1、物流英语物流英语王贵斌王贵斌2011-04-24物流常用英语词汇物流常用英语词汇 基本概念基本概念 术语术语1.1.物品物品articlearticle2.2.物流物流logisticslogistics3.3.物流活动物流活动logistics activitylogistics activity4.4.物流作业物流作业logistics operationlogistics operation5.5.物流模数物流模数logistics moduluslogistics modulus6.6.物流技术物流技术logistics technologylogistics technology7.
2、7.物流成本物流成本logistics costlogistics cost8.8.物流管理物流管理logistics managementlogistics management9.9.物流中心物流中心logistics centerlogistics center10.10.物流网络物流网络logistics networklogistics network11.11.物流信息物流信息logistics informationlogistics information12.12.物流企业物流企业logistics enterpriselogistics enterprise13.13.物流
3、单证物流单证logistics documentslogistics documents14.14.物流联盟物流联盟logistics alliancelogistics alliance15.15.供应物流供应物流supply logisticssupply logistics16.16.生产物流生产物流production logisticsproduction logistics17.17.销售物流销售物流distribution logisticsdistribution logistics18.18.回收物流回收物流returned logisticsreturned logisti
4、cs19.19.废弃物物流废弃物物流waste material logisticswaste material logistics20.20.绿色物流绿色物流environmental logisticsenvironmental logistics21.21.企业物流企业物流internal logisticsinternal logistics22.22.社会物流社会物流external logisticsexternal logistics23.23.军事物流军事物流military logisticsmilitary logistics24.24.国际物流国际物流internatio
5、nal logisticsinternational logistics25.25.第三方物流第三方物流third-part logistics (TPL)third-part logistics (TPL)26.26.定制物流定制物流customized logisticscustomized logistics27.27.虚拟物流虚拟物流virtual logisticsvirtual logistics28.28.增值物流服务增值物流服务value-added logistics servicevalue-added logistics service29.29.供应链供应链supply
6、 chainsupply chain30.30.条码条码bar codebar code31.31.电子数据交换电子数据交换electronic data interchangeelectronic data interchange (EDI)(EDI)32.32.有形消耗有形消耗tangible losstangible loss33.33.无形消耗无形消耗intangible lossintangible loss物流作业物流作业 术语术语1.1.运输运输transportationtransportation2.2.联合运输联合运输combined transportcombined t
7、ransport3.3.直达运输直达运输through transportthrough transport4.4.中转运输中转运输transfer transporttransfer transport5.5.甩挂运输甩挂运输drop and pull transportdrop and pull transport6.6.集装运输集装运输containerized transportcontainerized transport7.7.集装箱运输集装箱运输container transportcontainer transport8.8.门到门门到门door-to-doordoor-to-
8、door9.9.整箱货整箱货full container load (FCL)full container load (FCL)10.10.拼箱货拼箱货less than container load (LCL)less than container load (LCL)11.11.储存储存storingstoring12.12.保管保管storagestorage13.13.物品储存物品储存article reservesarticle reserves14.14.库存库存inventoryinventory15.15.经常库存经常库存cycle stockcycle stock16.16.
