1、第一讲话块情景记单词【考点说明】大量的单词短语积累是攻克自主招生的法宝,自主招生的难度在很大程度上是由不熟悉的单词短语造成的。因为不熟悉文章或者题干中的单词短语,导致题目看不懂甚至文章看不懂,所以做题时总觉得捉襟 见肘。即便是积累了再多的解题技巧,也无用武之地。尽管各个联盟的考试题型不尽相同,对词汇量的考 察是各大联盟英语考试的共同点。尽管有些联盟,如华约和卓越同盟没有专门的词汇单选题,但是完形填 空和阅读理解中无不充斥着对词汇短语辨析和一词多义的考察。提到积累单词,很多考生都认为是重要且必须的,但是即便如此,考生们的单词积累情况并不理想。究其原因,主要是拿着一本词汇手册孤立地积累单词短语,很
2、快就忘记了。长时间如此,积累单词的积极性大受打击。记单词是需要一定方法的,我们可以把单词拆分为更小的单位,即词根词缀;也可以把单词组合成更大的单位,即语块(词组/短语)。把单词拆分为更小的单位有助于我们归纳单词的组合规则,从而使我们易于记单词和猜词义。更大单位的语块作为整体在语言中出现的频率较高,且语块为语境依附型,语块意义是置于特定语境之中的,具有与之相连的情景意义,在类似情景下学习者产生联想,由此可见,语块情景为我们提供了一个词汇记忆的角度及词汇运用的模式。每年的自主招生题目考察的单词短语是不同的,仅仅训练近几年的题目是不够的,对考生来说,更重要的是掌握猜测单词词义的技巧并牢记每个单词 在
3、不同语境中的多种含义,这才是应变不同题目的关键。本章节主要讲授词汇运用的模式之一一一语块情景模式。为了避免过于理论化,讲解的同时附带了真题和模拟题中词汇辨析的例子,以此加深学生的印象。语块介绍:Lewis将语块分为4类:-聚合词,由一个以上单词组成的固定短语,如all in all等;搭配词,指词项在长期使用中逐步形成的一种同现关系,即词项间可以相互预示自己 /搭档可能出现的结构。搭配分为词 汇搭配(如strongly believe )和语法搭配(如 take part in等)7惯用话语,指形式固定或半固定、具有固定语用功能的单词组/合,如If I were you, I d like .
4、;(4)句子框架和引语(sentence frames and heads):用于语篇衔接的关联词,如 firstly, secondly 和 finally 。【题型特点分析】具体单词的个数;而深度指的是对判别词汇量的角度有二,即词汇的广度与深度,广度指的是掌握的每一个具体单词的 多个意思的掌握及与该单词的意思相近的其他词汇的词义辨析。自主招生英语试题中词汇这部分考题便很好地结合了词汇这两个特点来考察学考生对固定搭配、短语、形近词/同义词(组)辨析以及生词的掌握及分析。有些联盟的英语试卷部分虽然没有词汇单选题,但是在阅读理解与完形填空等其 它题目中依然可见对 单词词义 及词组辨析 的考察,所
5、以掌握一定量的词汇是顺利完成自主招生考试的必要 条件。【解题方法】在词汇部分主要分为两讲,第一讲从单词运用的角度深入探讨如何利用情景语块模式解答词汇中的一部分题型,第二讲我们会剖析词根词缀法在一些题目中的运用。本章节会围绕语块情景给出一定的解题方法与技巧。在此之前,我们再把这一部分的各类题目进行细致分解与归类,确定每道题的具体考点。1 .固定搭配:根据自主招生英语试题的特点,我们会把这部分题目分为以下两类同义/近义异形词的固定搭配(例如:想表达 原油”这个意思,是用raw/ crude/bare oil哪一个?),针对这类题目我们建议,学生在平时词汇积累时,把固定短语按一个语块去整体记忆,然后
6、配例句作为 语境辅助理解,而不是记住一个一个的单词遇到短语时再随机搭配,这样很容易陷入搭配错误的陷阱。【典例精讲】The score that a student obtains before any adjustment and transformation is called the score.(复旦 2006)A. bareB. rawC. primitive D. crude【答案】B【解析】A项 光秃秃的”与BCD项意义差别较大,其余三项都表达原来的/原始的”等,题目想表达的意思是 原始分”,表面看来 BCD项都可以,实则不然,这三个词的可搭配的对象差别还是很 大的。raw :在修
7、饰物时,意思是 生的“(即未加工处理的);primitive :以简单或粗糙为特征 的,朴实无华的;crude粗糙的,天然的,简陋的。给出三个对应的具体的搭配(即语块),再据此造句(情景),可以帮助学生记忆。【语块情景在线】Two ships are carrying raw sugar from Cuba.(强调未力口工处理)The native of that region still live in primitive straw huts .(强调粗糙 /落后) The factory imported 8.5 million tons of crude oil .(强调原生态 ) 题
8、目想表达的原始分强调未被处理过,所以应为raw score.【点拨】语块理解记忆,情景巩固加深。考察固定短语中的介词使用,或者以介词作为选项或者以搭配的动词作为选项,总之这类题目主要是考察动词与介词的搭配问题,针对这样的题目,建议学生在平时学习的时候把与同一个介词的搭配的词组短语进行归纳整理,做好以不变应万变的准备。【典例精讲】Just because youve got your degree doesnt mean that you can rest your laurels .(复旦 2008)A. withB. atC. on D. behind【答案】C【解析】本题考的是搭配,res
9、t on one s laurels用、是 吃老本、不思进取“。【解题技巧】介词的选取也要看环境,要是知道rest on是依赖的意思,这个题就好办了。而on的这个用法可以从熟悉的短语如depend on、rely on等推得。When there is a conflict territory, animals will commonly use force to decide which will stay andwhich will go.(北约模拟题)A. forB. withC. overD. by【答案】C【解析】“关于的冲突”要使用介词over, conflict over sth
