1、口腔医务英语 65 句(专业版)儿童龋病(Paediatric Cariology) 1 Young child with carious upper incisors and an abscess on tooth 61. 上切牙龋坏,伴61牙槽脓肿的患儿。 2 Primary teeth act as a natural
2、space maintainer for permanent teeth 乳牙就像一个天然间隙保持器,为恒牙的萌出保持间隙。 3 Dental care is needed as soon as first teeth erupt. 第一颗牙齿一萌出就有必要进行口腔保健。 4 Zones of the caries
3、0;in dentine can be thought of from a histological and biological viewpoint.Zone 1- Sclerosis Zone 2-emineralisation Zone 3-Bacterial invasion
4、; Zone 4-Destruction 从组织学和生物学的角度观察牙本质龋的分层结构。第一层-硬化层 第二层-脱矿层 第三层-细菌侵入层 第四层-坏死崩解层 5 Visual inspection is the foundation of caries diagnosis. 视诊是诊断龋齿的基础。 6
5、0;Probes do not improve the validity of occlusal caries diagnosis. 探针并不能提高颌面龋坏诊断的准确性。 7 Fluoride gives greatest protection to smooth surfaces. 氟化物对光滑面的保护作用最强。 8 Floss&
6、#160;fluoride varnish thouggh the inter-proximal contacts with care. 小心地用牙线将氟保护漆涂布在邻面接触区。 9 Fissure sealants are a key component of the prevention tool kit in high caries r
7、isk children. 在龋齿高危儿童,窝沟封闭是预防保健系列方法中关键的一项。 10 The chemo- mechanical removal of caries:They contain two gels,which are mixed together to provide the
8、0;active agent th at separates carious from sound dentine. 化学-机械去腐:它含有两种凝胶,混合后产生活性物质,可将腐质从健康的牙本质上 分离。 口腔局部麻醉(Dental Local Anaesthesia) 1 Anaesthesia is defined as a loss of&
9、#160;sensation in a circumscribed area of the body by a depression of excitation in nerve endings or an inhibition of the conduction process in peripheral nerves.
10、 麻醉就是通过降低神经末梢的兴奋性或者抑制外周神经的冲动传导过程,从而使身体一定区域的感觉丧失。 2 The branches of the maxillary/mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve that are important in dental local anaesthesia. 三叉神经的上颌支/下颌支在
11、口腔局部麻醉中具有重要作用。 3 Dental injection systems comprise of three basic components:needles,cartridges,syringes. 口腔科注射装置包括三个基本组成部分:针头,安瓶,注射器。 4 Infiltration anaesthesia is achieved when solution is
12、;deposited supraperiosteally at the buccal side of the alveolus. 麻醉药物在颊侧牙槽骨的骨膜上沉积后产生浸润麻醉。 5 The intraligamentary injection can be given via the interdental papilla.This reduces the bacterae
13、mia produced by this type of injection when compared to the approach via the gingival sulcus. 可以通过牙龈乳头注射进行牙周膜麻醉,这比龈沟注射发生菌血症的危险小。 6 An illustration of how easy it is t
14、o overdose if a direct intravascular injection is administered in a child. 在儿童体内,直接将麻醉药物注入血管内极易导致药物过量。 7 Fainting may occur before,during or after local anaesthetic administrat
15、ion.The patient develops pallor,may sweat and complain of nausea.They may experience tingling in the extremities and ultimately lose consciousness. 晕厥可发生于局部麻醉用药前,用药过程中以及用药之后。患者可出现面色苍白,出汗,恶心,四肢
16、麻木,甚至意识丧失。 8 Bleeding may occur at the site of mucosal penetration when the needle is removed. 注射器取出时可能会在黏膜穿刺部位发生出血。 9 There is no evidence that topical anaesthetics
17、 produce any relief of discomfort prior to deep regional block injections. 没有证据显示进行深部阻滞麻醉前使用表面麻醉可以减轻穿刺的不适。 10 Dentists can influence a number of factors governing injection discomfort.Caref
