

1、Model Test OneSince we arrived, the gracious hospitality with which we have been receivedhas been truly heartwarm ing. /A Chinese proverb best describes my feeling: When the visitor arrives, it isas if returning home. /One of the purposes of my visit was to make new frien ds, but rm verypleased to f
2、ind thatin stead of making frien ds, 1 am among frien ds. /And rm also very pleased with our cooperati on in the joi nt ven turewhich has bee n very successful: We both gained and profited, and we bothsurvived the fierce competition in the world market.Ladies and gentlemen, I suppose youve all read
3、the report about therestructuring of the groups organization, which has given rise to theproblem of relocating the new group. /One possibility is to move all the head offices to Shanghai, and that isbasically what the report recomme nds. /Alter natively, we could continue to run the two compa nies q
4、uiteseparately in their prese nt locati ons with the smaller one in Shan ghai. /rm not sure how efficie nt the sec ond opti on would be, but rd like tohear your opinions on the subject.自从我们到达时,我们的盛情款待收到已经真正感人的。/ /中国谚语最好描述我的感觉:“当客人到达时,就好像回家。” / / 我访问的目的之一是结交新朋友,但我很高兴发现交朋友,而是朋友之间的 1 点。/ /我也非常高兴我们的合作的合
5、资企业非常成功:我们都上涨,获利,我们都在世界市场竞争激烈。女士们,先生们,我想你们都读汇报集团组织的重组,这催生了搬迁新集团的问题。/ /一种可能性是所有总部搬到上海,这基本上是报告建议。/ / 或者,我们可以继续运行这两家公司分别在他们现在的位置与规模较小的一个在上海。/ /我不知道第二选择是有效的,但是我想听听你的意见。Passage 1中国有一句话是这么说的,上有天堂,下有苏杭。” /这句话毫无夸张之意,苏杭这两座邻近上海的历史名城以其秀丽的景色每年吸引了数 以百万计的海内外游客。/例如,中国南方园林建筑艺术的典范、迷人的苏州造景园林在 有限的空间里造就了无数自然景观。/园林的池塘、河
6、水、石头、花朵、树木给游客带来了如诗般的意境,这确实是赴苏州观光的必游之地。China has a word says, above there is heaven and below there are suzhouand han gzhou. / /The meaning of this sentence without exaggerati on, suzhou and han gzhou,two famous historical cities near Shanghai for its beautiful scenery everyyear attracts millions of
7、tourists from home and abroad. / /For example, the apotheosis of the art of build ing garde ns in south China,the charm ing Ian dscape garde ns in suzhou in limited space has creatednu merous n atural la ndscape. / Garden pond, river , stones, flowers, treesgave visitors a poetic artistic conception
8、, it is togo to suzhou for sightsee ing.Passage 2女士们,先生们,进入新世纪上海正在迅速发展为世界经济、金融和贸易中心之一。/上海金融业的发展尤为引人注目,现已逐渐形成了一个具有相当规模与影响的金融市场体系。浦东新区近年来的崛起使这块黄金宝地成了海外投资的热点,投资总额巳达 1 000亿美元。/上海这颗璀璨的东方明珠正以其特有的魅力召唤富有远见卓识的金融家和企业 家来此大展宏图。Ladies and gentlemen, into the newcentury is experiencing rapiddevelopme nt of Shan g
9、hai as one of the worlds econo mic, finan cial andtrade cen ter. / /The development of Shanghai financial industry is striking, has graduallyformed a considerable scale and impact of the financial market system. / /In recent years the rise of pudong new district has turned the place hasbecome the ho
10、t spot of the overseas in vestme nt, total in vestme nt hasreached $1,00 billi on. / / This shining Shanghai Oriental pearl is with itsunique glamour call rich foresight financiers and en trepre neurs to thefuture.Model Test TwoPassage 1Permit me to say again this evening: Let us act according to th
11、eprinciple of mutual respect and mutual ben efit, to the prin ciple of both dignity and fairn ess. /It is certa inly in the fun dame ntal in terest of our people to trade andbe friends with the Chin ese people. /We are very impressed by your modernization program, an ambitiousundertaking which makes
12、 our future cooperative relati on ship very promising. /China today, I understand, is taking a practical and effective approachand we wish you success and offer you our cooperati on in this great endeavor.请允许我今晚又说:让我们根据相互尊重、互利共赢的原则,尊严和公正的原则。/ /当然是在贸易和两国人民的根本利益是中国人民的朋友。/ /我们非常深刻的印象你的现代化计划,一项雄心勃勃的事业使我
