1、1Professional English for Measurement and ControlProfessional English for Measurement and Control测控专业英语测控专业英语 孟孟 浩浩Tel: 1891025083221. Introduction 1. Introduction (引言引言)u1.1 1.1 什么是专业英语什么是专业英语u1.2 1.2 为什么学习专业英语为什么学习专业英语u1.3 1.3 课程的学习内容及基本要求课程的学习内容及基本要求31.1 1.1 什么是专业英语什么是专业英语 普通英语普通英语(Common English
2、, Ordinary EnglishCommon English, Ordinary English)科技英语(科技英语(English for Science and TechnologyEnglish for Science and Technology) 专业英语专业英语 (English for Special Science and TechnologyEnglish for Special Science and Technology) p 是结合各自专业的科技英语是结合各自专业的科技英语 有很强的专业性,涉及的面更加狭窄,有很强的专业性,涉及的面更加狭窄,与专业内容配合更为密切。
3、与专业内容配合更为密切。p 隶属于科技英语隶属于科技英语 是科技英语的一部分,以表达科技概念、理论与事是科技英语的一部分,以表达科技概念、理论与事实为主要目的。遵守科技英语的实为主要目的。遵守科技英语的语法体系语法体系和和翻译方法翻译方法; ;特别特别注重客观事注重客观事实和真理实和真理,表达,表达准确、精练和正式准确、精练和正式。 41) Some operating 1) Some operating clearanceclearance must exist between must exist between the piston and the cylinder wall. the
4、piston and the cylinder wall. 在活塞和气缸壁之间必须存在一定的操作在活塞和气缸壁之间必须存在一定的操作间隙间隙。 2) The result of calculation with antiferromagnetics2) The result of calculation with antiferromagnetics shows that the compound has the minus magnetic shows that the compound has the minus magnetic momentmoment because of itine
5、rant electron magnetism. because of itinerant electron magnetism. 反铁磁计算的结果表明,由于巡游电子磁力的存在,反铁磁计算的结果表明,由于巡游电子磁力的存在,使化合物具有负的使化合物具有负的磁矩磁矩。 1.1 1.1 什么是专业英语什么是专业英语 51. 1. 科研信息获取科研信息获取 2. 2. 研究成果展示研究成果展示 3. 3. 国际交流合作国际交流合作 p 当前大部分资料都可以通过互联网传播,而这些资料中当前大部分资料都可以通过互联网传播,而这些资料中9090以上以上都是英语。都是英语。 p 世界上科技情报资料的交流主要
6、靠使用英语:世界上科技情报资料的交流主要靠使用英语:BookBook, , Journal Journal PaperPaper, , Technique ReportTechnique Report, , Government PublicationGovernment Publication, , PatentPatent, , Technique StandardTechnique Standard, , Degree DissertationDegree Dissertation, , Sample BookSample Book, , DirectionsDirections, ,
7、Technique ManualTechnique Manual, etc., etc.专业英语阅读能力专业英语阅读能力p 申报国家奖项申报国家奖项p 申请专利申请专利p 发表学术论文:发表学术论文: 8585以上的科技资料都是以英语形式出版的。以上的科技资料都是以英语形式出版的。 专业英语写作能力专业英语写作能力专业英语表达、听说、应变能力专业英语表达、听说、应变能力1.2 1.2 为什么学习专业英语为什么学习专业英语 6序号序号内内 容容基本要求基本要求学时学时1专业英语概论专业英语概论专业英语特点:语法特点、词汇特点;符号、公式及图表;专业英语阅读与翻译的标准、过程与基本技巧。掌握专业英
8、语的特点,掌握专业英语中出现频率较高的各种公式、符号以及图表的表述,熟悉专业英语的阅读技巧、翻译过程与基本方法。62阅读有关机械工程学、测量理论、信号处理及控制理论的文献资料。掌握与机械工程学、测量理论、信号处理及控制理论有关的常用专业词汇与习惯表述。163英语科技论文的写作英语科技论文的写作1. 科技论文写作基础:科技论文的特点、构成与写作要点。2. 科技论文写作常用语体、句型以及英文摘要的写作。具备英语科技论文的写作基础,初步掌握英语科技论文摘要写作。24阅读有关计算机科学、执行机构、测控领域新技术相关的文献资料。掌握与计算机科学、执行机构、测控领域新技术有关的常用专业词汇与习惯表述。8总
9、计321.3 1.3 课程的学习内容及基本要求课程的学习内容及基本要求 7开卷考试:开卷考试:平时平时30%30%(作业平时考核)(作业平时考核)期末考试期末考试70% 70% 课程的考核形式课程的考核形式82. Features of Professional English2. Features of Professional English(特点特点)u2.1 Grammar Features 2.1 Grammar Features (语法特点语法特点)u2.2 Rhetoric Features 2.2 Rhetoric Features (修辞特点修辞特点)u2.3 Vocabul
10、ary Features2.3 Vocabulary Features(词汇特点词汇特点)u2.4 Symbol and Formula2.4 Symbol and Formula(符号与公式符号与公式)9客观性(客观性(ObjectivityObjectivity)、准确性()、准确性(AccuracyAccuracy)和和精练性(精练性(ConcisenessConciseness)。1. 1. 广泛使用被动语态广泛使用被动语态2. 2. 广泛使用非谓语形式广泛使用非谓语形式 3. 3. 省略句使用频繁省略句使用频繁 4. It4. It句型和祈使句使用频繁句型和祈使句使用频繁5. 5.
