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1、会计学1高级英语高级英语unitBlackmail第一页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。第1页/共110页第二页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。第2页/共110页第三页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。第3页/共110页第四页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。第4页/共110页第五页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。effects); (2) using animal image; (3) through contrast.第5页/共110页第六页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。第6页/共110页第七页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Arthur Hailey(阿瑟(阿瑟黑利)黑利)(April 5

2、, 1920 November 24, 2004) Arthur Hailey is the author of a number of bestselling novels.第7页/共110页第八页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Nationality: British/Canadian (dual citizen)Addresses: HOME-Lyford Cay, P.O. Box N-7776, Nassau, Bahamas OFFICE-Seaway Authors, Ltd., One Place Ville Marie, Suite 1609, Montreal, PQ, C

3、anada H3B 2B6 第8页/共110页第九页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Life in EnglandBirth: Born in Luton (卢顿), Bedfordshire (贝德福德郡), England, (Map) on April 5, 1920Parents: Son of George Wellington Hailey (a factory shopkeeper) and Elsie Mary (Wright) HaileyEarly Life: He was educated in English schools until age fourteen (19

4、34). NEXT第9页/共110页第十页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。England第10页/共110页第十一页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。BACKBedfordshire第11页/共110页第十二页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Life in EnglandJob (1934-1939) : Office boy (办公室的勤杂工) and clerk LondonMilitary Service (1939-1947) : He joined the British Royal Air Force (RAF英国皇家空军) in 1939 and served through Wo

5、rld War II until 1947, rising through the ranks to become a pilot (机长) and flight lieutenant (皇家空军上尉). Arthur Hailey began his writing career while an RAF pilot. 第12页/共110页第十三页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Life in Canada After the war in 1947 Hailey emigrated to Canada, becoming a Canadian citizen as well as Brit

6、ish; he also lived briefly in the United States. In Canada he was successively a real estate salesman (地产代理商), business paper editor (商业报纸编辑) and a sales and advertising executive (销售及广告主管). assistant editor, 1947-1949, and editor, 1949-1953, Bus and Truck Transport, Toronto sales promotion manager,

7、 Trailmobile Canada, Toronto, 1953-1956 After War第13页/共110页第十四页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Life in CanadaMarriage: married Joan Fishwick, 1944 (divorced, 1950, three sons) married Sheila Dunlop (who wrote I Married a Bestseller in 1978) , July 28, 1951 (until his death, two daughters, one son) NEXTGrandchildren

8、第14页/共110页第十五页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。BACKdiscreet 审慎的第15页/共110页第十六页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Children Roger, John, Mark (first marriage) Steven, Jane, Diane (second marriage)Grandchildren Paul, Emma and Charlotte, and Brooke who are students in Northern California Ryan a talented young bass (低音乐器) player and vocalis

9、t (声乐家) in a San Francisco band Erogenous Jones, a trio (三人组合) known for writing witty, sardonic lyrics (photo) Chris who is currently working towards an audio engineering (声频工程) degree in Seattle, WashingtonOffspringBACK第16页/共110页第十七页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Erogenous JonesFrom left to right: Ryan Hailey, A

10、aron Xavier, Craig Hordlow BACK第17页/共110页第十八页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Life in CanadaWriting CareerBeginningfreelance writer (since 1956 ) After working at a number of jobs and writing part-time, he became a full-time writer in 1956, encouraged by the success of the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 加拿大广

11、播公司) television drama/movie, Flight into Danger (危险之旅1956 with John Castle) (a movie Zero Hour! 紧急关头1957) (in print as Runway Zero-Eight零八跑道(1958). 第18页/共110页第十九页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。第19页/共110页第二十页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。First Novel Arthur Haileys first novel, The Final Diagnosis (最后诊断), was published in 1959. S

12、econd Novel & Moving Following the success of Hotel (大饭店) in 1965, he moved to California, U.S. First & Second NovelsLife in CanadaWriting Career第20页/共110页第二十一页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。第21页/共110页第二十二页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Life in BahamasAnother Moving Home In 1969, he moved to the Bahamas (巴哈马群岛) to avoid

13、Canadian and U.S. income taxes, which were claiming 90% of his income. For the thirty-five years Arthur Hailey and his second wife Sheila have made their home at Lyford Cay (莱佛德沙州) , an exclusive (高级的高级的) residential resort on New Providence Island (新新普罗维登斯岛普罗维登斯岛) in the Bahamas. (Map) NEXT第22页/共11

14、0页第二十三页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。New Providence Island, the Bahamas第23页/共110页第二十四页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Lyford Cay第24页/共110页第二十五页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Lyford Cay第25页/共110页第二十六页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。BACKLyford Cay第26页/共110页第二十七页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。 Runway Zero-Eight (零八跑道) (1958) (Flight into Danger 危险之旅1956) (Zero Hour! 紧急关头1957)

