已阅读5页,还剩51页未读 继续免费阅读




1、认为,主张 argue, maintain, hold, believe考虑take.sth. into consideration, consider, ponder, meditate, contemplate, think over, reflect on/ upon ,meditate on the matter(思考这问题), ponder over下结论,断定 come into conclusion, arrive at the conclusion, draw the conclusion, conclude, decide, assert (宣称), wind up卷起,使振

2、奋获得acquire, obtain, attain, reap赢得,取得earn, gain, procure支持, 赞成approve of, in favor of, uphold, stand by ones side, agree with, give ones assent提倡advocate, recommend反对opposite, object to抵制resist意义深远的,重大的far-reaching, profound, significant, eventful (变故多的,重要的)重要的,有决定性的vital, crucial, critical, decisiv

3、e充分运用optimize, make best use of, make full use of,使用employ, utilize (vt) 应用apply后来,然后afterwards, later on, later, after all高兴的,心情好的be in a good mood, happy, cheerful, joyful,Joyous, pleased, delighted当前,目前nowadays, at present, currently, presently表达voice, convey, express, deliver, communicate描绘,描述,描

4、写depict, describe, picture勤奋的,勤勉的diligent, studious (慎重的), industrious, assiduous认真的,谨慎的conscientious, cautious冷静的,清醒的sober, reasonable, sensible, rational聪明的,有才智的intelligent,bright,wise,brilliant疲惫不堪的exhausted,fatigued,rundown,worn out,weary适应be adapted to,be accustomed to,be adjusted to阻碍,阻止hinder

5、(后面的),curb(路边),hamper,restrain,prevent,ward off,avoid好处,优点advantage,merit,benefit坏处,缺点disadvantage,defect,flaw,drawback,deficiency参加participate in, attend,take part in,go in for,engage in集中精力于focus on,center on,concentrate on专心于set ones mind on抽出时间做set aside, put aside, spare依赖,依靠rely on, lean on沮丧的

6、,失意的frustrated, discouraged, depressed, down-hearted, dishearted, low-spirited努力做,尽力做attempt to, make efforts to, endeavor(尽力) to, manage to do进步,成就,成绩advancement, achievement, accomplishment, feat, fulfillment, progress (v)志气,抱负,渴望aspiration, ambition, yearning, thirstLong for/ aspire after/ aspire

7、 to sth./ aspire to do sth.禁止ban, disallow (不接受),prohibit, forbidBan sth./ ban sb. from doing除之外apart from, in addition to, along with开展,实施,做practice, carry on, conduct, perform, implement,Bring into effect, put in practice强调,突出lay/ place emphasis on, attach emphasis to, stress on, highlight, underl

8、ine(划线,强调)优秀的outstanding, perfect, brilliant, remarkable, distinguished, excellent, splendid, first-rank, first-class实现,完成achieve, accomplish, fulfill, complete把看作,当做regard as , consider as, look on.as, treat as, view as珍爱,珍惜,重视cherish, treasure, value, attach importance to全面的,彻底的sheer, utter, thoro

9、ugh注定be doomed to, be destined to解释account for , illustrate, clarify起作用play a role, perform, function, serve, play a part证实,证明testify, confirm, verify, turn outThe teacher testified to the pupils ability.We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.Verifiable, verification遇到,碰到come across, meet with, encounter,

10、confront粗俗的,不雅的vulgar, unrefined, obscene, improper, foul, crude, coarse, rough教育性的,启发性的instructive, educational, enlightening难以置信的,惊人的fantastic, incredible, unusual, unbelievable, exceptional, extraordinary, marvelous, notable, noteworthy, striking, amazing, appalling(令人震惊的,骇人听闻的),shocking, astonis

11、hing迷人的,吸引人的enchanting ,charming, appealing, alluring, fascinating, attractive, fetching(动人的),absorbing(有趣的), surprising, pretty, beautiful扩展,扩大expand, broaden, widen, extend, enlarge ,spread请教,咨询consult, return to , resort to(诉诸于)等不及,渴望cant wait to , be eager to/for , long for, yearn for/to/after,

