1、计算机专业英语教程2010.5.1Computer English Chapter 1 The History and Future of ComputersComputer science major course Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-3vAs a computer science student,we should study English hardvThis book is very important to usChapter 1 The History and Future of Comput
2、ers 计算机专业英语1-4Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-51. The trends of computer hardware and software 2. Basic characteristics of modern computers 3. Major characteristics of the four generations of modern computers 4. 了解科技英语的特点,掌握科技英语翻译要点了解科技英语的特点,掌握科技英语翻译要点 Chapter 1 The History an
3、d Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-6New Words & Expressions:computerlike a. 计算机似的计算机似的electromechanical a. 机电的机电的, 电机的电机的 vacuum tubes 真空管真空管Census Bureau 人口普查局人口普查局 thousands of 成千上万的成千上万的 known as 通常所说的,以通常所说的,以著称著称 1.1 The Invention of the Computer Abbreviations: ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integr
4、ator and Computer) ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) 电子数字积分计算机,电子数字积分计算机,ENIACENIAC计算机计算机 EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer)EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer) 延迟存储电子自动计算机延迟存储电子自动计算机 BINAC (Binary Automatic Computer) BINAC (Binary Automatic Computer
5、) 二进制自动计算机二进制自动计算机 UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) 通用自动计算机通用自动计算机 Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-7 It is hard to say exactly when the modern computer was invented. Starting in the 1930s and through the 1940s, a number of machines were developed that were like computers.
6、 But most of these machines did not have all the characteristics that we associate with computers today. These characteristics are that the machine is electronic, that it has a stored program, and that it is general purpose. 很难确切地说现代计算机是什么时候发明的。从很难确切地说现代计算机是什么时候发明的。从2020世纪世纪3030年代到年代到4040年年代,制造了许多类似
7、计算机的机器。但是这些机器大部分没有今天我们所代,制造了许多类似计算机的机器。但是这些机器大部分没有今天我们所说的计算机的所有特征。这些特性是:机器是电子的,具有储存的程序说的计算机的所有特征。这些特性是:机器是电子的,具有储存的程序, , 而且是通用的。而且是通用的。1.1 The Invention of the Computer Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-81.1 The Invention of the Computer One of the first computerlike devices was
8、 developed in Germany by Konrad Zuse in 1941. Called the Z3, it was general-purpose, stored-program machine with many electronic parts, but it had a mechanical memory. Another electromechanical computing machine was developed by Howard Aiken, with financial assistance from IBM, at Harvard University
9、 in 1943. It was called the Automatic Sequence Control Calculator Mark I, or simply the Harvard Mark I. Neither of these machines was a true computer, however, because they were not entirely electronic. 第一个类似计算机的装置之一是第一个类似计算机的装置之一是19411941年由德国的年由德国的Konrad ZuseKonrad Zuse研制的,研制的,叫做叫做Z3,Z3,它是通用型储存程序机器
10、,具有许多电子部件,但是它的存储器它是通用型储存程序机器,具有许多电子部件,但是它的存储器是机械的。另一台机电式计算机器是由霍华德是机械的。另一台机电式计算机器是由霍华德. .艾坎在艾坎在IBMIBM的资助下于的资助下于19431943年在哈佛大学研制的。它被称为自动序列控制计算器年在哈佛大学研制的。它被称为自动序列控制计算器Mark I,Mark I,或简称或简称哈佛哈佛Mark IMark I。然而,这些机器都不是真正的计算机。然而,这些机器都不是真正的计算机, ,因为它们不是完全电因为它们不是完全电子化的。子化的。 Chapter 1 The History and Future of
11、Computers 计算机专业英语1-91.1.1 The ENIACPerhaps the most influential of the early computerlike devices was the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, or ENIAC. It was developed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania. The project began in 1943 and was completed in 1
12、946. The machine was huge; it weighed 30 tons and contained over 18,000 vacuum tubes. .也许早期最具影响力的类似计算机的装置应该是电子数字积分计算机,也许早期最具影响力的类似计算机的装置应该是电子数字积分计算机,或简称或简称ENIACENIAC。它是由宾夕凡尼亚大学的。它是由宾夕凡尼亚大学的J. Presper Eckert J. Presper Eckert 和和John John Mauchly Mauchly 研制的。该工程于研制的。该工程于19431943年开始,并于年开始,并于19461946年完成