15、The Final Diagnosis (最后诊断) (1959) In High Places (身居要职) (1962) Hotel (大饭店) (1965) Airport (航空港) (1968) Wheels (汽车城) (1971) The Moneychangers (钱商) (1975) Overload (超载) (1979) Strong Medicine (烈药) (1984) The Evening News (晚间新闻) (1990) Detective (侦探) (1997) The ten novels except the first are his sensa

16、tional (引起轰动的) bestsellers.Writing CareerEleven Novels第27页/共110页第二十八页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。第28页/共110页第二十九页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。第29页/共110页第三十页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。第30页/共110页第三十一页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。第31页/共110页第三十二页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Other Writings Plays (剧本剧本) Screenplays (电影剧本电影剧本) Televison Plays (电视剧本电视剧本)Writing CareerN

17、EXT第32页/共110页第三十三页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Plays Flight into Danger (televised 1956). Published in Four Plays of Our Time, London, Macmillan, 1960. Close-up on Writing for Television. New York, Doubleday, 1960. Writing Career第33页/共110页第三十四页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Screenplays Zero Hour, with Hall Bartlett and John Ch

18、ampion, 1958 The Moneychangers, 1976 Wheels, 1978Writing Career第34页/共110页第三十五页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Television Plays Flight into Danger, 1956 (USA) Time Lock, 1962 (UK) Course for Collision, 1962 (UK) plays for Westinghouse Studio One, Playhouse 90, U.S. Steel Hour, Goodyear-Philco Playhouse, and Kraft Th

19、eatre (USA)Writing Career第35页/共110页第三十六页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Spreading of Works Some Figures - Popularity Haileys novels have been published in 39 languages; an estimated 160 million copies are in print worldwide. Most of his books have been made into films or TV series. (adaptation)Writing Career第36页/共1

20、10页第三十七页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Characteristics of WorksScene & FocusEffort for ResearchingPurposeWriting Career第37页/共110页第三十八页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Characteristics of WorksScene & Focus Though a Canadian himself, he set the scene of most of his works in the United States. Each of his novels has a differe

21、nt industrial or commercial setting and includes, in addition to (1) dramatic human conflict, (2) carefully researched information about the way that particular environments and systems function and (3) how these affect society and its inhabitants.Writing Career第38页/共110页第三十九页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Charact

22、eristics of Works 阿瑟黑利的每一部作品都是以美国社会为背景,且都通过讲述发生在一个行业内部的故事,通过对某个行业进行比较细致、深入的描述,来展示当时美国社会生活的某一个片断画面。 最可贵的是,读完一篇小说,读者也会对这一行业有相应的了解。不少读者都认为,读阿瑟黑利的书,会给人一种“工作着是美丽的”莫名冲动。 作品中的场景,大多设置为一个相对固定而又开放的场所,因而牵涉的人物可谓来自五湖四海。 危机小说,情节紧凑,高潮叠起,书中故事一般都被设置在一个比较短的时限内,一开始就引入主要人物和场景,在交待人物和事件关系的同时,也点出了矛盾冲突。随后,人物与事件交相错杂而进,矛盾叠生,

23、波澜起伏,直至故事的最高潮。 Writing Career第39页/共110页第四十页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Characteristics of WorksEffort for Researching (Some Figures) He would spend about one year researching a subject, followed by six months reviewing his notes and, finally, about 18 months writing the book. That aggressive research tracking r

24、ebel guerrillas in the Peruvian (秘鲁的) jungle at age 67 for The Evening News (晚间新闻) (1990), or reading 27 books on the hotel industry for Hotel gave his novels a realism that appealed to readers, even as some critics complained that he used it to mask a lack of literary talent. Writing Career第40页/共11

25、0页第四十一页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Characteristics of WorksPurpose Each of his books deals with one particular field of society (社会的某一领域). This is made clear by the titles of his books. It is this peculiarity of his that is valued to those who are eager to learn about contemporary American society (当代美国社会). Wri

26、ting Career第41页/共110页第四十二页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Criticism Formulaic Style Critics often dismissed (不承认) Haileys success as the result of a formulaic (公式化的) style in which he centered a crisis on an ordinary character, then inflated (使膨胀, 使充气) the suspense by hopping among multiple related plotlines (情节主线)

27、. However, he was so popular with readers that his books were guaranteed to become bestsellers. Writing Career第42页/共110页第四十三页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Awardsl Nominated for Primetime Emmy (黄金时段艾美奖提名) l Canadian Council of Authors and Artists award, 1956 (加拿大作家和艺术家委员会奖)l Best Canadian TV Playwright award, 1957

