1、会计学1RobinsonCrusoe罗宾逊漂流记讲述罗宾逊漂流记讲述uborn in 1661, died in 1731uson of a London butcher named Foeuat 40, added the aristocratic prefix De-ua jack-of-all-trades as well as a writerua radical Nonconformist in religionua journalist and a pamphleteeruknew prison life (for writing the pamphlet The Shortest
2、 Way with Dissenters)第1页/共77页Verses:Hymn to the Pillory 枷刑颂 (1702)Fictions:Robinson Crusoe (1719) Captain Singleton辛格尔顿船长 (1720) Duncan Campbell (1720) Memoirs of a Cavalier (1720) Colonel Jack (1722) Moll Flanders 摩尔弗兰德斯 (1722) Journal of the Plague Year 大疫年纪事 (1722) The History of the Devil (1726)
3、 第2页/共77页u Along with Samuel Richardson, Defoe is considered the founder of the English novel (before his time stories were usually written as long poems or dramas) u often given the credit for the discovery of the modern novel; but whether or not he deserves that honor is an open question (Robinson
4、 Crusoe is largely an adventure story rather than the study of human character)第3页/共77页BackgroundBackgroundRobinson Crusoe was partly based on was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th century Scottish sailor who spent 18th century S
5、cottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert almost five years alone on a desert island.island. T This novel is famous for its lovely his novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in details and its expression of belief in mansmans ability when left alone in
6、 natureability when left alone in nature. .第4页/共77页Crusoe set sail on the sea voyage in 1651 against the wishes of his parents. After the tumultuous journey, his ship wrecked in a storm. His lust for the sea remained so strong that he set out to the sea again. This journey ends in disaster too and C
7、rusoe became a slave. After 2 years of slavery, he was rescued by a captain of Portuguese, with whose help, Crusoe became an owner of plantation in Brazil.第5页/共77页Years later, he joined an expedition to bring slaves from Africa. But he was shipwrecked, his companions all died, saved himself and thre
8、e animals -the captains dog and two cats. Then he lived the lonely life in an isolated island. Years later, Crusoe saved a prisoner, named him Friday. Crusoe then taught him English and converted him a Christianity. Four years later, they were rescued and returned to England. Crusoe lived on uninhab
9、ited for 28 years.第6页/共77页Saving Friday第7页/共77页 Building a fenced-in inhabitation第8页/共77页每个成长中的青少年,尤其是每个成长中的青少年,尤其是男孩子都应该读读它男孩子都应该读读它 。 卢梭卢梭第9页/共77页第10页/共77页鲁滨孙漂流记鲁滨孙漂流记笛福笛福第11页/共77页鲁滨孙漂流记一问世即风靡全球又历久不衰。至今已出了几百版,几乎译成了世界上所有各种文字。据说除圣经之外,鲁滨孙漂流记是再版最多的一本书。在欧美国家是儿童的必读书。鲁滨孙漂流记鲁滨孙漂流记第12页/共77页生存问题生存问题生存,还是毁灭,
10、生存,还是毁灭,这是一个值得思考这是一个值得思考的问题。的问题。鲁滨孙及时调整悲观绝望的心态,决定在岛上顽强地生存下去。第13页/共77页吃喝吃喝住穿住穿是人是人生存生存所依所依赖的赖的物质物质条件。条件。物质问题物质问题计算时间、获得的东西、缺乏的东西、打造木栅栏围墙、每天觅食第14页/共77页人没有精神人没有精神寄托,灵魂寄托,灵魂就无所依附就无所依附。精神问题精神问题写日记,思考处境;得出经验教训,希望得到理解;安心于荒岛生活第15页/共77页 在海难中,同船的在海难中,同船的 11 11人中,死了十个,就人中,死了十个,就他一个人活着,这是上帝对他的特别关照。他一个人活着,这是上帝对他
11、的特别关照。 从船上获得大量维持生活的必需品,这是上从船上获得大量维持生活的必需品,这是上帝对他的特别恩赐。帝对他的特别恩赐。 他日记本上列出的六大他日记本上列出的六大“好处好处”更体现了他更体现了他要顽强活下去的理由。要顽强活下去的理由。第16页/共77页鲁滨孙虽身陷绝境, 但他说服自己顽强的活着, 并打定主意在岛上独自生活一辈子, 这需要巨大的勇气。可以看出他是一个非常热爱生命、珍惜生活的人。他活着也许并非为了什么, 仅仅是因为自己是一条生命, 既然是生命就应该善待它。况且他活的积极、主动, 活出了尊严, 这样的人值得活着。鲁滨孙是一个珍惜生命,热爱生活;意志坚强,生存信念执著;勇于创造,
12、务实肯干的人。“在最不幸的处境之中,我们也可以把好处和坏处对照起来看,从而找到聊以自慰的事情。”可以概括为一个人在逆境中不要悲观失望,而要努力看到积极的因素,从而改变自己被动的局面。第17页/共77页 鲁滨孙记录时间, 是为了清楚地了解自己是怎么活着的, 可以活多长时间。这表明了他对生存下去充满信心。 记叙了他制作日历, 记录时间, 从船上获得物品, 艰难地打造木栅栏围墙, 以及每天在岛上各处寻找食物。这样写, 从一个侧面体现了人类创造生活的艰难, 也表现了鲁滨孙勤于创造、务实肯干的精神。第18页/共77页 日记是为了记录生活,抚慰心灵,而且要面对自我。鲁滨孙记日记的行为,表明他作为一个文明人