13、。这台机器极年完成。这台机器极其庞大,重达其庞大,重达3030吨,而且包含吨,而且包含18,00018,000多个真空管。多个真空管。1.1 The Invention of the Computer Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-101.1.1 The ENIACThe ENIAC was a major advancement for its time. It was the first general-purpose, electronic computing machine and was capable
14、of performing thousands of operations per second. It was controlled, however, by switches and plugs that had to be manually set. Thus, although it was a general-purpose electronic device, it did not have a stored program. Therefore, it did not have all the characteristics of a computer .ENIAC是当时重要的成
15、就。它是第一台通用型电子计算机器,并能够是当时重要的成就。它是第一台通用型电子计算机器,并能够执行每秒数千次运算。然而执行每秒数千次运算。然而,它是由开关和继电器控制的,必须手工设它是由开关和继电器控制的,必须手工设定。定。 因此,虽然它是一个通用型电子装置,但是它没有储存程序。因此,虽然它是一个通用型电子装置,但是它没有储存程序。 因因此此,它不具备计算机的所有特征。它不具备计算机的所有特征。 1.1 The Invention of the Computer Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-111.1.1 The
16、 ENIACWhile working on the ENIAC, Eckert and Mauchly were joined by a brilliant mathematician, John von Neuman. Together, they developed the idea of a stored program computer. This machine, called the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer, or EDVAC, was the first machine whose design inclu
17、ded all the characteristics of a computer. It was not completed, however, until 1951. 在在ENIAC的研制中,一个天才的数学家的研制中,一个天才的数学家Von Neuman(冯冯.诺伊曼诺伊曼)加入加入到到 Eckert和和Mauchly团队团队,他们一起提出了储存程序计算机的主意。这部他们一起提出了储存程序计算机的主意。这部机器被称做电子离散变量自动计算机机器被称做电子离散变量自动计算机, 或简称或简称EDVAC,是第一部包括了计是第一部包括了计算机所有特征的机器。然而算机所有特征的机器。然而,直到直到19
18、51年,它一直没有完成。年,它一直没有完成。 1.1 The Invention of the Computer Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-121.1.1 The ENIACBefore the EDVAC was finished, several other machines were built that incorporated elements of the EDVAC design of Eckert, Mauchly, and von Neuman. One was the Electronic
19、Delay Storage Automatic Computer, or EDSAC, which was developed in Cambridge, England. It first operated in May of 1949 and is probably the worlds first electronic stored-program, general-purpose computer to become operational. The first computer to operate in the United States was the Binary Automa
20、tic Computer, or BINAC, which became operational in August of 1949. 在在EDVAC完成之前,其他一些机器建成了,它们吸收了完成之前,其他一些机器建成了,它们吸收了Eckert、Mauchly和和Neuman设计的要素。其中一部是在英国剑桥研制的电子延迟设计的要素。其中一部是在英国剑桥研制的电子延迟存储自动计算机存储自动计算机,或简称或简称EDSAC,它在,它在1949年年5月首次运行,它可能是世月首次运行,它可能是世界的第一台电子储存程序、通用型计算机投入运行。在美国运行的第一界的第一台电子储存程序、通用型计算机投入运行。在美
21、国运行的第一部计算机是二进制自动计算机部计算机是二进制自动计算机,或简称或简称BINAC,它在它在1949年年8月投入运行。月投入运行。 1.1 The Invention of the Computer Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-131.1 The Invention of the Computer 1.1.2 The UNIVAC ILike other computing pioneers before them, Eckert and Mauchly formed a company in 1947 t
22、o develop a commercial computer. The company was called the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation. Their objective was to design and build the Universal Automatic Computer or UNIVAC. Because of difficulties of getting financial support, they had to sell the company to Remington Rand in 1950. Eckert an
23、d Mauchly continued to work on the UNIVAC at Remington Rand and completed it in 1951. Known as the UNIVAC I, this machine was the first commercially available computer.像他们之前的其他计算机先驱一样像他们之前的其他计算机先驱一样,Eckert,Eckert和和MauchlyMauchly在在19471947年组成了一家年组成了一家公司开发商业计算机。公司名叫公司开发商业计算机。公司名叫Eckert-MauchlyEckert-M
24、auchly计算机公司。他们的目标计算机公司。他们的目标是设计并建造通用自动计算机或是设计并建造通用自动计算机或UNIVACUNIVAC。因为难以获得财政支持,他们不。因为难以获得财政支持,他们不得不在得不在19501950年把公司卖给了年把公司卖给了Remington RandRemington Rand公司。公司。Eckert Eckert 和和MauchlyMauchly继续继续在在Remington RandRemington Rand公司从事公司从事UNIVACUNIVAC的研制工作,并在的研制工作,并在19511951年取得成功。众年取得成功。众所周知的所周知的UNIVAC IUN
