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1、牛津英语模块短语M1-11牛津英语模块短语5026. 一个发达的国家一个发展中的国家逐步养成的习惯逐步对感兴趣M1U21.担任 act as= work as = serve as 演电影act in a film重点短语背诵2. 迫不及待地做某事cant wait to do sth.3. 害怕某事/做某事be frightened of sth./toM1U11. 一个有经验的工人an experienced worker=a worker with rich experience在方面没有经验be inexperienced in sth.一次难忘的经历an unforgettable

2、experience体验不同的文化experience different cultures2. 谋生 earn a living = make a living挣钱 earn money= make money赢得美名earn a reputation博得某人的尊敬earn ones respect3. 尊敬某人show respect for sb.=respect sb.4. 致力于;献身于devote oneself to n./doingsth. = be devoted to+ n. /doing sth.把(人生、时间、劳力等)专用于devote sth. to sth./doi

3、ng sth.某人对的奉献/热爱ones devotion to sth./doing sth.5. 平均 on (the/an) average高于 /低于平均above/below average平均有an average of.一个普通的学生an average student6. 努力做某事struggle to do sth.挣扎着站起来struggle to ones feet对某人来说做某事是一件难事Its a struggle for sb. to do sth.7. 免费 for free = free of charge=for nothing8. 喜爱,喜欢be fond

4、 of9. 回忆,回顾look back (on)10. 使某人满意的是to ones satisfaction表达对一 的满意 express sbs satisfaction with11. 和某人交换某物exchange sth. with sb.以交换 in exchange for.12. 前者,后者the former, the latter我以前的同事my former colleague13. 毕业于graduate from毕业之后after graduation14. 把捐给 donate.to.15. 独立于某人be independent of sb.依靠某人be de

5、pendent on sb.16. 禾U用make use of= take advantage of充分利用make full use of重点短语背诵=make the best of= make the most of17. 为做准备 prepare for=make preparations for = in preparation for为 ( 做 )某事做好了准备be prepared for/to do使某人为(做)某事做好准备prepare sb. forsth./to do sth.18. 指控某人犯罪;指责某人做了某事 charge sb. with sth. = accu

6、se sb. of sth.免费 free of charge = for free某人负责某事sb. take charge of sth.=sb. be in charge of sth.某事由某人负责sth. be in/under the charge of19. 告知某人某事inform sb. of/about sth.随时让某人了解keep sb. informed of sth.20. 开放时间opening hours21. 经营一家旅馆/自己的人生 run a hotel/ones life22. 批准一项计划approve a plan=give approval to

7、a plan同意某人做approve of sb. doing23. 现场直播be broadcast live在电台里播放be broadcast on the radio24. 去远足go for an outing25. 一代代地传了下来be passed down generation after generation=be passed down from generation to generation为后代造福benefit future generations消除代沟narrow/bridge the generation gapa developed country a de

8、veloping country develop the habit of. develop an interest in.冲洗照片develop photos患癌症develop cancer研制新的药物develop a new drug27. 一就 on/upon doing 或 on/upon+n.28. 后悔做某事regret doing sth遗憾要做某事regret to do sth29. rather than 意为“而不是”;other than常用否定句,意为“除了 more than 意为“多于;非常;不仅仅”do sth.令人恐惧的消息frightening news

9、感到害怕的表情frightened expression/look4. 应该做;被认为是be supposed to本应该做be supposed to have done=was/were supposed to do5. 弯下腰bend( bent bent) down/over屈服于 bend to sth./sb.6. 饿死 starve to death= die of starvation=die of hunger7. 用现金支付pay in cash用支票支付pay by cheque8. 找某人茬find fault with sb.是某人的过失its ones fault9

10、. 保卫某人/某事(物)免受defend/protect/preserve sb./sth. from/against.为某人/某事辩解defend sb./sth.为保卫 /为辩护 in defence of.10. 向某人解释某事explain sth. to sb.=give sb. an explanation of sth.11. 对某人严格be hard on sb. = be strict with sb.12. 既然,由于now (that) = since = seeing (that)13. 对某人粗鲁be rude to sb.= be impolite to sb.14

11、. 不睡觉,熬夜 stay up= sit up15. 混淆,弄乱;搅匀,拌合mix up把和混淆 confuse sth. with/and sth.=mix sth. up with sth.对困惑 be confused/puzzled about.16. 在某人的指导下under ones guidance领某人到/穿过/参观guide sb. to/through/around的指南 a guide to sth.17. 似乎,好像as if= as though18. 坚持,坚持认为insist on19. 在网吧 in an Internet caf e20. 和某人聊某事cha