18、ul choice of equipment and technique can reduce injection discomfort. 口腔医生能够控制很多与注射疼痛有关的因素。仔细选择麻醉器械和技术能够缓解注射疼痛。 根管治疗学(Rational root canal treatment) 1 Endodontics is the branch of clinical dentistry&
19、#160;concerned with the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the dental pulp and their sequela. 牙髓病学是临床口腔医学的分支学科,涉及到牙髓病及其并发症的预防,诊断和治疗 2 Early root canal treatment of
20、60;a tooth with a dying pulp relieves pain and prevents apical periodontitis from developing. 早期进行根管治疗的死髓牙可以减轻疼痛并防止根尖周炎的扩散。 3 Frank exposure of the pulp,or via porous dent
21、ine leaves it vulnerable to chemical,physical and above all,micro-bial injury. 直接暴露或通过牙本质小管间接暴露的牙髓,易受到化学,物理因素的刺激,特别是细菌的损害。 4 Many patients requiring root canal treatment first present wi
22、th symptoms of pulp or periapical inflammation requiring diagnosis and immediate management. 很多需做根管治疗的患者在初诊时首先表现为牙髓炎或根尖周炎的症状,因此需要作出明确的诊断和应急处理。 5 Unlike an inflamed finger,the location and
23、0;condition of a symptomatic pulp can not be diagnosed by direct visual inspection. 和手指上的炎症不同,牙髓炎的患牙定位和病变情况不能通过直接的失真而获得。 6 Teeth with enamel-dentine cracks and symptomatic pulpitis&
24、#160;are often particularly challenging to diagnose. 隐裂牙出现的牙髓炎通常是难于诊断的。 7 Acute exacerbation of a long-standing,silent lesion present on a repeatedly restored and crowned tooth.
25、60; 在多次修复病史的患牙,长期慢性病变急性发作。 8 Patients should not be made promises before teeth have been properly explored and facts are known.Often that is more than just a thorough
26、160;clinical and radiographic examination. 在没有进行全面的临床检查和放射线检查之前,如果不了解牙齿的真实状况,不要给患者任何承诺。 9 The dangers of wedging forces in a weakened posterior tooth. 楔形力量可使脆弱的后牙发生折裂。 10 However
27、0;it is secured,the critical issue is that the dam seals.If there is any sign of fluid entry,or even if there is not,a proprietary rubber dam caulking paste.
28、 尽管非常安全,橡皮障最大的问题仍是它的密闭性。无论有无液体进入的迹象,都应将橡皮障封闭剂用于牙齿的周围。 11 Fully unroof the chamber to clean infected and decomposing tissue from all of its pulp horns and ramifications. 完全揭开髓室顶,去除髓角和根管分支内所有感染和坏
29、死分解的牙髓组织。 12 Hang-up of a file giving the illusion of apical obstruction.Opening the canal coronally allows the file to drop deeper. 锉卡住易误认为是根尖阻塞。根管冠方的敞开可使锉进入更深。 13 Watch-winding walks
30、;a small file into the canal.If the instrument feels tight,gently pull to remove dentine,free the instrument and allow the entry of more lubricant. 使用小号锉采用“捻”的方法进入根管。假如感觉器械很紧,应将其轻轻退出,并使用润滑剂润
31、滑根管。 14 Small file smoothly curved in its apical 2-3mm to negotiate an apical curve.Directional rubber stops can be helpful. 将小号锉尖端的2-3mm进行预弯来适应根尖的弯曲。橡皮定向片有助于定向。 15 Most
32、technique now open the coronal third of the canal before working deeper,and many prepare entirely from crown to apex. 现在大多数的技术都是在深入预备前先预备根管的冠三分之一,许多方法则完全是从冠方至根尖预备。 16 Customising gutta perc
33、ha cone tip diameter with a gauge and scalpel. 用锥度测量尺和锐利的手术刀使主牙胶尖尖端的直径达到标准化。 17 Cold lateral condensation:Sliding the master cone home lightly coated with sealer,Spreader application,loaded
