高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Travelling abroad课件 新人教版选修7 (11)_第1页
高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Travelling abroad课件 新人教版选修7 (11)_第2页
高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Travelling abroad课件 新人教版选修7 (11)_第3页
高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Travelling abroad课件 新人教版选修7 (11)_第4页
高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Travelling abroad课件 新人教版选修7 (11)_第5页
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1、.核心单词识记思考运用一、单词拼写1.*(2015天津,阅读B)You can talk to the robot,ask it questions,and make _ (要求)for it to perform different tasks.2.There is a _ (笔直的)line under the sentence.3.(2015陕西,书面表达)Besides,I have such a good _ (掌握)of English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher.4.With our knowledge

2、 _ (基于)on practice,we can make great contributions to our country.5.Hell go to school in the _ (后半)part of the year.requestsstraightcommandbasedlatter二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.*(2015浙江,任务型阅读)If you cant make the _ (office) hours,most professors are willing to make individual appointments to help you out.2.(20

3、15湖北,阅读A)The pony had _ (actual)been trapped between two rocks.3.(2014新课标全国,阅读C)After only six months of being cared for,the boy can already understand basic Chinese daily _ (express).4.*(2015广东,阅读B)I _ (gradual)learned what we all need is to think more like customers.5.*Farmers in _ (east)England a

4、re growing the new carrots.officialactuallyexpressionsgraduallyeastern6.(2015湖南,Writing)Taking optional subjects will _ (rich)our mind.7.*My friend also has some trouble with _ (spell).8.*(2015安徽,阅读A)Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students attention to speaking more _ (fluent).

5、9.*These views are very _ (use),but they only show your current _ (use).10.*In _ (recognize)of his efforts,he has been _ (recognize)internationally with many design awards.enrichspellingfluentlyusefulusagerecognitionrecognized三、开心词场Actually,each language has its own spelling,usage and expressions.We

6、 can recognize a native or a foreigner gradually by his or her accent.We all know fluent speaking requires frequent practice. 【联想积累】“请求,要求”家族ask vt.& vi.要求,请求claim vt.对提出要求demand n.& vt.要求desire vt.要求,请求request n.& vt.要求,请求require vt.要求,命令;requirement n.要求 后缀-ern组成的方位形容词集锦eastern东方的,东部的,来自东方的western

7、西方的,西部的;在西方的,在西部的southern南方的,南部的northern北方的,北部的northwestern (在)西北的,向西北的,来自西北的southeastern东南(部)的 高频词链条official adj.官方的;正式的;公务的office n.办公室gradual adj.逐渐的;逐步的gradually adv.逐渐地;逐步地spelling n.拼写;拼法spell v.拼写usage n.使用;用法;词语惯用法useful adj.有用的use n.& v.使用,利用fluent adj.流利的;流畅的fluently adv.流利地;流畅地 .重点短语识记思考运

8、用一、补全短语1.because _因为;由于2.*_ present现在;目前3.such _例如;像这种的4.more _超过;非常,不只是,不仅是5.the number _的数量6.*make use _利用;使用ofatasthanofof二、短语填空1.A lot of questions _ at the meeting,which made things more complicated.2.All the money should _ to help the poor.3.The media _ influencing peoples opinions.4.Everythin

9、g you do _ some type of communication. because of;such as;at present;come up;be based on;make use of;believe it or not;play an important part in came upbe made use ofplays an important part inis based on5.Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing _ the serious pollution.6.Magicians often perform tri

10、cks _ pulling a rabbit out of a hat.7._ he has become a professor of Chemistry at Oxford.8._,this is something everyone can do.because ofsuch asAt presentBelieve it or not【联想积累】at时间短语小结at times有时at present目前 at a time一次 at one time曾经at the beginning of在开始时at the moment现在“maken.介词”短语荟萃make advantages

11、/use of 使用,利用make the most/best of 尽量利用;充分利用make way for 为让路,让路于make contact with 接通,与接触,与联系make an appointment with sb 与约定make a fool of 愚弄,欺骗 .经典句式识记思考运用1.So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost _ dialect _ people in the northwestern USA.因此,美国东南部山区的人同美国西北部地区的人所说的方言几乎

12、是一样的。I bought _(和你买的一模一样的车).Our English teacher wore _ (同样的衣服)he did yesterday.the sameasthe same car as you didthe same clothes that 2.It was based _ the English we speak at present.当时的英语更多地是以德语为基础的,而不是我们现在说的英语。Dont be too hard on him;hes _(与其说愚蠢,倒不如说粗心)._(不止一个人)were invited.more on German thanmore

13、 careless than stupidMore persons than one【联想积累】the same (.)as/that.的区别(1)the same(.)as.意为“和一样,和相似”,定语从句中as所指代的人或物与先行词是同一类。(2)the same (.)that意为“和一样”,定语从句中that所指代的人或物与先行词是同一个。.单元语法识记思考运用直接引语间接引语()把下列直接引语变为间接引语1.The teacher said to me,“Dont be late again.”The teacher advised/asked me _ be late again.