10、 ,大概句意为“当发生关于领土的冲突的时候,动物一般会通过武力来决定谁留谁走。【解题技巧】碰到这样的题目,要揣摸介词本身的意思,不能只按照固定短语记忆。over本身就有论及的意思。2 .短正 短语这部分最常见的考察对象是动词短语,通常也分为两种类型。同一动词+不同介词/副词,(例如set out/set about/set up),针对这样的词组,我们应该把目光尽量投放在介词上,通过介词本身的一些特点及意义,判断短语意思。【典例精讲】During the celebration, fireworks have been at the bay.(复旦 2007)A. set outB. set
11、about C. set upD . set off【答案】D【解析】set out出发,开始,陈列/ set about开始,着手(后接名词、代词和动名词)/ set up设立,竖立,架起,开业/ set off出发,动身,使爆炸,引起,衬托【语块情景在线】T The sooner we set about it the sooner we ll finish越早开始就越早可以完成这件事。 When are we setting out on our trip?我们什么时候动身去旅行?A As a traditional way to celebrate the New Year, sett
12、ing off firecrackers is welcomed by most Chinese people.作为一种传统的庆贺新年活动,燃放鞭炮受到大多数中国人的欢迎。Edison set up a chemical lab of his own at the age of ten.爱迪生十岁就建立了自己的化学实验室。【解题技巧】做此类题目,如果对四个词组完全不熟悉,可以借助后面的介词来推断词组的意思。动 词表一个动作,而介词/副词为它提供了一个方向,out (向外)/ about (表示论及)关于;(表示对象)对;/ up (起来)/ off(从脱离)。炮竹炸开,脱离之前的捆绑,因此也能
13、 推断出D答案,set off。Though her baby was sick, she managed to from him to attend an important meeting.( 北约模拟题 )A. pull offB. pull overC. pull away D. pull down【答案】C【技巧解析】该题属于同一动词+不同介词白类型题,pull from,从表面上理解为从 拉,这表示一个动作,而横线上填的词为动作的方式/方向,off表(断绝/隔离);over(越过/在上面);away(离开/远离);down(向下),该题大意为,尽管孩子生病了,他还是要抽身去参 加一
14、个很重要的会议。由此应该选 away, away from him,离开他(孩子)。 不同动词+介词,(例如put back/shrug off/deal with),针对这样的词组,我们应该把重点更多的放在 动词上,介词起辅助推倒的作用。【典例精讲】It could soon be an offence to publish articles or photos which personal relationships, finances orhealth.(复旦 2008)A . intrude on B . tear at C. break up D . mess with【答案】A【解
15、析】intrude on打扰,彳I扰;tear at撕扯,用力撕扯;break up (使)分裂;(被)拆分;(使)破碎; mess with 干涉;与 有牵连;卷入【语块情景在线】H He had no wish to intrude on their privacy.他原本就不想触犯他们私人活动的自由.They relentlessly tear at the flowers they see.彳他们见花就摘.毫不爱惜.The workers will break up the old cars for their parts.工人要把那些旧车拆掉取零件Ive warned you alr
16、eady, dont mess with me.我已警告过你,不要来才T扰我.【解题技巧】做此类题目,即所有选项的动词不一致时,关注点要放在动词上,虽然后边的介词也有 一定的作用,但动词决定大方向。像本题中,intrude干涉;tear撕扯;break (使)破坏;mess (使)混乱,这样也能较容易地选出A答案。3.形近词/近义词:这样的题目可以从选项的一些角度去辨析,这些角度包括及物与否(若选项是动词) 感情色彩褒贬(若选项是形容词。注:在这里没有列出专门的例题,意在提供一种解题思路,在完型填空和阅读理解中可以借鉴。)冰但是绝大多数情况还是要依赖于语块记忆,情景理解。【典例精讲】A ser
17、ies of lectures have the students interest in science and technology旦 2006)A . arisen B . enforced C. risenD . aroused【答案】D【解析】其次rise意为 升起,增高“ arise为 出现,产生 arouset为 激起,使奋发 enforced为 强 迫服从;实施,执行;加强下面给出例句,请辨别词义,体会语境。【解题技巧】从选项词汇的及物性角度出发。rise, arise是不及物动词,本题中就可以直接排除。enforce和arouse是及物动词。enforce是强迫某人做某事,不
18、符合语境,故选 D。【语块情景在线】t The sun rose at seven o太clocks钟升起。They are talking about problems arising out of the lack of communication.他们正在谈论由于缺乏交流而产生的问题。T The boss promised to raise her salary.老板答应要给她加薪水。The lecture aroused my interest.报告引起了我的兴趣。You can the temperature in the house by adjusting the thermos
19、tat and the radiators .(复旦 2008)A. regulate B. enlarge C. itch D. elude【答案】A【解析】regulate vt.调节,调整; enlarge vt.& vi.扩大,放大,扩展,扩充;itch v.痒,发痒;渴望,极 想;elude vt.逃避;使迷惑;理解不了;抓不到。【语块情景在线】t This system can regulate the temperature of the room.这种系统能调节室内温度.Can you enlarge this photograph for me?你能帮我把这张照片放大吗?Hi
