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黑布林名著阅读Treasure Island金银岛精题选编(含答案)_第4页




1、名著阅读金银岛 Treasure Island(金银岛)(Robert Louis Stevenson罗伯特.路易斯.斯蒂文森 - 英国)【故事情节简介】18世纪中叶,一名从前的海盗船长比尔·博恩斯避开人们的耳目来到海边的一家小客店里。他让店主人的儿子小吉姆·霍金斯留神一名“独腿水手”。但是“独腿水手”始终没有露面,却有一个名叫“黑狗”的男人找上门来。吉姆的父亲病重身死以后,又来了一个名叫皮尤的瞎子,向比尔递交了一份海盗同伙之间决定执行死刑的处死通知单“黑点”。一见这份“黑点”,比尔立即因恐怖到极点而死去。吉姆和母亲打开了比尔所携带的大箱子,想要找出可以抵偿比尔这些天住宿费





6、下去。天亮后,海盗们带上地图去找宝藏,但只发现一处空穴,财宝早已无影无踪。他们惊呆了,接着像野兽般发起狂来。这时,西尔弗毫不迟疑地抛弃了过去的同伙,和吉姆一起投奔到埋伏在附近的医生等人那里。经过一番激战,乌合之众的海盗被打垮了。吉姆他们把财宝装运上船,等到涨潮后,便驾着帆船返航,归途中在西印度群岛,西尔弗偷了一口袋金币,消失了踪影。而吉姆和他的朋友们连同冈恩终于乘埃斯班诺拉号,满载而归,回到了自己的家园。【拓展训练】(1)缺词填空 The next morning, Long John Silver sailed the ship to the place w 1 the anchor was

7、 drawn on the map. This was between skeleton Island, and the main island, a few h 2 metres from both shores. Trees came down from the hills to the water line all around us. It was very still, and there was no sound but the waves breaking on the beaches.The crew were unsettled and they didn't wan

8、t to do any work and we were a 3 of mutiny. The squire called his three servants, Hunter, Joyce and Redruth, and explained the s 4 Then he gave them loaded pistols.The captain d 5 to let the crew go ashore. The men seemed pleased to get off the ship. They talked to Silver w 6 was openly in c 7 and t

9、hirteen of the them, i 8 Silver, decided to go ashore. That left six of Silver's men on b 9 . At the last moment,I jumped into one of the boats. Silver was in the other one and he looked over at me angrily. As s 10 as we were under the trees,I caught a branch and swung myself out and jumped into

10、 the nearest bushes.1.where 2.hundred 3.afraid 4.decided 5.decided 6.who 7.charge 8.including 9.boats 10.soon(2)缺词填空As I ran, I heard some small s_86_ falling from the side of a steep(陡峭的) hill. I stopped to look a_87_, and saw a figure(身影)j_88_ quickly behind a tree.Frightened, I turned back toward

11、s the boats, but the figure appeared again and moved with the s_89_ of an animal. But it was a man, I knew that now.I remembered I had a pistol(枪)if I needed it, and turned back towards this man of the island. He was h_90_ behind a_91_ tree but stepped out to m_92_ me.Who are you? I asked, staring a

12、t him.Ben Gunn ,he answered, and his voice sounded rough and strange .His skin was burnt nearly b_93_ by the sun and his clothes were made f_94_ pieces of a ship's sail.Poor Ben Gunn,he went on.A_95_ for three years.86.stones 87.around 88.jump 89.speed 90.hiding91.another 92.meet 93.black 94.fro

13、m 95.Alone(3)缺词填空Treasure Island(金银岛) is one of the most f 86 novels(小说)by Robert Louis Stevenson from the UK. The novel is so interesting that m 87 of children are reading it. So we can say that, if Chinese children are reading Journey to the West to grow up, and then w 88 children also have their

14、own- Treasure Island to grow up.Hero of the story, Jim, was a 10-year-old boy. His parents had a h 89 and they wanted Jim to be the future o 90 of this hotel, but Jim didnt want to live like that.One day, an old seaman came to his parents hotel with a treasure map that e 91 was looking for. Blind Pe

