1、Class-BCynic HoA Ruin (废墟)The Ukrainian capital descended into violence last night as riot police stormed toIndependence Square in Kiev after the deadliest clashes during the last three months of anti-governmentprotests.乌克兰首都昨晚(指1月18日)陷入暴力冲突。在持续三个月的反政府抗议活动发生最血腥的对抗之后,防暴警察冲击了基辅独立广场。At least nine peopl
2、e were confirmed to have been killed, including two police officers. Tens of thousands of protesters remained on the streets surrounding the square as the police moved in amid md fires and explosions.至少有14人经证实已被杀死,包括至少有6名警察。警方在火光和爆炸声中冲击独立广场时,数以万计的抗议者留在广场周边的街道。Riot police battled with thousands of pr
3、otesters in the square as they sought to clear a camp using water cannon and armoured vehicles following hours of street fighting around the parliament building. Hardline protesters fought back with Molotov cocktails.防暴警察与数千名示威者在广场上打斗。在议会大厦周围发生持续数小时的街头对抗之后,警方试图用高压水枪和装甲车对一个抗议者营地进行清场。态度强硬的示威者则投掷燃烧瓶还击。
4、The government said it would seal off the central district and that access to Kiev would be restricted from midnight after reports that protesters from western Ukraine were mobilizing to join the protests.政府表示,将封锁中央区,而基辅的进出道路从午夜起将受到限制。此前有报道称,乌克兰西部的抗议者正在动员起来,准备加入示威行列。And the cause is that the Ukraini
5、an government abruptly decided to suspend the European integration process, decided to strengthen the relationship with Russia事件起因是乌克兰政府唐突决定暂停欧洲一体化进程,反而决定加强和俄罗斯之间的联系.The renewed violence, which comes after several weeks of relative calm, is the latest twist in a battle that began in late November af
6、ter Viktor Yanukovich, Ukraines president, backed away from signing far-reaching EU(European Union) integration agreements.经过几个星期的相对平静之后,此次暴力再度升级是始于11月下旬的一场斗争的最新发展。事情的起因是乌克兰总统维克托亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovich)退出了签署影响深远的欧盟一体化协议。Mr Yanukovich instead tilted Ukraine towards Moscow, which granted a $15billion
7、bailout belat for the countrys ailing economy, prompting protesters to take to the streets of Kiev and other leading cities. They are demanding that a caretaker government to be formed to sign the EU agreements.相反,亚努科维奇让乌克兰向俄罗斯倾斜,后者向经济陷于困境的乌克兰提供150亿美元纾困,这促使抗议者走上基辅和其他主要城市的街头。他们要求组成一个看守政府,签署欧盟协议。Fight
8、ing had raged throughout the day in the blocks around Ukraines parliament and presidential buildings. Television footage showed police snipers shooting what looked to be stun grenades and rubber bullets from the roofs of nearby buildings, forcing protesters to use makeshift shields i:ldz to protect
9、themselves.在乌克兰议会和总统大厦周围街区,激战持续了一整天。电视画面显示,警方狙击手似乎在从附近建筑物的屋顶发射眩晕榴弹和橡皮子弹,迫使示威者用自制的盾牌来保护自己。Some protesters wearing camouflage, military helmets and bulletproof vests responded with what appeared to be handguns, although it was not clear whether they were firing rubber or live bullets.一些身穿迷彩服和防弹背心、戴着军用
10、头盔的抗议者似乎在用手枪回击,但不清楚他们在发射橡皮子弹还是实弹。“We see that this regime again has begun shooting people; they want to sink Ukraine in blood. We will not give in to a single provocation, opposition leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk told the protesters.“我们正看到这个政权再次开始对人民开枪,他们要血洗乌克兰。我们不会对任何挑衅让步,”反对党领袖阿尔谢尼雅采纽克(Arseniy Yatsenyu
11、k)对抗议者表示。“We will not take one step back from this square. We have nowhere to retreat to,” he added“我们不会从这个广场后退一步。我们也没有地方可以退守,”他补充说。There was no immediate comment from Mr Yanukovich. Leonid Kozhara, foreign minister, urged the international community to condemn “radical forces” that have orchestrate
12、d “armed attacks on government organs”.亚努科维奇没有立即发表评论。乌克兰外交部长列昂尼德科扎拉敦促国际社会谴责“激进势力”,称其策划了“对政府机关的武装袭击”。Lady Ashton, the EUs foreign policy chief, condemned the violence and urged Ukraines leadership to “address the root causes of the crisis”.欧盟外交政策负责人阿什顿夫人(Lady Ashton)谴责暴力行为,并敦促乌克兰领导层“应对危机的根源”。“Politic
