1、n 第1章 C语言概述1-1 编写程序,在屏幕上显示一个如下输出: - Programming in C is fun! I love C language.-Program#include <stdio.h>main()printf("-n"); printf("Programming in C is fun!n"); printf("I love C language.n");printf("-n");1-2 编写程序,在屏幕上显示一个如下图案: * * * * * * * * * *Program
2、 (1)#include <stdio.h>main()printf("* * * *n"); printf(" * * *n");printf(" * *n");printf(" *n ");Program (2) #include <stdio.h>main()printf("%c%4c%4c%4cn", '*', '*', '*', '*'); printf("%3c%4c%4cn"
3、, '*', '*', '*');printf("%5c%4cn", '*', '*');printf("%7cn ", '*');1-3 已知某个圆的半径,编写一个程序,用来计算并显示面积。要求:将定义为符号常量,并假设一个恰当的半径值。Program#include <stdio.h>#define PI 3.14main()float r=5, s;s = PI*r*r; printf("The area of circle is:
4、 %.2fn", s);Output The area of circle is: 78.501-4 已知两个整数20和10,编写程序,自定义函数add( )将这两个数相加,自定义函数sub( )计算这两个数的差,并按照下面形式显示计算结果:20+10=30 20-10=10Program#include <stdio.h>int add(int a, int b)return (a+b);int sub(int a, int b)return (a-b);main()int a=20, b=10;printf("%d + %d = %dn", a,
5、b, add(a, b);printf("%d - %d = %dn", a, b, sub(a, b);Output 20 + 10 = 3020 10 = 101-5 已知变量a、b和c的值,编写程序,用来计算并显示x的值,其中请分别用以下数值运行该程序(1)a=250,b=85,c=25(2)a=300,b=70,c=80Program (1)#include <stdio.h>main()int a=250, b=85, c=25;float x;x=1.0*a/(b-c);printf("x = %.2fn", x);Output
6、(1)x = 4.17Program (2)#include <stdio.h>main()int a=300, b=70, c=80;float x;x=1.0*a/(b-c); /*试写成x=a/(b-c); 得到什么运行结果?为什么?*/printf("x = %.2fn", x);Output (2)x = -30.00n 第2章 常量、变量及数据类型 & 第3章 运算符和表达式3-1 编写程序,求华氏温度100oF对应的摄氏温度。计算公式如下:式中:c表示摄氏温度,f表示华氏温度。(c定义为实型,f定义为整型)Program #include
7、<stdio.h>main()int f=100;float c;c=5.0*(f-32)/9;/*如果是c=5*(f-32)/9; 会是什么结果?为什么?*/printf("Celsius degree (corresponding to %d Fahrenheit) is: %.2f.n", f, c);Output Celsius degree (corresponding to 100 Fahrenheit) is: 37.78.3-2 一个物体从100m的高空自由落下,编写程序,求它在前3s内下落的垂直距离。设重力加速度为10m/s2。要求,将重力加速
8、度定义为符号常量,尝试将其改为9.8 m/s2,看结果有何不同?Program #include <stdio.h>#define G 10main()int t=3;float s;s=1.0/2*G*t*t; /*如果是s=1/2*G*t*t; 会是什么结果?为什么?*/printf("The falling vertical distance (in %d seconds) is: %.2f.n", t, s);Output The falling vertical distance (in 3 seconds) is:45.00.3-3 将球的半径R定义
9、为符号常量,计算球的表面积(4R2)和体积(4/3*R3)。Program #include <stdio.h>#define R 5.2#define PI 3.14main()float s, v;s=4*PI*R*R;v=4.0/3*PI*R*R*R;printf("The surface area of the ball (radius is %.2f) is: %.2f, and the volume is: %.2f.n", R, s, v);Output The surface area of the ball (radius is 5.20) i
10、s: 339.62, and the volume 588.68.3-4 给定x、y和z的值,编写程序,使x等于y的值,y等于z的值,z等于x的值。Program #include <stdio.h>main()int x=1, y=2, z=3, t;printf("Before swap: x=%d, y=%d, z=%d.n", x, y, z);t=x;x=y;y=z;z=t;/*变量t的作用是什么?*/printf("After swap: x=%d, y=%d, z=%d.n", x, y, z);Output Before sw
11、ap: x=1, y=2, z=3.After swap: x=2, y=3, z=1.3-5 编写一个程序,给定一个浮点数(例如456.78),显示该数的十位数字与个位数字之和(例如5+6=11)。Program (1)#include <stdio.h>main()float f=456.78;int n, a, b;n=f;a = n%10;/*赋值后,a是什么值?*/b = n/10%10;/*赋值后,b是什么值?*/printf("The sum of the tens digit and units digit of %.2f is: %d + %d = %d