34、;vertically with 1-3KG force.The spreader remains in place for ten seconds before watch-winding,withdrawal and insertion of an accessory cone. 冷侧压充填:将涂布封闭剂的主尖轻轻送入根管直至根尖基点,使用侧压器在1-3KG的压力下垂直加压,并保持10S,退出侧压器后加入副尖。
35、18 It is therefore rational to work harder to imprison bacteria remaining in canal ramifications by thermally softening gutta percha to improve its flow. 通过加热软化牙胶来增加流动性,从而将细菌局限在根管
36、分支内十分重要。 19 Root canal treatment is effective in preventing and healing apical periodontitis,with success often quoted as 90%. 根管治疗对于预防和治愈根尖周炎症十分有效,成功率高达90% 20 The preoperative state,the t
37、reatment provided,and the management of the tooth after treatment,can seriously influence prognosis. 术前状态,医师所提供的治疗和术后对牙齿的处理都会对愈合产生深远影响。 美容口腔医学(Aesthetic Dentistry) 1 A practitioner must be familiar with th
38、e dimensions of a smile,to include consideration of the following:tooth size,the golden proportion,black triangles,lip line,masking gingival tissues,moral issues. 从业医师必须熟悉和微笑有关的各种因素,包括:牙齿大小,黄金比例,牙龈位置,黑三角,唇线,牙龈组织覆盖,医
39、学道德问题。 2 Colour can be described as having three components-hue,chroma and value. 颜色可以用色相,色度,明度三个元素来描述。 3 The guide is divided into reddish brown(A),reddish yellow(B),grey(C)and reddish grey(D)&
40、#160;shades. (经典VITA16色)比色板分为红棕色(A),红黄色(B),灰色(C)和红灰色(D)。 4 In-surgery techniques use concentrated carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide,which have a potential to burn the soft tissues if cont
41、act occurs. 诊室漂白法使用高浓度的过氧化脲或过氧化氢,它们接触软组织,就可能灼伤。 5 Discoloured teeth with mottling,after a combination of microabrasion and tooth whitening. 有斑点的变色牙,经过微打磨和牙齿美白(疗效较好)。 6 Teeth suitable for direct
42、60;build-up with composite resin featuring caries and tooth wear. 龋坏且牙体磨损的牙齿适合直接复合树脂修复。 7 Plan the shape and colour of the restoration,possibly with a diagnostic wax-up. 设计修复体的
43、形状和颜色,可能用到诊断蜡型。 8 Marked increase in bond strength to enamel when compared with nonpreparation. 与不制备相比较,贴面与釉质的粘结力显著提高。 9 Adjust fitting surfaces and proximal contacts of veneers
44、0;one by one as required.Avoid excessive insertion forces,as this will fracture the restoration. 按要求一个一个地调整贴面的组织面和邻接区。避免暴力就位,以免造成修复体的碎裂。 10 Teeth have a number of naturally occurring anato
45、mical planes.these can be divided on the labial surface into a cervical/gingival,mid-labial and incisal. 牙齿上有许多天然的解剖平面,他们在唇侧把牙齿分成颈部(龈部),中部和切端三部分。 实用口腔种植(Implantology in General Dental Practice) 1
46、160; Osseointegration heralded a fundamental scientific shift in thinking,previous implants having tended to develop a fibrous attachment that could serve the same purpose as the
47、160;periodontal ligament. 骨结合理论从根本上改变了以往的理论,曾试图使植体与骨面之间形成纤维附着,形式牙周膜的功能(被证明是错误的)。 2 Most contemporary dental implants are made of commercially pure titanium,which has ben shown to have excellent
48、0;biocompatibility. 绝大多数的种植体由商业用纯钛制成,有非常好的生物相容性。 3 Sand-blasting and acid-etching-sand-blasting followed by acid-etching to substantially increase surface area. 喷砂加酸蚀-喷砂后再进行酸蚀处理,可以显著增加种植体的表面积。 4 The initial