11、复杂长句使用频繁复杂长句使用频繁6. 6. 后置形容词短语作定语多后置形容词短语作定语多 2.1 Grammar Features 2.1 Grammar Features (语法特点语法特点)101. 1. 广泛使用被动语态广泛使用被动语态 (ObjectivityObjectivity)p 主体主体多为客观的事物、现象和过程,在叙述推理过程中切忌加进作者多为客观的事物、现象和过程,在叙述推理过程中切忌加进作者个人的主观臆断;个人的主观臆断; p 中心中心是客观现象及事物本身,而非动作的发出者,把论证说明的对是客观现象及事物本身,而非动作的发出者,把论证说明的对象置于句子主语的位置,既能突出
12、中心,又能吸引读者的注意。象置于句子主语的位置,既能突出中心,又能吸引读者的注意。 1)1) Surface grinding machines Surface grinding machines are designedare designed primarily for primarily for grinding flat surfaces. grinding flat surfaces. 表面磨床最初是设计用来磨削平面的。表面磨床最初是设计用来磨削平面的。 2) Instrument transformers2) Instrument transformers are installe
13、dare installed on the high-voltage on the high-voltage equipment.equipment.互感器安装在高压设备上。互感器安装在高压设备上。2.1 Grammar Features 2.1 Grammar Features (语法特点语法特点)113) Electric power 3) Electric power is generatedis generated in power generating stations or plants. in power generating stations or plants. 电是在发电站
14、或发电厂产生的电是在发电站或发电厂产生的 。 4) The meters 4) The meters are calibratedare calibrated and the scale and the scale is designedis designed to read the to read the value of the desired unit.value of the desired unit.仪表要被校准并设计相应的刻度仪表要被校准并设计相应的刻度 ,以便读出所需单位的数值。,以便读出所需单位的数值。 5) Electrical energy can 5) Electrica
15、l energy can be storedbe stored in two metal plates separated by in two metal plates separated by an insulation medium. Such a device an insulation medium. Such a device is calledis called a capacitor, and a capacitor, and its ability to store electrical energy its ability to store electrical energy
16、 is termedis termed capacitance. It capacitance. It is is measuredmeasured in Farads. in Farads.电能可以储存在由绝缘介质隔开的两块金属板中,这样的装置被称为电容电能可以储存在由绝缘介质隔开的两块金属板中,这样的装置被称为电容器,它储存电能的能力称为电容。电容的测量单位是法拉。器,它储存电能的能力称为电容。电容的测量单位是法拉。 2.1 Grammar Features 2.1 Grammar Features (语法特点语法特点)122. 2. 广泛使用非谓语形式广泛使用非谓语形式(Concisen
17、essConciseness) 非谓语动词(非谓语动词(动名词动名词、分词分词、动词不定式动词不定式)在句子中可以起到)在句子中可以起到名词、形容词或副词作用。名词、形容词或副词作用。 (1) (1) 动名词动名词 u 用动名词短语取代时间从句或简化时间从句用动名词短语取代时间从句或简化时间从句 1)1) The signal should be filtered The signal should be filtered before it is amplified.before it is amplified. The signal should be filtered before Th
18、e signal should be filtered before being amplifiedbeing amplified. . 放大信号前,应先对其进行滤波放大信号前,应先对其进行滤波2) We must do various experiments 2) We must do various experiments before a new electronic before a new electronic product is designedproduct is designed. . Before Before designingdesigning a new electr
19、onic product we must do various a new electronic product we must do various experiments.experiments.在设计一个新的电子产品之前,必须做各种实验在设计一个新的电子产品之前,必须做各种实验 2.1 Grammar Features 2.1 Grammar Features (语法特点语法特点)13u 用动名词短语做主语用动名词短语做主语3) 3) Changing resistanceChanging resistance is a method for controlling the is a m
20、ethod for controlling the flow of the current. flow of the current. 改变电阻是控制电流的一种方法改变电阻是控制电流的一种方法 4) 4) Conducting electricityConducting electricity means the flow of electrons means the flow of electrons through an object. through an object. 导电就是电子在物体内的流动导电就是电子在物体内的流动 2.1 Grammar Features 2.1 Gramma