12、.n", f, b, a, a+b);Program (2)#include <stdio.h>main()float f=456.78;int n, a, b;n=f;a = n%10;b = n%100/10;/*该语句与上面程序不同,看看有何区别?*/printf("The sum of the tens digit and units digit of %.2f is: %d + %d = %d.n", f, b, a, a+b);Output The sum of the tens digit and units digit of 456.7
13、8 is: 5+ 6 = 11.3-6 某种物品每年折旧费的计算方法如下:编写一个程序,当给定某物品的购买价格、使用年限和每年的折旧费时,计算出其废品价值。Program #include <stdio.h>main()float price=120.65, year=3, depreciation=10.2, value;value = price - year*depreciation;printf("The scrap value is %.2f.n", value);Output The scrap value is 90.05.3-7 在库存管理中,某
14、单个物品的经济定购数EOQ由下面等式给定:而最优的定购时间间隔TBO由下面等式给定:编写程序,给定需求率(单位时间内的物品数)、生产成本(每个定购)和储备成本(单位时间内每种物品),计算EOQ和TBO。Program #include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>main()int demand=1000;float product_cost=3.5, storage_cost=0.63, eoq, tbo;eoq=sqrt(2*demand*product_cost/storage_cost);tbo=sqrt(2*product_cost/d
15、emand/storage_cost);printf("EOQ is %.2f, and TBO is %.2f.n", eoq, tbo); Output EOQ is 105.41, and TBO is 0.11.n 第4章 输入输出操作管理4-1 输入两个数,将它们交换后输出。Program #include <stdio.h>main()int x, y, t;printf("Please input 2 numbers: ");scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);printf("
16、;Before swap, the 2 numbers are: %d, %dn", x, y);t=x;x=y;y=t;printf("After swap, the 2 numbers are: %d, %dn", x, y);Output Please input 2 numbers: 3 5¿/* Blue is input */Before swap, the 2 numbers are: 3, 5After swap, the 2 numbers are: 5, 34-2 输入一个十进制数,输出对应的八进制数和十六进制数。Program #i
17、nclude <stdio.h>main()int n;printf("Please input a decimal number: ");scanf("%d ", &n);printf("The octal is %o, and the hexadecimal is %x.n", n, n);Output Please input a decimal number: 10¿/* Blue is input */The octal is 12, and the hexadecimal is a.考虑:如何
18、得到下面的输出?Please input a decimal number: 10¿/* Blue is input */The octal is 012, and the hexadecimal is 0xa.4-3 编写程序,输入3个整数,计算并输出它们的平均值。Program #include <stdio.h>main()int a, b, c;printf("Please input 3 integers: ");scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c);printf("Th
19、e average is %.2f.n", (a+b+c)/3.0);Output Please input 3 integers: 4 7 -19¿/* Blue is input */The average is -2.67.4-4 编写一个程序,读取x和y的值,显示下面表达式的值:(1)(2)(3)Program #include <stdio.h>main()float x, y;printf("Please input x and y: ");scanf("%f%f", &x, &y);print
20、f("(1) (x+y)/(x-y) = %.2fn", (x+y)/(x-y);printf("(2) (x+y)/2 = %.2fn", (x+y)/2);printf("(3) (x+y)(x-y) = %.2fn", (x+y)*(x-y);Output Please input x and y: 3.5 4.1¿/* Blue is input */(1) (x+y)/(x-y) = -12.67(2) (x+y)/2 = 3.80(3) (x+y)(x-y) = -4.564-5 计算银行存款的本息。编写程序,输
21、入存款金额money、存期year和年利率rate,根据下列公式计算存款到期时的本息合计sum(税前),输出时保留两位小数。Program #include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>main()float money, rate, sum;int year;printf("Please input the deposit money: ");scanf("%f", &money);printf("Please input the deposit period: ");scan
22、f("%d", &year);printf("Please input the annual interest rate: ");scanf("%f", &rate);sum=money*pow(1+rate, year);printf("The total principal and interest is: %.2fn", sum);Output Please input the deposit money: 2500¿/* Blue is input */Please input t