20、s fingers itch at the sight of a game of chess.看见下棋他就馋得慌.Satiety is a dream which will always elude you.完全满足该欲望是一个永远无法实现的梦.The criminal had a good disguise, but as soon as he spoke, he himself and was caught and sent tothe police station.(北约模拟题)A. disclosed B. betrayed C. exposed D. revealed【答案】B【解析
21、】根据句意:这个罪犯伪装得很好,但他一开口就暴露了自己的身份、就被抓住并送进厂警察局。disclose公开;揭露;使显露;使暴露 ;betray对不思;背叛;出卖;泄露; vt.揭露,揭发;使暴露;使遭受;使曝光;reveal vt.显露;揭露;泄露。这四个词意思相近很具有迷惑性,所以最好的办法就是及典型例句,搞明白每个词强调的角度。【语块情景在线】zThe company disclosed the news that he will retire in May.(强调公开的让别人知道)公司透露他将在5月退休。The group were informers, and they betray
22、ed the plan to the Germans.(强调给对方造成不好的影响),这帮人是告密者,他们把计划泄露给了德国人。The Budget does expose the lies ministers were telling a year ago.(强调隐藏的东西被人知晓)预算案无疑揭穿了部长们一年前所说的谎话。She has refused to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter.(强调让另U人知道)l她不肯透露她女儿的行踪。综合语境,应该选 Bo4例题后的技巧总结把单词按照语块来记忆,且放到具体的情景中(要选取典型例句,且尽量取其具体意
23、义而不是抽象意义)理解,而不是将其看成是孤立的单词。另外,在这里向大家介绍一种高效的单词记忆法,语块情景+联想记忆法Build建造Developers are now proposing to build a hotel on the site词性变换Delete强调删除储存在电脑中的 东西He deleted files from the computer system.Establish建立(抽象 / 具体事物,如组织 /联 系)We had already established contact with反五abolish废止(指废除长期存在的制度、法律或习惯)近义Set up建立;准备
24、; 安排;引起Ive decided to set up a shop as aconsultant常见挎配weapons from the great hallErase清除(具体/抽象事物,不存 在)He tried to erase the idea from his mind.He ordered them to remove theRemove搬动,移走(还存在abolish the death penalty 废除死刑abolish (racially discriminatory) laws 废除(带有种族歧视的)法律abolish all forms and ceremonie
25、s 废除各种仪式与礼节abolish exploitation 废除录哨。abolish the surtax废除附加税的法令.这样通过语块情景+联想的记忆方法,能让学生以高倍速度记单词的同时,在一系列搭配结构和语境中记清,记牢其含义。从此告别孤立单词,以点到线再到面,真正轻松愉快记单词。,更多的关注这些短语的第二个或第三个重要的,用适当形式填空。把同一动词+不同介词的动词的易混短语归类并辅以练习 意思而不是最重要的意思。请看下面的选词填空题一、BREAKBreak up break away break out break in1. To free electrons, something
26、has to make them whirl fast enough to from their nuclei.2. The band are a new backing vocalist.3. The two men of their cells and cut through a perimeter fence.4. MPs say they work too hard and that is why so many of their marriages .【答案】1. break away 突然离开,放弃;(与)脱离2. breaking in 闯入,打断,开始工作;使适应(新的工作或环
27、境)。“乐队在帮一名新的后备主唱进行磨 合和适应。”3. broke out 突发爆发;逃跑,越狱。“这两个人逃出牢房,并越过了围墙。”4. break up打碎,破碎,分裂,结束,衰落,分解(强调化学变化,变坏,驱散。“国会议员们声称他们工作过于辛劳,因而导致他们当中很多人婚姻破裂。”二、BRINGBring down bring out bring up bring about1. We are working to closer political integration in the EU.2. They were threatening to the government by wi
28、thdrawing from the ruling coalition.3. I want to clearly all the issues that are involved.4. Mr. Chairman, I should like to the question of the reorganization of the committee.【答案】1. bring about使发生,致使2. bring down打倒,击落,打死,降低,短语动词使(政府或当权者)垮台3. bring out 取出,使显示,出版,生产,鼓励说出4. bring up教育,培养,提出,(军队等)调上来,呕
