1、4B-M1-单词闻smellsmel这些theseei?z品尝tastete ?st那些thosee ? z或者;还是or?葡萄藤vineva ?n果汁juiced ?u? s酸的soursa ? 猜guessges经常often'? f(t ?)n紫色的purple'p ?p(? )l围绕around?'ra ?nd正确的;右边rightra ?t欣赏;享受enjoy?n'd ?认为think9 ?k里面inside?n'sa ?d西瓜watermelon'w ?t? mel ?n外面outsidea ? t'sa ?d葡萄grapeg
2、re ?p汽车cark ?李子;梅子plumpl ?m公园parkp a?k樱桃cherry't ?er?蓝色的blueblu?樱桃(复)cherries学校schoolsku?l草莓strawberry'str ?b(?)r?院子yardj ?d草莓(复)strawberries也also' ?ls? 桃子peachpi?t? 从不never'nev ? 桃子(复)peaches当的时候whenw ?n水果fruitfru?t谁的whosehu?z脆脆的crunchy'kr ?nt ?小刀knifena ?f狐狸foxf ? ks小刀(复)knives
3、狐狸(复)foxes尖锐的sharp ? ?p圆的roundra ?nd钝的bluntbl ?nt硬的hardh a?d知道known ? 软的softs?ft另一another?'n ?e?粗糙的roughr ?f最后的lastl a ?st光滑的smoothsmu?e饮料drinkdr ?k厚的thickek短裙skirtsk ?t薄的thinen手提包pursep ?s摸toucht ?t?地板floorfl ?事情;东西thing9 ?年轻的youngj ?感觉feelfi?l苗条的slimsl ?m沙滩beachbi?t?买buyba ?父母亲parent'pe ?r
4、(?)nt刚好;正好justd ? st沙子sands? nd小山hillh ?l哎哟oucha?t?影子shadow' ? d? 某事;某物something's ?m ? ?长凳benchben(t) ?钥匙keyki?草坪lawnl ?n丢失;迷失lostl ?st小路pathp ? ? 0 财产property'pr ?p?t?山mountain?ma? nt ?n盲的blindbla ?nd升起risera ?z在下面under'?nd ?生长growgr ? 三者或以上都all?l又一次again?'gen; ?'ge ?n男人man
5、m? n粘贴stickst ?k男人(复)menmen发光shine ?a ?n问aska?sk手电筒torcht ?t? 回答answer'a?ns?形状shape?e羽有时候sometimes1s?mta ?mz落下fallf ?l咬biteba ?哭crykra ?跟随follow'f ?l?害怕fearf ?等待waitwe ?t甚至even'i?v(? )n停止stopst ?p啤酒beerb ?小鹿deerd ?惊吓scareske ? 眼泪tear?t?突然发生burstb ?st突然suddenly's?d( ?)nl ?4B-M1-词组一杯桃子
6、汁a glass of peach juice兄弟中的一人one of the brothers在爱丽丝的家里at Alice's home想要(做某事)want to do sth.在一根高的藤上on a tall vine太小了too small一点也不not.at all在中午at noon在夏天in summer落下go down在晴朗的下午on sunny afternoons变短grow short笔袋pencil case待在我后面stay behind me在沙滩上走路walk on the beach在我前面in front of me脱掉我的鞋子take off m
7、y shoes关上go off在那边over there不再not.any more在那儿的男人the man ouver there突然哭起来burst into tears把带到take . to .沿着路走;散步walk down the road失物招领处the lost-property office像一样be like4B-M1-句子你喜欢红色的还是绿色的?Do you like red ones or green ones?红色的苹果尝起来怎么样?How does the red apple taste?多么好的葡萄啊!我想要它们。What nice grapes! I want
8、 them.这是谁的笔?它是丹尼的。Whose pen is this? It's Danny's.那些书是谁的?它们是方老师的。Whose books are those? They're Miss Fang's.球摸起来感觉怎么样?它又软又光滑。How does the ball feel? It's soft and smooth.是的,你当然可以。Yes, of course you can.怎么了?What's the matter?一个骑着大象的男人来了。(2个句型)Here comes a man on an elephant.A
