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1、.8A Unit1 Have you ever seen such a Spring Festival couplets 春联?这幅春联中上下联各有9个英文单词,4个词组,你发现了吗,他们有什么特别的地方,你能找到吗?批注:这一课时主要讲解的是课文中的相关句型和语法构造,可以先让学生去发现一下这幅对联中出现的形容词以及复习,以及出现的比较级的形式。按中国春联的格式竖排。门右侧的上联是“Eat Well, Sleep Well ,Have Fun Day by Day意思是“吃得不错、睡得不错、天天都开心,门左侧的下联是“Study Hard, Work Hard, Make Money Mor

2、e and More意思是“努力学习、努力工作、钱越挣越多。门上方的横批那么是去年由中国网民创造的新英文单词“Gelivable意思是“给力。门中间还贴着一张菱形的大红纸,上面印着金色大字“LUCK意思是“好运。 一、词汇Words1. honest adj.老实的,正直的【反义词】:dishonest批注:honest是元音音素开头的单词,所以要提醒学生注意前面加冠词的时候要用“an,例如“an honest boy。2.secret n. 机密 adj.机密的【经典例句】 We keep no secrets from you.我们对你不保守任何机密。【考点聚焦】 secret指机密的事物

3、,而secrecy那么更多地是指保密的性质、状态和才能。如:let out a secret 泄露机密;a secret talk 机密谈话There need be no secrecy.无需保密。I can rely on his secrecy.我相信他不会泄露机密。批注:让学生记住keep a secret for sb.=keep secrets for sb.;还可以给学生拓展一下“秘书:secretary。3.advice n.建议;忠告【巧记提示】 advicen.建议advisev.建议 【经典例句】 You should take the doctors advice.你应

4、该承受医生的建议。【考点聚焦】 1advice是不可数名词,其动词形式是advise。2含有advice的短语有:give advice to sb.给某人提建议;give sb.advice给某人提建议;take ones advice承受建议;ask for advice征求建议。3同义词:suggestion4advice和suggestion均可表示“建议,请注意二者用法的不同:advice是不可数名词,没有复数形式。表示“一条建议,要用a piece of advice;suggestion是可数名词。【活学活用】 5.请将下面的句子翻译成英文1老师经常给我提建议。 2你最好承受我的

5、建议。 答案:1The teacher often gives me advice. 2 Youd better take my advice.批注:一定要提醒学生注意“advice是不可数名词,“一条建议用“a piece of advice来表示,“两条建议就是“two pieces of advice。4.bore , bored 和boring1 bore 作及物动词,意思是“使厌倦“使枯燥。如: That lesson bored the students.那堂课使学生厌倦。 His fathers words bored him to death. 他父亲的话使他烦的要死。(1)

6、bored 作形容词,意思是“感到厌倦,主语通常是人。如: Xiao ming feels bored at home. 小明在家觉得无聊。 Do you feel bored when you are alone ? 当你单独一人时,你觉得无聊吗?(2) boring 作形容词,指人或事物性质,意为“令人厌烦的。如:I think playing computer games is boring. 我认为玩电脑游戏很无聊。The meeting is boring. 那个会议令人厌烦。批注:重点比较“bored和boring的用法,同时复习之前学过的“ed和“ing结尾的形容词的区别,通过详

7、细的例子帮助学生记忆。5. cheerfulcheerful 作为形容词,意为“兴高采烈的,快乐,令人愉快的。There is a cheerful look on his face.他脸上露出快乐的表情。【相关链接】(1) cheer 用作名词时,意为“欢呼,喝彩常用复数;鼓舞,慰藉;用作动词时意为“鼓励;快乐起来;欢呼,喝彩。 We received them with cheers. 我们用欢呼声欢送他们。(2) cheer up 为动词和副词组成的词组,接代词作宾语放在cheer和up之间,接名词做宾语可放在cheer和up之间,也可放在up之后。 He cheered up at t

