1、航海英语49期1. You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from _B_A.Deadweight scale B.Tide table C.Notice to mariners D.Table of azimuth2. Many of the lights on this coast are placede so high as to be so frequently obscured by _D_3. A line of position from a celestial obserti
2、on is a segment of a _A_A.circle of equal altitude B.parallel of declination C.parallel of altitude D.vertical of circle 4. How long would 15 minutes of longitude be at a latitude of 60 degrees North?_D_【】5.The maximum difference between mean time and apparent time is _B_A. equal to the longitude ex
3、pressed in time units B. about 16 minutesC. the difference between the GHA of mean sun and the first point of Aries D. 15of arc【】6. The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwater beach bottom. What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land a boat on this beach? BA.Sur
4、ging B. Spilling C. Plunging D. Converging7. Which is a weekly publication advising mariners of important matters affecting navigational safety? BA. Light List B. Notice to Mariners C. Coast Pilot D. Sailing Directions8.Navigate with _D_.Small fishing boats are within 0.8 mile of me.9. The Admiralty
5、 Notices to Mariners can be obtained _A_ by Masters of vessels from any Admiralty Chart AgentA. free of charge B. with no responsibility C. without limitations of distribution D. with little charges10. The proper way to correct a mistake in the logbook is to _D_.A. erase the entry and rewrite B. dra
6、w several lines through the entry,rewrite,and initial the correctionC. completely black out the entry,rewrite,and initial the correctionD. draw one line through the entry,rewrite,and initial the correction11. When a vessel is entering or leaving a port,a record of engine speeds is kept in the _A_.A.
7、 bell book B. deck rough log C. Official Logbook D. engine rough log【】12. Id like to know the full _B_ of the accidentA. particular B. particulars C. in particular D. in particulars【】13. The extent of the damage could not be _C_ though I inspected it with the Chief Stevedore in charge.A. sure B. con
8、tained C. ascertained D. applied【】14. For whom is the ISM Code mandatory?A. All vessels 500 GRT and above B. All tankers C. All vessels built after 1998 D. All vessels on international routes 答案:A谁要强制执行国际安全管理规则?所有500总吨以上的船舶【】15. That the _D_ showed that the ship complied with the requirements of the
9、 said Convention.A. looking B. seeing C. sightseeing D. inspection16. If the officer of the watch must leave the voyage plan, he should _?A. Make a note in the logbook B. Inform the mater C. No special action necessary D. Check the new plan 答案:B值班驾驶员必须停止航行计划他应该报告船长17. The Safety of Life at Sea Conve
10、ntion was developed by the _.A. IMDG conference B. American Bureau of ShippingC. International Maritime Organization D. American Institute of Maritime Shipping答案: C海上人命安全公约由国际海事组织提出。【】18.The maneuvering information required to be posted in the wheelhouse must bu based on certain conditions.Which of
11、the following is not one of these conditions? DA.The hull must bu clean B.There must be calm weather-wind 10 knots or less and a calm seaC.There must be no current D.The depth of the water mest be at least one and onehalf times the draft 【】19. How to determine the density of the slop after tank wash
12、ing?A. By use of an interferometer B. By use of a hydrometer C. By use of an interface D. By use of a thermometer 答案:B怎样判断洗舱后费油的密度?通过使用液体比重计【】20. No oil or mixture containing oil _B_ into Singapore waters from any vesselA. shall not be discharged B. shall be discharged C. shall be filled D. shall no
13、t be filled【】21.What is a CORRECT reply to a pilots request,“Hows your heading”? DA.Steady B.Eased to 10 rudder C.Checked D.Passing 5022. The ideal rope for stoppers should satisfy the following requirements except that _. A. The stopper should be of synthetic fibre rope B. The size of the stopper s
14、hould be as large as possible C. The stopper should be of low stretch material D. The stopper should be very flexible 答案:B阻挡器的理想的绳索需要满足以下要求中除了阻挡器的尺寸尽可能大23. The best method to stop a vessel from dragging anchor in a sand bottom is to _B_.A. reduce the length of the cable B. pay out more anchor cable
15、C. back the enginesD. swing the rudder several times to work the anchor into the bottom24. _B_ is prohibited in this areaA. Anchor B. Anchoring C. Anchored D. Being anchored】25. A vessel fitted with twin screws is easier in _A_ than a vessel with single screw A. turning maneuver B. course setting C.