21、r Features (语法特点语法特点)2. 2. 广泛使用非谓语形式广泛使用非谓语形式(ConcisenessConciseness) 14(2) (2) 分词分词 u 过去分词过去分词短语替代从句中的短语替代从句中的被动语态被动语态u 现在分词现在分词短语替代从句中的短语替代从句中的主动语态主动语态 1)1) The power supply, The power supply, which is shownwhich is shown in block-diagram in in block-diagram in Fig.1, is a single-phase switch-mode
22、 inverter.Fig.1, is a single-phase switch-mode inverter.The power supply The power supply shownshown in block-diagram in Fig.1 is a in block-diagram in Fig.1 is a single-phase switch-mode inverter.single-phase switch-mode inverter.图图1 1中框图表示电源是一个单相开关型逆变器。中框图表示电源是一个单相开关型逆变器。 2.1 Grammar Features 2.1
23、Grammar Features (语法特点语法特点)2. 2. 广泛使用非谓语形式广泛使用非谓语形式(ConcisenessConciseness) 152) A three-phase circuit, 2) A three-phase circuit, as it was pointed outas it was pointed out above, is merely above, is merely a combination of three single-phase circuits.a combination of three single-phase circuits.A t
24、hree-phase circuit, as A three-phase circuit, as pointed outpointed out above, is merely a above, is merely a combination of three single-phase circuits. combination of three single-phase circuits. 正如上面所指出的那样,三相电路只不过是三个单相电路的组合。正如上面所指出的那样,三相电路只不过是三个单相电路的组合。3) The transistor, 3) The transistor, which
25、is workingwhich is working with correct polarities, can with correct polarities, can work as an amplifier. work as an amplifier. The transistor The transistor working working with correct polarities can work as an with correct polarities can work as an amplifier. amplifier. 工作于正确极性下的晶体管,可作为放大器使用。工作于
26、正确极性下的晶体管,可作为放大器使用。2.1 Grammar Features 2.1 Grammar Features (语法特点语法特点)16用不定式短语来替代表示用不定式短语来替代表示目的目的和和功能功能的从句或语句。的从句或语句。 (1) The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger (1) The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger so so thatthat the increasing demand of electric power
27、 is satisfied. the increasing demand of electric power is satisfied. The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger to to satisfysatisfy the increasing demand of electric power. the increasing demand of electric power.单台发电机的容量越来越
28、大,目的是为了满足不断增长的用电需求。单台发电机的容量越来越大,目的是为了满足不断增长的用电需求。(2) What does a fuse do? It protects a circuit. (2) What does a fuse do? It protects a circuit. The function of a fuse is The function of a fuse is to protectto protect a circuit. a circuit. 保险丝的作用就是保护电路。保险丝的作用就是保护电路。2.1 Grammar Features 2.1 Grammar F
29、eatures (语法特点语法特点)(3) (3) 不定式不定式 2. 2. 广泛使用非谓语形式广泛使用非谓语形式(ConcisenessConciseness) 173. 3. 省略句使用频繁省略句使用频繁(ConcisenessConciseness)省略成分省略成分:状语从句中的主语、谓语(全部或部分);定语从句中的关系状语从句中的主语、谓语(全部或部分);定语从句中的关系代词(代词(whichwhich和和thatthat)、从句中的助词等;还常用介词短语替代从句。)、从句中的助词等;还常用介词短语替代从句。 1) If1) If it isit is possible, the op
30、en-loop control approach should be possible, the open-loop control approach should be used in this system. used in this system. If possibleIf possible, , the open-loop control approach should be used in the open-loop control approach should be used in this system. this system. 2) As 2) As isis illus