23、he deposit period: 3¿/* Blue is input */Please input the annual interest rate: 0.023¿/* Blue is input */The total principal and interest is: 2676.504-6 输入圆柱的高h和半径r,求圆柱体积volume=*r2*h。Program #include <stdio.h>#define PI 3.14main()float volume, r, h;printf("Please input the radius
24、 of the cylinder: ");scanf("%f", &r);printf("Please input the height of the cylinder: ");scanf("%f", &h);volume=PI*r*r*h;printf("The volume of the cylinder is: %.2fn", volume);Output Please input the radius of the cylinder: 3.5¿/* Blue is inp
25、ut */Please input the height of the cylinder: 12.7¿/* Blue is input */The volume of the cylinder is: 488.514-7 编写一个程序,读取一个实数f,将其四舍五入的值赋值给整型变量n,输出n的值。(尝试不用if语句完成本程序,并考虑负数是否适用)Program (1)#include <stdio.h>main()float f;int n, m;printf("Please input a real number: ");scanf("%f
26、", &f);m=f*10;m=m%10/5;/*m是什么值?*/n=f;n=n+m;/*m有何作用?*/printf("The rounded integer is: %dn", n);Program (2)如果不明白if语句,可以在学完第5章后再看。#include <stdio.h>main()float f;int n, m;printf("Please input a real number: ");scanf("%f", &f);n=f+0.5;/*是否理解该语句?*/printf(&
27、quot;The rounded integer is: %dn", n);Output (1)Please input a real number: 3.6¿/* Blue is input */The rounded integer is: 4Output (2)Please input a real number: -13.2¿/* Blue is input */The rounded integer is: -134-8 编写程序,读入两个两位数字的整数,并按照如下形式输出这两个整数的乘积。4 5* 3 7 3 1 51 3 5 1 6 6 5提示:注意
28、格式!Program #include <stdio.h>main()int x, y, m, n;printf("Please input 2 integers: ");scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);printf("%5dn *%3dn-n", x, y);m=y%10;n=y/10;printf("%5dn%4dn-n%5dn", x*m, x*n, x*y);n 第5章 判断与分支5-1 输入一个字符ch,根据不同情况进行输出:(1)ch为小写字母,输出对应的大写字母
29、;(2)ch为大写字母,按照原样输出;(3)ch为数字,输出对应的数字;(4)ch为其他字符,输出“Other character.”。Program #include <stdio.h>main()char ch;printf("Please input a character: ");ch=getchar();if (ch>='a' && ch<='z')printf("%cn", ch-('a'-'A');elseif (ch>='
30、A' && ch<='Z')printf("%cn", ch);else if (ch>='0' && ch<='9')printf("%dn", ch-'0');elseprintf("Other character.n");Output (1)Please input a character: A¿/* Blue is input */AOutput (2)Please input a charact
31、er: b¿/* Blue is input */BOutput (3)Please input a character: 3¿/* Blue is input */3Output (4)Please input a character: ¿/* Blue is input */Other character.5-2 为鼓励居民节约用水,自来水公司采用按月用水量分段计费的办法,居民应交水费y元与月用水量x吨的函数关系式如下(设x³0)。编写程序,输入用户的月用水量x吨,计算并输出该用户应支付的水费y元(保留两位小数)。Program #include &
32、lt;stdio.h>main()float x, y;printf("Please input the water consumption: ");scanf("%f", &x);if(x<=15)y=4*x/3;/*是否可以写成y=4/3*x;?区别在哪里?*/elsey=2.5*x-10.5;printf("The water price is: %.2f. n", y);Output Please input the water consumption: 27.9¿/* Blue is input
33、 */The water price is: 59.255-3 输入一个年份year,判断year是否为闰年。year若为闰年,需要满足下列条件之一:(1)能被4整除,但不能被100整除(如2004年是闰年,2100年不是闰年)(2)能被400整除(如2000年是闰年)Program #include <stdio.h>main()int year;printf("Please input the year: ");scanf("%d", &year);if (year%4=0&&year%100!=0)|(year%
34、400=0)printf("%d is a leap year!n", year);elseprintf ("%d is not a leap year!n", year);Output Please input the year: 1900¿/* Blue is input */1900 is not a leap year!5-4 输入3个实数,将其按照降序输出(较大数在前),保留3位小数。Program (1)#include <stdio.h>main()float x, y, z;printf("Please i