25、IVAC I机器是世界上第一部商业化计算机。机器是世界上第一部商业化计算机。Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-141.1 The Invention of the Computer 1.1.2 The UNIVAC IThe first UNIVAC I was delivered to the Census Bureau and used for the 1950 census. The second UNIVAC I was used to predict that Dwight Eisenhower would
26、win the 1952 presidential election, less than an hour after the polls closed. The UNIVAC I began the modern of computer use. 第一台第一台UNIVAC I被交付人口普查局用于被交付人口普查局用于1950年的人口普查。在投票点关年的人口普查。在投票点关闭后闭后1小时之内,第二台小时之内,第二台UNIVAC I 被用于预测被用于预测D.艾森豪威尔会赢得艾森豪威尔会赢得1952年年总统大选。总统大选。UNIVAC I开始了现代计算机的应用。开始了现代计算机的应用。Chapter
27、 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-15 New Words & Expressions:result in 导致导致, 造成造成结果结果 air conditioning 空气调节空气调节take delivery of 正式接过正式接过Navy lieutenant 海军上尉海军上尉high-level language 高级语言高级语言 mainframe n. 主机主机, 大型机大型机 more and more 越来越多的越来越多的 range from to 从从到到multiprogramming n.多道程序设
28、计多道程序设计 time-share n.分时,时间共享分时,时间共享virtual memory 虚拟内存虚拟内存 from scratch 从头开始从头开始compatible a. 兼容的;兼容的; compatibility n. 兼容性兼容性outnumber vt. 数目超过,比数目超过,比多多 proliferate v. 增生增生,扩散扩散 start off v. 出发出发, 开始开始 1.2 Computer Generations Abbreviations :VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit) 超大规模集成电路超大规模集
29、成电路 LSI (Large Scale Integrated Circuit) 大规模集成电路大规模集成电路DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) 美国数字设备公司美国数字设备公司COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language) 面向商业的通用语言面向商业的通用语言Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-161.2 Computer Generations 1.2.1 First-Generation Computers: 19511958First-gen
30、eration computers were characterized by the use of vacuum tubes as their principal electronic component. Vacuum tubes are bulky and produce a lot of heat, so first-generation computers were large and required extensive air conditioning to keep them cool. In addition, because vacuum tubes do not oper
31、ate very fast, these computers were relatively slow. 第一代计算机的特色是使用真空管为其主要电子器件。真空管体积大且第一代计算机的特色是使用真空管为其主要电子器件。真空管体积大且发热严重发热严重, ,因此第一代计算机体积庞大,并且需要大量的空调设备保持冷却。因此第一代计算机体积庞大,并且需要大量的空调设备保持冷却。此外此外, , 因为真空管运行不是很快,这些计算机运行速度相对较慢。因为真空管运行不是很快,这些计算机运行速度相对较慢。The UNIVAC I was the first commercial computer in this g
32、eneration. As noted earlier, it was used in the Census Bureau in 1951. It was also the first computer to be used in a business application. In 1954, General Electric took delivery of a UNIVAC I and used it for some of its business data processing. UNIVAC I是第一代中最早的商业化计算机。如前所述,它在是第一代中最早的商业化计算机。如前所述,它在
33、1951年被用年被用于人口普查局。它还是第一部用于商业应用的计算机。在于人口普查局。它还是第一部用于商业应用的计算机。在1954年年,通用电气通用电气接收了接收了UNIVAC I,并用它进行一些商业数据处理。并用它进行一些商业数据处理。 Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-171.2 Computer Generations 1.2.1 First-Generation Computers: 19511958The UNIVAC I was not the most popular first-generation co
34、mputer, however. This honor goes to the IBM 650. It was first delivered in 1955 before Remington Rand could come out with a successor to the UNIVAC I. With the IBM 650, IBM captured the majority of the computer market, a position it still holds today.然而然而,UNIVAC I并不是最流行的第一代计算机。这一荣誉属于并不是最流行的第一代计算机。这一
35、荣誉属于IBM 650。它在。它在Remington Rand能够造出能够造出UNIVAC I的后续产的后续产品之前的品之前的1955年首次交付使用。凭借年首次交付使用。凭借IBM 650,IBM占有了大半占有了大半计算机市场,它在今天仍然保持这一位置。计算机市场,它在今天仍然保持这一位置。Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-181.2 Computer Generations 1.2.1 First-Generation Computers: 19511958At the same time that hardware
36、 was evolving, software was developing. The first computers were programmed in machine language, but during the first computer generation, the idea of programming language translation and high-level languages occurred. Much of the credit for these ideas goes to Grace Hopper, who, as a Navy lieutenan