13、们未来的合作关系非常有前途。/ /我明白,今天的中国是实用和有效的方法,我们希望你成功,并提供你这个伟大的努力合作。Weknow that the human brain is divided into two roughly symmetricalhemispheres, which are comparable in size and form, but not in function. /The left hemisphere is primarily responsible for linguisticcommunication, i. e. , the Ian guage cen t
14、er is located in the left side of thebrain in most people. /The right hemisphere, on the other hand, controls ones visual andspatial activities, in cludi ng also musical percepti on. /The most importa nt differe nces betwee n huma ns and other ani malsare the creative aspect of huma n Ian guage and
15、mans sophisticated cognitive abilities.我们知道,人类的大脑分为两个大致对称的半球,这可比在尺寸和形状,而不是功能。/ /左半球主要负责语言的沟通,即,语言中心位于左侧大脑的大多数人。/ /大脑右半球,另一方面,控制一个人的视觉和空间活动,也包括音乐感知。/ / 人类和其他动物最重要的区别是人类语言和人的创造性方面的复杂的认知能力。Part B (C-E)Passage 1欢迎科林斯先生和太太来上海。我叫孟诗琪,是上海联华制衣(集团)公司海外营销部经理。我很高兴能代表公司总经理陈先生在此接待您和夫人。我希望我们的安排符合您的要求。我受陈先生的委托,代表公司
16、在今后的几天里同您进行业务洽谈。/我将同科林斯先生商谈有关建立上海联华制衣(集团)公司海外销售网的事宜。请您多多指教。“远亲不如近邻”是中国人民推崇的、经得起时间考验的信条。/这一广为人们所接受的信条很有意义地表明了相互照顾在中国战区生活中所起的重要作 用。/中国现有 350 万左右的义务工作者为年老体弱者、残疾人以及所需要帮助的人士提供服务。 这些来自社会各界的社区服务自愿工出于“人人为我,我为人人”的信念为社区服务。Mr. And Mrs. Colli ns welcome toShan ghai. My n ame is Meng Shiqi,Shan ghai lia nhuagarm
17、e nt (group) compa ny, overseas market ing man ager . / /I am very glad to be on behalf of the company general manager Mr.Chen in the receptionyou and Mrs. I hope that our arran geme nt is in line with your requireme nts./ /I en trusted by Mr . Chens,on behalf of the compa ny in the n ext few dayswi
18、th you for bus in ess n egotiati on. / /I will discuss with Mr. Colli ns about establish ing Shan ghai lia nhua garment (group) compa ny,overseas sales n etwork. Please advice.Better good n eighbours n ear tha n relati ons far away is the Chin esepeople praise highly,sta nd the test of time. / /The
19、widely accepted creed sense how to take care of each other in Chinese theater plays important role in the life. / /China has around 3.5 million volunteers for the frail elderly,the disabledand people inn eed of help. / /The com munity service volun teer work from the social from all walks of lifeout
20、 of all for one,one for all belief for com munity service.Model Test 3Part A (E-C)Passage 1I am delighted to extend this personal welcome to Chinese visitors tothe Sydney Agricultural Tech no logy Exhibiti on. /Here we prese nt to our Chin ese friends a comprehe nsive display ofAustralia n agricultu
21、ral achieveme nts and adva need tech no logy infarming that we have to offer. /I greatly value the frien dship and con fide nce that we enjoy as yourtradi ng partner. /I am certa in that this Exhibiti on will stre ngthe n our econo miccooperati on and con tribute directly to our further trade expa n
22、sion.As an America n man ager of a Sino-America n joint ven ture for twoyears, I have to say that there are differe nces in bus in ess man ageme ntbetwee n Chin ese and America ns that we America n bus in essme n inChina should try to un dersta nd and respect. /We are more direct and straightforward
23、 tha n most Chin esecolleagues due to our differe nt cultural traditi ons. Often times they consider our way of bus in ess practice rather aggressive and we con sider theirprocess of decisi on-mak ing time-c onsuming. /I cant say our way of doing bus in ess is absolutely superior. After all,there ar
24、e merits and demerits in here nt in both types of man ageme nt. /It must be poin ted out that in rece nt years, more and more America nbus in ess executives have recog ni zed the merits of the more huma neOrie ntal way of Chin ese man ageme nt. It seems to offer something thatwe are lacking in.我很高兴来