31、tratedillustrated in Fig.1, there is a feedback element in the in Fig.1, there is a feedback element in the closed-loop system. closed-loop system. As in Fig.1As in Fig.1, there is a feedback element in the closed-loop system., there is a feedback element in the closed-loop system.如图如图1 1所示,该闭环系统中有一
32、个反馈元件。所示,该闭环系统中有一个反馈元件。 可能的话,该系统应该使用开环控制法。可能的话,该系统应该使用开环控制法。 2.1 Grammar Features 2.1 Grammar Features (语法特点语法特点)183) The device includes an instrument transformer and a relay 3) The device includes an instrument transformer and a relay system system which haswhich has two circuits in it. two circui
33、ts in it. The device includes an instrument transformation and a relay The device includes an instrument transformation and a relay systemsystem withwith two circuits in it.two circuits in it.该装置包括一个互感器和一个有两个电路的继电器系统。该装置包括一个互感器和一个有两个电路的继电器系统。As already discussed As already discussed 前已讨论前已讨论As expla
34、ined before As explained before 前已解释前已解释As described above As described above 如上所示如上所示If possible (necessary)If possible (necessary)如果可能(必要)如果可能(必要)其它常用的省略形式:其它常用的省略形式:If so If so 倘若如此倘若如此As previously mentioned As previously mentioned 前已提到前已提到When needed (necessary, feasible)When needed (necessary,
35、 feasible)必要时必要时Where feasible Where feasible 在实际可行的场合在实际可行的场合Where possible Where possible 在可能的情况下在可能的情况下2.1 Grammar Features 2.1 Grammar Features (语法特点语法特点)19It It句型句型:it it 充当形式主语,避免句子充当形式主语,避免句子“头重脚轻头重脚轻”u It is very important (possible, necessary, natural, inevitable) to It is very important (p
36、ossible, necessary, natural, inevitable) to u It takes very much time learning It takes very much time learning u It is clear (possible, necessary, natural, inevitable) that It is clear (possible, necessary, natural, inevitable) that u It happened that It happened that u It must be admitted that It
37、must be admitted that祈使句祈使句: : 无主语,精炼。无主语,精炼。u Let A be equal to B. Let A be equal to B. 设设A A等于等于B B。 u Consider a high-pressure chamber. Consider a high-pressure chamber. 假设有一个高气压气候室。假设有一个高气压气候室。 2.1 Grammar Features 2.1 Grammar Features (语法特点语法特点)4. It4. It句型和祈使句使用频繁句型和祈使句使用频繁(Accuracy and Concis
38、enessAccuracy and Conciseness) 201) It has been mentioned above 1) It has been mentioned above that that the electrons in a metal the electrons in a metal are able to move freely through the metal, are able to move freely through the metal, that that their motion their motion constitutes an electric
39、 current in the metal and constitutes an electric current in the metal and thatthat they they play an important part in conduction of heat. play an important part in conduction of heat. 前面已经提到:金属中的电子能够自由移动,电子的移动形成了电流,前面已经提到:金属中的电子能够自由移动,电子的移动形成了电流,电子在热传导中起着重要的作用。电子在热传导中起着重要的作用。为了完整、准确地表达事物内在联系,使用大量从
40、句。为了完整、准确地表达事物内在联系,使用大量从句。2.1 Grammar Features 2.1 Grammar Features (语法特点语法特点)5. 5. 复杂长句使用频繁复杂长句使用频繁(Accuracy Accuracy ) 212) The reluctance motor operates synchronously at a speed2) The reluctance motor operates synchronously at a speed whichwhich is determined by the supply frequency and the numbe