8、he news. = The news cheered him up. 他因听到这消息而快乐起来。3cheerful 是 cheer 的形容词形式。cheerful 同义词为 happy, glad, pleasant; 反义词为 sad, unhappy, depressed; 副词形式为 cheerfully。cheerful 是构词法中的派生词。类似的还有:careful,useful,wonderful,helpful,hopeful,beautiful等。【例题】(1) That old teacher smiled when he saw the _ children. A. an

9、gry B. cheerful C. naughty D. handsome解析 此题考察形容词的用法。句意:当那位老老师看到这些快乐的孩子时,他笑了。本句上文的语境提到“That old teacher smiled,故与其相应的下文中的形容词应为cheerful。A项意为“生气的;C项意为“淘气的;D项意为“英俊的。 答案 B 2 Lets sing a song to_ the girl up. She looks sad. A. look B.bring C.get D.cheer 解析 从此题后文的语境知此题句意为“我们唱支歌让这个女孩快乐起来吧。她看起来很伤心。故此题中应使用短语c

10、heer up。look up意为“抬头看,在字典、参考书中查找;bring up意为“进步,养大成人;get up意为“起床。答案 D批注:可以帮组学生总结一些以“ful最为词缀的形容词。除此以外,可以拓展一些cheer的用法。还有哪些单词包含有如下词缀呢?后缀-ful 表示: “.的” 前缀:dis- 表示:“不”,表否定含义 Harry来啦!好玩的词缀!批注:词缀记忆法 1. ful,动词变形容词的后缀,“不变词义,变词性,例子:cheer-cheerful; care-careful;use-useful。2. dis-,可加在形容词、名词、动词前面,“不变词性,变词义,构成否认含义,

11、例子:agree-disagree,like-dislike,honest-dishonest。让学生自己回忆一下学过的含有这些词缀的词汇。练习 一、词汇运用1.May friend often share his_欢乐with me2. I dont think he is an _老实的boy.3. This is a_机密between us.4. Do you talk to your friend when you have_问题?5. Simon is reading an advertisement in Teen, agers_杂志二、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. You sh

12、ouldnt make your dog_ eat all day. You had better walk it after supper.2. Rose with her classmates_ plan the coming seven-day holiday at the moment.3. The boy is very clever. He is willing _ answer all the questions in class.4. My cousin saw a cat_ lie under the table just now.5. Do you think pickin

13、g apples _ be very interesting?6. She kept _ knock on the door, but nobody answered.7. My brother will go to study in America, My aunt _ care for him there.8. -What _ make Betty your best friend?-She helped me a lot when I was in trouble when we were at primary school.9. If you promise to keep the s

14、ecret, I _ tell you about it.10. My father put on his hat and_ go out.Keys: 1.joy/ happiness 2. honest 3. secret 4. problems 5. magazine 脑筋急转弯1. What has three hands but only one face? 2. What letter is a kind of drink? 3. What starts with T, ends with T, and can be full of T? 二、重要短语Important phrase

15、s1. knock over sth.撞翻某物【经典例句】 The clumsy waiter knocked over my cup of coffee.笨手笨脚的效劳员撞翻了我手中的咖啡。我的记忆卡要记住以knock为中心的一些短语:knock into 撞上 knock at/on 敲打,敲击knock out 击倒,撞晕knock off 停工,休息【活学活用】 用上面所提到的词组的正确形式填空1Someone is the door.2He seemed to be all thumbs today for he has three vases.3The boxer was at t

16、he third round.4Its after five,lets .5The woman a man when she went home on a rainy night.答案:1knocking at2knocked over3knocked out4knock off5knocked into批注:让学生记住与“knock相关的几个短语的意思和用法区别。2. agree with sb.同意某人【经典例句】 Do you agree with me about the need for more schools?关于多建一些学校一事,你同意我的意见吗?【考点聚焦】 固定搭配:agr

17、ee like cats and dogs 水火不相容像狗和猫一样无法和平共处agree like two peas in a pod 就像一个豆荚中的两颗豆粒关系融洽我的记忆卡要记住以agree为中心的一些词组:agree to sth. 同意某事sth.agree with sb.某物合适某人agree to do sth. 同意做某事agree on/upon sth.对某事获得一致意见【活学活用】 8.在以下句子的空格上填上适当的词1We agreed leave at once.2Are we all agreed the best course of action?3She agr