29、吐。“主席先生,我想提出改组委员会的问题”三、 CALLCall in call for call up call off1. The ceasefire resolution the release of all prisoners of war.2. The book was libelous, so the publishers had to all copies of it from the bookshops.3. Dont let anything your attention from your studies.4. He is likely to be for Thursday
30、s match against Italy.【答案】1. calls for 要求;需要。谆火决议要求释放所有战俘。”2. call in 召集,召来,来访;收回(出借的图书、债款、旧币等。“这是一本诽谤性的书,所以出版商必须把店里的书全收回去”。3. call off叫走,放弃,使转移走,取消。“不要让别的事转移你学习的注意力”4. called up 召唤,使想起,提出,打电话给,选中。“他有可能被选中参加星期四对意大利的比赛。四、COMECome about come out came across come up1. Any possible solution to the Irish
31、 question can only through dialogue.2. When sober he can as an extremely pleasant and charming young man.3. It will that she has covertly donated considerable sums to the IRA.4. Plan your activities so that you are rested and refreshed when something important is .【答案】1. come about 产生,发生。“任何解决爱尔兰问题的
32、可行方案只能通过对话产生。”2. come across来至U,偶遇,口给人印象深刻(无被动形式)“没喝醉的时候,他看上去似乎是个极为彬彬有礼、讨人喜欢的小伙子。”3. come out出来,长出,传出,出版,被解出,露出,真相大白。“她暗中给爱尔兰共和军提供了大笔资助 的事情即将曝光。”4. coming up 走近,上来,发芽,流行,发生,被提出,即将“做好日常规划,这样一旦发生大事,才能够从容不迫。”5、 GETGet down to get through get off get over1. With the election out of the way, the governme
33、nt can business.2. The aircraft hadnt enough power to the ground.3. We have got to . the message to the young that smoking isnt cool.4. We couldnt a day without arguing.【答案】5. get down to 开始认真考虑。”选举结束,政府可以着手干起来了。”6. get off下来,脱下,出发,开始。“那架飞机的动力不够,无法起飞。”7. get over爬过,克服,熬过,恢复,原谅,(向)讲清;使明白。我们要让年轻人认识到抽烟
34、并不是什么很酷的事情。”8. get through到达,做完,通过,度过,打通“我们没有一天不拌嘴的。”6、 GIVEGive way (to)give offgive out give away1. Although they are pretending hard to be young, grey hair and cellulite them.2. If plastic and rubber are burnt, theyll poisonous gases.3. One of his lungs entirely.4. A powered vessel should sail it
35、 is an unwritten rule of the sea.【答案】5. give away 送掉,分发,放弃,泄露,出卖,让步,陷下。虽然他们费尽心思地扮年轻,但是花白的头发和赘肉却将他们的真实年龄暴露无遗。”6. give off 发出(蒸汽、液体、雾等),长出(枝、杈等)。要是塑料和橡胶被焚,就会放出有毒的气体。”7. gave out分发,发出(气味、热等),发表用尽,精疲力竭。“他的其中一片肺叶完全不起作用了。”8. give way (to)撤退,让路,退让,垮掉,倒塌,屈服,跌价。“机动船在遇到帆船时必须让其先行,这是一 条不成文的航海规则。”7、 PUTPut out p
36、ut away put forward put up1. His testimony could Drago for life.2. Several reasons to justify the imposition of censorship.3. He was plainly very at finding her there.4. Hundreds of junior civil servants have to in hotel rooms and temporary hostels.【答案】1. put away放好,储存.备用,处理掉,放弃抛弃。他的证词足以使德拉戈被判终身监禁。”
37、2. were put forward放出,拿出提出,推举出。举出了几条理由来证明实行审查是不合理的。”3. put out扑灭,生产,消除,出版,恼怒的;烦乱的。发现她在那里他明显很不安。4. be put up举起,抬起,进行,提供,张贴。数百名初级文职官员只能被安排到旅馆和临时青年招待所过夜”。SETSet about set out set aside set off1. The new government dismantling their predecessors legislation.2. He has achieved what he to do three years a
38、go.3. He urged them to minor differences for the sake of peace.4. The smallest thing him, and he cant stop talking about his childhood.【答案】1. set about开始,着手(后接名词、代词和动名词)。新政府正着手废除其前任所制定的法律。”2. set out出发,开始,陈列。 他已经实现了他3年前的奋斗目标。”3. set aside留出,不顾,取消,驳回。他敦促他们为了和平抛开一些小的分歧。”4. sets off 出发,动身,使爆炸,引起衬托。使发怒;