28、, 1958 (加拿大最佳电视剧编剧奖)l Doubleday Prize Novel award, 1962 (道布尔戴奖小说)(Frank Nelson Doubleday, 美国出版家, 创建了道布尔戴和麦克卢尔公司)Writing Career第43页/共110页第四十四页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Life in BahamasDeathHailey died of stroke in his sleepat his home in the Bahamason Nov. 24, 2004. He was 84. 第44页/共110页第四十五页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Det

29、ailed Description of Novels Runway Zero-Eight (零八跑道) (1958) (Flight into Danger 危险之旅1956) (Zero Hour! 紧急关头1957) The Final Diagnosis (最后诊断) (1959) In High Places (身居要职) (1962) Hotel (大饭店) (1965) Airport (航空港) (1968) Wheels (汽车城) (1971) The Moneychangers (钱商) (1975) Overload (超载) (1979) Strong Medicin

30、e (烈药) (1984) The Evening News (晚间新闻) (1990) Detective (侦探) (1997) 第45页/共110页第四十六页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsRunway Zero-Eight (零八跑道) (1958) - Publishing process (电视电影 电影 书) This story started as the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 加拿大广播公司) TV movie Flight into Danger (危险之旅

31、1956, with John Castle), then became the 1957 Paramount Pictures movie Zero Hour! (紧急关头), and was finally published as the novel Runway Zero-Eight (零八跑道) by John Castle and Arthur Hailey. 第46页/共110页第四十七页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsRunway Zero-Eight (零八跑道) (1958) - Summary in-flight

32、 (在飞行中的) medical emergency, caused by food poisoning; spoofed (讽刺) in the movie Airplane! (国际机场) Runway Zero-Eight is the story of Maple Leaf Air Charter Flight 714. Its a normal, everyday, routine flight, this time carrying a crowd of happy football fans - drinking, talking and placing extravagant

33、(过分的) bets on the outcome of the next days game. Then suddenly as the airliner (客机) drones (嗡嗡作声) westward through the Canadian night, a fierce, unheralded (无先兆的) terror strikes, and turns the peaceful, happy evening into a hideous nightmare. And on the ground hundred of miles away at Vancouver Airp

34、ort, relatives, friends and lovers wait helplessly, silently and pray . 第47页/共110页第四十八页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsThe Final Diagnosis (最后诊断) (1959) - Summary hospital politics (权术,派别之争) as seen from the pathology (病理学) department A story of the life and death struggles in a large

35、hospital, it focuses on Joe Pearson, the chief pathologist (病理医师) who must make the final diagnosis on every patient, and eventually on himself. 第48页/共110页第四十九页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsIn High Places (身居要职) (1962) - Summary Cold War Era politics in North America (加拿大政府) The nove

36、l plot revolves around the Prime Minister of Canada, James McCullum Howden and essentially discusses in detail the life at the top of the government. Public images clash with private lives. Ruthless (残忍的;无情的) ambition collides with forbidden desires at the very summit of a powerful nations governmen

37、t. A crisis of terrifying proportions is set to explode between the superpowers. 第49页/共110页第五十页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsAirport (航空港) (1968) - Adaptation (国际机场) In 1970 this book was adapted into a major motion picture starring Burt Lancaster, George Kennedy, Dean Martin and Van

38、 Heflin, among others. It became a blockbuster (轰动) movie with stunning visual effects. The movie inspired a run of big disaster movies (灾难电影).第50页/共110页第五十一页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsAirport (航空港) (1968) - Summary airport politics 机场 Airport is about a large metropolitan airport

39、 and the personalities of the people who use, rely and suffer from its operation. In a raging (狂怒的) blizzard (暴风雪), a stricken aeroplane is struggling against all odds to reach its destination. For seven suspense-filled hours a blocked runway, a suicide, a mass demonstration, a stowaway (偷渡者), a pre

40、gnancy and a psychotic (精神病患者) with a home-made bomb, bring the plot to a shattering conclusion. 第51页/共110页第五十二页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsWheels (汽车城) (1971) - Adaptation The novel was made into a TV miniseries (电视连续短剧) in 1978 starring Rock Hudson and Lee Remick.第52页/共110页第五十三页,

41、编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsWheels (汽车城) (1971) - Summary Wheels is a novel concerning the automobile industry (汽车制造业) and the day-to-day (日常的) pressures involved in its operation. The plotlines follow many of the topical issues of the day, including race relations, corporate politi

42、cs, and business ethics. The auto company of the article is a little-disguised Ford Motor Company and some of the characters are recognizable to company insiders (权威人士). In Wheels, one of his greatest bestsellers, he exposes the supercharged (超动力的;精力过人的) world of the American car industry. From the

43、grime (尘垢) and crime of a Detroit assembly line, through top-secret design studios to executive boardrooms (董事会会议室) and bedrooms, Arthur Hailey gives us the true heart of motor metropolis, its men and women, their lives, ambitions, treacheries (背信弃义), successes, disasters and loves 第53页/共110页第五十四页,编