25、扩展这种个人欢迎中国游客到悉尼农业技术展览会。/ /在这里,我们向我们的中国朋友全面展示我国的农业成就和先进的农业技术,我们必须提供。/ /我非常重视友谊和信心,我们喜欢成为你的贸易伙伴。/ /我确信这个展览将加强我们的经济合作,有助于我们进一步扩大贸易。作为一个美国人一家中美合资企业的经理两年了,我不得不说,中国人和美国人之间有不同的商业管理美国商人在中国,我们应该试着去理解和尊重。/ /我们更直接和简单的比大多数中国同事由于我们不同的文化传统。通常他们认为我们的业务实践,而激进的方式,我们认为他们的决策过程耗时。/ /我不能说我们做生意的方式是绝对优越。毕竟,有两种类型的管理中固有优缺点。
26、/ /必须指岀,近年来,越来越多的美国企业高管认可的优点更人道的东方的中国管理方式。这似乎提供,我们缺乏的东西。Passagel今晚,我们很高兴在北京大学接待格林博士和夫人。我代表学校的全体师生员工向格林博士和夫人及其他新西兰贵宾表示热烈的欢迎。/中新两国教育界人士的互访,增进了相互间的了解和学术交流。/我相信格林博士这次对我校的访问必将为进一步加强两校的友好合作关系作出重要贡献。明天,贵宾们将要赴南京和上海访问,我预祝大家一路旅途愉快。我很高兴应邀参加本届中外文化交流节,向诸位介绍中国书法这一人类文化财富和中国宝贵的旅游资源。/中国有这么一句话:“山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。”/
27、各位在中国旅游胜地所看到的包括铭文石碑在内的中国书法笔墨,就好比高山上的仙大川中的龙。许多汉字属象形文字,我们可以从字形猜测词义。/无论是刀刻书法还是笔墨书法,都可以通过字形的夸张产生引人人胜的艺术效果。书法是一门研究艺术,观赏旅游景点的古代书法遗迹自然是一种艺术享受。Toni ght,we are glad to receptio n,Dr . And Mrs. Gree n in Beiji ng university. I represe nt all the teachers and stude nts of the school staff to Dr .And Mrs. Gree
28、n and other New Zeala nd guests a warm welcome. / /New educators of visits betwee n the two coun tries, in crease the mutual understa nding and academic excha nges. / /I believe Dr . Greene this visit to our school will in order to further strengthenthe friendly relati ons and cooperati on betwee n
29、the two schools madeimporta nt con tributi ons. / / Tomorrow, vips will visit in nanjing and Shanghai, I wish you a pleasa nt journey all the way.rm glad to invited to the sino-foreign cultural exchange festival, to introduceyou to Chinese calligraphy this wealth of human culture and valuabletourism
30、 resources in China.Chin ese have such a words: m ountain is not high, with fairy is n ame;water not in deep, with drago ns are spirit. / /Tourist resorts in China can see Chinese calligraphy ink, includinginscriptions stele, like mou ntai n fairy, the mountains of the drago n. ManyChin ese characte
31、rs are pictographs, we can guess ing meaning from theglyph. / /Whether cutter calligraphy calligraphy and painting, can arise through glyphof fasc in at ing artistic effect. Calligraphy is the study of art, orn ame ntaltourist attract ions of an cie nt calligraphy is an art to enjoy n ature.Model Te
32、st 4Passage 1rm very glad to have the opport unity to work in your compa ny, and rmparticularly pleased to be able to work with a group of brilliant people inChinas automobile industry. / I had bee n look ing forward to this job formany years and you have made my dream come true.rm deeply grateful t
33、o you and appreciate all you have done for me. Ireally love my new reside nee by the beach that you have chose n for me. /If you dont mind, I wish to tour around your company properties andmeet my Chinese colleagues and lab assista nts tomorrow.Welcome to the official launch of MTB of Shan ghai. I r
34、egard it as agreat honor and a sig n of good bus in ess that you show so much in terestin MIB products and be with us at this important occasion in the MIB history./As a world leader in the electronic industry, MIB would like to sharewith Chinese customers our success. /Among other thin gs, MIB prod
35、ucts enjoy an excelle nt price versusperforma nee ratio and high quality, which I believe, are very important toour Chinese customers. /We are look ing forward to a Ion g-term relati on ship with our clie ntsand strategic part ners which will help further strengthen the position weenjoy as a leader
36、in the worlds electronic market .Im very glad to have theopport unity to work in your compa ny, and rm particularly pleased to beable to work with a group of brilliant people in Chinas automobile industry. /I had bee n look ing forward to this job for many years and you have mademy dream come true.r