12、hunger for/after, look forward toExpand on sth.(详述)Extend vi+that 伸展,延伸vt伸出,提供,给予,使延期I need to extend my visa.忧虑的,不安的anxious, uneasy, troubled, concerned, restless有机会stand a chance of , have an opportunity to, have a chance to有偏见的,偏心的biased, prejudiced, partial, discriminative为了for the sake of, in o

13、rder to ,so as to, on the purpose of事实上in reality, in effect , as a matter of fact, practically, virtually, actually低等的,次要的inferior, junior, minor, secondary, lesser, insignificant明智的,合理的advisable, sensible, rational, sane, logical, reasonable提高improve, increase, enhance, raise, elevate, grow给予,捐赠,赠

14、予impart(传授), denote, contribute ,give使信服convince, persuade, assure, confirm有敌意的,反对的hostile, adverse, aggressive方法,手段method, approach, means, measure, mode减少,削弱reduce, decrease, diminish, lessen, lower全部的,全面的entire, overall, comprehensive唯一的,仅有的sole, single, unique教授tutor, coach, educate显示point to ,

15、indicate, demonstrate, reflect, manifest缩短,减少shorten, cut down滋生,产生breed, cultivate, develop, produce节约的,节俭的 economical, thrifty, frugal, prudent(谨慎的), saving, sparing(节俭的,保守的)建立construct, build, set up, put up, found, establish迟早,最终eventually, sooner or later, at length, ultimately, finally遭受,遭遇be

16、subjected to, sustain, encounter, suffer在我看来,就我而言in my view, in my belief, as far as I can see, in my mind, as far as I am concerned, in my opinion想出,想到come up with, cross ones mind, occur to sb, put forward, point out与相联系be connected with, be linked to ,be relevant to, have sth to do with需要call for

17、, require, demand, need真诚的,诚实的,正值的sincere, truthful, genuine, upright轻视,藐视despise, contempt(n), belittle (vt), distain(v使变脏,伤害名誉)假的,伪造的fake, deceptive(欺骗性的), disguised(伪装), cheating涌入flood into, overflow into, crowd into, swarm(v/n泳往,挤满) in合作cooperate, join forces, work side by side, make joint effo

18、rts建设性的,有益的constructive, helpful, valuable, useful遵守abide by(vi坚持,遵守vt容忍) , observe, conform目的,目标purpose ,objective, aim易于,倾向于be prone to ,be liable to, tend to, incline to, be likely to重复的repetitively ,repeatedly., Over and over, time and again, again and again失业的unemployed, laid-off, jobless, work

19、less熟悉,知道be acquainted with, be familiar with, be informed of解决,处理resolve, settle, deal with , cope with, manage, work on必要的,不可缺少的indispensable, essential, necessary影响affect, impact, have effect on意识到be aware of , be conscious of ,realize, recognize消费consume, expend专心于set ones mind on sth, concentra

20、te on, be absorbed in, be engrossed in, be lost in, be occupied in, be attentive on, pay attention to决心做be determined to do, make up ones mind to do, decide to do足够的,充足的sufficient, adequate, ample吸收,消化assimilate, digest, grasp, absorb, comprehend永久的,长期不变的permanently, enduringly, lastingly, constantl

21、y过时的go out of style, go out of fashion抛弃,放弃desert, abandon, quit吸引allure(v), captivate, fascinate ,tempt因为due to, owing to, thanks to, result from, because of巨大的tremendous, immense, huge ,gigantic, giant, enormous不计其数的countless, endless, unlimited, innumerable, immeasurable, incalculable, numberless

22、, numerous具体的,明确的concrete, specific, particular, definite, special逐步的,逐渐的step by step, little by little, bit by bit, gradually令人厌倦的boring, dull, monotonous, annoying, irritating熟人acquaintance 伙伴associate, companion密友,知己intimate, confidant坚持不懈地perseverant, persistent, relentless(无情的)不屈服的unyielding坚持的