39、使回忆起来;使侃侃而谈,件微不足道的小事都能打开他的话匣子,他会滔滔不绝地讲述他的童年。”九、TAKETake back take up take on take down1. The government has agreed to those people who are considered economic rather than political refugees.2. The Canadian army the barricades erected by the Indians.3. Believing he had only a year to live, his writin
40、g a feverish intensity.4. Most scientists who can present evidence of an environmental threat can reasonably assume that a pressure group will the issue.【答案】1. take back 送还,收回,取消,使回忆起。让 回家;准许回来 政府同意让那些被认为是经济难民的人回 国,但政治难民不包括在内。”2. took down 拿下记下,拆卸,病倒。 加拿大军队拆掉了印第安人设置的路障。3. took on 披上,呈现,具有,雇用承担,同一较量。
41、由于以为自己只剩一年的活头,他的文字开始变得激情澎湃。”4. take up拿起,开始从事,继续,吸收,责备,拘留,占据,认购。开始处理;讨论如何处理,“能够提供环境威 胁证据的大多数科学家都有理由认为,环保团体不会放过这个问题。”十、TURNTurn up turn over turn out turn away1. Medicine began to from botany in the scientific revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries.2. If I had known my life was going to like this,
42、 I would have let them kill me.3. Even when she didnt say anything you could see her things in her mind.4. Investigations have never any evidence.【答案】1. turn away 不准入内,走开,转过脸,解雇,弃用(方法、主意),在17、18世纪的科学革命中,医学开 始从植物学转而研究其他方向。”2. turn out打扫,驱逐使外倾,生产,起床,翻出,制造,关掉。如果我早知道自己的人生结局会是如此,我当时宁愿让他们杀了我。”3. turning o
43、ver打翻,反复考虑,翻身,短语动词(在脑子里)仔细考虑,深思熟虑,细想。即便她什么都没说,你也能看出她心里在盘算着。4. turned up调高,找到,发现,出现,折起,突然发生找出;发现;注意到;出现 调查从没发现任何证据。”把与某个特定介词搭配的短语进行归类,可以以图例的方式进行梳理。(注:老师可以给学生一两个介词,【解析】不同动词+同一个介词所购成的短语,重点在于动词所表示的动词,介词只是提供了一个方向。我们发现每个动词词组所表达的意义不仅限于一个,而我们推导和理解意义的时候可以主要从两个方面入手:动词的具体意义和抽象意义同一个动作作用在不同的事物上,对应到汉语有不同的表达方式。技巧四
44、:)与下一讲的内容结合起来,尽量挖掘某个单词和短语的本质的意思,即具体意思,再根据不同的语境推导其引申义与抽象的意义。【真题模拟题拓展训练】(一)真题1. The play is so intriguing that the audience quickly identified the actors and actresses.A . byB . forC. withD. on2. When the chief executive officer was invited to play the piano at the end of the concert, she performed a
45、piece without .A . inspection B . investigation C. manipulation D. rehearsal3. Helen her former classmate when she was on the train bound for Germany.A . ran intoB . hit onC. bumped against D . rushed at4. The story goes that Narcissus saw his handsome in the lake and became intoxicated in his good
46、image.A. reflection B. identityC. impression D. projection5. The jury eventually reached a(n) verdict on the basis of law and witnesses testimony.A. ignorantB. pureC. secureD. legitimate6. He is such a (n) teacher that he has devoted all his time and energy to his students.A. conscientiousB. conscio
47、usC. academicD. scientific7. We are looking for someone with a real sense of to the job.A . committee B. commitment C. community D . commission8. They declared the war, for they believed that country had the weapons of mass destruction.A . liberatedB. counteredC. approvedD. proliferated9. The journa
