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1、 The ability of reading, I think I can be the first in my class. I felt the study of graduate is very busy. We wear shoes are made of plastics. His heart is narrow. Transportation has a great progress. It cost 18% of money to buy food. John said I suited the blue coat to perfection. It is so hot the

2、re that I couldnt accustom the weather. Even after enter the PLA surveying and Mapping Institute, I still didnt have interest in learning English. Too easy or too difficult is no good for us. Some people like to watch TV, no matter what program always see it through. On Christmas Eve we slept very l

3、ate. The cave like a room very much. I joined the postgraduate exam and past the exam. Sports can keep people health. Automobiles make people more convenient. The teacher demanded us to spend a lot of time in listening to tapes and speaking English out of class. Some people oppose college students d

4、oing part-time jobs. They think that these will effect their own studies. I will meet a lot of difficulties, but I think I can overcome it. The methods of getting to know the society in the campus are very many. With the population more and more, fresh water will become more and more shortage. Havin

5、g money equal have everything. Dont worry about your future. In China, there is a saying,” When the boat reaches the bridge, it will be straight.”如何用恰当的英语词语来表达意思,是初习作文者最为头疼的。有些同学觉得英语作文的困难,就是词语的困难。甚至竟有词语出不来,情急之下用汉语或拼音来表达某个意思的现象。Im a student of Hunan University. Im studying in Tumu Department. I like

6、my major very much.尽管这样做是不得已而为之,但多少反映了英语作文时的窘态。作文不同于阅读练习和词汇练习,不仅要有一定词汇量和词语辨析能力,更要求能较熟练和恰当的运用所学过的词语。要正确和恰当地用词语表达意思,首先必须意识到英语词语和汉语词语并非是一一对应的。 要用好所学的词语,平时阅读时就要用好所学的词语,平时阅读时就一定得注意认真观察文章中使自己心动的一定得注意认真观察文章中使自己心动的词语,细心体会。虽然阅读的目的主要是词语,细心体会。虽然阅读的目的主要是为了摄取信息,但如果多加留意,则可以为了摄取信息,但如果多加留意,则可以发现一些用得很有特色的词语。遇到这样发现一些

7、用得很有特色的词语。遇到这样的词语,不妨抄录下来,多揣摩几遍,并的词语,不妨抄录下来,多揣摩几遍,并尝试着用到自己的作文中,这样便可逐渐尝试着用到自己的作文中,这样便可逐渐积累一笔不小的财富。请看下面的汉语句积累一笔不小的财富。请看下面的汉语句子,认真想一想,再比较英语的表达。子,认真想一想,再比较英语的表达。时间是医治一切创伤的良药。时间是医治一切创伤的良药。2. 这美丽的一刻深深印在我脑海中这美丽的一刻深深印在我脑海中。3. 这个世界永远属于追梦的人。这个世界永远属于追梦的人。4. 世界的悲剧就在于有想象力又缺乏世界的悲剧就在于有想象力又缺乏经验,而有经验的人又缺乏想象力。经验,而有经验的

8、人又缺乏想象力。 5. 我们必须接受有限的失望,但我我们必须接受有限的失望,但我们绝不可失去无限的希望。们绝不可失去无限的希望。 6. 要说服别人,先得说服自己。要说服别人,先得说服自己。 1. Time cures all things. 2. This moment of beauty has been firmly locked in my mind. 3. The world always makes way for the dreamer 4. The tragedy of the world is that those who are imaginative have but sl

9、ight experience, and those who are experienced have feeble imaginations.5. We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. 6. If you would convince others, you seem open to conviction yourself. 根据新大纲的要求根据新大纲的要求, 四、六级作文的字数为四、六级作文的字数为120词词150词。按平均每个句子词。按平均每个句子78个词计算,个词计算,一篇

10、作文约十几个句子。而不少考生往往问题一篇作文约十几个句子。而不少考生往往问题就出在这十几个句子上。如果掌握了一定的句就出在这十几个句子上。如果掌握了一定的句型并能熟练运用,就会省去很多烦恼,也可避型并能熟练运用,就会省去很多烦恼,也可避免不必要的造句错误。免不必要的造句错误。1. 众所周知众所周知,因特网在社会发展中,因特网在社会发展中发挥着日益重要的作用。发挥着日益重要的作用。 It is generally acknowledged (believed/ recognized) that the Internet is playing a more and more important r