14、2.The teacher said to me,“Come in.”The teacher told me _. not toto go in3.He said,“Lets have a rest.”He suggested _.4.He said to them,“Dont go out at night.”He ordered _ at night.5.The teacher said to me,“Will you please not smoke here?”The teacher _ there. our/us having a restthem not to go outaske

15、d me not to smoke【学法点拨】直接引语为祈使句时若祈使句为肯定式,要使用ask/advise/tell/order sb to do sth这一结构进行转换。若祈使句为否定式,则用ask/advise/tell/order sb not to do sth,其中ask,advise,tell,order的选择视句子的语气而定。若祈使句中没有呼语,应根据句意给动词ask,tell,order等补上适当的宾语。单 词 点 睛1.base vt.以为根据;n.基部;基地;基础高考例句(2015广东,阅读D)This suggests that British attitudes to

16、wards accent have deep roots and are based on class prejudice.这表明,英国人对方言的态度根深蒂固,且源于阶级偏见。 (1)base.on.根据;以为基础(sth)be based on.以为基础(2)basis n.基础,基本原则on the basis of根据,在的基础上,基于(3)basic adj.基本的;基础的单句语法填空/完成句子The film is based _ a novel written by Mo Yan.该影片是根据莫言的小说改编的。This is the _ (base)theory of langua

17、ge teaching.这是语言教学的基本理论。写作佳句 Actually,teaching is an art _ science.事实上,教学是一门建立在科学基础上的艺术。参考答案onbasicbased on mand n.C命令;指令 U掌握,控制 vt.vt.命令,指挥;支配教材原句 Read these sentences and decide which is a command and which is a request.阅读这些句子并判断出哪个是命令,哪个是要求。 (1)at ones command听从某人的支配(be)in command of指挥;控制be in th

18、e command of由指挥,控制take command of控制;担任的指挥have a good command of很好地掌握;精通(2)command sb to do sth命令某人做某事command that.(should)do.命令做 单句语法填空/完成句子After hard work,he finally had a good command _ the language of English.The boss commanded him _ (finish)some important work,but Henry forgot his command.老板吩咐他完

19、成一些重要的工作,而亨利却忘了他下的命令。写作佳句 He commanded that _ at once.He commanded us to set off at once.他命令我们马上出发。参考答案ofto finishwe (should)set off 3.request n.& vt.请求;要求高考例句(2015重庆,阅读C)When his request was refused,he took out his French horn and started to practice.当他的请求被拒绝时,他拿出他的法国号(一种铜管乐器),开始练习。(1)make a reques

20、t for请求at ones requestat the request of sb应某人的要求(2)request sth from/of sb向某人请求某物request sb to do sth请求/要求某人做某事request/make a request that.(should)do.请求/要求做某事(3)It is requested that.(should)do.要求单句语法填空/完成句子Theyve made an urgent request _ the international aid.他们紧急请求国际援助。Visitors _ (request)not to tou

21、ch the exhibits.参观者请勿触摸展品。She made a request _ the door to her room be left open.她要求不要关闭通向她房间的门。写作佳句 It is requested that our head teacher _ at tomorrows meeting.Our head teacher _ at tomorrows meeting.我们班主任被要求在明天的会议上演讲。参考答案forare requestedthat(should)give a speech;is requested to give a speech特别提示:

22、动词request后的宾语从句以及名词request后的表语从句、同位语从句都要用虚拟语气,即谓语动词为(should)动词原形。 4.recognize vt.辨认出;承认;公认高考例句(2015广东,阅读A)The salesgirl looked at him for a second,then recognized him.那个女售货员看了他一秒钟,然后认出了他。 (1)recognize sb/sth as/to be.承认某人(物)是be recognized as被公认为It is recognized that.人们公认(2)recognition n.认识,认出;承认out

23、of/beyond recognition认不出来单句语法填空/完成句子Lawrences novel was eventually recognized _ a work of genius.劳伦斯的小说最后被公认为天才之作。He recognized the man _ (be)one of the police officers.他认出那人是警官中的一员。写作佳句_ Jane is the most intelligent girl among us.大家公认简是我们当中最聪明的女孩。参考答案asto beIt is recognized that 短 语 点 拨1.more than

24、(over多于;超过not only 不仅,不止)高考例句Every year more than 10,000 people head for the city of Albuquerque,New Mexico.每年超过10 000人前往新墨西哥州的阿尔伯克基市。more A than B与其说(是)B不如说(是)Anot more than 不多于no more than仅仅,只是;和一样不more than one单数名词“不止一个”(作主语时谓语动词用单数)单句语法填空/完成句子More than one example _ (be)necessary to make the stu

25、dents understand the rule clearly.要使学生清楚地理解这个规则,一个例句不够。Its _ a misunderstanding.这只是个误会。写作佳句 They are _ schoolmates;they are close friends.他们不止是同学,还是知心朋友。参考答案isno more thanmore than e up出现,发生;走近,升起,提出教材原句 Yes,Id like to come up to your apartment.好的,我很乐意到你的公寓去。come up to来到近旁,达到,接近come up with想出,找到(参考答

26、案、办法等)写出下列句中come up的含义An old lady came up to me and asked for directions.A good solution to the problem came up at the meeting.When the moon came up,the young people began their celebration.Plants come up again every spring.Ill let him know if anything comes up.参考答案走近被提出升起长出,发芽发生 句 式 透 析1.教材原句 Native English speakers can understand each other eve


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