13、精神方面的需要,为了使自己的精神有所寄托,减轻心中的苦闷,便于深入思考当前的处境。在荒岛上,鲁滨孙有理由相信上帝的存在(这部作品里多次提到圣经及鲁滨孙对上帝的祈祷,有了这个前提,鲁滨孙就有了活下去的精神支柱,活的有理由,有意义。 本文没有生动的故事,作者是通过心理描写来刻画人物性格表现作品主题的。 用第一人称来写,便于展现“我”的内心世界,使作品更具真实感,缩小了作品和读者之间的距离。第19页/共77页第20页/共77页第21页/共77页第22页/共77页Friday is loyal to Robinson. he has no temper and he is outgoing ,kind
14、hearted. Friday to Robinson is what a child to father, whenever and whatever it is, Friday prefers to sacrifice himself to protect Robinson. Robinson has saved a poor savages life and soul ,he feels very happy. in this lonely island ,it is Friday who release Robinson deep inner pressure. but he feel
15、s superior to Friday, he asks Friday to call himself “master”, that implies his ambition to dominate and colonize other savage tribes. excuse to colonization by the white.第23页/共77页The book proved so popular that the name of the two main protagonists have entered the language. The term “Robinson Crus
16、oe” is virtually synonymous with the word” castaway” and is often used as a metaphor for being rejected.Idioms from the book第24页/共77页Robinson Crusoe usually referred to his servant as My man Friday, from which the term Man Friday originated, referring to a dedicated personal assistant, servant, or c
17、ompanion.第25页/共77页Everyone can be abandoned on the desert island like Robinson, the truth is even we are now living around in a hustle and bustle of large crowds, we still have a lot of moment to be alone, to work our own path of life all alone. but luckily, what Robinson Crusoe shows us is: solitud
18、e is not a horrible thing; the really sad thing is we can not stand on our own feet in the misery of that endless loneliness.Deeper meaning 第26页/共77页He is considered one of the greatest fiction writers of 18th-century England. Defoe was a very good story-teller. He had a gift for organizing minute (
19、careful and exact) details in such a vivid way that his stories could be both credible and fascinating. His sentences are sometimes short, crisp and plain, and sometimes long and rambling, while leave on the reader an impression of casual narration. His language is smooth, easy, colloquial and mostl
20、y vernacular. There is nothing artificial in his language: it is common English at its best. Adventures of Robinson Crusoe第27页/共77页The story of Robinson Crusoe is well-known throughout the world. It tells of how Robinson Crusoe, an English mariner, having shipwrecked on an island, managed to struggl
21、e for live for 28 years there and rescued a black man, whom he named Friday, from the cannibals (person who eats human flesh). Later, Robinson got hold of a ship and sailed home. The books “realistic” touch and ingenuity (originality) aroused great interest from the readers both in England and abroa
22、d.第28页/共77页The story was based on the life of Alexander Selkirk, who was put ashore on an uninhabitated island and spent 5 years there. Defoe was probably familiar with several versions of this tale, and added many incidents from his own imagination to his account of Crusoe, presenting it as a true
23、story. The story starts with Robinson Crusoes running away from home. An inexperienced teenager and a young man full of bright fancies about the future, he naturally chooses going to sea, because in those days it meant a chance to live a chivalrous life, to see the wonders of the world and to make a
24、 fortune. 第29页/共77页After many setbacks and adventures on the sea, he settles down in Brazil as a planter. But the call of the sea is so strong that he soon embarks on another voyage, this time, to Africa. Unfortunately a frightful storm blows the boat off its course and shipwrecks it near an island.