9、安全库存安全库存safety sticksafety stick17.17.库存周期库存周期inventory cycle timeinventory cycle time18.18.前置期前置期( (或提前期或提前期) )lead timelead time19.19.订货处理周期订货处理周期order cycle timeorder cycle time20.20.货垛货垛goods stackgoods stack21.21.堆码堆码stackingstacking22.22.搬运搬运handing/carryinghanding/carrying23.23.装卸装卸loading an
10、d unloadingloading and unloading24.24.单元装卸单元装卸unit loading and unloadingunit loading and unloading25.25.包装包装package/packagingpackage/packaging26.26.销售包装销售包装sales packagesales package27.27.定牌包装定牌包装packing of nominated brandpacking of nominated brand28.28.中性包装中性包装neutral packingneutral packing29.29.运输
11、包装运输包装transport packagetransport package30.30.托盘包装托盘包装palletizingpalletizing31.31.集装化集装化containerizationcontainerization32.32.散装化散装化containerizationcontainerization33.33.直接换装直接换装cross dockingcross docking34.34.配送配送distributiondistribution35.35.共同配送共同配送joint distributionjoint distribution36.36.配送中心配送
12、中心distribution centerdistribution center37.37.分拣分拣sortingsorting38.38.拣选拣选order pickingorder picking39.39.集货集货goods collectiongoods collection40.40.组配组配assemblyassembly41.41.流通加工流通加工distribution processingdistribution processing42.42.冷链冷链cold chaincold chain43.43.检验检验inspectioninspection物流技术装备及设施物流技
13、术装备及设施 术语术语1.1.仓库仓库warehousewarehouse2.2.库房库房storehousestorehouse3.3.自动化仓库自动化仓库automatic warehouseautomatic warehouse4.4.立体仓库立体仓库stereoscopic warehousestereoscopic warehouse5.5.虚拟仓库虚拟仓库virtual warehousevirtual warehouse6.6.保税仓库保税仓库boned warehouseboned warehouse7.7.出口监管仓库出口监管仓库export supervised wareh
14、ouseexport supervised warehouse8. 8. 海关监管货物海关监管货物cargo under customerscargo under customers supervisionsupervision9.9.冷藏区冷藏区chill spacechill space10.10.冷冻区冷冻区freeze spacefreeze space11.11.控湿储存区控湿储存区humidity controlled spacehumidity controlled space12.12.温度可控区温度可控区temperature controlled spacetemperat
15、ure controlled space13.13.收货区收货区receiving spacereceiving space14.14.发货区发货区shipping spaceshipping space15.15.料棚料棚goods shedgoods shed16.16.货场货场goods yardgoods yard17.17.货架货架goods shelfgoods shelf18.18.托盘托盘palletpallet19.19.叉车叉车fork lift truckfork lift truck20.20.输送机输送机conveyorconveyor21.21.自动导引车自动导引车
16、automatic guided vehicle (AGV)automatic guided vehicle (AGV)22.22.箱式车箱式车box carbox car23.23.集装箱集装箱containercontainer24.24.换算箱换算箱twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU)twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU)25.25.特种货物集装箱特种货物集装箱specific cargo containerspecific cargo container26.26.全集装箱船全集装箱船full container shipful
17、l container ship27.27.铁路集装箱场铁路集装箱场railway container yardrailway container yard28.28.公路集装箱中转站公路集装箱中转站inland container depotinland container depot29.29.集装箱货运站集装箱货运站container freight station (CFS)container freight station (CFS)30.30.集装箱码头集装箱码头container terminalcontainer terminal31.31.国际铁路联运国际铁路联运intern
18、ational through railway transportinternational through railway transport32.32.国际多式联运国际多式联运international multimodal transportinternational multimodal transport33.33.大陆桥运输大陆桥运输land bridge transportland bridge transport34.34.班轮运输班轮运输liner transportliner transport35.35.租船运输租船运输shipping by charteringship
19、ping by chartering36.36.船务代理船务代理shipping agencyshipping agency37.37.国际货运代理国际货运代理international freight forwarding agentinternational freight forwarding agent38.38.理货理货tallytally39.39.国际货物运输保险国际货物运输保险international transportation cargo insuranceinternational transportation cargo insurance40.40.报关报关cust
20、oms declarationcustoms declaration41.41.报关行报关行customs brokercustoms broker42.42.进出口商品检验进出口商品检验commodity inspectioncommodity inspection物流管理术语物流管理术语 1.1.物流战略物流战略logistics strategylogistics strategy2.2.物流战略管理物流战略管理logistics strategy managementlogistics strategy management3.3.仓库管理仓库管理warehouse managemen