23、insistent有决心的determined, resolute, resolve 坚决的firm教育性的,启发性的instructive, educational, enlightening有意义的meaningful, significative有价值的valuable占有,持有,拥有occupy, hold, own, possess珍贵的,昂贵的precious, valuable, valued, prized, cherished, treasured, dear, costly, high-priced上升increase, ascend to(追溯到), go up, ris

24、e, mount, on the rise, roar(滚动,咆哮)提前ahead of time, ahead of schedule, beforehand, in advance, prior to冷淡的,漠不关心的indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested, chilly(寒冷的)恢复restore, recover, regain(v恢复,重新获得), resume迷人的,吸引人的enchanting, charming, appealing, alluring, fascinating, attractive强烈的,激烈的keen, intense

25、, fierce, violent, strong (heavy)繁荣的,兴旺的prosperous, flourishing, thriving, booming富裕的affluent, wealthy, well-off壮丽的,引人注目的splendid, grand, magnificent, superb, striking, impressive, grand, marvelous, wonderful位于be located, be situated, stand, sit, lie能力capability, competence, capacity, faculty, talen

26、t各种各样的a variety of, various, diverse, all kinds of, all sorts of显示,反映demonstrate, reflect, manifest, indicate, point to, reveal胜过,比优越have the edge on突然的,出其不意的abruptly, unexpectedly, suddenly胜过,超过outweigh, exceed, surpass空前的,无前例的unprecedented 罕见的exceptional, unusual, uncommon, rare承受,经历undergo, endur

27、e, live with ,go through, experience(整体)由组成be made up of, consist of, be comprised of, be composed of构成(整体)constitute毋庸置疑的,确信的unquestionably, indisputably, undeniably, out of question, going without saying, unsurprisingly, undoubtedly. It is no wonder thatdefinitely娱乐,乐趣entertainment, amusement抽象的,深

28、奥的abstract复杂的complicated, complex费解的mysterious, incomprehensible, obscure, unintelligible混杂的,不清楚地,迷惑的confused, bewildered, perplexed目击witness, observe, view遵守abide by , observe, conform违反,侵犯violate, disobey, infringe(vt),(break)责备,斥责blame, accuse, denounce,( scold)真诚的,衷心的hearty, sincere, frank,(hone

29、st)寒冷的chilly, wintry, frigid使不安,扰乱upset, agitate(v搅动,煽动), bother, disturb, trouble,(worry)1 accelerate vt. (使)加速,增速【例】accelerate the rate of economic growth 加速经济增长【派】acceleration n. 加速 accelerating a.加速的2 account n. 账户、考虑【考】take sth. into account 把考虑在内3 accustom vt.使习惯【考】be accustomed to4 adapt vi.

30、适应【考】adapt to适应5 adjust vi.适应【考】adjust to.适应6 advocate vt. 宣扬7 affluent a.富裕的【派】affluence n.富裕8 annoy vt.使烦恼, 使恼怒【派】annoying a. 令人恼人的; annoyance n. 烦恼;annoyed a.颇为生气的9 ascribe vt.把归咎于【考】ascribe.to 归因于10 assess vt.评估【派】assessment n. 评估11 assign vt.指派,选派;分配,布置(作业)【派】assignment 作业12 assume vt.假象、假定13 a

31、ttain vt.获得【考】attain one's ideal 达到理想14 attribute vt. 把归因于【考】attribute sth. to 把.归咎于15 attribute vt.归咎于【考】be attributed to attribute sth. to 16 automatically ad. 自动地1 boost vt.提高,推动,使增长 n. 推动,增长【例】boost the economy 推动经济增长【派】booster n.支持者,推动器2 brilliant a.光辉的、辉煌的【派】brilliance n.1 collaborate vi.合

32、作【考】collaborate with. sb.2 comprehensive a. 综合的3 conscious a. 有意识的【考】be conscious of sth. 对 有意识4 conserve vt. 保存、节省【考】conserve energy 保护能源5 considerate a. 考虑周到的6 contribute vt. 贡献【考】contribute to 导致、带来、为贡献7 convenient a. 方便的 n.convenience 方便8 convey vt. 传达9 cooperate vt. 合作【考】cooperative a. 合作的10 co

