已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、名师总结英语六级常考短语和词组:英语六级常考重点词组 0六级常考重点词组abide by,conform to , comply with 遵守(be) abundant in(be rich in) 富于,富有of ones own accord(willingly)自愿地 ,主动地in accordance with (according to) 依照,根据 in terms of 根据takeinto account(take into consideration)把.。考虑进去on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要adapt onese

2、lf to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于in addition to(=as well as)除外in advance 预告, 事先。考试大论坛take advantage of (=make the best of, make use of)利用。in the air不肯定,在谣传中。appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁. appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力approve of赞成 in favour of 赞成assure sb. of sth向保证, 使确信make an attempt at doing sth. (to do

3、sth。) 试图做attend to侍候,照料attributeto把.。归因于. contribute to 有助于 due to 是由于at ones back支持,维护on the basis of 根据for the benefit of 为了的利益get the better of (=defeat sb。) 打败in blossom开花in bulk 成批地center on(=focus on) 把注意力集中在上by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然charge sb. with 控告某人犯有round the clock(昼夜不停地com

4、mit oneself to 致力于comparewith 把与比较 compareto 把比作on condition that (if)如果 in the event thatconfide in 对讲真心话,be confronted with 面对, 面临in connection with与有关be conscious of(=be aware of)觉察,知道consent to同意under consideration 在考虑中consist of(=be composed of)由组成的contrary to (opposite to) 与相反in contrast to/wi

5、th 和形成对比by contrast 对比之下 by comparison 比较起来at all costs不惜任何代价 . go to any length想一切办法 by all means不惜一切。at the cost of 以为代价(at the expense of)to ones credit使某人感到光荣be critical of 爱挑毛病的,不满out of date过时的;up to date最近的,时兴的; date back to回溯到; date from从某时期开始on the decline 在衰退中, 在减少中in demand有需求deprive sb.

6、of sth. 剥夺某人某物deviate from 偏离fall back (retreat, turn back) 撤退dispose of (get rid of ,throw away)处理掉beyond dispute 无可争议 in dispute 在争议中distinguishfrom 把与区别开do away with废除,杀掉on earth 究竟, 在世上at ease自在go into effect 生效. come into effect; take effect 开始生效place(or put, lay) an emphasis on 强调上at ones wits

7、 end 智穷计尽come to and end (finish) 结束enter for 报名参加be entitled to有权,有资格be equipped with 装备有,装有名师总结英语六级常考短语和词组:六级最常考的116个固定搭配 0六级考试常用词汇搭配116条1. Keep up with2. Catch up with3. Come up with 提出4. End up with 以告终5. Put up with 忍受6. Make up for 补偿/填补7. Live up to 不辜负8. Turn up出现9. Turn down 减少、拒绝来源:10. Tur

8、n over 翻转11. Turn in 上缴12. Have access to sth13. Be used to doing sth14. Look forward to doing sth/sth15. Get down to sth。16. Lead to/contribute to/attribute to17. Be superior to18. Be inferior to19. Be senior to20. Be junior to21. Prior to sth。22. Range from to23. Be busy in24. Be busy doing sth25.

9、 Cant help doing26. Feel like doing27. Have a good time (in )28. Have difficulty( trouble) (in)29. Spend/waste time(in)30. Its no use doing sth31.Theres no point in32. In the way/by the way/ in no way33. Its the first/second time that34. Catch sb doing sth35. Call off=cancel36. Have an influence on

10、sth/sb37. Impose sth on sb。38. But for sth。39. Risk doing sth。40. Escape doing sth。41. Accuse sb of sth。42. Charge sb with sth。43. Be innocent of sth。44. Be alert to sth45. play arole/part in sth./doing sth46. be worth doing sth47. be worthy of doing sth48.keep/lose contact with sb。49. be second to

11、none(首)50. not to speak of/not to mention/let alone+名词/代词/动名词51. delay/mind/ admit/ avoid/ anticipate/ consider/contemplate/deny/dislike/ fancy/ finish/ involve/ permit/ practice/ quit/risk+doing52. adapt oneself to53. have no objection to doing sth。54. be/get used to doing55.confess to56.contribute

12、 to57. devote to58. object to59. be opposed to60. resort to61. stick to62. take to63. turnout 生产/证明是64. a sheet of paper65.throw/cast light on 使明白/阐明66.response/ reply/ key/ attitude/ approach/ answer/introduction/access /exposure /objection+erfere in干涉68.interfere with妨碍69. What if? 陈述语序70.