37、m deeply grateful to you and appreciate all you have done for me. Ireally love my new reside nee by the beach that you have chose n for me. /If you dont mind, I wish to tour around your company properties andmeet my Chinese colleagues and lab assista nts tomorrow.Welcome to the official launch of MT
38、B of Shan ghai. I regard it as agreat honor and a sig n of good bus in ess that you show so much in terestin MIB products and be with us at this important occasion in the MIB history./As a world leader in the electronic industry, MIB would like to sharewith Chinese customers our success. /Among othe
39、r thin gs, MIB products enjoy an excelle nt price versusperforma nee ratio and high quality, which I believe, are very important toour Chinese customers. /We are look ing forward to a Ion g-term relati on ship with our clie ntsand strategic part ners which will help further strengthen the position w
40、eenjoy as a leader in the worlds electronic market.我很高兴有机会在你的公司工作,和我特别高兴能与一群出色的人在中国的汽车工业。/ /我一直期待着这份工作多年,你使我的梦想成真。/ /我深深地感激你,感激你为我所做的一切。我真的很喜欢我的新住所的海滩,你选择了我。/ /如果你不介意的话,我想在你公司属性和满足我的中国同事和实验室的助手明天。欢迎来到上海 MTB 勺正式启动。我认为这是一个伟大的荣誉和良好的商业的标志,你如此感兴趣 MIB 的产品和与我们在这个重要的场合 MIB 的历史。/ /作为世界领导人在电子行业,MIB 想与中国客户分享我们
41、的成功。/ /除此之外,MIB 产品享受一个很好的性能价格比而和高质量,我相信,是非常重要的我们的中国客户。/ /我们期待一个长期的与我们的客户和战略合作伙伴关系,将有助于进一步加强的位置我们享受作为一个全球电子市场的领导者。Passage 1中外合资是一种互补互惠的合作关系,双方都可以最大限度地发挥各自的优势。/我国幅员辽阔、资源丰富、劳动力价格低廉、消费市场潜力大。此外我们还有稳定的 政治、社会环境和优惠的投资政策。/发达国家有雄厚的资金、先进的技术和管理知识。 投资兴办合资企业时,外方可以提供资金、机械、技术和管理方法。/中方可以提供土地、劳工和部分资金。应该说,这种投资方法对合作双方来
42、说,具有丰厚的经济回报率。在这个满天星斗、举国同庆的夜晚,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾从百忙之中拨冗光临我们的春节联欢晚会。/春节是我国一年中的良辰佳时,我希望各位中外同事共度一个轻松、欢快的夜晚。 /我愿外国来宾能尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴和美酒。我希望这次晚会能使我们有机会彼此沟通、增进友谊。/最后我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年身体健康、事业有成。A sino- foreig n joint bus in ess is one of compleme ntary and mutually beneficial relati ons of cooperati on, both s
43、ides can maximize their stre ngths. / /Chin as vast, rich resources and cheap Labour , con sumptio n market potential. I n additi on we also have a stable political and social environment andfavorable investment policies. Developed coun tries have abundant capital,adva need tech no logy and man agem
44、e nt expertise. When establish ing ajoint ven ture, the foreig n party can provide fun ds, mach in ery, tech no logyand man ageme nt methods. / /The Chin ese side can provide Ian d, labor and some of the mon ey. Itshould be said thatthis kind of in vestme nt way for partn ers, has the good econo mic
45、 retur ns.On the night of the stars, the national celebration, on behalf of all colleaguesof the company, thank you for your guests from his busy schedule to attendour Spring Festival gala. / /The Spring Festival is Chin as won derful time of the year, I wishyou the Chin ese andforeig n colleagues f
46、or a relax ing and delightful evening. / /I want to foreig n guests can enjoy traditi onal Chin ese food and win e. Ihope this party willen able us to have the opport un ity to com muni cate with each other andpromote frien dship. / /Fin ally, I tha nk you aga in for the coming guests and wish every
47、 one goodhealth, a successful career in the New Year .A sino- foreig n joint bus in ess is one of compleme ntary and mutually beneficial relati ons of cooperati on, both sides can maximize their stre ngths. / /Chin as vast, rich resources and cheap Labour , con sumptio n market potential. I n additi
48、 on we also have a stable political and social environment andfavorable investment policies. Developed coun tries have abundant capital,adva need tech no logy and man ageme nt expertise. When establish ing ajoint ven ture, the foreig n party can provide fun ds, mach in ery, tech no logyand man ageme