12、t with sb. about sth.=have a chat with sb. about sth.21. 目前,当前at present=for the time being = for the moment22. 和 某 人 争 论 某 事 argue with sb. about/over sth.=have an argument with sb. about/over sth.23. 为自由而战fight for freedom和贫穷抗争fight (against) poverty24. 担心 be worried about = worry about25. 对有伤害 do

13、 harm to = be harmful to26. 对而t 心have patience with.=be patient with.27. 对某人为某事恼火be angry/annoyed/cross with sb. for/about/at sth.28. 禁止做某事forbid doing sth.禁止某人做某事forbid sb. to do sth.=forbid sb. from doing sth.被禁止做某事be forbidden to do sth.29. 与一起 along with30. 倾向于做某事;往往会做某事tend to dosth.= have a te

14、ndency to do sth.照看病人tend (to) patients31. 限制某人做某事limit sb. to (doing) sth.有限的时间limited time的限度 a limit to (doing) sth.限制 set a limit to sth.32. 保持/失去平衡keep/lose ones balance均衡的饮食a balanced diet同等重视balance A and/with B兼顾 /兼做 combine A and/with B 33. 毕竟 after all34. 怎么处理what to do with.=how to deal w

15、ith.35. 在某人的业余时间里in ones spare time抽出时间做spare time to do免去某人做某事的麻烦spare sb. the trouble ofdoing sth.不遗余力做某事spare no effort(s) to do sth.在某人的业余时间里in ones spare time36. 无法忍受做某事can t stand/bear/toleratedoing sth37. 某事值得做sth deserve doing/to be doneM1U31. 锻炼;解决;结果是;计算出;详细拟定work out2. 保持苗条/新鲜stay slim/fr

16、esh( 没有被动语态和进行时)3. 对感至U羞愧be ashamed of重点短语背诵对感至U骄傲be proud of可耻的行为shameful conduct做某事过分/遗憾It is a shame to do sth.4. 服减肥药take weight loss pills5. 心脏衰竭heart failurea failuredo/cause much一个失败的人;一件失败的事6.对造成很多的损害21. 大量的时间a large amount of time22. 事实上 in fact= as a matter of fact =damage to7. 对感至U难为情 be

17、embarrassed about.令人尴尬的embarrassingactually = in reality = in effect = in practice 23. 遭受很大的损失suffer a great loss不知所措at a loss=at sea8. 在压力下under pressure在的压力下 under the pressure of.强迫 /迫使某人做某事put pressure on sb. todo sth. = pressure sb. into doing sth.9. 节食 be on a diet= go on a diet= go on diets10

18、. 喜欢 A 而不喜欢B prefer A to B喜欢做 A 而不喜欢做Bprefer to do A rather than do B=prefer doing A to doing B11. 患病 suffer from.遭受严重损坏suffer serious damage减轻痛苦relieve/reduce/ease suffering12. 副作用side effect13. (头发等)脱落fall out14. 在取得成就 make achievements in.15. 生活在市中心live downtown16. 在午夜at midnight17. 一件设备a piece o

19、f equipment18. 强身健体get into shape保持体形stay in shape不成形的out of shape19. 从长远角度看in the long run=in the long term20. 全神贯注于concentrate on/upon=fix ones attention on/upon=focus (ones attention) on/upon=be absorbed in注意力不集中lack concentrationM2U11. 加紧,加强,促进step up2. 由于,因为due to3. 刹那间in a flash掠过心头flash into/

20、through/across ones mind4. 在建设中under construction5. 出现,露面 show up = turn up = appear6. 登上(飞机等)go aboard (the plane - )=go/be on board7. 有可能 There is a possibility that =There is a possibility of sb. doing sth.=sb/sth is likely to do sth=It is likely for sb to do sth8. 负责,接管take charge of9. 编造,捏造,杜撰;

21、和解;弥补;组成;化24 .发胖 put on weight = gain weight减月日 lose weight = reduce weight25 . 考虑彳consider doing = think of doing被认为是be considered (to be/as)被认为做了be considered to have done被认为正在做be considered to be doing26 .冒的危险 risk doing=take/run the risk of doing=take chances处在危险中at risk = in danger冒着的危险 at the