49、;stability can be quantified using resonance frequency analysis(RFA),which is a noninvasive method to evaluate implants stability. 共振频谱分析仪可以用来定量评估种植体的初期稳定性,这是一种非侵入式的判断方法。 5 CT cross-section of
50、mandible showing virtual implant in position and highlighted inferior dental canal. 下颌CT断层片示虚拟种植体的位置,下牙槽神经管的位置重点标出。 6 The planned number and positioning of implants is determined by&
51、#160;the proposed restoration,the quantity and quality of the available bone and the loads to which the restoration will be subjected. 种植体的数量和位置是由最终的修复体,骨组织的质和量以及将要承担的负荷决定的。 7 Using a
52、 straight probe to measure thickness of soft tissue-ridge mapping. 用探针测量软组织厚度,绘制骨地图。 8 This typically involves a full-thickness mucoperiosteal flap,exposing the bone of the proposed
53、160;implant site and,as necessary,adjacent anatomical structures. 典型的切口设计包括全厚的粘骨膜瓣,充分显露预备种植的部位,必要时要剥离显露相邻的解剖结构。 9 Bone preparation is carried out using drills of increasing diameter that gradually w
54、iden the site concentrically.Profuse irrigation is essential. 种植窝的预备要严格遵从序列备洞的原则,并同时使用大量的盐水冷却。 10 Immediate placement of an implant into an extraction socket.No flap has been raised to pres
55、erve the papillae-this is only indicated in selected cases. 左上侧切牙拔出后即刻种植,为保存牙间乳头没有翻瓣,但必须严格掌握这种操作的适应症。 11 The exact positioning of the implant in three dimensions is paramount for the e
56、ase and success of the prosthetic stages. 在三维方向上准确植入种植体,对于成功的种植修复至关重要。 12 The gold standard for augmentation technique is the use of the patients own bone. 骨增量技术的金标准是使用患者的自体骨。
57、13 Immediate loading is possible in the mandible but is associated with greater risk of failure elsewhere in the mouth. 下颌骨种植即刻负重效果肯定,但是上颌的即刻负重风险很大。 14 The more common,relatively
58、 minor complications following surgery include swelling,bruising and discomfort. 常见的比较轻微的术后并发症有水肿,淤血和不适。 15 In the two-stage surgical technique,breakdown of the soft tissue following implant
59、60;placement may lead to the exposure of the implant and cover screw. 对于埋入式的种植手术来说,种植体植入后软组织裂开可能会导致种植体愈合帽的暴露。 另附常用的词汇表,顺序没整理,大家凑合看吧,希望大家多补充。 alveolar bone 牙槽骨 carcinoma of maxillary sinus 上颌窦癌 carcinoma&
60、#160;of tongue 舌癌 cellulitis of the floor of the mouth 口底蜂窝织炎 cementum 牙骨质 dental arch 牙弓 dental crown 牙冠 dental defect 牙体缺损 dental necrosis 牙坏死 dental sac 牙囊 dentin 牙本质 enamel 牙釉质 endodonti
61、cs 牙体牙髓病学 extraction 拔牙术 fascial space infection 间隙感染 fluoride 氟化物 fracture of maxillary 上颌骨骨折 gum, gingiva 牙龈 herpetic stomatitis 疱疹性口炎 infraorbital space 眶下间隙 jaw 颌骨 leukoplakia 白斑 lichen planus 扁平苔藓 loc
62、al anesthesia 局麻 mucous cyst 粘液囊肿 odontoclasis 牙折 ora candidiasis 口腔念珠菌病 oral hygiene 口腔卫生 oral pathology 口腔病理学 oral surgery 口腔外科 orthodontics 正畸学 osteomyelitis of the jaws 颌骨骨髓炎 pediatric dentistry 口
63、腔儿科学 periodontal ligament 牙周韧带 periodontal membrane 牙周膜 periodontics 牙周病学 prosthodontics 修复学 pterygomandibular space 翼颌间隙 public-health dentistry 口腔预防医学 pulp 牙髓 pulp exposure 牙髓暴露 pulpectomy 牙骨摘除术 pulpitis 牙髓炎 pyogenic o