16、 position fixing D. regulating speed26. If your propeller is racing in rough weather,you should _A_.A. decrease your engine speed B. ignore it C. increase your engine speedD. stop your engine until the rough weather passes27. Which vessel is underway according to the Rules?_B_A. A vessel made fast t
17、o a single point mooring buoy B. A purse seiner hauling her netsC. A pilot vessel at anchor D. A vessel which has run aground【】28. All of the following are engaged in fishing EXCEPT _B_.A. A vessel trawling B. A vessel trolling C. A vessel setting nets D. A vessel tending lines【】29. Any alteration o
18、f course and/or speed to avoid collision shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,_ to another vessel observing visually or by radar.A. be large enough to be readily apparent B. be a succession of small alterationsC. be with due regard to the power and speed of the vessel D. leave sufficient roo
19、m for the other vessel to take actionKEY: A任何为避免碰撞的航向和/或航速的改变应,如环境许可,大的足以容易明显地被他船以视觉或雷达观测到. (为避免碰撞而作的航向和(或)航速的任何变动,如当时环境许可,应大得足以便他船用视觉或雷达观测时容易察觉到)【】30. Two short blasts of the whistle have all of the following meanings EXCEPT _.A. I intend to meet you starboard to starboard B. I do not intend to hol
20、d course and speedC. I intend to overtake you on your port side D. I intend to alter my course to port KEY: B31. If your vessel is the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation _A_.A. you must keep your course and speed B. you may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clearC. the other
21、 vessel must keep her course and speed D. both vessels must keep their course and speed【】32. You should plot your dead reckoning position _A_.A. from every fix or running fix B. from every estimated positionC. every three minutes in pilotage waters D. only in pilotage waters33. A buoy having red and
22、 green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of _.A. interrupted quick flashing B. composite group flashing C. Morse (A) D. quick flashingKEY: B具有红绿横纹的浮筒将具有组合闪光的灯光特性。34. In region A, The green buoys are kept to_and red to _when sailing from_to_.A.starboard,port,sea,land B.starboard,port
23、,land,sea C.port,starboard,land,land D.port,starboard,sea,sea答案:A在侧面左手标,当从海上驶向岸时绿色浮标保持在右舷,红色在左舷【】35. Spring tides are tides that _.A. have lows lower than normal and highs higher than normalB. have lows higher than normal and highs lower than normalC. are unpredictable D. occur in the spring of the
24、year KEY: A【】36. The movement of water away from the shore or downstream is called a(n) _A. reversing current B. ebb current C. flood current D. slack current KEY: B37. A vessel is listed when it is _.A. down by the head B. down by the stern C. inclined due to off-center weight D. inclined due to wi
25、nd KEY: C【】38. Metacentric height is a measure of _.A. initial stability only B. stability through all angles C. maximum righting arm D.All of the above Key :A39.The mean draft of a ship is the draft _A_A.Midway between the forwad and aft draft marks B.At the center of flotationC.At the loadline D.A
26、t the center of buoyancy【】40. Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vessel has adequate _.A. ballast B. reserve buoyancy C. displacement D. rolling periods KEY: B【】41.For a floating ship, ture mean draft is always the _A.average of the observed drafts B.draft at the c
27、enter of flotationC.draft corresponding to the calculated displament D.mean of the calculated draft Key : B42.We usually choose cargohandling equipment according to _?A.the ship type B.the ports organization C.the cargo nature D.the dockers ability Key:C【】43. The necessity of the segregation of carg
28、oes is determined by _.A. experience from practice B. various types of cargoes C. different types of ships D. personal abilities KEY: B44. During loading or discharging,the tallymen must make contact with_B_on duty so as to solve problems in timeAship owner Bships officers Cshippers Dconsignors45.We