11、ole in the development of our society.2. 现在,越来越多的人意识到现在,越来越多的人意识到保护环境保护环境就意味着保护人类自身。就意味着保护人类自身。 At present, more and more people become aware of the fact that the protection of the global environment means the protection of human beings. 3. 随着随着移动电话和因特网移动电话和因特网的普及的普及,通讯,通讯变得极为快捷和便利。变得极为快捷和便利。 With t

12、he popularity of mobile phone and the Internet, communication becomes very fast and convenient 4. 说到说到健康更重要还是金钱更重要,健康更重要还是金钱更重要,不同年龄的人可能会有不同的看法。不同年龄的人可能会有不同的看法。 When it comes to the importance of wealth and health, people of different ages may have different opinions.5. 必要的营养对健康是有益的。必要的营养对健康是有益的。但但营

13、养营养过度则会导致疾病。过度则会导致疾病。 It is true that necessary nutrition is good to our health. But it is also true that too much nutrition will result in illness.6. 常识告诉我们常识告诉我们,没有持之以恒的练习,没有持之以恒的练习,是不可能讲一口流利的英语的。是不可能讲一口流利的英语的。 Common sense tells us that not matter how rich a person is, he can never enjoy his weal

14、th if he is in poor health. 7. 我认为我认为,电视和电影对人们的影响,电视和电影对人们的影响 不可忽视的。不可忽视的。 As I see it, the influence of television and movies over people cannot be ignored. 8. 有迹象表明有迹象表明,不重视忽视身体锻炼的,不重视忽视身体锻炼的学生越来越少了。学生越来越少了。 There are indications that the number of students who ignore the physical exercises is bec

15、oming smaller.9. 从这一意义而言从这一意义而言,教师要视教学为生命,教师要视教学为生命的一部分是很不容易的。的一部分是很不容易的。 In this sense, it is not easy to be a teacher who regards teaching as part of his/her life.10. 在所有的在所有的科目中,计算机和英语科目中,计算机和英语是是求求职中职中最重要的最重要的。 Of all the courses, computer science and English are the most significant and realist

16、ic in job hunting.11. 毫无疑问毫无疑问,掌握一定的句型对英语写,掌握一定的句型对英语写作有很大的帮助。作有很大的帮助。 Undoubtedly, the mastery of a certain number of sentence patterns will be helpful to English writing.12. 一个要一个要求得一份理想的工作求得一份理想的工作的人的人,必必须首先须首先具有良好的自信心。具有良好的自信心。 A student who desires to find an ideal job must know that confidence

17、 is of great importance in employment.13. 事实是事实是,不重视健康的人,很可能会,不重视健康的人,很可能会疾病缠身,甚至英年早世。疾病缠身,甚至英年早世。 The truth is that some people who do not take care of their health will suffer a great deal from their illness or even die young.14. 如果我们说如果我们说家庭给人提供了成长的环家庭给人提供了成长的环境,境,但我们也得承认但我们也得承认朋友对一个人的朋友对一个人的思想形成

18、有重要的影响。思想形成有重要的影响。 If we say that family offers the environment for ones living, we must point out that friends also play an important part in shaping our idea. 15. 如果一个人如果一个人没有良好的体魄,没有良好的体魄,他绝不他绝不可能可能在事业和生活上取得成功。在事业和生活上取得成功。 No one will expect to achieve success in his work or life if he does not h

19、ave a sound body.16. 综上所述,我们可以得出如下结论:综上所述,我们可以得出如下结论:珍惜时间的人一定会得到最大的回报。珍惜时间的人一定会得到最大的回报。 From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that a person who is wealthy will not necessarily be healthy. 句句 型型 实实 际际 运运 用用It is generally acknowledged that in todays world, writing is still an

20、 important and practical skill needed by people in different fields. Undoubtedly, many jobs require people to have the ability to write. We cannot deny the fact that the popularity of the telephone, mobile phone and the computer seems to have enabled people to write less. But it is also true that m

21、u c h i n f o r m a t i o n m u s t s t i l l b e communicated in the form of writing. For example, managers, engineers, sales representatives, and countless others are supposed to write regularly as part of their jobs. Summaries, reports, proposals, letters, and speeches are required in todays worl

22、d of work. The ability to write, therefore, is an important skill in modern society, and there are indications that people who can communicate effectively in writing will make greater achievements in their work and life.如果要表达某个意思却不不知用什么句型,如果要表达某个意思却不不知用什么句型, 一定会很痛苦。学会运用不同句型一定会很痛苦。学会运用不同句型(包括不同词包括不同词