25、第30页/共77页Of all the ships crew Robinson alone escapes to the shore after strenuous efforts. After salvaging from the wrecked ship some stores of necessities such as bread, rice, barley, corn, planks, lead and gunpowder, an axe and two saws, which he later manages to bring to the island with a self-m
26、ade raft. After several futile attempts to leave the island, Robinson settles himself down to a hard and lonely life. 第31页/共77页 He grows crops, domesticates animals and builds comfortable homes himself. His life takes a turn for the better when he saves from the hands of savages a young Negro, whom
27、he names Friday. Robinson teaches him English and educates him in such a way that Friday soon becomes a loyal servant and an indispensable help to him. Finally they are picked up by an English ship and return to England. Thus ends the first part of the story.第32页/共77页In Robinson Crusoe, Defoe traces
28、 the growth of Robinson from a nave and artless (simple, innocent) youth into a shrewd and hardened (strong-minded) man, tempered by numerous trials in his eventful life. The realistic account of the successful struggle of Robinson single-handedly against the hostile nature forms the best part of th
29、e novel. 第33页/共77页Robinson is here a real hero: a typical eighteenth-century English middle-class man, with a great capacity for work, inexhaustible energy, courage, patience and persistence in overcoming obstacles, in struggling against the hostile natural environment. He is the very prototype of t
30、he empire builder, the pioneer colonist.第34页/共77页As a member of the middle class, Defoe spoke for and to the members of his class and his novels enjoyed great popularity among the less cultivated readers. In most of his works, he gave his praise to the hard-working, sturdy (不屈的) middle class. 第35页/共
31、77页37Life on the islandCharacters of RobinsonRobinsons companionsTools and foodCrusoe Visits the WreckThe FootprintCrusoe Saves Friday fromthe Cannibals Plot overviewBackgroundPericopes第36页/共77页u Defoes masterpiece u consisting of three volumes, only the first one very popular, published in hundreds
32、 of editions and scores of languagesu based on the experiences of Alexander Selkirk, a captain lived alone in an island for 5 yearsu creating a visual picture that manifests how human history has developed from the primitive to the feudal and then to the capitalistic in the 18th century第37页/共77页ua g
33、lorification of bourgeois qualities of individualism, private enterprise, and even of laboruits details told in a simple, straightforward style, adding to the realistic effect of the storyustarting the tradition of realistic description and presenting authentic details which are important for the la
34、ter development of the novel.第38页/共77页u at the early stage, an individual laborer, and then a master, until at last an exploiter, a colonizer.u an image of an enterprising Englishman of the 18th centuryu an embodiment of the spirit of individual enterprise and colonial expansion.u a man struggling a
35、gainst nature and human fate, with indomitable will .第39页/共77页Click to add title in here Friday is loyal to Robinson. He has no temper and he is outgoing, kindhearted. Friday to Robinson is what a child to father. Whenever and whatever it is, Friday prefers to sacrifice himself to protect Robinson.
36、Friday 第40页/共77页Click to add title in here Although Robinson has tested Friday many times, Friday Although Robinson has tested Friday many times, Fridays behavior s behavior doesndoesnt disappoint him, Fridayt disappoint him, Friday proves proves his loyalty. Robinson has saved a his loyalty. Robins
37、on has saved a poor savagepoor savages life and soul, he feels very happy. In this lonely island, it is s life and soul, he feels very happy. In this lonely island, it is Friday who Friday who releaserelease Robinson deep inner pressure. Friday Robinson deep inner pressure. Fridays appearance s appe
38、arance makes Robinson not so confused. He becomes makes Robinson not so confused. He becomes positivepositive to life . to life . In fact, everyone living in noisy society will have the feeling of loneliness, In fact, everyone living in noisy society will have the feeling of loneliness, Robinson is
39、a member in the real society and he is the model of ourselves. Robinson is a member in the real society and he is the model of ourselves. Friday is the Friday is the inner true egos inner true egos in our hearts. He leads us to find the in our hearts. He leads us to find the directions and helps us
40、to overcome the difficulty.directions and helps us to overcome the difficulty.Friday 第41页/共77页第42页/共77页第43页/共77页第44页/共77页Theme 第45页/共77页第46页/共77页第47页/共77页Friday 第48页/共77页第49页/共77页Writing style第50页/共77页day they met.第51页/共77页own efforts.第52页/共77页第53页/共77页but from communication with God. 第54页/共77页Click
41、 to add title in here Click to add title in here Click to add title in here Crusoe save a prisoner, naming his new companion Friday after the day of the week he appeared. Crusoe then teaches him English.Last part:第55页/共77页Click to add title in here Friday is extremely grateful and becomes Robinsons
42、devoted servant. He learns some English and takes on the Christian religion. For some years the two live happily. Click to add title in here Part 5:第56页/共77页Click to add title in here Then, another ship of savages arrives with three prisoners. Together Crusoe and Friday are able to save two of them.
43、 One is a Spaniard; the other is Fridays father. Their reunion is very joyous. Both have come from the mainland close by.Click to add title in here Following:第57页/共77页Click to add title in here With the help of his new workers, Crusoe increases his agricultural capacity. After a few months, they leave to bring back the rest of the Spaniards men. Crusoe is happy that his island is being peopled.What will happen next following:第58页/共77页Click to add title in here Before the Spaniard and
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