13、al leaders must now assume their shared responsibility to rebuild trust and create the conditions for an effective solution,” she said.“政治领导人现在必须承担起共同的责任,重建信任,为达成有效的解决方案创造条件,”她表示。 Weeks of stalemate between the government and Western-leaning protesters in Ukraine were shattered on Tuesday by an outb
14、urst of violence that killed at least nine people. Authorities responded by storming encampments held by activists in the center of the capital for the past two months.乌克兰政府与抗议者之间持续了数周的僵持于周二打破,一场暴力冲突造成至少九人死亡。在过去两个月被抗议者占领的市中心地带,双方发生了激烈对抗。Although police managed to clear some protesters from central K
15、iev later in that day, others appeared to be girding for a longer fight. Some took back to Kievs city hall, which they had vacated over the weekend, and in western Ukraine at least three regions said they would send buses of reinforcements to Kiev.虽然警方当日晚些时候成功将部分抗议者逐出基辅中心地带,其他人则似乎准备打场长久战。一些人又重新占领了上周
16、末撤离的市政厅。乌克兰西部,至少有三个地区的抗议者表示将向基辅增援。Authorities, who shut down the citys subway system earlier in that day, announced they would restrict all transport into the city starting at midnight.有关部门当天早些时候关闭了基辅的地铁,宣布将从午夜开始限制一切进入该市的交通。By nightfall,police supported by armored personnel carriers and water cannon
17、s, rumbled slowly forward through barricades to the edge of the main encampment at Independence Square.夜幕降临前,配备了装甲车和高压水枪的警察缓缓通过路障,来到基辅独立广场主要营地的边缘。Protesters tossed burning debris-construction materials, spare tires, discarded Christmas trees is their path to try to stop them, and threw rocks and fir
18、eworks as opposition leaders led them in singing Ukraines national anthem nm.抗议者不断投掷建筑材料、备用轮胎和丢弃的圣诞树等燃烧杂物,试图阻止警察的行进,而且还扔石块和鞭炮,反对派领袖带着他们唱起了乌克兰国歌。Some had welded together what appeared to be a massive blow torch, consisting of pipe hooked up to a propane tank, that they dragged towards police lines. S
19、ome tents on Kievs main thoroughfare were also on fire.一些人将管子和丙烷罐连接起来,焊接成一个巨大的喷枪,并往警察队伍那里拖。基辅主要大街上的一些帐篷也在燃烧。Western capitals repeated calls for calm and denounced the violence, without specifying who had started it.西方国家不断呼吁有关方面保持冷静,并对暴力表示谴责,但没有具体指出谁是始作俑者。But Moscow, which on Monday announced it was
20、restoring a financial lifeline to Mr. Yanukovychs government, aquarely blamed the protesters. It has long pushed the president to crack down on them.不过,俄罗斯政府将指责矛头直接对准了抗议者。俄罗斯政府周一宣布,将恢复对亚努科维奇政府至关重要的资金援助。长期以来,俄罗斯一直鼓励亚努科维奇打击抗议活动。Russias foreign ministry also laid blame on Western officials, who it said
21、 from the very start of the crisis have been closing their eyes to the aggressive actions of radical forces in Ukraine.俄罗斯外交部也对西方官员进行了谴责,说他们从危机一开始便对乌克兰激进势力的好斗行为视而不见。Russia denounced Ukraines interim leaders as dictators and blasted the western governments that it said helped bring them to power, in
22、a sign that the toppling of Viktor Yanukovich as president is triggering a regional stand-off.俄罗斯指责乌克兰过渡政权的领导人是一群独裁者,并对其所称的帮助他们获得权力的西方国家予以严厉批评。有迹象表明,维克多亚努科维奇总统的倒台可能引发地区对峙。The Russian foreign ministry claimed Ukraines new leadership was infringing on the human rights of Russians and other minorities
23、in Ukraine. “This is headed towards the suppression of dissent in several regions of Ukraine by dictatorial and sometimes almost terrorist means,” the ministry stated.俄罗斯外交部称,乌克兰的新领导层正在侵犯乌境内俄罗斯和其他少数民族的人权。“局势正走向利用独裁、有时近乎恐怖主义的手段来镇压乌克兰一些地区的异见,”俄罗斯外交部表示。Dmitry Medvedev, the prime minister, said Moscows
24、bailout for Kiev would remain on hold until a “normal, legitimate government” was in office.俄罗斯总理德米特里梅德韦杰夫表示,俄罗斯将暂不对基辅方面提供紧急援助,直到一个“正常、合法的政府”上台执政。“If you consider people who plough Kiev in black masks and with Kalashnikovs as a government, then we will have difficulty working with such a government.
