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1、Slavery: from beginning to endFreedom and its difficultiesThe civil rights movementAfrican-Americans todayDiscussingLecturingPictures and songsVideo clipsStudent reportWarming-upGlobal readingLanguage studyChecking your comprehensionDiscussing Questions for discussionWhat is your first impression of

2、 African-Americans?What famous African-Americans can you name? Why are they famous?Have you ever experienced discrimination? What happened? Tell us how you were treated, how it made you feel, and how you responded.Guess 1.What can you learn about the African-Americans from the song?2.When is Martin

3、Luther King Jr.s birthday? When do Americans celebrate this day?3.Why is February called Black History Month?Because February marks the birthdays of two men who greatly influenced the black American population.Frederick DouglassAbraham Lincoln4.Were the African-Americans treated equally after the sl

4、avery was abolished? Do you know why? Discrimination in the NorthSegregation in the South5.What problems are African-Americans still trying to overcome?Variation PortionGo back / go back toBe sold into slavery AbolishedSegregationDiscriminationThe disadvantaged minorityStruggle for变体分量;份额追溯到被卖身为奴废除了

5、的隔离歧视处于劣势的少数群体为奋斗6.What is the fundamental reason leading to the fact that the blacks in America today are still inferior to the whites? Slavery Slavery: from beginning to end7.Was the slave trade begun by Americans?8.Why were they there? How did they come to this new continent?They were shipped to

6、the Americas, and then sold into slavery.9.Were all the blacks before 1861 slaves? Why were the slaves more welcomed in the south? Free states versus slave states10.Were they allowed to hold on their old culture?11.Can you describe the miserable lives of the slaves?12.What do you think of Harriet Be

7、echer Stowe and her little book Uncle Toms Cabin?The little woman who wrote the book that made the great civil war13.What is the Confederate States of America? What is the north called in the civil war?14.Did the Emancipation Proclamation free all the slaves in America? Why or why not? Which documen

8、t freed all the slaves in the Confederate States?Which document freed all the slaves across the country?Which document or documents give the former slaves full civil rights?The 14th and 15th Amendments to the ConstitutionThe 13th Amendment to the ConstitutionEmancipation ProclamationDemandIncreased

9、demandKidnapDiscriminatory practiceDiscourageConvertAbuseEvilsUnderlying需求更多的需求;增加了的需求绑架歧视性做法使之泄气/不愿做某事皈依侵犯;对采取不正当做法坏事;邪恶行径背后的;深层次的15.Why were there slaves in the South but not in the North?Freedom and its difficulties16.Were the freed slaves satisfied with their newly-gained equality? Were they pre

10、pared for the new challenges?17.What happed to the blacks who moved to the north after the great war? Discrimination 18.How about those who remained in the South? What is your understanding of Jim Crow Laws? Use one word to cover the central idea of Jim Crow Laws. segregationGuaranteeConspicuousForc

11、e intoDiscriminationSegregationjury保证引人注目的;显眼的被迫歧视隔离陪审团19.In what ways were blacks kept separate from whites in the South?The civil rights movement20.What were boycotts?21.What were sit-ins?22.What are freedom rides?23.Why did Martin Luther King, Jr. and his black fellows, boycott Montgomery city bu

12、ses? The woman that started Montgomery Bus Boycott24.What did they do during the boycott? Did the win the boycott?25.After he became famous, King was assigned as the official leader for the black civil rights movement, true or false?26.Black civil rights movement was a war between the whites and the

13、 blacks, and some whites came to the south to support their white fellows. True or false?27.What is Kings philosophy of non-violent protest?King urged people to refuse to obey evil laws and regulations, but to protest without fighting and without resisting arrest.28.King was only concerned about the

14、 civil rights for the African-Americans, true or false?29.What happened to King in 1964 and 1968 respectively?30.Kings death led to the failure of the black civil rights movement, true or false?31.Is Kings birthday a national holiday today?Discriminatory practiceThroughout the nationTake steps to do

15、A live audience of 200,000AssassinationShot him into the hearts of humanityCurriculum / curricula歧视性做法横贯全国采取措施做某事二十万现场观众/听众暗杀(尤指出于政治或宗教原因)这一枪将他射入了人类文明的核心学校的全部课程African-Americans today32.Why are more African-Americans living under the poverty line? What can they do to change the current situation?33.

16、Are African-Americans still under-represented in government? 34.In politics, African-Americans gains have been impressive; now, they are as equally represented as the white people, true or false?ConnectionDrug dealer and addictsDeterioratingBetter-paying jobsGainsUnder-representedIn significant numb

17、ersAirport customs关联贩毒者/毒枭和吸毒者急剧恶化的待遇更好的工作收获没有得到充分代表的极大的数目机场海关35.What are the three different areas in which African-Americans have made great progress?Contributions: past and present36.African-American influence in music can be easily felt in the music world. Can you name some musical types origina

18、ting from African-American culture?37.What was George Washington Carver? What contributions did he make to U.S.?38.Can you make a list of black celebrities and tell us their contributions?Botanist/inventorTV hostessThe first black congresswomanHe has run for president for a few timesThe first black secretary of stateRice: state of secretaryInstrumentalistsNumerous / numericalExtend intoA wide range ofEntertainment industryIntellec


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