18、eed my idea.4Spicy food does not agree me.答案:1to2on3to/oupn4with批注:记住与agree相关的几个短语,这个短语是考试中的考察重点,可以让学生在笔记本中重点标注,下次课的上课之前抽查。3. in need短语,意思是“有需求的 “处于需求状态的。如:A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交才是真朋友。She is willing to help people in need.她乐于帮助需要帮助的人们。批注:1.帮助学生回忆need的用法。2.拓展“in need of和“in great ne

19、ed of的用法。4.Because 和 because of 连词because,后接从句,表原因;短语because of 也可表示“因为,它后接名词、名词短语或代词。如:I must go home now because it is too late.我如今必须回家了,因为太晚了。He didnt go to school because he was ill yesterday.He didnt go to school because of his illness.他昨天没有上学,因为他生病了。She has poor eyesight because of too much co

20、mputer work at night.她因为夜里做了大量的电脑工作,所以她的视力不好。批注:可以同义句转换的方式帮助学生记住Because 和 because of 的用法区别。5. help people solve problems帮人们解决问题 知识点一:help sb. to do sth.的用法 指点迷津 help sb. to do sth.的意思是“帮助某人做某事,其中的to通常可以省略 do指的是动词原形。 Can you help me clean the car? 你能帮我清扫汽车吗? 拓展 help sb. with sth.的意思是“在某方面帮助某人,相当于help

21、 sb. to do sth.,后面跟名词或代词。 Could you help me with my English? 你能帮我学英语吗? 你能帮我解一下这道数学题吗?两种 Can you help me_ _ _ _? Can you help me _ _ _ _? 知识点二:solve problems的用法 指点迷津 solve problems的意思是“解决问题,指解决客观存在或遇到的疑难问题,相当于work out the problem。 I cant solve this problem. 我解决不了这个难题。 谁能解决这个难题? Who can_ _ _?Keys:1sol

22、ve this Maths problem; with this Maths problem solve this problem 批注:1.掌握help的用法。2.掌握solve和answer的用法区别。练习一、单项填空 1. -What was_ most useful invention in the 20th century? -_ computer, I think! A. the; An B. a; A C. the; The D. /; The 2. My little brother is generous_ his friends. He would like them_ h

23、is toys. A. with; share B. to; to share C. for; to share D. at; share 3. When he walked_ my desk, he knocked my books_ the floor.A. passed; onto B. passed; off C. past; into D. past; onto 4. I cant decide_.A. which to choose B. to choose which C. how to choose D. to choose what 5. Linda is willing_

24、share things_ her friends.A. at; with B. to; with C. with; at D. with; to 6. _ you are tired and hungry after a days work. A. May be B. Must be C. Can be D. Maybe 7. My sister is kind _ her friends. She would like _ things with them. A. with; to share B. with; sharing C. to; to shareD. to; sharing 8

25、. -What _ honest boy! -Yes, and he is _ best student in our class, A. a; a B. the; a C. a; the D. an; the 9. Todays newspaper is so _ that I feel_. A. boring; boring B. boring; bored C. bored; boredD. bored; boring 10. Daniel is always ready _ others _ with their English. A. helping; for need B. to

26、help; in need C. to help; of need D. helping; on need 11. -Whats the _ of the building? -Its 236 metres_. A. high; high B. height; height C. high; height D. height; high 12. - _? -He is tall and strong. A. How does Simon like B. Why does Simon like C. What is Simon like D. How does Simon look like二、

27、单词拼写1_谎话will always hurt peoples feelings.2.I think all the taxi drivers have a good_感觉of direction.3. Is it_真实的that John is the boss of the company?4. John is_正直的,so we all want to be his good friends.5You can call me_在任何时候this week because I am free the whole week.6. The strange man_撞into a child

28、and drove away at once.7. The new T-shirt makes the poor boy much_整洁8.-Youre too young. You cant go there by_ .But Im too busy to go there with you two. -It doesnt matter. Well ask dad for help.9.-Julia sings so well. All the students like to listen to her sing. -Yeah, and I think she will be a famo