23、语语)来表达相似的意思,即能有效地解决这一问来表达相似的意思,即能有效地解决这一问题,也有助于避免单调和重复的句式。例如:题,也有助于避免单调和重复的句式。例如:1) It is not easy to learn a language and a good command of a language requires great efforts.2) Great efforts are needed if one wants to learn a language well.3) The mastery of a language is far from easy and requires

24、painstaking efforts.4) We can hardly expect to master a language without working hard.5) A good command of a language calls for great efforts.第一讲第一讲一、四级写作的评分原则及标准一、四级写作的评分原则及标准 二、阅卷老师的十一条忠告二、阅卷老师的十一条忠告三、四级作文的题型三、四级作文的题型第二讲第二讲四、四级作文的不同体裁四、四级作文的不同体裁五、四级高分作文写作技巧五、四级高分作文写作技巧四、四种体裁四、四种体裁 英语文章的体裁可分为英语文章的体

25、裁可分为四四类,即:类,即: (1)记叙文记叙文(narration) (2)描述文描述文(description) (3)说明文说明文(exposition) (4)议论文议论文(argumentation) 记叙文记叙文就是记叙人物的经历或事件的发生、发展和变化过程的文章。四级考试中,只有An Early Morning Walk(1988.6)属于纯粹的记叙文。但2005年6月 的Teachers Day和2003年6月的 作文An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident都包含有写记叙文的段落。写记叙文时要交代清楚六大要素:时间(when)、地

26、点(where)、人物(who)、事件(what)、原因(why)、结果。一般文章的开头设定事件发生的时间、地点、人物,一定要交待清楚。第二段叙述事件本身。在讲述发生的事件本身时,要选取一些关键的细节,不要漫无边际或不着边际,而组织那些素材一般采用“时间顺序”亦即先发生的先写,后发生的后写,或用倒叙法,先讲结局,再从头描述经过。另外,要注意人称、时代的一致性。文章的结尾有两种方式:一是用事件的结束作为文章的自然结尾,文章的主题通过事件叙述的字里行间得到暗示。二是文章的结尾说明事件的意义,点明主题。当然,四级考试中,写作必须按照作文的提纲来写。有时文章的结尾段要求分析原因、或说明打算。 描述型文

27、章 到目前为止,四级考试尚未出现单纯的描写文。但2004年6月的作文A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction既有应用文的性质也有描写文的特征,提纲要求描写要参观的一个景点。由于四级作文越来越综合,我们最好对这一文体有所了解。 描写主要有人物描写和景物描写,用生动的语言描写各种事物环境以及人物的状态、表现。描写文和记叙文是英文的两种最基本的写作方式。不同的是记叙文着重叙事,叙述事件的发生、发展及变化过程。描写文则是通过想象逼真的语言去写人物的音容笑貌、心里活动和姿态动作;或通过形象生动的语言去描绘湖光山色、河流大川、飞鸟花鱼。在描述自己的印象时,一

28、定要尽量选取那些有助于表现人物、场景的典型特征和突出特点,剔除那些枝蔓的零碎的细节。只有这样,才能使所描述的内容呼之欲出、跃然纸上,具有极大的表现力。 说明文 这是四级考试中出现最为频繁最为频繁的体裁,无论是A or B、A and B,还是Why to do、How to do, 或是图表型作文,都可归入此类。如果说描述文主要涉及外表和感受,记叙文主要涉及事件和经历,那么说明文则主要是关于过程和关系。举例来说吧,我们面前有一件物体,如果要对其外观进行描写,我们就要写成描述型的作文,如果要解释它是如何制作的,又是如何使用的,那就必须写成说明文;我们可以讲述一个历史事件,到底发生了什么,何时何地

29、发生,都有谁参与其中,那就是叙述,而要讨论该事件的前因后果,它的本质又是什么,以及在历史长河中的深远意义,那就必须写成说明文。前面所介绍的展开段落的方法,如分类法、定义法、比较和对比、举例法等等,大多数都可用于说明文的写作。议论文 议论文是通过摆事实、讲道理来阐述自己观点的文体。议论文和说明文有相似之处,即都是解释某个事实或某种思想。而它们的区别在于说明文着重客观陈述,而议论文侧重于发表自己的看法;说明文着重于“解释”,而议论文侧重于“劝说”。 议论文一般用三段式来写,由论点、论据、结论三部分组成。论点可以在开头也可以在结尾,论据可以是事实、数据或道理,论据就是摆事实、讲道理。议论文说理过程要