41、r of is determined by the supply frequency and the number of poles forpoles for which which the stator is wound. the stator is wound. 磁阻电动机以某一速率同步运转,该速率是由电源频率和定子绕制的级磁阻电动机以某一速率同步运转,该速率是由电源频率和定子绕制的级数决定的。数决定的。 3) The tests of a cross-field generator will be described in this 3) The tests of a cross-fie
42、ld generator will be described in this section with chief reference to the tests section with chief reference to the tests thatthat are normally taken are normally taken on every machineon every machine beforebefore it leaves the makers works. it leaves the makers works. 交磁发电机的试验将在本节中叙述,主要参考每台电机在出厂前
43、应进行交磁发电机的试验将在本节中叙述,主要参考每台电机在出厂前应进行的试验。的试验。2.1 Grammar Features 2.1 Grammar Features (语法特点语法特点)22代替定语从句作后置定语代替定语从句作后置定语,使句子简洁、紧凑,不至于累赘。,使句子简洁、紧凑,不至于累赘。 1) All radiant energies have wavelike characteristics, 1) All radiant energies have wavelike characteristics, which are which are analogous toanalogo
44、us to those of waves moving through water. those of waves moving through water. All radiant energies have wavelike characteristics All radiant energies have wavelike characteristics analogous toanalogous to those of waves moving through water. those of waves moving through water. 2) The instruments
45、present include some digital ones 2) The instruments present include some digital ones which which are relative toare relative to DSPs DSPs The instruments present include some digital ones The instruments present include some digital ones relative torelative to DSPsDSPs 所有的辐射能都具有波的特性,与水中传播的波的特征相似。所
46、有的辐射能都具有波的特性,与水中传播的波的特征相似。 现有仪器包括一些与现有仪器包括一些与DSPDSP有关的数字仪器有关的数字仪器 。2.1 Grammar Features 2.1 Grammar Features (语法特点语法特点)6. 6. 后置形容词短语作定语多后置形容词短语作定语多( Conciseness Conciseness ) 23u 注重科学技术方面的观察、试验和客观规律、事物特征。注重科学技术方面的观察、试验和客观规律、事物特征。 u 涉及的内容(如概念、原理、定理或定律、规则、方法等)大多没涉及的内容(如概念、原理、定理或定律、规则、方法等)大多没有特定的时间关系和时
47、效性。有特定的时间关系和时效性。1. 1. 广泛使用一般现在时广泛使用一般现在时2. 2. 较多地使用图、表和公式较多地使用图、表和公式 常使用数据、图、表和公式等非语言因素来表明科技概念、原理、常使用数据、图、表和公式等非语言因素来表明科技概念、原理、定理或定律、规则、方法等。定理或定律、规则、方法等。 3. 3. 逻辑语法使用多逻辑语法使用多进行条件论述、理论分析和公式推导时,多使用逻辑语法,即表进行条件论述、理论分析和公式推导时,多使用逻辑语法,即表示条件、原因、语气转折、限制、假设和逻辑顺序等词汇示条件、原因、语气转折、限制、假设和逻辑顺序等词汇 although, because,
48、but, if, once, only, suppose, as a result, although, because, but, if, once, only, suppose, as a result, because of, due to, so, therefore, thus, withoutbecause of, due to, so, therefore, thus, without等。等。2.2 Rhetoric Features 2.2 Rhetoric Features (修辞特点修辞特点)241. 1. 词汇分类词汇分类:专业或技术词汇、次(半)技术词汇、非技术词汇专业
49、或技术词汇、次(半)技术词汇、非技术词汇u (1 1)专业或技术词汇:)专业或技术词汇:某个专业所特有的词汇,其专业性强,词义狭窄和单一。某个专业所特有的词汇,其专业性强,词义狭窄和单一。 u (2 2)次技术词汇:)次技术词汇:很多专业学科所共有的词汇,不同专业学科往往具有不同词义。很多专业学科所共有的词汇,不同专业学科往往具有不同词义。 Diode, capacitor, substation, autotransformer, superconductivity.Diode, capacitor, substation, autotransformer, superconductivit
50、y.power :幂,乘方 动力,功率,效率 电源,电力,功率,电能 bus:公共汽车 母线,总线 Condenser:电容器,补偿机 冷凝器 power plant:发电厂 动力装置 2.3 Vocabulary Features 2.3 Vocabulary Features (词汇特点词汇特点)25u (3 3)非技术词汇)非技术词汇特用词特用词在普通英语或非专业英语中使用较少,但实际却属于非专业英语的词汇在普通英语或非专业英语中使用较少,但实际却属于非专业英语的词汇 take in - absorb, take in - absorb, look into - examine, loo