29、us _ some day.10. -Whats the highest building in Taiwan? -The 101 building. The_ of it is 508 meters.Keys: 二. 1. Lies 2. sense 3. true 4. honest 5. anytime 6. knocked 7. tidier 8. yourselves 9. singer 10. height 三、重要句型Important Sentences structures1.Maybe we can share it或许我们可以分享它。 may/maybe/may be的用

30、法: 1 may+动词原形 表示对如今情况的推测。 Your pen may be in your bag你的钢笔可能在你的书包里。 may+have+过去分词 表示对已发生的情况的推测。 He may have been to the library他可能已经去过图书馆了。 也可用might表示推测,只是可能性更小。 2 maybe adv大概,或许 Maybe you put it here 也许你把它放在这儿了。 3may be意为“可能是。 辨析:maybe与may be maybe是副词,位于句首作状语,意思是“或许,大概。 Maybe he is wrong, but Im not

31、 sure. 或许他错了,不过我没把握。 may be是“情态动词+be动词组成,用在句中作谓语,意思是“可能是。He may be wrong,but Im not sure他可能错了,不过我没把握。【例题】 1 Look! There comes a girl. It_Jane,but Im not sure A. may Bmaybe Cmay be Dmust be解析 此题考察情态动词的用法。从后文中的“but Im not sure可以看出,说话人对上文中的估计不是很肯定,因此在空格中不能填must be。而A项中的may后面应接动词原形;B项中maybe是副词,不能用作句子的谓语

32、,因此C为正确答案。may be是动词短语,在句中可以作谓语。 答案 C 2Nobody here can do this work well. we should ask somebody else. AMay BMay be CMaybe DCan解析 此题考察情态动词和副词的用法。A、D两项都是情态动词,其后应该跟动词原形,而情态动词在主语we的前面,故应构成疑问句形式,而本句并非疑问句形式;B项是动词短语,是谓语形式,应选C项maybe是副词短语,在句子中作状语。答案 C批注:主要是通过不同的例句帮助学生掌握may/maybe/may be的用法区别。2.Theres nothing

33、else in the fridge冰箱里什么也没有。nothing pron没有东西,没有事情I have nothing to do.=I don-t have anything to do.我没有事情可做。I have nothing important to tell you.我没有什么重要事情告诉你。词组 have nothing to do with 与无关一Has it got anything to do with your present research?那与你如今的研究有关系吗?-No. It has nothing to do with it at all.不,一点关系

34、都没有。拓展:something,anything,everything与nothing一样都属于不定代词,不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,如:Everything is ready万事俱备。形容词修饰不定代词时后置,如:nothing important没有什么重要的事情。 注意 do nothing but.句型,意为“除外什么也没干 I did nothing but sleep除睡觉外我什么都没干。假如谓语不是do,but后的动词要加to。He said nothing but to laugh他什么也没说只是笑。【例题】 1一W ould you like_? Yes, som

35、e cakes, please. A. something to eat B.eat something C. anything to eat D. eat anything解析 此题考察不定代词的用法。此题第一个句子是疑问形式,但是从语境看,本句表示的是肯定意思,因此在空格中应填something,而不是anything;而在不定代词之后作定语,表示将来意义时,应使用不定式,因此A为正确答案。答案A2根据汉语提示完成句子。我能喝些东西吗?Can I have_ _ _?解析 此题句子是疑问句形式,但是从句意看,这里表示肯定意义,故使用不定代词something;而表示将要发生的动作作定语时,

36、应使用不定式,因此空格中填something to drink。答案something to drink批注:让学生掌握形容词修饰不定代词的时候,放在不定代词之后,例如“nothing else,something important等,此外“something用于希望对方肯定答复的疑问句中的用法也要提醒学生注意。3. Can I have some more food too?我能再吃些东西吗?“表示数量意义的词+more十名词构造中,more表示“再,又的意思。 He wanted a few more books. 他想再要几本书。 1 more是much和many的比较级,意思是“更多