37、t in 1945, learned to program the Harvard Mark I. In 1952, she developed the first programming language translator, followed by others in later years. She also developed a language called Flow-matic in 1957, which formed the basis for COBOL, the most commonly used business programming language today
38、.同时,硬件在进化同时,硬件在进化,软件也在发展。第一部计算机用机器语言编程,但是在软件也在发展。第一部计算机用机器语言编程,但是在第一代计算机期间,程序语言翻译的概念和高级语言出现了。这些主意大第一代计算机期间,程序语言翻译的概念和高级语言出现了。这些主意大部分归功于部分归功于Grace Hopper,她在她在1954年是一名海军上尉,学习为哈佛年是一名海军上尉,学习为哈佛Mark I计算机编程。在计算机编程。在1952年,她开发了第一种编程语言翻译器年,她开发了第一种编程语言翻译器,在稍后的数年内在稍后的数年内为其他人所效仿。她还在为其他人所效仿。她还在1957年开发了一种称为年开发了一种
39、称为Flow-matic的语言的语言,为为COBOL今天最广泛应用的商业编程语言今天最广泛应用的商业编程语言奠定了基础。奠定了基础。Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-191.2 Computer Generations 1.2.1 First-Generation Computers: 19511958Other software developments during the first computer generation include the design of the FORTRAN programming
40、 language in 1957. This language became the first widely used high-level language. Also, the first simple operating systems became available with first-generation computers. 在第一代计算机期间在第一代计算机期间, 软件方面的其他的进展包括软件方面的其他的进展包括1957年年FORTRAN语言的设计。这种语言成为第一种广泛使用的高级语言的设计。这种语言成为第一种广泛使用的高级语言。同时语言。同时, 第一个简单的操作系统随着第
41、一代计算机而出现。第一个简单的操作系统随着第一代计算机而出现。Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-201.2 Computer Generations 1.2.2 Second-Generation Computers: 19591963In the second generation of computers, transistors replaced vacuum tubes. Although invented in 1948, the first all-transistor computer did not b
42、ecome available until 1959. Transistors are smaller and less expensive than vacuum tubes, and they operate faster and produce less heat. Hence, with second-generation computers, the size and cost of computers decreased, their speed increased, and their air-conditioning needs were reduced.在第二代计算机中,晶体
43、管取代了真空管。虽然发明于在第二代计算机中,晶体管取代了真空管。虽然发明于1948年年,但第一台全晶体管计但第一台全晶体管计算机直到算机直到1959年才成为现实。晶体管比真空管体积小、价格低,而且运行快而发热年才成为现实。晶体管比真空管体积小、价格低,而且运行快而发热少。因此,随着第二代计算机的出现,计算机的体积和成本降低、速度提高,且它少。因此,随着第二代计算机的出现,计算机的体积和成本降低、速度提高,且它们对空调的需要减少们对空调的需要减少。 Many companies that had not previously sold computer entered the industry
44、with the second generation. One of these companies that still makes computers is Control Data Corporation (CDC). They were noted for making high-speed computers for scientific work.许多先前不经销计算机的公司随着第二代计算机的出现进入计算机行业,其中今天许多先前不经销计算机的公司随着第二代计算机的出现进入计算机行业,其中今天仍然制造计算机的公司之一是控制数据公司仍然制造计算机的公司之一是控制数据公司(CDC),他们以
45、制造用于科学工作的高速他们以制造用于科学工作的高速计算机而著名。计算机而著名。Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-211.2 Computer Generations 1.2.2 Second-Generation Computers: 19591963Remintong Rand, now called Sperr-Rand Corporation, made several second-generation UNIVAC computers. IBM, however, continued to dominate
46、the industry. One of the most popular second-generation computers was the IBM 1401, which was a medium-sized computer used by many businesses.Remintong Rand,现在叫做现在叫做Sperr-Rand公司公司,制造了一些第二代制造了一些第二代UNIVAC计计算机。然而,算机。然而,IBM继续称霸计算机行业。最流行的第二代计算机之一是继续称霸计算机行业。最流行的第二代计算机之一是IBM 1401, 这是一部许多企业使用的中型计算机。这是一部许多企业
47、使用的中型计算机。All computers at this time were mainframe computers costing over a million dollars. The first minicomputer became available in 1960 and cost about $120,000. This was the PDP-1, manufactured by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). 当时所有的计算机都是价值百万元以上的大型计算机。第一台小型计算机当时所有的计算机都是价值百万元以上的大型计算机。第一台小型
48、计算机产生于产生于1960年,价值年,价值12万美元,它就是由数据设备公司万美元,它就是由数据设备公司(DEC)制造的制造的PDP-1。 Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-221.2 Computer Generations 1.2.2 Second-Generation Computers: 19591963Software also continued to develop during this time. Many new programming languages were designed, includi