44、辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsWheels (汽车城) (1971) - Characteristics From Airport to Hotel and from In High Places to The Final Diagnosis, Arthur Haileys incisive (激烈的) thrillers (惊险小说), set at the heart of the great institutions of the modern world, are unmatched (无可匹敌的) for authentici

45、ty, power and human drama. 第54页/共110页第五十五页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsThe Moneychangers (钱商) (1975) - Adaptation A television miniseries (电视连续短剧) bearing the same name and based on the novel was broadcast in 1976. - Summary The plot revolves around the politics inside the crisis-to

46、rn world of a major US bank. 金融界第55页/共110页第五十六页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsOverload (超载) (1979) - Summary power crisis in California 电力公司 Overload concerns the electricity production industry in California and the activities of the employees and others involved with Golden State Po

47、wer and Light, a fictional California public service company. The plots follow many of the issues of the day, including race relations, corporate politics, business ethics, terrorism and journalism. Nim Goldman is vice president with GSP&L - the corporation feeding power, light and heat to the k

48、ilowatt hungry state of California. Hes got a big job and hes got all the women he can handle, but Nim knows the crunch (危境) is coming. Soon, very soon, power famine (严重的缺乏) will strike the most advanced society the world has known. 第56页/共110页第五十七页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsStrong

49、 Medicine (烈药) (1984) - Summary pharmaceutical industry 制药业、药品推销员 Miracle drugs save lives and ease suffering, but for profit-motivated companies, the miracle is the money they generate at any cost. Billions of dollars in profits will make men and women do many things - lie, cheat, even kill. Now on

50、e beautiful woman will be caught in the cross fire (两方或多方间的互相责难) between ethics and profits. As Celia Jordans fast-track career sweeps her into the highest circles of an international drug company, she begins to discover the sins and secrets hidden in the research lab and in the marketplace. Now the

51、 companys powerful new drug promises a breakthrough in treating a deadly disease. But Celia Jordan knows it may deliver a nightmare.第57页/共110页第五十八页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsThe Evening News (晚间新闻) (1990) - Summary newscasters 新闻广播员、电视媒体 The Evening News sweeps from the battle bet

52、ween profit and ethics in the boardrooms (董事会议会) and newsrooms (编辑部) of New York, to the clash of idealism and brutality in the jungles of South America, from an FBI investigation of a tragic crime, to a Florida-bound jet carrying a most unusual human cargo. When Crawford Sloanes wife, son and elder

53、ly father are mysteriously kidnapped, his life turns upside down. As CBA-TVs most celebrated and popular newscaster, he has become a prime target for terrorists. While the TV network is held to ransom (赎金), Sloane decides to launch his own rescue mission, and asks Harry Partridge, his colleague and

54、competitor since the days they covered the war in Vietnam together, to head the operation. This is the most perilous (危险的) assignment either has ever undertaken, and in an uneasy partnership, it will require all their professional and emotional strength, for Jessica, Crawfords wife, is the only woma

55、n Harry has ever loved . 第58页/共110页第五十九页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsDetective (侦探) (1997) - Adaption The novel was adapted to a movie in 2005.第59页/共110页第六十页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of NovelsDetective (侦探) (1997) - Summary investigation politics 侦探 Detective is vintage (

56、最佳的) Arthur Hailey. Chillingly authentic, it is a page-turning (页面转换) thriller (惊险小说) of drama and suspense. Arthur Haileys Detective was written in 1997 and it is the authors last book. Hailey vividly depicts the work of the homicide (杀人) department, its background and investigation methods, all pu

57、t into a thrilling plot with many unexpected turns and surprises. Sergeant (警官) Malcolm Ainslie of the Miami police homicide department is about to take a well-earned (完全应当的) family holiday when he is called away on an urgent mission. A criminal on Death Row (监狱的死囚区) with only a few hours to live be

58、fore being sent to the electric chair has requested that Ainslie hear his confession. Will Elroy Animal Doyle finally confess to the series of grisly (恐怖的) double murders for which Ainslie hunted him down? Or, as Ainslie is a former Catholic priest, does the convicted mans desire to confess have a t

59、otally different meaning?第60页/共110页第六十一页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。 Hotel is a 1965 novel by Arthur Hailey. It is the story of an independent New Orleans hotel, the St. Gregory, to regain profitability and avoid being assimilated into the OKeefe chain of hotels. The St. Gregory is supposedly based on the Fairm

60、ont New Orleans. Detailed Description of Novels - Hotel第61页/共110页第六十二页,编辑于星期三:七点 五十七分。Detailed Description of Novels - Hotel A behind-the-scenes (幕后的) view of a major New Orleans hotel, the St Gregory, which introduces a host of (一大群) characters - the tycoons (企业界大亨) who run the industry and the staff and guests in the hotel. T


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