35、nput 3 real numbers: ");scanf("%f%f%f", &x, &y, &z);if (x>y)if(y>z)printf("%.3f, %.3f, %.3fn", x, y, z);elseif(x>z)printf("%.3f, %.3f, %.3fn", x, z, y);elseprintf("%.3f, %.3f, %.3fn", z, x, y); elseif(x>z)printf("%.3f, %.3f, %
36、.3f", y, x, z);elseif(y>z)printf("%.3f, %.3f, %.3fn", y, z, x);elseprintf("%.3f, %.3f, %.3fn", z, y, x);/*程序结束时,x, y, z的值是否发生了变化?*/Program (2)#include <stdio.h>main()float x, y, z,t;printf("Please input 3 real numbers: ");scanf("%f%f%f", &x,
37、&y, &z);if (x>y)t=x; x=y; y=t;if (x>z)t=x; x=z; z=t;if (y>z)t=y; y=z; z=t;/*此程序与上面的程序有何不同?*/printf("%.3f, %.3f, %.3fn", x, y, z); /*程序结束时,x, y, z的值是否发生了变化?*/Output Please input 3 real numbers: 7.8 5 10¿/* Blue is input */10.000, 7.800, 5.0005-5 输入五级制成绩(AE),输出相应的百分制成绩(
38、0100)区间。五级制成绩对应百分制程序区间为:A(90100)、B(8089)、C(7079)、D(6069)和E(059)。例如:输入B,输出(8089)。(1)用switch语句实现;(2)用if语句实现。Program (1)#include <stdio.h>main()char grade;printf("Please input the grade: ");scanf("%c", &grade);switch (grade)case 'A': printf("90100n");brea
39、k;case 'B': printf("8089n");break;case 'C': printf("7079n");break;case 'D': printf("6069n");break;case 'E': printf("059n");break;default:printf("Wrong grade! n");Program (2)#include <stdio.h>main()char grade;prin
40、tf("Please input the grade: ");scanf("%c", &grade);if (grade='A')printf("90100n");else if (grade='B')printf("8089n");else if (grade='C')printf("7079n");else if (grade='D')printf("6069n");else if (grade=
41、39;E')printf("059n");elseprintf("Wrong grade! n");Output Please input the grade: B¿/* Blue is input */80895-6 用switch语句实现,输入数字17,输出对应的英文单词Monday, Tuesday, , Sunday。Program #include <stdio.h>main()int day;printf("Please input the day in a week: ");scanf(&q
42、uot;%d", &day);switch(day)case 1: printf("Mondayn"); break;case 2: printf("Tuesdayn");break;case 3: printf("Wednesdayn");break;case 4: printf("Thursdayn"); break;case 5: printf("Fridayn"); break;case 6: printf("Saturdayn");break;ca
43、se 7: printf("Sundayn"); break;default: printf("Wrong day! n");Output Please input the day in a week: 4¿/* Blue is input */Thursday5-7 某高校的某专业录取研究生的条件如下:(1)英语成绩³55(2)政治成绩³60(3)专业课成绩³60(4)以上三科的总数学成绩³200,或英语和专业课的总成绩³130。编写程序,读入一个学生的成绩(英语、政治和专业课),判断是否可以
44、被录取。Program #include <stdio.h>main()float english, politics, professional;printf("Please input score of English: ");scanf("%f", &english);printf("Please input score of Politics: ");scanf("%f", &politics);printf("Please input score of the pro
45、fessional course: ");scanf("%f", &professional);if(english>=55 && politics>=60 && professional>=60 && (english+politics+professional>=200 | english+professional>=130)printf("Congratulations! You have been admitted! n");elseprintf(&q
46、uot;Sorry, you have been rejected! n");Output Please input score of English: 60¿/* Blue is input */Please input score of Politics: 70¿/* Blue is input */Please input score of professional course: 60¿/* Blue is input */Sorry, you have been rejected!5-8 编写程序,计算下面二元方程的实数根。应用如下规则:(1)
47、如果a和b的值为零,则没有解;(2)如果a的值为零,则只有一个解(x=-c/b);(3)如果b2-4ac为负数,则没有实数根;(4)否则,有两个实数根:输入a, b和c的值,输出求根的情况,如有实数根,则输出实数根的值。Program #include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>main ( ) float a, b, c, f;printf ( "Please input the value of a, b and c in the quadratic equation:nax*x + bx + c = 0n" );pri