9、man on an elephant comes here.剪开他们。Cut them out.黄色的梨怎么样?How about the yellow pears?4B-M2-单词体育运动sportsp ?:t需要needni?d海报poster'p ? st ?爱好hobby'h ?b?俱乐部clubkl ?b空闲的sparespe ? 最喜欢的favourite'fe ?v(?)r?t微笑smilesma ?l羽毛球badminton'b? dm ?nt( ?)n薯条French friesfren(t) ? fra ?z加入joind ? n可爱的cut
10、ekju?t一起togethert?'gee ?食物foodfu?d其他的elseels碗bowlb ? l太棒了greatgre ?t骨头honeh ? n足球football'f ?tb ?l肉meatmi?t排球volleyball'v ? l ?b ?l大的largel a?d?篮球basketball'b a?sk? tb ?l猫粮cat foodk?tfu?d乒乓球table tennis'te ?b( ? )l'ten ?s鹦鹉parrot'p? r?t谈话talkt ?k鱼,鱼肉fishf ?当然sure?:(r)狗粮do
11、g foodd ?gfu?d泳衣swimsuit'sw ?msu?t乌龟tortoise't ?t? s帽子capk? p摇shake ?e ?k护目镜goggles?g? glz篮子basket'b a?sk?t记住rememberr ?'memb ?抓住catchk? t?在之前beforeb ?'f ?洞holeh ? l在之后after'a?ft?动物animal'? n?m( ?)l健康的healthy'hel ?兽医vetvet你自己yourselfj ?'self宠物petpet爱lovel ?v厨房kitc
12、hen'k ?t?n加add? d地球earth? 9带去takete ?k灯lightla ?t带去(过)tookt?k小时hour'a ? 教teachti?t?通常usually?ju? l ?教(过)taughtt ?t告诉telltel土司toastt ? st睡觉时间bedtime'bedta ?m脚趾toet ? 故事书storybook'st ?r? b ? k小船boatb ? t幻想的fairy'fe ?r ?山羊goatg ? t传说talete ?l数学mathsm? 9 s闲谈chatt ? t营地campk? mp有趣的int
13、eresting'?nt( ?)r ?st ?生活lifela ?f他们自己themselvese (? )m'selvz家庭作业homework'h ? mw ?k假期holiday'h ? l ?de ?客厅living room'l ?v ? ru?m贝壳sellsel卧室bedroom'bedru?m沙子sands? nd浴室bathroom'b a? 9 ru?m响亮的loudla ? d模型model'm ?dl声音voicela ? d洗washw ?噪音noisela ? d晚餐dinner'd ?n ?仍
14、旧stillst ?l4B-M2-词组做热身运动do warm-up exercises做一个飞机模型make a model plane游泳池swimming pool做饭cook dinner尽情享受enjoy yourself地球一小时Earth Hour业余时间spare time关闭turn off一大碗猫粮a large bowl of cat food看一看have a look每天every day看电视watch TV落下fall down在深夜at night醒wake up童话故事fairy tale爬上一扇门climb onto a door许多a lot of逃走ru
15、n away暑假summer holiday跳下jump off在那里over there回到go back to去游泳go swimming做某人的回家作业do one's homework4B-M2-句子我也是。Me too.你想加入我们吗?Would you like to come with us?让我想想。Let me see.哦,当然了。我愿意。Oh, sure. I'd love to.4B-M3-单词声音soundsa ? nd歌曲songs?吵闹的noisy?n? z ?醒着的awake?'we ?k门铃doorbell'd ?bel星期wee
16、kwi?k响起铃声ringr ?不高兴unhappy?n'h? p?电视television (TV)?tel? v?n车轮wheelwi?l安静的quiet'kwa ?t正方形squareskwe ? 响亮的loudla ?d熊bearbe ? 铃bellbel头发hairhe ?风铃wind-bell'wind,bel一半halfh a?f卡片cardk a?d超过pastp a?st蜡笔crayon?kre? n1/4 , 一刻钟quarter'kw ?t? 细绳stringstr ?刷brushbr ?小竹签stickst ?k迟到latele ?t不同