33、ordinate vt. 合作11 cultivate vt. 培养1 derive vt. 出自、源于【考】derive from 2 despair vi.绝望; n. 绝望【考】despair of 绝望; sb. be in despair 某人处于绝望中3 disapprove vt. 不批准、不赞同【派】disapproval n. 不赞同【考】 express strong disapproval4 dismiss vt.撤销、免职【考】be dismissed by one's company 被公司解雇5 distinguish vt.辨别【派】distinguish

34、ed a. 突出的6 distribute vt.分配、分发【考】distribution n.分配、分发7 dominate vt. 支配、统治【考】male-dominated society 男性主导社会1 embarrass vt.使窘迫, 使尴尬【派】embarrassed a.(某人)尴尬的;embarrassment n. 沮丧embarrassing a. (某事)令人尴尬的2 employ vt. 雇佣;使用【考】in the employ of 受雇【派】employer n. 雇主; employee n.雇员employment n. 雇佣, 工作 unemployme

35、nt n. 失业3 engage vt. 从事、订婚【考】be engaged in sth. 从事4 enhance vt.加强5 enroll vt.注册、使入会【派】enrollment6 evacuate vt. 撤走、疏散7 evaluate vt.评价、估计【派】evaluation n.8 evaluate vt.评价、估计9 excessive a.过度的1 frustrate vt.使沮丧, 使灰心【派】frustration n. 挫折; frustrating a. 令人沮丧的1.genetic a.遗传的2.guarantee vt. 保证1 identify vt.鉴

36、别、验明【考】identify theft 辨别偷窃2 immigrate vt. 移民【派】immigrant n.移民immigration3 implement vt.实施【派】implementation n.4 incline vi.倾向【考】be inclined to do sth. 倾向于做某事5 inferior a.下级的、下等的【考】be inferior to 比低级6 injure vt. 受伤【派】injured a.受伤的; injury n. 受伤7 inquire vi. 询问8 instinct n.本能、直觉【考】human instinct 人类本能9

37、integrate vt. 使结合、使一体化【派】integral a.一体的;integration n.一体【考】as an integral whole 作为一个整体 global economic integration 全球经济一体化10 internship n.实习11 inverse a.倒转的、反转的1 justify vt.证明是正当的1 potential a.潜在的【考】potential customer 潜在客户2 preferable a. 更好的3 prevail vt.压倒、胜过【派】prevailling a. 流行的4 priority n. 优先【考】s

38、th. is the top priority 优先考虑5 proceed vi.进行、着手6 prompt vt.刺激、推动【考】prompt sb. to do sth.7 proportion n.比例【派】proportional a.相应的、成比例的8 pursue vt. 追求【派】pursuit n. 追求【考】pursue one's dream1 qualify vt. (使)胜任,(使)具有资格【考】qualify for sth. 使具有的资格【派】qualification n.资格,条件;qualified a.有资格的1 recommend vt.推荐 2

39、reference n.参考 3 remind vt.提醒某人注意 【考】be reminded of sth. 4 relevant a. 有关的,切题的 【考】be relevant to 与有关 【派】relevance n. 有关,相关; irrelevant a. 不相关的;不切题的 5 restore vt. 恢复、修复 【考】restore reputation 恢复名誉 6 restrain vt.遏制 【考】be restrained to do sth. 7 resume n.简历 8 reverse vt.颠倒、反转1 sacrifice vt.牺牲2 starvatio

40、n n.饿死3 submit vt. 提交【考】submit sth. to sb. 把提交给某人4 subsidy n.津贴、补助【考】provide subsidy for sb. 为提供津贴5 superior a.高级的、高等的【考】be superior to 比高级6 survive vt.幸免于【考】survive sth. 从中幸免1 transmit vt. 传播2 tropical a.热带的1 undertake vt. 承担,着手做;保证,同意【考】undertake sth. 从事【派】undertaking n.事业,任务1 vanish vi. 消失2