30、环环相扣,步步深入。从立论到归题,结构要严谨,论证要周密,例证要充分、详实、可信。 从历年四级考试的作文题看,以议论文居多。根据历年四级统考作文出题的特点、题目的要求、写作方法及重点,议论文可进一步分为:利弊分析类议论文、各抒己见类论说文、驳论类论说文、立论类论说文、比较类、解释说明类论说文六类。 需要强调的是: 在四级考试中,往往是在同一篇文章中几种体裁兼而有之,大家不要拘泥于教条,如2003年6月的车祸见证书,记述、描写、说明三种体裁都有所照顾,目的是要检测同学们对于不同类型写作的把握,全面地考察写作教学的水平。 1利弊分析类议论文利弊分析类议论文利弊分析类议论文一般要求就一件事物的正反、

31、利弊、积极和消极两方面进行分析,然后下结论,提出自己的观点,或写出从实践经验中得到的体会。Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports (1992.1) 和The two-day weekend (1996.1)就属于这种类型的作文。写这类作文时,一般第一、二段分别陈述这件事物的优缺点、正反面、利弊,用分析、列举、和举例的方法阐述优缺点主要表现在那些方面。第三段提出自己的观点或体会。要注意的是,在阐述优、缺点的段落之间,要使用一些表示转折的词汇或句子, 如 “however”, “on the other hand”, “in contrast” 等等,使文章

32、看起来自然流畅。请看下面两例:1利弊分析类议论文利弊分析类议论文第一段benefits us in many aspects. First of all, . Also, . Most importantly, .第二段, on the other hand, has its disadvantages/negative points/problems. For one thing, . For another, . Finally, .第三段The key point is how to make good use of its positive aspects and avoid its

33、negative points. In my mind, .模式2:第一段Nowadays plays an important part/role in Like everything else has/have both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally the advantage can be listed as follows. 第二段 First Besides Most important of all But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also ap

34、parent. To begin with To make matters worse/worst of all 第三段Through above analysis I believe that the advantages/positive aspects outweigh the disadvantage/negative ones. Therefore 2.各抒己见类作文各抒己见类作文各抒己见类作文对两种不同的观点或看法进行分析,最后得出自己的看法或结论。这种类型的作文在四级考试中曾多次出现。 如Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?(2000.6)

35、,Reading Selectively or Extensively?(1999.6) 和Can Money Buy Happiness?(1995.1)都属于此类作文。写这类作文时,可以用列举或举例的方法来逐一分析不同观点表现在哪些方面;也可用因果法展开段落,阐述造成这两种观点的原因。在第三段提出自己的观点, 或赞成其中的一种观点,或将两种观点融合成一种新的观点,并解释自己所持观点的理由。和写比较类作文一样,写各抒己见类作文时,也需要使用一些表示转折关系的手段。另外,在阐述别人的观点时,可使用“To illustrate,they say” 或 “They take it for gran

36、ted”一类的句式来表明以下阐述的是别人的观点. 各抒己见类作文一般可采用以下模式各抒己见类作文一般可采用以下模式:第一段When it comes to ., people have different views. Some people think that . They believe that. They claim.第二段However, other people hold a different view. They argue that. They suggest.第三段As far as I am concerned, I agree with the former opin

37、ion. For one thing. For another, . Therefore, .2.各抒己见类作文各抒己见类作文3 驳论类论说文驳论类论说文驳论类作文要求先对一种错误的观点进行批驳,然后提出自己的观点。历年四级考试中,这类作文出现过一次,即Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck? 这类作文的基本结构为:第一段:陈述错误观点,并分析这种观点的表现形式或产生的原因;第二段:提出自己的观点,给出理由;第三段:总结、强调。驳论类论说文常用到以下句型:驳论类论说文常用到以下句型:1) There is no doubt that . 2) It is

38、 obvious/clear that . 3) As is known to all, . 4) (Its) no wonder. (难怪) He didnt t work hard and no wonder he lost his job. 5) It goes without saying that . (不用说,不成问题,很自然) 6) What is more important, . 7) I am convinced that . (我深信)4.立论类论说文立论类论说文立论类作文的题目和提纲一般确立了要写的文章的主题,要求考生得出与文章一致的结论。写立论类作文时,应该先对所给的