17、的different?d?fr ? nt点钟o' clock ?kl ? k每一个eachi?t? 早饭breakfast'brekf ? st系上tieta ?完成finish'f ?n ?打盹儿,小睡dozed ? z卡通cartoonk a?'tu?n女士lady'le ?d ?明天tomorrowt ?'m ?r?女士(复)ladies'le ?d?z沙发sofa's ? f?小睡,打盹napn? p电池battery'b? tri拼图游戏puzzle'p ?zl开始startst a?t迷惑不解的puzz
18、led'p ?zld离开leaveli?v在旁边byba ?停止(过去式)stoppedst ? pt老鼠mousema ? s有时候sometimes's ?mta ?mz猫头鹰owla?l从不never'nev ? 弯腰bowba ?象棋Chinese chess星期weekwi?k从来fromfr ? m忙碌busy'b ?z ?音乐music'mju?z? k周日Sunday?s? nde ?中间middle'm ?d(?)l周一Monday?m? nde ?聪明的clever'klev ? 周二Tuesday'tju?z
19、de?的确really'r ?l?周三Wednesday?wenzd? 害羞的shy?a?周四Thursday'9 ?zde?然而whilewa ?l周五Friday?fra? de友善的kindka ?nd周六Saturday?s?t? d ?每个人everyone'evr ?w ?n总是always?:lwe ?z会议meeting'mi?t?通常usually?ju? l ?表演show?经常often'?f(t ?)n日期datede ?t4B-M3-词组看电视watch TV和某人谈话talk to sb.一副剪刀apair of scisso
20、rs一路跑去学校run all the way to school打扰一下!Excuse me !醒wake up小心!Be careful !离开家leave home请安静!Be quiet !第二天早晨the next morning洗澡have a bath上学迟到be late for school飞走fly away昨天晚上last night小睡一会have a nap完成某事finish doing sth起床get up象棋俱乐部Chinese chess club刷某人的牙brush one ' s teeth在周末at weekends洗某人的脸wash one
21、' s face玩得高兴have a good time吃早饭have breakfast多久一次(问频率)how often做某人的回家作业do one s homework在周五下午on Friday afternoon吃晚饭have dinner在周一on Monday下班回家back home from work看一场电影see a film玩拼图do a puzzle开会have a meeting走近.一go near从周一到周五from Monday to Friday4B-M3-句子It ' s time for bed.现在是上床睡觉的时间了It '
22、s time to go to bed.It s time for school.现在是上学时间了。It ' s time to go to school.4B-M4-单词钢琴pianop ?'? n ?色彩缤纷的colourful?k? l ? (r)fl小提琴violin?va? l?n烟火firework'fa ?w?k三角铁triangle'tra ?g(? )l特殊的special'spe ?(?)l鼓drumdr ?m记住rememberr ?'memb ? 吹笛子的人piper'pa ?p ?礼仪manner'm?
23、n ?城市city's ?t?使用useju?z金子goldg ? ld叉子blowbl ? 音乐的musical'mju?z? k( ?)l吹,泡泡bubble'b ?b( ?)l器instrument'?nstr ?m( ?)nt礼貌politep ?'la ?t节日festival?fest? vl比赛racere ?s中国China?t?a?n?小鸭子duckling'd ?kl ?在期间during'dj ? r ?天鹅swansw ?n亲戚relative'rel ?t ?v巢,窝nestnest饺子dumpling'd ?mpl ?婴儿baby'be ?b ?哪一个whichw ?t?婴儿(复)babies'beb ?z月饼mooncake'mu:nk
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