份.29. share sth with sb30. ignore.忽视31. expect 期待vt/ unexpected adj expectation n.32. medicine 医学33. sleepy 困乏的 a.34. watery 水的 a.35. curious 好奇的 a.36. sharp 锋利的 a.37. experienee经验;经验./n.经历People gain valuable work experienee an


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