39、提纲和文章的题目进行分析,或逐一说明,或用因果法 、举例法论证,得出出题者期望的结论。有时候,作文的题目就是出题者期待答题者得出的结论。以下谚语常可用于立论类论说文中以下谚语常可用于立论类论说文中:1) As a popular saying goes, “Every coin has two sides”. 2) As a proverb says, “Everything has two sides”. On the one hand, physical exercise is good for your health. On the other hand, if you dont dea

40、l with it properly, it will do harm to your health. So we should look at the matter from two sides. 3) As a proverb says, “Where there is a will there is a way.” (有志者事竟成) 4) As a popular saying goes, “A man is known by the company he keeps.”(观其交友,知其为人) 5) As is known to all, “No pains, no gains”.(没有

41、苦,就没有甜。或:不劳无获。) 5. 比较类论说文比较类论说文比较类论说文要求作者对两项事物的优缺点进行比较,通过优劣对比,作者往往要表明赞同或反对的倾向或意见。历年四级考试曾出现过的有Bicycle An Important Means of Transport in China。这类作文的结构可概括为:第一段第一段:引出比较的两个事物,表明作者赞同或反对其中一事物。第二段第二段:比较两事物的优缺点。比较的方法有两种:一种是整体化比较,另一种是分项比较。整体化比较的写作模式是:(A1, A2, A3)vs (B1, B2, B3), 即先列出A事物的优点,再列出B事物的缺点。分项比较的格式是

42、:A1 vs B1, A2 vs B2, A3 vs B3。第三段:第三段:结论。5. 比较类论说文比较类论说文比较类论说文可采用以下模式比较类论说文可采用以下模式:第一段When we it is inevitable to meet the choice between A and B. We should be regarded as inconsiderate if we rushed our decision without comparing or contrasting them. 第二段 First/First of all/To begin with, both A and

43、B A However B Besides/Moreover/In addition/Whats more A However/In contrast/On the contrary/On the other hand Finally the most striking difference is that A while B Therefore it is not difficult to make a right choice now. 第三段If we we will choose A; but if we we will turn to B. In a word, the key li

44、es in 6 解释说明论说文类解释说明论说文类解释说明类论说文要求作者对某个事物或某种现象进行分析,解释, 有时还要求找出解决问题的途径。说明原因的段落可采用以下两种模式说明原因的段落可采用以下两种模式:模式模式1第一段There are many reasons/causes for But in general,they come down to three major ones. For one thing For another Perhaps the prime reason/cause is that 第二段From the foregoing 模式模式2第一段There are

45、 many factors that may account for/contribute to/responsible for the reason whybut the following are the most typical ones. First 第二段Besides/Furthermore/Moreover/In addition/Whats more Most important of all/Above all 第三段All in all/In conclusion五四级高分作文写作技巧五四级高分作文写作技巧五四级高分作文写作技巧五四级高分作文写作技巧 一)、审题一)、审题

46、二)、确定主题句二)、确定主题句 三)、三)、 展开段落展开段落 一)、审题一)、审题 我们拿到作文后第一件要做的事就是审题。审题的作用在于使你写作不跑题(如果跑题,条理和语言再好,也得不到及格分,甚至0分。)那末审题要审什麽呢? 体裁(议论文,说明文,描述文) 审题就是要审作文的题材和体裁。因为什么样的体裁就会用什么样的题材去写。那么体裁包括那些呢?它包括议论文,说明文和描述文。从近些年看,四级作文不是单一的体裁,而是几种体裁的杂合体。 另外要搞清楚文章是我们学过的哪种模式。 二)、确定主题句二)、确定主题句 通过审题,我们知道该如何确定正确的写作思路。下边我们就谈如何写。第一步就是要写主题

47、句。 写主题句最保险的方法就是把中文提纲的各句译成英语。例如上述三段主题句分别为 1.It is very necessary to be a good university student. (议论体的主题句) 2.There are several respects of necessities to be a good university student .(说明体的主题句) 3.What I will do in the future is the following .(描述体主题句) 如果要求句是英语就可以把它变成主题句,例如这样一篇作文 Good Health 1.Import

48、ance of good health 2.Ways to keep fit 3.My own practice 扩充后三段的主题句分别为 1.It is very important to have good health .(将名词 importance变成形容词important) 2.There are four ways to keep fit for me .(用there be句型) 3.My own practices are the following .(采用原词) Happiness does not mean the same to different people.(