48、list reported the of children labors who had worked many days on end.A . expansionB. expeditionC. exploitationD . exploration10. At 85, Doris, single, diabetic and living alone, was becoming increasingly forgetful and .A. acuteB. frailC. significantD. offensive11. Failure to with the regulations can
49、 result in a $20,000 fine or a six-month prison sentence .A. compete B. complyC. consultD. coincide12. We have to our original plan if unfortunately this one doesn t work out.A. fall under B. fall behind C. fall toD. fall back on13. Literary scholars are piecing together her last unpublished novel f
50、rom of a recently discoveredmanuscript.A. portions B. sectionsC. fragments D. sessions14. I think you should examine their in offering to lend you the money .A. motivation B. stimulusC. motiveD. compensation15. The assassination could do serious damage to the peace agreement that was signed last mon
51、thi.A. delicate B. wretchedC. organicD. fragile16. He has some information that I want so I m going to try to it out of him over a drink.A. coaxB. sootheC. commendD. commence17. Do you think you could something for hanging my clothes on until I can get a wardrobe?A. ruffleB. contriveC. reviveD. evok
52、e18. The results of the recent research will the mystery of the creation of the Universe.A. bristleB. gleamC. glimpseD. illuminate19. Any manufacturer who does not conform to the standards could be under the Consumers Protection Act, 1987.A. condemned B. prosecutedC. executedD. jettisoned20. Let me
53、know if any difficulties A. raiseB. riseC. happenD. ariseKeys: CDAAD ABDCB BDCCD ABDBD(二)模拟题1. The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he has a attitude.A. changeable B. alternate C. movable D. flexible2. Will all those the proposal raise their hands?A. in relation toB. in ex
54、cess ofC. in contrast toD. in favor of3. The finance minister has not been so since he raised taxes to such a high level.A. popularB. well-knownC. favorableD. preferable4. It is wrong for someone in such a high in the government to behave too badly in public.A. situationB. positionC. employmentD. pr
55、ofession5. Lawyers often make higher for their work than they should.A. bills B. charges C. prices D. costs6. The workmen made so much that Mrs. Walker had to spend three days cleaning up afterwards.A. trouble B. damage C. mess D. nuisance7. They have held several meetings to next years production p
56、lans.A. set down B. make out C. work up D. draw up8. How can we get this language point to the students.A. downB. roundC. acrossD. into9. Dress warmly, youll catch cold.A. on the contrary B. or rather C. or else D. in no way10. 123. Maria missed the first train so as to travel on the same one as John.A. deliberately B. intensivelyC. decisively D. objectively11. I regret getting involved with m
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