41、victim n. 受害者3 visible a.可看见的4 vision vt. 视力、眼光四六级听力考试高频词汇分类记忆一日常生活类购物消费conveniencestore便利店chainstore连锁店supermarket超市departmentstore百货大楼mall购物中心outlet廉价商店grocery杂货店salesman售货员customer顾客complaint投诉display展示counter柜台balance余额,结余budget预算luxuriousitems奢侈品bargain便宜货,讨价还价catalog商品目录famousbr







48、宴会装饰维修furnished已装修的unfurnished未装修的furniture家具decoration装饰painting画cupboard衣柜shower淋浴fix维修install安装maintenance维修工plumber管子工Washing machince 洗衣机sink下水槽pipe管道leak漏水四级写作替换词四六级作文的评分标准一般侧重于能清楚地表达意义,段落,层次有系统性,语法正确,而并不过分强调用词的精确度。在四六级作文中,词汇量不足是影响成绩的一个重要因素。一个意思往往因为一个单词不会而表达不清,一个好的句子也会因为一个词汇想不起来而不能完成。 1) 大多数人

49、most people the majority of the population2) 认为 think assume, reckon, argue,take the attitude that3) 我相信 I believe I am convinced that.; I cling to the belief that.; from my standpoint perspective4) 必须 must it is a must for us to5) 知道 know be aware of6) 优点 advantage, benefit disadvantage, shortcomin

50、g merit, virtue defect, drawback, demerit7) 最后 at lasteventually 8) 有用的 helpful conductive, rewarding, beneficial9) 如果 ifprovided that10) 各行各业的人 all kinds of peoplepeople from all walks of life11) 引起,导致 causecontribute to, generate, lead to, give rise to, trigger, result in12) 人 peopleindividuals, f

51、olks, characters13) 好的 goodfavorable, outstanding, superior, desirable14) 坏的 bad unfavorable, dreadful, undesirable, 对.有害的 be detrimental to = do harm to 15) 很多many numerous, a multitude of, massive, incalculable16) 越来越more and more a increasing number of17) 很veryextremely, exceedingly18) 方面sideaspe

52、ct, facet, sphere19) 表明 showdemonstrate, indicate 对.有兴趣 be interested in. sth. exert a tremendous fascination on sb, sth be appealing to sb20) 利用 useutilize 巨大的large tremendous, enormous, immense21) 建议 suggest, advice propose, recommend, advocate 22)完成 finish fulfill, accomplish23) 提高 improveenhance

53、,boost, facilitate, promote24) 改变 changetransform, alter 25) 强调/重视 emphasize attach great importance to, put emphasis on26) 培养 developcultivate27) 破坏 destroyundermine28) 解决 solve deal with /figure out,29) 普遍的 everywhereuniversal, ubiquitous30) 明显的obviousapparent, overt31) 目前,如今,最近, 在当今社会in the moder

54、n societyin the current contemporary society, in this day and age, in the present-day society in the recent decade 32) 努力做 endeavor, strive to do, spare on efforts to do. 33) 完全支持,赞同 Totally completely absolutely approve of back up be in favor of 34) 更重要的是 Be more important outweigh outstrip 越来越受欢迎

55、enjoy, gain increasing great wide popularity 目前讨论的问题 the matter in question有深刻的影响 have a profound impact on.优先考虑 Give priority to. 开阔眼界 widen ones horizon, broaden ones vision毫无疑问Undoubtedly unquestionably beyond doubt out of question新闻背景新闻背景不是新闻听力音频中出现的内容,也不是考试大纲中所要求掌握的内容,但确是会对学生新闻听力理解产生重大的影响。根据近几年的英语专业四级考试试题,不难发现,每一年的国际政治热点问题基本上都会出现。 常见的国名、地名,主要国家的州名,主要的大洲、大洋,各国主要首脑及主要头衔等,如: Secretary of State, the Prime Minister, Ambassador, Foreign Ministe


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