22、risk of27 .立亥L 彳艮快 in no time = at once=right away绝不, 从来不 at no time = never28 . 保持身材keepones figure一个奇怪的身影astrange figure一位名人a public figure理解;计算出figure out计划,打算,预料到figure on29 . 精力充沛full of energy强迫某人做某事force sb. to do sth. = forcesb. into doing sth.凭武力 by force上台come into power停电 power failure增强体

23、质build up ones strength强项和弱项strengths and weaknesses某人力所不能及beyond ones power某人力所能及within ones power重点短语背诵妆 make up10. 调查;检查look into注视某人look into ones eyes=look sb. in the eye11. 对热情 be enthusiastic about12. 建立在基础上 be based on/upon13. 在方面不同意某人的意见disagree with sb. about/on/over sth.14. 打折销售sell sth.

24、at a discount15. 打乒乓球play table tennis16. 人 human being(s)17. 追踪,保持联系;知道的消息;密切注意的情势 keep track of失去的踪迹 ;失去与的接触lose track of18. 许多,很多dozens of两打蛋two dozen eggs/two dozen of the eggs成打地in dozens按打来卖sell sth by the dozen19. 一个自然保护区a nature reserve预订房间reserve a room= book a room20. 增强体质build (up) ones s

25、trength强项和弱项strengths and weaknesses从中吸取实力 suck the strength out of sth.21. 属于 belong to sb./sth.把书放在它属于的地方put the book where itbelongs22. 放声大笑burst/break into laughter/a laugh=burst out laughing充满笑声be full of laughter23. 开始存在come into existence=come into being存在中in existence24. 对确彳t 无疑be convinced

26、of./that使某人相信某事convince sb. of sth.=make sb. convinced of sth.令人信服的证据convincing evidence说服某人做某事 convince sb. to do sth.=persuade sb. to do sth.= persuade/talk/argue sb.M2U21. 安排某人做arrange for sb. to do整理房间arrange a room为作安排 make arrangements for sth.2. 乘坐骆驼旅行travel by camel=travel on a camel3. 提前 in

27、 advance= ahead of time向某人逼近advance towards sb.先进科技advanced science and technology在方面取得进步 make progress in=make an advance in4. 在的保护之下 under the protection of保护免受 protect.against/from5. 万一,以防in case 无论如何in any case倘若那样的话in that case 决不 in no case常有的事as is often the case以防下雨 in case of rain = in case

28、 it rains就情况而言 in the case of.6. 靠近看大象see an elephant up close密切注视某人watch sb. closely/attentively靠近 get close to.靠着某人站着/靠近stand close to sb.一个亲密的朋友a close friendinto doing sth.25. 和有联系 be linked with/to.=have a link with. = be associated with.=relate to. = be related to.=be connected to/with.=have s

29、omething to do with. =be to do with sth=be relevant to sth26. 前往,至U去 make ones way to = head for27. 意外地,偶然地by accident=by chance = accidentally28. 目击了一场事故witness an accident一场事故的目击证人a witness to an accident为作证 witness to sth./doing sth.=bear/give witness to sth.29. 发生在某人身上happen to sb.某人碰巧做/在做/做了 sb

30、. happen to do/bedoing/have done = It happens that 某人突然想起 It occurred/came to sb. that =It struck/hit sb. that 从句30. 寻找 in search of. = in ones search for.31. 成为彳家 become a writer = turn writer32. 向报告/报道某事report sth. to.报告做了report doing据报道 sb./sth. be reported to do = It be reportedthat 重点短语背诵双方实力很接

31、近的比赛a close game7. 给某人拍照take a photograph of sb.8. 把某人吓跑scare sb. away害怕 be scared of9. 延伸至天空reach to the sky伸手拿某物reach (out) for sth.伸手够到某物reach sth.某人够得着;在某人的财力/能力等范围之内within ones reach某人够不着;在某人的财力/能力等范围之外out of ones reach = beyond ones reach达成协议 reach (= come to = arrive at= make)an agreement10.