21、twarehouse management4.4.仓库布局仓库布局warehouse layoutwarehouse layout5.5.库存控制库存控制inventory controlinventory control6.6.经济订货批量经济订货批量economic order quantity (EOQ)economic order quantity (EOQ)7.7.定量订货方式定量订货方式fixed-quantity system (FQS)fixed-quantity system (FQS)8.8.定期订货方式定期订货方式fixed-interval system (FIS)fi
22、xed-interval system (FIS)9.ABC9.ABC分类管理分类管理ABC classificationABC classification 10.10.电子订货系统电子订货系统Electronic order system (EOS)Electronic order system (EOS)11.11.准时制准时制just in time (JIT)just in time (JIT)12.12.准时制物流准时制物流just-in-time logisticsjust-in-time logistics13.13.零库存技术零库存技术zero-inventory logis
23、ticszero-inventory logistics14.14.物流成本管理物流成本管理logistics cost controllogistics cost control15.15.物料需要计划物料需要计划material requirements planning (MRP)material requirements planning (MRP)16.16.制造资源计划制造资源计划manufacturing resource planning (MRP II)manufacturing resource planning (MRP II)17.17.配送需要计划配送需要计划dist
24、ribution requirements planning (DRP)distribution requirements planning (DRP)18.18.配送资源计划配送资源计划distribution resource planning (DRP II)distribution resource planning (DRP II)19.19.物流资源计划物流资源计划logistics resource planning (LRP)logistics resource planning (LRP)20.20.企业资源计划企业资源计划enterprise resource planni
25、ng (ERP)enterprise resource planning (ERP)21.21.供应链管理供应链管理supply chain management (SCM)supply chain management (SCM) 22.22.快速反映快速反映Quick response (QR)Quick response (QR)23.23.有效客户反映有效客户反映efficient customer response(ECRefficient customer response(ECR) )24.24.连续库存补充计划连续库存补充计划continuous replenishment p
26、rogram (CRP)continuous replenishment program (CRP)25.25.计算机付诸订货系统计算机付诸订货系统computer assisted ordering computer assisted ordering 26.26.供应商管理库存供应商管理库存vendor managed inventory (VMI)vendor managed inventory (VMI)27.27.业务外包业务外包outsourcingoutsourcing 物流英语练习题物流英语练习题1. Logistics is referred to the( ) flow,
27、but not including the flow of the people . A. article B. merchants C. material D. things nA2. ( ) is different from manufacture processing. A. Logistics B. Distribution processing C. Packaging D. WarehousingnB3. “ Twenty-Eighty” analysis method is the same as ( ). A. ABC management B. ABC class mana
28、gement C. ABC classification D. Managing priority goodsnC4. ( ) is used to load bulk cargo. A. Bulk container B. Container C. Standard D. TEU nA5. The percentage of the sales for a firm in a specific market is ( ). A. share B. market share C. market position D. market statusnB6.( ) is for transporta
29、tion of powder materials, oil and gas. A. Tank Container B. Tank ships C. Pipeline D. Oil reserve undergroundnA7. Recycle logistics is the same meaning as ( ). A. waste material logistics B. by-products logistics C. environmental logistics D. returned logisticsnD8.( ) is the place where goods is sto
30、red and ready to be delivered. A. Warehouse B. Yard C. Storehouse D. Dispatch areanD9.Only one wholesaler or retailer to sell a certain goods in a specific area is ( ). A. sole seller B. single seller C. exclusive distribution D. monopolynC10. ( ) has three parts: warehouse , high story shelf and st
31、acker . A. Multi-story warehouse B. Automatic Multi-story warehouse C. stereo-style warehouse D. stereoscopic warehousenD11.( ) is the business about counting and inspecting goods in logistics. A. Goods agent B. Transportation broker C. Logistics agency D. TallynD12. Shipper and ( ) are the two side
32、 of shipping contract . A. port B. carrierC. shipping company D. AgencynB13. ( ) sails in the fixed line between fixed ports and noticingthe sailing date in advance. A. Charter Party B. Liner C. ship D. TrainnB14. Seaway Bill is ( ). A. Non-negotiable B. negotiableC. standard D. SpecialnA15. ( ) can
33、 be used in land bridge transport. A. International Railway Bill B. Cress-Continent BillC. Cross-Continent Bill D. Cross states BillnA16. ( ) is called combined transport. A. Multi-way transport B. Two-way transportC. Three-way transport D. Multimodal transportnD17. ( ) is still a carrier. A. Multim