13、 be accustomed to/71. adhere to72. abide erate with74. conform to75.dispose of76.apology to sb for sth。77. be thankful to/be grateful to sb78.restrain/ keep/ prevent /restrict /stop /protect /prohibitsbFrom sth/doing sth79.specialize in sth/doing sth。80. queue up81.acquaint sb with sth。82.f

14、amiliarize sb with sth。83.correspond to sth84.correspond with sb。85.congratulate sb on sth86.dependence/dependant on sth87. be independent of sth。88.participate in sth89. be bound to90. cure sb of sth91. be of importance /significance/ value/92. beyond reach/power93. be lacking in94. be beneficial/

15、advantageous to sb。95. be attached to sth96. be assigned to97. find fault with sb98. in memory of sb。99. be absorbed in sth/doing sth100. be abundant in sth101. take sth into account /consideration102.relate sth to sb。103.remark on sth104. none other than105. so much as that106. Could have done107.

16、Must have done108.Should have done109.Never/ seldom/ rarely/ hardly/ barely/ scarcely/ little/few位于句首引起主谓部分倒装。110. Lest/in case/unless /suppose /as if/for fear that/oncondition等词引导的目的状语从句中,谓语动词多用虚拟语气,(should)+动词原形111. Not so muchas 与其说不如说112. Its time that (过去式)113. May just as well114. see to it th

17、at115. see to doing sth116.order/ ask/ demand/ command/ request/ require that+虚拟语气英语六级翻译常用搭配在看这些搭配前,请大家务必把历年六级考试翻译真题出现的短语背下来。1. Keep up with 1. 跟上They walked so fast that I could not keep up with them.他们走得那么快,我没法跟上。 2. 和.保持联系She has kept up with some of her friends since her retirement.她退休后一直同一些朋友保持

18、着联系。2. Catch up with 1. 赶上hurry and catch up with the group ahead.我们快点,赶上前面的那一伙人。2. 对.产生预期的坏影响(或恶果)Smoking will catch up with you sooner or later.吸烟迟早会使你受害不浅。3. Come up with(六级考试考过5次,重点注意)赶上a We came up with a group of tourists. 我们赶上了一群旅游者b (针对问题等)想出;提供He came up with good ideas for the product prom

19、otion.他想出一个推广产品的好方法。He could not come up with a proper answer.他想不出一个合适的回答。c 准备好(钱等)You must come up with the money by tomorrow night.你明晚之前必须准备好钱。4. End up witha以告终翻译,免费工学论文,免费论文网,免费水土保.b以的方式结束5. Put up with忍受;容忍I dont know how his parents put up with his antics.我不知道他的父母是如何忍受他的怪异行为。She could hardly p

20、ut up with that fellow any longer.她再也不能忍受那家伙。6. Make up for补偿Nothing can make up for what they have suffered.什么也不能补偿他们所受的痛苦。7. Live up to实践;不辜负You must live up to your promise.你必须实践自己的诺言8. Turn upa出现;出席;被找到,发现;将(声,光等)调大;查字典;发生(情况b出现;找到;证明是c出现;放大(灯光,收音机,煤气等)9. Turn down 拒绝His proposal was turned down

21、.他的提议被拒绝了1关小,调低;拒绝2.拒绝采纳;拒绝考虑3.(把音量)调低10. Turn over 翻倒;倾覆The car was turned over and the driver seriously injured.汽车翻倒了,司机受了重伤。1.翻过来,翻倒;移交,交;仔细考虑11. Turn in 交上;归还Turn in all the tools after use.全部工具用后都要归还。转身进入;拐入;交出;上床睡觉12. Have access to sth接近,使用1 have access to 接近,使用2. 接近(或进入)的方法(或权利、机会等)3.have ac

22、cess to接近(或进入)的方法(或权利、机会等)4. 可以使用 .have access to 可以使用5 have access to可以获得或使用13. Be used to doing sth14. Look forward to doing sth/sth 盼望期待做某事15. Get down to sth. 开始认真对待 开始认真(做某事)16. Lead to/contribute to/attribute to17. Be superior to 比优越,比好优于,胜过18. Be inferior to低于,劣等于(质量等)比差劣于,次于19. Be senior to

23、较 . 年长 He is senior to me by seven years.他比我年长七岁较 . 年长 He is senior to me by seven years.他比我年长七岁。He inclined his ear to the wise old man.他把耳朵贴近那位年长的智者。20. Be junior to 1. 年龄小于 be senior to(年龄长于),be junior to(年龄小于),be equal to(和相等),.2. 年幼于 be previous to在之前.be junior to年幼于.be senior to年长于3. 比年少或低级 ju