32、一次累人的旅行a tiring trip因为疲惫 be tired from = be tired with对厌倦 be tired of = be bored with = befed up with =tire of=have enough of11. 在友好的气氛中in a friendly atmosphere12. 提 前 /准时/推 后 ahead of schedule/onschedule/behind schedule时间安排得紧a tight schedule13. 在日落/在日出/在黎明at sunset/at sunrise/at dawn14. 在天堂in heave

33、n15. 被埋葬在be buried in埋头于 be buried in = bury oneself in16. 旅 游景点 a tourist spot = a tourist attraction17. 远高于 (周围的人或物) tower over18. 五头牛five (head of) cattle牛以草为主食cattle feed on grass19. 经典文学classic literature英文名著English classics经典音乐classical music20. 反映一个现象reflect a phenomenon仔细思考某事reflect on sth.2

34、1. 被包围 be surrounded with/by生活在愉快的环境live in pleasant surroundings周边地区the surrounding area22. 和大自然和谐相处live in harmony withnature = live harmoniously with nature一个和谐的社会a harmonious societyM2U31. 对感至U好奇be curious about.激起对好奇心 arouse ones curiosity about2. 启程去 set sail for.3. 寻出路,碰运气seek ones fortune发财m

35、ake a fortune算命tell ones fortune4. 一具保存完好的木乃伊a well preserved mummy5. (偶然)遇见;发现come across6. 在入口处 at the entrance to.7. 太巧了!What a coincidence!8. 不久之后shortly after9. 和有关联 in connectionwith.=be connected with.和某人交流connect with sb.=communicate with sb.10. 导致,结果是 result in = lead to=bring about = contr

36、ibute to = give rise to=cause=account for由产生 result from=arise from11. 被选为足球队的队长be elected (as) captain of the football team12. 没有预兆;突然地without warning警告某人不要做某事warn sb. against doing sth.=warn sb. not to do sth.提醒某人注意某事warn sb. of sth.13. 符合要求meet/satisfy the requirements23. 在最温和的状态at its mildest温和的

37、气候a mild climate24. 常识 common sense一种习惯做法a common practice和某人有很多/没有共同之处have much/nothing in common with sb.25. 不知所措at a loss=at sea=be lost26. 在的映衬下 against sth.27. 向某人提供某物provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.=supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. to sb.=offer sth. to sb. = offer sb. sth.=afford s

38、th. to sb. = afford sb. sth.赡养一个大家庭 provide for a family = support a family倘若 provided (that) . . = providing (that).(主动)提出做某事offer to do sth.足够的食品补给enough food supplies有足够的(时间、金钱)做afford + n./to do重点短语背诵14. 激励某人做某事inspire sb. to do sth.激发某人的兴趣inspire ones interest in=arouse ones interest in鼓舞人心的演讲a

39、n inspiring speech受到鼓舞;从中得到启发be inspired by15. 原产于 be native to.是的所在地be home to./the homeof16. 劝阻某人做discourage sb. from doing鼓励某人做encourage sb. to do感至 U 泄气be discouraged = lose heart17. 各种各样的all kinds/sorts of=a variety of = varieties of = various18. 向某人申请某事/物apply to sb. for sth.申请做某事apply to do s

40、th.适于某人/某物apply to sb./sth.把应用于apply.to.致力于apply oneself to.填写申请表fill in/out an application19. 生存技巧survival skills从地震中存活下来survive the earthquake比某人活的时间长了 survive sb. by20. 发射火箭send up/launch arocket21. 比好be superior to22. 掌管;控制(某事/物 )be in control (of sth)由某人掌管be in the control of sb.23. 质量好的of good

41、 quality优秀品质good qualities24. 对乐观 be optimistic about25. 敬佩 look up to 轻视 look down on/upon26. 表示许多,大量的:修饰可数名词:quite a few , (a good/great)27. 设法成功地做manage to do=succeed in doing = be able to do=be successful in doing = do sth. successfully28. 实现某人的梦想live/realize ones dreammany, a great/large number

42、 of , many a+单数名词;修饰不可数名词:a great/good deal of, a largeamount of, much;既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词:a lotof, lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of, large quantities of, a mass of, masses of, a supply of, supplies of注a great deal = a lot = much既可单独用作名词,也可用作副词修饰比较级或动词。M3U1=make ones dream come true29 . 超过探望时间b

43、eyond the visiting time在山的那边beyond the mountain超 出 某 人 的 能 力 beyond ones power/ability/reach30 .渴望成功 desire success= desire to succeed=have a desire for success= have a desire tosucceed希望某人做 desire sb to do = desire sb. (should)do重点短语背诵1. 触 /视 /听 /嗅 /味觉the sense of touch/sight/smell/taste有道理,讲得通make