34、odal transport operator B. Cargo agencyC. Shipper D. Transportation facilitynA18. The general meaning of logistics knowledge, material, picture,data and document is called ( ). A. soft ware B. data bank C. information D. logistics informationnD19. When the non-qualified goods are returned or repaire
35、d from buyer to seller, we call it ( ). A. returned logistics B. back logisticsC. replace goods D. exchange goodsnA20. ( ) is specialized logistics beyond supplier and customers. A. Third Part Logistics B. Returned logisticsC. Distribution logistics D. Sales logisticsnA21. The logistics mode designe
36、d for specific customer is ( ). A. special logistics B. expert logisticsC. one by one logistics D. customized logisticsnD22.( ) represents the information of the goods with 13 digits. A. Merchants System B. LabelC. Mark D. Bar codenD23.( ) means carrier picks up the goods from the shippers warehouse
37、 and deliver it to consignees warehouse. A. Distribution B. Door-to-doorC. Transport D. Sending goodsnB24.( ) is the mode which can be loaded goods of more than one shippersand consignees. A. Less-Than Container load B. combined containerC. Bulk container D. Non Package goods containernA25. The aver
38、age time when the goods is moved in and out of warehouse is ( ). A. inventory timeB. inventory cycle time C. stock time D. warehouse timenB26. ( ) is the operation moving the goods horizontally in the same place. A. Removing B. TakingC. Handling or carryingD. TransferringnC27. ( ) is the operation m
39、oving the goods vertically by manpower or equipmentin the same place. A. Lift up and down B. Carry up and downC. Load and unload D. loading and unloadingnD28.( ) is package to load goods in a pallet and bind to form a handling unit. A. Palletizing B. Wooden plateC. Pallet and fork D. carriage unitnA
40、29.( ) can speed up the logistics activity, such as handling, loading and unloading, storing and transport. A. Packaging B. ContainerC. Containerization D. Combined transportnC30.( ) is a place to collect goods for transportation. A. Yard B. WarehouseC. Public Storage D. Shipping spacenD31.( ) can b
41、e used for carrying goods to pointed place without rail automatically. A. Automatic belt B. Automatic conveyorC. Automatic guided vehicle (AGV) D. RobotnC32.( ) can move the solid goods continually. A. Belt B. Belt equipmentC. Conveyor D. PipelinenC33.( ) is a company representing the customers to d
42、eclare and store the goods. A. Customs broker B. Customs agencyC. International trade agent D. AgentnA34.( ) is the time between acceptance of the order and delivery of the goods. A. Delivery cycle B. Delivery periodC. Delivery days D. Delivery hoursnA35.( ) doesnt contain the cost of freight or dis
43、tribution. A. Production cost B. Factory priceC. Manufacture priceD. Average price of productionnB36. The transport team formed by several vessels or trucks is ( ). A. shipping companyB. cargo organizationC. carriersD. FleetnD37. The station to transfer goods from one carrier to another is ( ). A. s
44、top B. cargo areaC. cargo change place D. GatewaynD38. ( ) directs the mobile equipments, like trucks, ships and aircrafts by satellite.A. Computer and cable system B. Geographic Information SystemC. Global Positioning SystemD. Global forecasting and supply system nC39. The percentage of the product
45、 sales in a specific market is ( ). A. market shareB. ration of sellingC. ratio of the marketD. ratio of profit in the marketnA40. When the inventory is reduced to a specific point, the purchasing starts,this is ( ). A. fixed quantity systemB. fixed interval systemC. order point systemD. economic order quantitynC41. Most large companies locate in ( ) of the city
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