51、k into - examine, find out - discover find out - discover turn round - rotate turn round - rotate make good use of - utilize, make good use of - utilize, change - convert change - convert at once - immediately, at once - immediately, The circuit is then The circuit is then turned onturned on. . 然后接通
52、电路。然后接通电路。The circuit is then The circuit is then completedcompleted. . Used up - consume Used up - consume 2.3 Vocabulary Features 2.3 Vocabulary Features (词汇特点词汇特点)1. 1. 词汇分类词汇分类:专业或技术词汇、次(半)技术词汇、非技术词汇专业或技术词汇、次(半)技术词汇、非技术词汇26u (3 3)非技术词汇)非技术词汇功能词功能词 功能词包括:介词、连词、冠词及代词功能词包括:介词、连词、冠词及代词。 在句子中提供十分重要的在
53、句子中提供十分重要的结构信号,有助于专业内容的理解。结构信号,有助于专业内容的理解。the, of, in, and, to, is, that, for, are, be.the, of, in, and, to, is, that, for, are, be.It simply means that tool have softened to the point where It simply means that tool have softened to the point where the movement of the tool in relation to the work m
54、akes the the movement of the tool in relation to the work makes the tool too soft for efficient cutting. tool too soft for efficient cutting. 2.3 Vocabulary Features 2.3 Vocabulary Features (词汇特点词汇特点)1. 1. 词汇分类词汇分类:专业或技术词汇、次(半)技术词汇、非技术词汇专业或技术词汇、次(半)技术词汇、非技术词汇272. 2. 词汇构成:词汇构成:合成法、派生法、缩略法、混合法、字母外形法、人
55、名法合成法、派生法、缩略法、混合法、字母外形法、人名法u(1 1)合成法:)合成法:由相互独立的两个或更多的词合成得到新词。由相互独立的两个或更多的词合成得到新词。名词名词+ +名词(名词(n.+nn.+n. .)n. : n. : horsepower, bandwidth, radiophotographyhorsepower, bandwidth, radiophotography名词名词+ +形容词形容词(n+adj(n+adj.) adj.) adj.: ice-cold, airsickice-cold, airsick名词名词+ +副词副词(n+adv.)n(n+adv.)n.
56、.,adj.: adj.: feedbackfeedback形容词名词(形容词名词(adj+nadj+n)n.n.,adj.adj.: low-pass, high-speed, short-circuit, newtypelow-pass, high-speed, short-circuit, newtype形容词形容词+ +名词名词+ed (adj.+n.+ed)adj+ed (adj.+n.+ed)adj.: .: forward-directedforward-directed,small-sizedsmall-sized介词介词+ +名词名词(prep.+n.)adj(prep.+n
57、.)adj., n., n.: bypass, overhead, on-line, overvoltagebypass, overhead, on-line, overvoltage介词介词+ +动词动词(prep.+v.)adj(prep.+v.)adj., n., n.: input, outputinput, output多词复合名词:多词复合名词: industrial distribution equipmentindustrial distribution equipment2.3 Vocabulary Features 2.3 Vocabulary Features (词汇特点
58、词汇特点)28u(2 2)派生法:)派生法:通过对词根加上各种通过对词根加上各种前缀前缀或或后缀后缀来构成新词。来构成新词。专业英语词汇大部分都是用派生法构成的。专业英语词汇大部分都是用派生法构成的。semi-semi-构成的词有构成的词有280280个以上个以上: semiconductor: semiconductor,semimonthlysemimonthlythermo-thermo-130 130 个以上:个以上:thermo-chemicalthermo-chemical,thermo-electricalthermo-electricalmicro- micro- 300300
59、个以上个以上: microwave, micrometer, microcomputer: microwave, micrometer, microcomputerauto-auto- 260 260个以上个以上: automation, autoplotter: automation, autoplotter前缀(前缀(prefixprefix):词义变化,词类不变:词义变化,词类不变后缀(后缀(suffixsuffix):词义可能变化可能不变,词类一定会变:词义可能变化可能不变,词类一定会变常用的前缀和后缀却多达百个,可见派生法的构词能力是非常强的。常用的前缀和后缀却多达百个,可见派生法的
60、构词能力是非常强的。作为一个专业技术人员,至少应掌握作为一个专业技术人员,至少应掌握5050个常用前缀和后缀。个常用前缀和后缀。2.3 Vocabulary Features 2.3 Vocabulary Features (词汇特点词汇特点)2. 2. 词汇构成词汇构成29派生法派生法名词前缀名词前缀prefixprefix含义含义例词例词auto-auto-自动,自己,自身自动,自己,自身autocompensationautocompensation, automation automation , autoexcitationautoexcitation counter-counter
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