44、 sense理解 ,明白 make sense of sth幽默感 a sense of humour在某种意义上 in a sense= in a way常识 common sense做 某 事 没 有 意 义 There is no sense/point (in )doing sth.2. 令人迷惑的说明confusing instructions对感至 U 迷惑的be confused about/over3. 天气预报a weather forecast4. 扫视 glance at= take a glance at乍看一下at a glance 愤怒地看glare at盯着看 s

45、tare at抬头凝视 stare up at14 . 担心 be anxious about=feel anxiety about渴望- be anxious for sth./be anxious to do sth.15 .因 感激某人be grateful to sb. for sth.16 .对一 进行急救 do/give/offer first aid to sb.来帮助某人come to ones aid去帮助某人go to ones aid在帮助下 with the aid of.帮助某人做某事aid sb. with sth./to do sth.17 . 使某人(十分)宽慰

46、的是(much) to ones relief, = to ones (great) relief.宽慰地in relief 救济食品relief food减 轻 某 人 的 压 力 relieve/reduce/ease ones pressure=relieve sb. of pressure5. 哪儿也看不到nowhere to be seen哪儿也找不到nowhere to be found远没有,远不及nowhere near=not nearly = far from6. 看得到,在视力范围之内in sight看不到out of sight看得到catch sight of 看不见

47、lose sight of7. 盼望,期盼wish for8. 在黑暗处in the darkness9. 对 (做 )某事犹豫不决hesitate about/over/at (doing) sth.不要迟疑做Dont hesitate to do毫不犹豫without hesitation10. (手 )伸出;伸出(手 ) reach out将手伸进去reach into18. 被减少到be reduced to被减少了be reduced by被沦落至 U be reduced to sth./doing sth.19. 志愿做某事volunteer to do sth.担任志愿者wor

48、k as a volunteer做志愿者工作do voluntary work20. 某人有可能做某事It is possible/probable/likely that It is possible for sb. to do sth.Sb./Sth. be likely to do sth.There is a possibility/probability/chance that 21. 坚持 stick to 伸出 stick out 拼到底,忍受住stick it out被卡在其中be/get stuck in紧靠在旁边, 不离;忠于;坚持stick11. 留意,留心,密切注意wa

49、tch out for12. 留胡子grow/wear a beard13. 处在重大的转折stand at a crossroadswith被 (问题等)难住be/get stuck on.执意做 insist on doing = insist sb. (should) do22. 在远处in the distance隔一段距离at a distance23. 向某人挥手道别wave sb. goodbye引起一阵怒火set off a wave of anger24. 被附在上;喜爱 be attached to sth./sb.无附加条件 no conditionsattached把附

50、在上 attach sth. to sth.重视 attach importance to sth.25. 残疾人people with disabilities=disabled people = the disabled26. 向某人低声说某事whisper sth. to sb.彳氐声地,悄声地 in a whisper = in whispers27. 恰恰相反on the contrary与相反 be contrary to.M3U21 .由组成 be made up of= consist of=be composed of2 .占据(时间、空间)occupy = take up

51、占据(数量) account for = make up某人忙于sb. be occupied with/in=occupy oneself with/in=be involved in doing sth=be engaged in doing sth=be devoted/committed to doing sth=be absorbed/buried/lost in sth=throw oneself into sth(投身于)3 .以命名 name.after 凭名字 by name名叫的 by the name of = with the name以的名义 in the name

52、of4 . 除之夕卜 aside from = apart from5 . 为作出贡献make contributions to6 .控制,取得对的控制 take control of.7 . 做某事的方法an approach to doing sth.=a way of doing/to do sth.随着假期的到来with holiday approaching=as holiday approaches与某人接洽approach sb处理问题approach the problem有机会利用或接近某事/某人have/get/gain/obtain access to sth./sb.8

53、 .被取代 be replaced by/with用 一 替代- replace A with/by B28. 一件珠宝a piece of jewellery = a jewel29. 在惊慌中in a panic陷入恐慌get into a panicv. 惊慌panic(panickedpanicked)30. 卷起来rollup31. 变松comeloose松开;释放;放开let/set. loose32. 倍数的表达:倍数+ as+形容词/副词+ as倍数十形容词或副词比较级+than倍数+ the/ones十名词倍数十代词/名词性从句重点短语背诵=substitute A with B=substitute B for A=swap/switch A with B=take the place of sth = be in place of sth9. 母语 mother tongue = native language10. 区别 A 和 B make/draw a distinction between A and B =distinguish/tell/differentiate A from B =distinguish/differe


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