49、why? 可解答可解答) The lady is my mother.(why? How? 均不好解答均不好解答) 主题句的特点:主题句的特点: 1)主题句要放在段首。 2)主题句要用简单句。 例如:大家试着比较下面几句话,你认为哪句话做主题句更好? a. Peoples view on the holiday economy varies from person to person. b. It is well known that holidays are important for us and concerning the holiday economy, different peop

50、le have different opinions. 第一句话做主题句当然比第二句好,因为第一句简明扼要地提出了本段的中心思想, 不同的人对假日经济有不同的看法; 而第二句既想说“假日”重要,又想说不同人对“假日经济”有不同的看法, 没有主次,重点不突出,结果两点都没有处理好。 3). 主题句一般用议论句,表达自己的观点,也就是说要有point(观点)或topic(话题),这样扩展句才能展开。这一点从:Private cars benefit both individuals and the nation. 和Peoples views on the holidays economy var

51、y from person to person.这两个例子就可以看出来,因为这两句都是典型的议论句,提出了观点。 而It is well known that holidays are important for us and concerning the holiday economy, different people have different opinions. 这句话就观点就不明确,后面的扩展句可能就会不知是围绕“假日重要”来说,还是围绕对“假日经济”的不同看法展开。 4). 主题句除了要有topic 以外,还要有controlling idea( 限制性观点),也就是说要具体,不

52、要大而空。 例如在写自行车的优点时,很多学生把主题句写成了: Bikes are very important. 这样太空泛,不利于我们分析论证。如果写成Bike have brought a lot of convenience to our daily lives. 就具体多了。 5). 另外一种主题句的常用写法:没有具体的controlling idea, 只是告诉大家作者将分几个方面对主题展开讨论, 我们称之为“分段式”,例如:People have been trying to solve this problem in the following three ways:练习练习练习

53、练习 段落的展开段落的展开 段的基本组成是句子,好的段落应该是该段中所有的句子都围绕着一个主题展开,且句与句之间应该是紧密相连,形成统一的整体即unified and coherent。那么怎样将一个段落展开呢?下面介绍英语中几种常用的方法。 (1)时间顺序 按时间顺序写作就是按照事物发展在时间上的正常顺序或先后顺序展开段落。在讲述故事或回忆事件时,先发生的先写,后发生的后写。请看下面的例子: My heart gave a leap when I heard the announcement that our train would soon arrive at its destinatio

54、nBeijing. Like other passengers, I began to collect my things and put my mug, towel, atlas, apples, and other things into my bag. To the tune of a beautiful song the train pulled into the station and gently stopped by a platform. I walked out of the train and was carried forward by the stream of peo

55、ple into an underground passage and then into a big hall. As I stepped out of the station, I was dazzled by the bright autumn skies of Beijing. Though I had been on the train for more the thirty hours and spent an sleepless night, I didnt feel tired at all, and I believed my days in this glorious ci

56、ty would be as sunny as the skies.(2)空间顺序 按空间顺序组织材料通常用于描述一个地方、事情或人物外貌等。其文章内容应按照由近及远、由远及近、自下而上、自上而下、按顺时针方向或逆时针方向排列,例如: In the middle of the rectangular-shaped courtyard stood three magnolia trees(), all in full bloom. A little girl was hoping among them, now gazing at a bud, now collecting fallen pet

57、als. Under one of the trees stood her parents, who, while keeping an eye on her, were examining the snow white blossoms with great interest and admiration. In front of another tree a young couple, fresh and bright as the flowers, were posing for a picture. At the end of the courtyard a group of youn

58、gsters had gathered behind an artist painting a flourishing limb, which looked so charming and real that a boy stooped to sniff at a half-open flower. At the opposite end a few elderly men and women stood admiring the leafless flowering trees and the people looking at them. (3)列举法 通过列举一系列的论据 对主题句中的论

59、点进行广泛、全面的陈述或解释,列举的顺序可按照所列各点的内容的相对重要性、时间、空间来排列,例如: The Other Side of City LifeIn the eyes of many people, city life is attractive with all its advantages and convenience, yet they dont see the other side of the picture. First, with the expansion of the city, housing has become a serious problem for c

60、ity people. Then, there is the problem of pollution: harmful gases from vehicles and poisonous water from factories pollute our surroundings; noise continually disturbs your peace and rest and drives you mad. Thirdly, modern city life puts a high pressure upon people; you have to hurry to and from w


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