49、ng COBOL in 1960. More and more businesses and organizations were beginning to use computers for their data processing needs. .在此期间软件也在继续发展。许多新的编程语言被发明在此期间软件也在继续发展。许多新的编程语言被发明,包括包括1960年发明的年发明的COBOL。越来越多的企业和组织开始使用计算。越来越多的企业和组织开始使用计算机以满足他们的数据处理需要。机以满足他们的数据处理需要。 Chapter 1 The History and Future of Comp
50、uters 计算机专业英语1-231.2 Computer Generations 1.2.3 Third-Generation Computers: 19641970The technical development that marks the third generation of computers is the use of integrated circuits or ICs in computers. An integrated circuit is a piece of silicon (a chip) containing numerous transistors. One
51、IC replaces many transistors in a computer; result in a continuation of the trends begun in the second generation. These trends include reduced size, reduced cost, increased speed, and reduced need for air conditioning.作为第三代计算机标志的技术发展是在计算机中使用集成电作为第三代计算机标志的技术发展是在计算机中使用集成电路或简称路或简称ICIC。一个集成电路就是包含许多晶体管的
52、一个硅片。一个集成电路就是包含许多晶体管的一个硅片( (芯片芯片) )。一个集成电路代替了计算机中的许多晶体管,导致。一个集成电路代替了计算机中的许多晶体管,导致了始于第二代的一些趋势的继续。这些趋势包括计算机体积了始于第二代的一些趋势的继续。这些趋势包括计算机体积减小、成本降低、速度提高和对空调的需要减少。减小、成本降低、速度提高和对空调的需要减少。 Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-241.2 Computer Generations 1.2.3 Third-Generation Computers: 196419
53、70Although integrated circuits were invented in 1958, the first computers to make extensive use of them were not available until 1964. In that year, IBM introduced a line of mainframe computers called the System/360. The computers in this line became the most widely used third-generation machines. T
54、here were many models in the System/360 line, ranging from small, relatively slow, and inexpensive ones, to large, very fast, and costly models. All models, however, were compatible so that programs written for one model could be used on another. This feature of compatibility across many computers i
55、n a line was adopted by other manufacturers of third-generation computers. 虽然集成电路发明于虽然集成电路发明于1958年年,但是直到但是直到1964年才出现了第一台广泛使用年才出现了第一台广泛使用IC的计算的计算机。那一年,机。那一年,IBM推出了称为推出了称为System/360的大型计算机系列。这一系列的计算机的大型计算机系列。这一系列的计算机成为使用最广泛的第三代计算机。在成为使用最广泛的第三代计算机。在System/360系列中有许多机型系列中有许多机型, 从小型的、相从小型的、相对较慢的且价格低廉的机型,到大
56、型的、非常快的且价格昂贵的机型。然而对较慢的且价格低廉的机型,到大型的、非常快的且价格昂贵的机型。然而,所有所有的机型都是兼容的,以便在一个机型上编写的程序可以用于另一个机型。这个在的机型都是兼容的,以便在一个机型上编写的程序可以用于另一个机型。这个在许多计算机系列间兼容的特征被其他第三代计算机制造商所采用。许多计算机系列间兼容的特征被其他第三代计算机制造商所采用。 Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-251.2.3 Third-Generation Computers: 19641970The third comput
57、er generation was also the time when minicomputers became widespread. The most popular model was the PDP-8, manufactured by DEC. Other companies, including Data General Corporation and Hewlett-Packard Company, introduced minicomputers during the third generation.计算机的第三代也是小型计算机普及的时代。最流行的小型机计算机的第三代也是小
58、型计算机普及的时代。最流行的小型机是由是由DECDEC制造的制造的PDP-8PDP-8。其他公司。其他公司, ,包括数据通用公司和惠普包括数据通用公司和惠普(Hewlett-Packard)(Hewlett-Packard)公司公司, ,在第三代期间开发了小型计算机。在第三代期间开发了小型计算机。 1.2 Computer Generations Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语1-261.2.3 Third-Generation Computers: 19641970The principal software dev
59、elopment during the third computer generation was the increased sophistication of operating systems. Although simple operating systems were developed for first-and second-generation computers, many of the features of modern operating systems first appeared during the third generation. These include
60、multiprogramming, virtual memory, and time-sharing. The first operating systems were mainly batch systems, but during the third generation, interactive systems, especially on minicomputers, became common. The BASIC programming language was designed in 1964 and became popular during the third computer genera
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