25、”他说:“如果你认为那些带着黑面罩、手持卡拉什尼科夫(即AK-47突击步枪译者注)在基辅街头横行霸盗的人是政府,那么我们很难同这样的政府打交道。”Theres a big question hovering over Ukraine right now.现在乌克兰面临着一个大问题。Who is in charge of the country?谁要为这个国家负责?It doesnt look like its President Viktor Yanukovych.看起来不像是总统维克托亚努科维奇。Over the weekend, Ukraines parliament voted to t
26、hrow him out, appointed parliament Speaker Olexander Turchinov to take on presidential duties and scheduled new elections for late May.上周末,乌克兰议会投票决定将他赶下台,任命议会议长奥列克山大图尔奇诺夫出任总统一职并计划于5月底举行新的选举。 Yanukovych left the capital of Kiev saying he was forced out by vandalism, crime and a coup.亚努科维奇离开首都基辅时表示他因为
27、“破坏、犯罪和政变”被迫离开。But he also said he was still Ukraines legitimate leader and didnt plan to resign.不过他也表示自己仍是乌克兰的合法领袖并且不打算辞职。This all happened during protests in the capital.这一切都发生于首都上演抗议活动的时候。Some Ukrainians like the president want ties with Russia, while some want closer ties with the European Union
28、.一些乌克兰人希望总统与俄罗斯建立紧密联系,而另一些人则希望与欧盟更紧密的联系。People are mourning the dozens, whove died in recent clashes between the two sides.许多人为双方在最近的冲突中丧生的人们哀悼。We dont know where the president is.我们不知道总统在哪里。We dont know what will happen next in Ukraine.我们不知道乌克兰接下来会发生什么。Russias furious statements came as Ukraines ne
29、w authorities intensified their hunt for Mr Yanukovich, who has not been seen since Friday, and as tensions rose in Crimea, the Russia-friendly peninsula on the Black Sea.俄罗斯愤怒表态之际,乌克兰新政权加紧对亚努科维奇的缉捕,他自上周五以来一直下落不明。与此同时,黑海沿岸亲俄罗斯的克里米亚半岛紧张局势上升。Ukraines parliament voted to remove Mr Yanukovich on Saturda
30、y after a crackdown on three months of anti-government protests had left more than 70 people dead.上周六,乌议会投票决定撤销亚努科维奇的总统职务。此前,政府对持续3个月的反政府示威进行了镇压,造成70余人死亡。EU officials said they were ever more concerned at how Russia would react and were reining in some of their more aggressive diplomatic and financi
31、al efforts.欧盟(EU)官员表示,他们越来越关注俄罗斯会如何反应,并将收敛欧方一些较为咄咄逼人的外交和财政努力。The European Commission, for example, said it would await a “legitimate gover-nment” to be produced after Mays elections before reviving talks over itsintegration treaty with Kiev.例如,欧盟委员会表示,在乌克兰5月份选举产生“合法政府”之前,它将暂停与基辅方面有关入盟的谈判。 The number of dead and wounded-the worst one-day casualty toll on the streets of Ukraine since its independence from the Soviet Union-will make it harder for either side to pull back from the political confrontation that is threatening to split the count
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