37、的。 She made more progress than the others她比其别人进步得快。 My brother picked more apples than I我哥哥比我摘的苹果多。 2 more还可以构成部分双音节和多音节形容词或副词的比较级。 The text is more difficult than that weve just learned. 测试比我们刚学的难得多。【例题】 11 want to have_ A. two more apples B.more two apples C. more apples two D.two apples more解析 句意

38、:我想再要两个苹果。形容词more可以表示“在原根底上所增加的的意思,more修饰名词,而它们的前面再使用数词时,数词应该放在more的前面,因此A为正确答案。答案 A2 This one is not good, but that one is _. Amore bad Beven worse C. still worst D. more badly解析 从句意看,此题表示比较的意思,且空格中应填形容词,而bad的比较级为worse,故。题选B项。答案 B批注:1.more的用法。2.some用语肯定句中的用法。3.拓展“some more food,基数词+more+名词复数=anothe

39、r +基数词+名词复数。练习一、翻译句子。3我想和他一样出色。4Simon比我更擅长英语。1梅从来不说别人的坏话。2我弟弟总是乐于在公交车上给人让座。5Ann不仅关心自己而且关心那些需要帮助的同学。keys:一. 1. I want to be as excellent as he is.2. Simon is much better at English than I am. 3. May never says a bad word about others. 4. My brother is willing to give his seats to people on the bus. 5

40、. Ann cares about not only herself but also the students in need.练习一、单项选择 1. Shanghai is bigger than_ in Jiangsu. A. any other city B. any city C. all the other cities D. other cities 2. Of the two coats, Id like to buy_ one to save money for a book. A. the cheaper B. the cheapest C. cheaper D. chea

41、pest 3. The computers made in China are much cheaper than_ made in America. A. those B. ones C. it D. that 4. -How many oranges would you like, Timmy? -_. A. More, better B. More, the better C. The more, better D. The more, the better 5. I picked_ apples than any other student in my class. A. many m

42、ore B. much more C. the most D. the more 6. If you want to be_, you have to eat_ food and take_ exercise. A. thinner; less; more B. thinner; little; more C. thinner; fewer; more D. thin; few; enough 7. We all know that Suzhou is one of _ in the world. A. the most beautiful cities B. the most beautif

43、ul city C. the more beautiful cities D. the more beautiful city 8. The weather in Nanjing is _ than that in Shanghai in summer. A. very hot B. much hotter C. much hot D. more hot 9. Lily is a good student. She works harder than _ students in her class. A. any other B. others C. the other D. other 10

44、. Would you please _ your shoes on the floor? A. not throw B. not to throw C. not throwing D. not threw二、阅读理解20%A Mr Smith is an old man. He is very kind, so many people like him. He likes travelling. But there is something wrong with his eyes, so he cant see clearly. One day he came to New York by

45、train. He went there to visit his best friend. After he got there in the evening, he found his friend wasnt at home. So he had to find a hotel to live in. The next day, his friend didnt come back. In the afternoon he went to buy two bottles of wine. When he came back to his room, he found a fly苍蝇on

46、the wall. But he thought it was a nail, so he put the bottles on it. Of course, it came down to the floor and they were broken. He had to buy another two bottles. The waiter in the hotel knew this, and then he put a nail into the wall. When he came back, he looked up at the wall and found the fly wa

47、s there again. So he walked carefully and hit hard. At once he cried loudly. 1. People like Mr Smith because_. A. he is very old B. he is very kind C. he has two bottles of wine D. he likes travelling 2. Mr Smith stayed _ when he came to New York. A. at his friends home B. at his parents home C. in

48、a restaurant D. in a hotel 3. What does nail mean in Chinese?A.锤子B.钉子C.衣架D.壁柜 4. In fact, the second time Mr Smith saw_ on the wall. A. a fly B. a nail C. a bottle of wineD. a picture 5. How many bottles of wine did Mr Smith buy? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.B We know a healthy body is very imp

49、ortant. But we dont know a healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind头脑. So if we want to have a sound mind, we must first have a sound body. This is very important. By keeping ourselves healthy and strong, we can feel vigorous有活力的in studying and working and live a happy life. To keep ourselves healthy, exercise is t


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