64、steomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎 radiation osteomyelitis 放射性骨髓炎 radicular syst 根端囊肿 recurrent aphthae 复发性口疮 root canal therapy 根管治疗 root of tooth 牙根 sublingual gland syst 舌下腺囊肿 sublingual space 舌下间隙 submasseteric space
65、 嚼肌间隙 submaxillary space 颌下间隙 tartar 牙石 temporomandibular joint 颞颌关节 thrush 鹅口疮 tooth decay 龋齿 tooth replantation 牙再植术 torsion of teeth 牙扭转 alveolar abscess 牙槽脓肿 ameloblastoma 造釉细胞瘤 apical infection 根尖感染 a
66、pical syst 根尖囊肿 branchial cleft cyst 肋裂囊肿 carcinoma of buccal mucosa 颊粘膜癌 carcinoma of gingiva 牙龈癌 carcinoma of lip 唇癌 caries 龋齿 circumvallate papillae 轮廓乳头 crown fracture 冠折 deciduous teeth
67、;乳牙 dental impaction 牙阻生 dental plaque 菌斑 dental root fracture 根折 denticulus,denticle 髓石 dentoalveolar abscess 牙槽脓肿 drug-induced gingivitis 药物性龈炎 epulis 龈瘤 filiform papillae 丝状乳头 fistula apicalis 根尖瘘管 foliate p
68、apillae 叶状乳头 fungiform papillae 菌状乳头 gingival abscess 牙龈脓肿 gingivitis 牙龈炎 gingivitis in leukemia 白血病龈炎 injury of teeth 牙损伤 juvenile periodontitis 青少年牙周炎 luxated tooth 牙脱位 lymphoepithelial lesions 淋巴上皮病 missing&
69、#160;tooth 牙脱失 mixed dentition 混合牙列 mixed tumor of salivary gland 涎腺混合瘤 mumps 流行性腮腺炎 nevi 色素痣 occlusion 咬合 palate 腭 paradontoma 牙周膜瘤 parageusia 味觉异常 paraglossa 舌肿 paraglossia 舌下炎 paralalia 出语障碍,构音倒错 parotitis 腮
70、腺炎 periapical abscess 根尖脓肿 periapical disease 根尖周病 pericoronitis 冠周炎 periodontitis 牙周炎 permanent teeth 恒牙 pulp horn 髓角 root resorption 牙根吸收 sebaceous cyst 皮脂囊肿 sialolithiasis 涎石病 sublinguitis 舌下腺炎 teeth 牙齿 thyroglos
71、sal tract cyst 甲状舌管囊肿 tongue 舌 tooth migration 牙移动 tooth replacement 牙复位 toothache 牙痛 dental caries n. 龋
72、0; white spot lesion 白恶班损害 wedge-shaped erosion 楔状缺损 facet-area n. 面,面区
73、60; dental floss 牙线 brown spot lesion棕褐色的,褐色班损害 remineralization 再矿化 interproximal a. 邻面
74、160; perikymata n 釉面横纹 discoloration n. 变色
75、;fissure caries 沟裂,沟裂龋 focus n. 病灶 groove-fossa
76、160;system 窝沟系统 cavity preparation 制备,洞型制备,预备 outline form 外形,洞缘形 resistance form 抗力形
77、 retention form 固位形 convenience form 便利形 varnishing n
78、. 上洞漆 conditioning 指修复前的一些准备工作 cavosurface angle 洞缘角 air syringe 喷枪、注射机,气枪
79、60; cling 附着 microleakage 微漏 amalgam n. 汞合金
80、160; faciolingual a. 面舌的,颊舌的 resin fissure sealant树脂窝沟封闭剂 marginal ridge a. 边缘嵴 mesiodistally
81、160;adv. 近远中向地 etchant n. 刻蚀剂 slot restoration 开槽性修复
82、60; round bur 钻针,球钻 handpiece n. 牙科用手机 reversible pulpitis 可复性牙髓炎
83、0; analgesic 、painkiller 止痛药 sequela n. 后遗症
84、 irreversible pulpitis 不可复性牙髓炎 broach 髓针
85、 pulpotomy n. 牙髓切断术 formocresol n. 甲醛甲酚 ubperiosteal adj.
86、160; 骨膜下的 intraseptal adj. 间隔内的 interligamentary adj. 韧带内的 exudates 渗出物,渗出液 &
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- 计算机视觉全套课件
- 中国联通IMS接口规范 第三分册:Sh接口 V1.0
- protel完全教程(原理图部分)
- 《全过程工程咨询服务合同》范本经典版
- 迎泽公园文化广场歌词汇集
- 环境化学物的毒性作用及其影响因素
- Q∕GDW 12176-2021 反窃电监测终端技术规范
- 中软统一终端安全管理平台v90使用手册
- 判断抽样(课堂PPT)
- 简明疼痛评估量表(BPI)