24、dging from 从看;根据可以看出.21. Prior to sth. 在某事发生之前22. Range from to在一定幅度或范围内)变动,变化ranging from computers and MP4s to mobile telephones and digital cameras范围包括从电脑,MP4播放器以及移动电话到数码相机23. Be busy in24. Be busy doing sth25. Cant help doing26. Feel like doing 想要做某事 想要;感觉要27. Have a good time (in )28. Have diff

25、iculty( trouble) (in)29. Spend /waste time(in)30. Its no use doing sth31. Theres no point in没有意义、没有必要做.事情32. In the way/by the way/ in no way33. Its the first/second time that34. Catch sb doing sth . 抓到某人做某事 . 逮住某人做某事35. Call off=cancel36. Have an influence on sth/sb37. Impose sth on sb. 强加于某人某事物 把强

26、加于某人38. But for sth=.without 要不是 假设39. Risk doing sth.40. Escape doing sth. 躲避干某事41. Accuse sb of sth. 控告(某人某事)42. Charge sb with sth. 控告某人犯有43. Be innocent of sth.清白的 无辜的 innocent清白的 无辜的44. Be alert to sth对某物警惕45. play a role/part in sth./doing sth46. be worth doing sth47. be worthy of doing sth48.

27、 keep/lose contact with sb.49. be second to none(首)最好的The airline is considered to be second to none这条航线是最好的50. not to speak of/not to mention/let alone+名词/代词/动名词更不用说且不提51. delay/ mind/ admit/ avoid/ anticipate/ consider/ contemplate/deny/ dislike/ fancy/ finish/ involve/ permit/ practice/ quit/ ris

28、k+doing52. adapt oneself to使自己适应或习惯于 使适应;使适合53. have no objection to doing sth不反对做某事 .object反对异议缺点54. be/get used to doing55. confess to承认 坦白,坦承56. contribute to捐助;帮助How much did you contribute to the relief fund你为那笔救济金捐了多少促成Your suggestion has greatly contributed to the accomplishment of our work.你

29、的建议大大地促进了我们工作的完成。为.写稿She has been contributing to the paper for 5 years.五年以来,她一直在为那家报纸撰搞。57. devote to献身于;致力于将奉献给;把专用(于)58. object to对.反对59. be opposed to反对(某事)60. resort to依靠,求助于When his wife left him, he resorted to drink. 妻子离去后,他借酒消愁。2. 光顾;常去(某地)We resorted to the hotel for some coffee. 我们去那家宾馆喝咖

30、啡。61. stick to忠于;信守He is a man who sticks to his friends. 他是个忠于朋友的人。62. take to开始从事He took to studying English 5 years ago. 他五年前开始学英语。2. 喜欢Mary took to her new teacher the first time they met.63. turn out 生产/证明是64. a sheet of paper一张纸一页纸sheet床单薄板纸张65. throw/cast light on 使明白/阐明66. response/ reply/ k

31、ey/ attitude/ approach/ answer/ introduction/access /exposure /objection+to67. interfere in干涉68. interfere with妨碍69. What if? 陈述语序倘若怎么样?70. be accustomed to/习惯于,适应于71. adhere to粘附 坚持 拥护;支持72. abide by遵守;信守 承担.的后果;承受73. cooperate with合作,协作,相配合 和合作74. conform to遵守,依照,符合,顺应 与一致,与相符合,符合,遵照,遵守 遵守法律、法规;符合

32、一种需要,标准75. dispose of a解决,处理(一件事)b. 让或卖掉c除去,扔掉76. apology to sb for sth.77. be thankful to/be grateful to sb78. restrain/ keep/ prevent /restrict /stop /protect /prohibit sbfrom sth/doing sth79. specialize in sth/doing sth.专门从事专业干什么80. queue up排成队(等候)81. acquaint sb with sth. 通知某人,让某人了解82. familiari

33、ze sb with sth. 使熟悉;使亲近(+with)83. correspond to sth符合,一致(to ith)相当,相应(+to) 通信(+with)84. correspond with sb. 通信(+with)85. congratulate sb on sth86. dependence/dependant on sth依靠;依赖;信赖87. be independent of sth. 1. 独立的,自治的,自主的(+of)Many colonies in Africa became independent nations in the 1950s.非洲许多殖民地在二十世纪五十年代成了独立国家。2. 有独立心的;自立的(+of)My elder sisters and brothers have moved away from home and are now independent.我的哥哥姐姐已从家里搬了出去,现在都自立了。3. 单独的;分开的(+of)an independent food stor


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