29、ll adopt the mechanical talling method _.A.soon or late B .soon or later C.sooner or late D.sooner or later Key:D【】46.Inflammble caigo _in the holds adjacent to the angine room.A.shall never be stowed B.may br stowed C.can be stowed D.should be stowed Key; A【】47. TYPHOON FORECAST MOVE 285 DEG 15 KNO
30、T FIRST 12 HOURS THEN 280 DEG 17 KNOTS NEXT 12 HOURS. The movement of the Typhoon is in _C_ quadrant.A. NE B. SE C. NW D. SW48. Hurricane warnings are issued _ when winds of force 12 or above are expectedA. in all parts of the world B. in some parts of the world C. from all corners of the world D. f
31、rom every corner of the world KEY: B【】49. Swell is the rise and fall of the oceans surface due to _.A. fetch B. distant winds C. local storms D. the pull of the moon KEY: B50. Monsoons(季风)characterized by _.A. light,variable winds with little or no humidity B. strong,gusty winds that blow from the s
32、ame general direction all yearC. steady winds that reverse direction semiannuallyD. strong,cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passageof an extreme low pressure system KEY: C【】51. In most cases,the direction of the apparent wind lies between the bow and _.A. the direction of the t
33、rue wind B. true north C. the beam on the windward side D. the beam on the lee side KEY: A52. Panting frames are located in the _.A. after double bottoms B. centerline tanks on tankers C. fore and after peaks D. forward double bottoms KEY: C53. The collision bulkhead shall be of _A_.A. water-tight B
34、. air-tight C. fire-tight D. oil-tight54. Which is the winter load waterline on the load waterline mark?_D_A. The line over the summer load waterline B. The line above the tropical load waterlineC. The line below the tropical load waterline D. The line between the summer and the winter North Atlanti
35、c load waterline55. In relation to cargo gear,what does SWL mean? _.A.Safe working load B.Ships working lift C.Starboard wing lift D. Stress,weight,load KEY: A56. A chain stripper is used to _A_.A. prevent chain from clinging to the wildcat B. clean the marine debris from the chainC. flake chain fro
36、m a boats chain locker D. clean chain prior to an x-ray inspection【】57. The primary reason for placing covers over storage batteries is to _D_.A. prevent the accumulation of explosive gases B. protect the hull from leaking electrolyteC. prevent movement of the battery in rough waters D. protect agai
37、nst accidental shorting across terminal【】58、 Racon can help with _A_?A.measuring the distance B. measuring the relative speed C.identifying a vessel D.identifying a seamark59_D_is on the panel of radar. 60. 708 In order to insure that a RACON signal is displayed on the radar, you should _B_.A. incre
38、ase the brilliance of the PPI scope B. turn off the interference controls on the radarC. use the maximum available range setting D. increase the radar signal output【】61. Deviation changes with a change in _B_A.vessels geographic position B. vessels heading C. vessels magnetic field D.influence of th
39、e magnetic materials of the vessel【】62. 1118Deviation changes with a change in _.A. latitude B. heading C. longitude D. sea conditions KEY: B63. 3805_ the repeater compass with the master compass,pleaseA. Similize B. Clock C. Synchronize D. Position KEY: C【】64. With respect to automatic identificati
40、on systems(AIS)which of the fowllowing information is broadcast every one to ten seconds? A.Vessels draft B.Air Draft C.Navigational status D.Dimensions of vessel 【】65. Automatic identification systems (AIS) are expected to broadcast all of the following information EXCEPT _.A. Port of origin B. Nam
41、e of vessel C. Course and speed over ground D. Draft of vessel KEY: A66. 5264All echo-sounders can measure the _.A. actual depth of water B. actual depth of water below keelC. average depth from waterline to hard bottom D. average depth of water to soft bottom KEY: B【】67. 1084 The maritime radio sys