49、 nt methods. / /The Chin ese side can provide Ian d, labor and some of the mon ey. Itshould be said thatthis kind of in vestme nt way for partn ers, has the good econo mic retur ns.On the night of the stars, the national celebration, on behalf of all colleaguesof the company, thank you for your gues
50、ts from his busy schedule to attendour Spring Festival gala. / /The Spring Festival is Chin as won derful time of the year, I wishyou the Chin ese andforeig n colleagues for a relax ing and delightful evening. / /I want to foreig n guests can enjoy traditi onal Chin ese food and win e. Ihope this pa
51、rty willen able us to have the opport un ity to com muni cate with each other andpromote frien dship. / /Fin ally, I tha nk you aga in for the coming guests and wish every one goodhealth, a successful career in the New Year .Model Test 5Passage 1On behalf of all the members of my delegation, T would
52、 like to thankyour company for the gracious invitation and hospitality. /Although we have stayed in China for only three days, our visit is a oneof great success. During our stay, we met a lot of friends and visited manyfactories. The new progress you havemade impressed us deeply. /We have a long fr
53、ien dly relati on ship with Chi na. We have madegreat progress in many areas, especially in high-tech areas. /Our cooperati on is sincere and effective. We are no Ion ger remoteand stra nge to each other, but cordial friends and importa nt tradi ng partners.This is a happy and memorable occasi on fo
54、r me pers on ally as wellas for all the members of my delegati on./I wish to thank you for the generous hospitality and the warmth withwhich we have been received. Im very happy with your arran geme nt. /In accept ing your gracious in vitati on to visit Shan ghai, I have anexcelle nt opport unity to
55、 learn about the in vestme nt en vir onment here. /It is my sincere wish that we would reach an agreement on theestablishment of a joint venture in this most promising city.代表中国代表团的所有成员,T 要感谢贵公司的盛情邀请和款待。/ / 虽然我们在中国只呆三天,我们的访问是一个巨大的成功。 在我们停留期间,我们遇到了很多朋友,参观了 许多工厂。新进展,你给了我们深刻的印象。/ /我们有一个长期友好的与中国的关系。我们在许
56、多领域已经取得了很大的进步,尤其是在高科技领域。/ /我们的合作是真诚的和有效的。我们不再是遥远而陌生,但亲切的朋友和重要的贸易伙伴。这是一个快乐和难忘的时刻对我个人以及我的代表团的所有成员。/ /我想谢谢你的慷慨的款待和我们收到的温暖。我非常满意你的安排。/ /在接受你的盛情邀请,访问上海,我有一个很好的机会去了解这里的投资环境。/这是我真诚的希望我们能达成建立合资公司的协议在这个城市最有前途。Passagel今天我们聚会在一起,在平等互利的基础上,就如何在广泛领域里建立合作伙伴关系交 换我们彼此的看法。这是一次具有历史意义的开拓性的会议,它反映了我们希望进行交流与合作、增进相互理解和信任的
57、共同愿望。我深信这次会议将对我们的双边关系和多边关系产生积极的影响。议的东道主表示衷心的感谢。让我们携手合作,为会议在相互尊重、平等互利的气氛中圆满结束而共同努力。各位参加教育书展的朋友们会系列的开始。/我们计划为三类参展者服务 爱好者。/对 于 国 际 出版商和书商来说展会,海外人士可以亲眼目睹充满活力的中国图书市场对于国内出版商和书商来说,此次书展同样是一个难得的窗口 海外出版商进行合作的机会,并学习他们的出版经验和发行经验。on the basis of equality and mutual ben efit, on how to establish cooperativepartn
58、ership in a wide range to excha nge our views with each other . / /This is a historic gro un d-break ing conferen ce, it reflects the excha ngesand cooperati on, we want to enhance mutual un dersta nding and trust ofcom mon desire. / /I am convinced that this meeting will be on our bilateral and mul
59、tilateralrelations have a positive impact. I would like to take this opport unity toexpress our heartfelt tha nks to you for, the host of the meeti ng. / /Let us work together for the meet ing in a close the atmosphere of mutualrespect, equality and mutual ben efit and joint efforts.You to participa
60、te in the educati on fair frien ds, orga ni zers as I am very我愿借此机会,向会,作为组织者我很高兴能负责这次展会。这是我们新一轮展,即国际出版商和书商、国内出版商和书商,以及国内图书,此次书展是一个促进国际出版业进一步交流的窗口。通过,并寻求机会与中国出版商合作。,他们可以从中寻求与Today we party together ,glad to be in chargeof the exhibition. This is the beginning of our new exhibition series. / /We plan
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