48、ntf ( "a = " );scanf ( "%f", &a );printf ( "b = " );scanf ( "%f", &b );printf ( "c = " );scanf ( "%f", &c );printf ( "About %.2fx*x + %.2fx + %.2f = 0: ", a, b, c );if ( a = 0 && b = 0 ) printf("There is n
49、o solution!n");elseif ( a = 0 ) printf("There is only one root: %.2f.n",- c/b);elsef = b * b - 4 * a * c;if ( f <0 ) printf("There are no real root!n");elseprintf("There are 2 real roots: %.2f, %.2f.n",(-b + sqrt(f)/2/a, (-b - sqrt(f)/2/a );Output Please input t
50、he value of a, b and c in the quadratic equation:ax*x + bx + c = 0a = -3¿/* Blue is input */b = 4¿/* Blue is input */c = 5¿/* Blue is input */About -3.00x*x + 4.00x+5.00 = 0: There are 2 real roots: -0.79, 2.12.5-9 编写程序,读取x的值,求下面函数的值(1)用else if语句实现(2)用嵌套if语句实现(3)用条件运算符 ? : 实现Program (
51、1)#include <stdio.h>main ( )float x;printf ( "Please input the value of x: " );scanf ( "%f", &x );if ( x > 0 )printf ( "y = 1n" );elseif ( x = 0 ) printf ( "y = 0n" );elseprintf ( "y = -1n" );Program (2)#include <stdio.h>main ( )fl
52、oat x;printf ( "Please input the value of x: " );scanf ( "%f", &x );if ( x != 0 )/*写成if(x)是否正确?*/if ( x > 0 )/*写成if(x)是否正确?*/printf ( "y = 1n" );elseprintf ( "y = -1n" );elseprintf ( "y = 0n" );Program (3)#include <stdio.h>main ( )float
53、x;printf ( "Please input the value of x: " );scanf ( "%f", &x );printf ( "y = %dn", x > 0 ? 1 : x < 0 ? -1 : 0 );Output Please input the value of x: 9¿/* Blue is input */y = 15-10 某个服装展示厅宣布以下所卖物品季节性打折:购买总额折扣机加工制品手工制品0100无折扣5%1012005%7.5%2013007.5%10.0%大于3
54、0010.0%15.0%编写程序,计算某顾客应付的款项。要求:同时用switch和if语句实现。Program #include <stdio.h>main ( )float price, discount;char category;printf ( "Category (m/h): " ); scanf ( "%c", &category );printf ( "Price: " ); scanf ( "%f", &price );if ( category = 'm'
55、; )switch ( (int) (price-1)/100 )case 0:discount = 0;break;case 1:discount = 0.05;break;case 2: discount = 0.075; break;default:discount = 0.1; else switch ( (int) (price-1)/100 )case 0:discount = 0.05; break;case 1:discount = 0.075; break;case 2:discount = 0.1; break;default:discount = 0.15;printf
56、("The net amount to be paid is %.2fn", price*(1-discount);Output Category (m/h): h¿/* Blue is input */Price: 250.60¿/* Blue is input */The net amount to be paid is 225.545-11 编写程序,输入x,计算并输出下列分段函数f(x)的值(保留2位小数)。提示:请调用sqrt( )函数求平方根,调用pow( )函数求幂。Program #include <stdio.h>#incl
57、ude <math.h>main()float x, y;printf("Please input the value of x: ");scanf("%f", &x);if(x<0)y=pow(x,5)+2*x+1/x;elsey=sqrt(x); printf("The value of y is: %.2f. n", y);Output Please input the value of x: -2¿/* Blue is input */The value of y is: -36.505-1
58、2 编写程序,输入一个实数(例如456.78),求不小于该数的最小整数和不大于该数的最大整数。(提示:注意负数)。 Program #include <stdio.h>main()float f;int n;printf("Please input a real number: ");scanf("%f", &f);n=f;if(f>=0)printf("The largest integer (not larger than %.2f) is: %dn", f, n);if (f-n>0)printf("The smallest integer (not less than %.2f) is:
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