42、tem consisting of a series of coast stations transmitting coastal warning is called _.A. NAVTEK B. HYDROLANT/HYDROPAC C. NAVAREA D. SAFESEA【】68. 4317What would most likely prevent a SARTs signal from being detected?A. Signal absorption by the ionosphere B. Heavy sea swellsC. The rescue personnel wer
43、e monitoring the 10-cm radar D. The rescue personnel were monitoring the 3-cm radar KEY: C69. 764 International distress signal in VHF calling for help is _.A. Help,Help,Help B. Maday,Maday,Maday C. Save,Save,Save D.Rescue,Rescue,Rescue【】70. 4314What is the MOST important thing you should do before
44、transmitting on a marine radio?A. Ask for permission. B. Record the time in your radio log.C. Press the push to talk button three times. D. Monitor the channel to insure that it is clear. KEY: D71. 4194There is a drifting mine _ in position 21 degrees 31 minutes North 124 degrees 20 minutes EastA. r
45、eport B. reports C. reported D. reporting KEY: C【】72. 812Get the searchlight _ for transiting the canal at night.A. turned off B. already C. almost D. ready KEY: D为夜间通过运河准备好探照灯。【】73. 120. Cleaning, painting and repairing work is known as _.A. Maintenance work B. Lashing work C. Tallying work D. Over
46、time work 答案:A清洁,油漆和修理工作叫做维修工作【】74. 5266An example of a messenger is a _.A. fairlead B. heaving line C. stay D. warp KEY: B【】75.Which type of line would have LEAST resistance to mildew and rot?【】76. 2414A mooring line that checks forward motion of a vessel at a pier is a _. A. bow line B. forward bo
47、w line C. stern line D. stern breast line KEY: C【77What are the three bastic types of starters?A.Air,water,electric B. Air,hydraulic.electric C.Metered, hydraulic ,automatic D. Air,emergency, hydraulic78 6010If you saw flames aboard a vessel but could see the vessel was not on fire,you would know th
48、at the _.A. crew was trying to get warm B. vessel required immediate assistance KEY: BC. vessel was attempting to attract the attention of a pilot boat D. vessel was being illuminated for identification by aircraft【】7992. When is the parallel sweep search used?A. When searching a small area B. When
49、searching a large area C. When searching over hilly terrain D. When searching during night 答案:B什么时候使用平行搜索?当在一个大的海域搜索时【】80. 5827Portable fire extinguishers must be provided for the cargo tank area of an unmanned tank barge _.A. only when fully loaded B. if one or more tanks are full C. when transferr
50、ing cargo D. only when the barge is being towed KEY: C【】81. 1780 You are on watch at sea at night and a fire breaks out in 3 hold. What should be done IMMEDIATELY?A. Shut down the cargo hold ventilation. B. Proceed to the space and determine the extent of the fire.C. Flood the space with CO2 from th
51、e fixed fire fighting system. D. Cool the deck to contain the fire82. What is the meaning of UEL?A. Upper exposure level B. Upper explosion level C. Upper explosive level D. Upper evaporation level 答案:C 83. 1603A sea anchor is _.同原题库2279A. a heavy anchor with an extra long line used to anchor in dee
52、p waterB. a cone shaped bag used to slow down the wind drift effectC. a pad eye to which the sea painter is made fast D. made of wood if it is of an approved typeKEY: B海锚是一个用于减少风致漂移影响的锥状袋子。【】84. 5851The line-throwing appliance provided on board ship is _.A. for the saving of life B. for fire-fightin
53、g C. for mooring purpose D. for towing purpose KEY: A85.733 In the first 24 hours after abondoning a vessel, water should be given only to personnel who are _.A. thirsty B. sick or injured C. wet D. awake86. What does OBO mean? A. Oil Bulk Oil B. Ore Bulk Oil C. Only Bulk Ore D. Only Basic Oil 答案:B
54、.OBO的意思是什么?矿石/散货油【】87.When chipping rust on a vessel,the MOST important piece of safety gear is_.A.a hard hat B、gloves C、goggles D、a long sleeve shirt【】88、You should FIRST treat a simple fracture byA、attempting to set the fracture B、preventing her movement of the boneC、applying a tourniquet D、alternately applying hot and cold compresses (一)EGC Message - MET Navarea Warning or MET Forecast -M
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