15、w, Black Dog and other pirates(海盗)followed him, because they all wanted to get the map. Jim was l_92 enough to get the treasure map and began to find the treasure with his friends. But another pirate, one-legged Silver wanted all the treasure too, so he hid(隐藏)in Jims group.When they got to the trea

16、sure island, Silver killed(杀害)some of Jims friends b 93 they didnt listen to him. Jim found it d 94 to stay with the pirates, so he and his friends left the group quietly. Luckily, they met Ben Gunn, who lived in the Treasure Island for a long time. With the help of Ben Gunn, Jim and his friends fou

17、nd the treasure, and at last they came back home with p 95 of treasure.In a word, Treasure Island can be regarded as the best pirate novel in history. 86. famous 87. millions 88. western 89. hotel 90. owner 91. everyone 92. lucky 93. because 94. dangerous 95. plenty (4)缺词填空On a snowy day, Robert Lou

18、is Stevenson took a paintbrush and draw a map of the island called treasure island. He named the hills, rivers and harbors of the island one by one. And all the faces of the characters came to his m 66 . So the book Treasure Island was born.The main character is a boy called Jim Hawkins, living in a

19、 safe and p 67 world with his parents at the beginning. This life l 68 until he found a map showing the location of the island with huge treasure that had been h 69 by the terrible pirate Captain Flint. Jim joined Dr. Livesey and Squire Trelawney on a j 70 to find the treasure along with a number of

20、 different pirates, who were led by the fearful Long John Silver. During the adventure, the boy got over his fear to fight bravely a 71 the pirates. In the end, he successfully returned home with the treasure and he also g 72 into a mature young man. So many readers think Jims search for treasure is

21、 a process for his search for h 73 .In this book, readers can enjoy the adventure fun and exciting travel experiences all the time, so it can be said that if Chinese children grow up reading Journey to the West, then W 74 children grow up reading Treasure Island. This book is also praised as the g 7

22、5 adventure stories after “Robinson Crusoe”.66.mind 67. peaceful 68. lasted 69. hidden 70. journey71.against 72. grew 73. himself 74. Western 75.greatest (5)缺词填空I climbed to the deck safely. I soon saw t_1_ pirates(海盗) lying on the deck at the back of the ship. One was dead. The other, Israel Hands,

23、 was w_2_ and calling for rum(朗姆酒).I gave Hands the rum. As he drank it, the colour of red returned to his f_3_."I am taking over this ship, Mr Hands,” I said. " You will treat me as your captain.” He looked at me sourly(带有敌意的), but he could do nothing.I took down the Jolly Roger flag and

24、t_4_ it into the sea. Hands watched me slyly(诡诈地). “If you give me some food and drink and find something to tie up my wound, I'll tell you how to sail the ship.” I gave him all he asked. Soon the ship was sailing e_5_ with Hands help. After eating and drinking, Hands sat up and then took 71 d t

25、he Jolly Roger flag and threw it into the sea. Hands watched me slyly.“looked b_6_. We soon arrived at North Inlet. Hands was very good at guiding me in and I f_7_ his instructions perfectly. We turned into the beach and came easily to rest without an anchor(锚).I was so b_8_ bringing the ship in saf

26、ely that I forgot to watch Hands. When I turned around, Hands was standing b_9_ me with his knife ready. I jumped away and quickly climbed up the ropes and prepared both guns. Hands climbed slowly after me. Suddenly one of his hands went back and a knife flew through the air. I felt a sharp p_10_ an

27、d was fixed by the shoulder to the mast(桅杆). Both guns fired, and fell into the sea together with Israel Hands.1.two 2.wounded/weak 3.face 4.threw 5.easily 6.better 7.followed 8.busy 9.behind 10.pain(6)缺词填空 Dr Livesey came to the fort in the morning as promised.Theres a l 86 stranger to see you, Sir, Said Silver.Not Jim? asked the doctor.He entered the house, and t 87 the sick pirate(海盗).I wish to talk to the little boy, please, he said afterwards.Hawkins ,sa


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