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1、十年高考真题分类汇编(2010-2019) 英语专题 17 夹叙夹议类完形填空(2010 .全国 n)A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerful tool.A letter can be enjoyed,read and 21 . It can set up a warm conversation between two people far apart(远离 的) ; it can keep a 22 with very little effort.I will give 23 . A few year

2、s ago my older brother and I were not getting 24 We had been close as 25 but had grown apart. Our meetings were not 26 ; our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels; and every effort to clear the air seemed to only 27 our misunderstanding. Then he 28 a small island in the Caribbean and w

3、e 29 touch .One day he wrote me a letter. He describeb his island and its people, told me what he was doing,said how he felt,and encouraged me to 30 . Rereading the letter, I was 31 by its humor( 幽默 )and clever expressions,These were all qualities for which I had 32 respected my order brother but 33

4、 he no longer had them.I had never known he could write so 34 .And with that one letter we became friends 35.It might never have occurred to 36 to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no 37 ,For him, writing was a necessity, It also turned out to be the best way for us to get back

5、 in touch.Because we live in an age of 38 communication( 通讯 ),people often 39 that they don t always have to phone or email. They have a 40. And that is to write.21. A.receivedB.rewrittenC.returnedD .reread22.A.recordB .promiseC.friendshipD .secret23.A.an exampleB.a lessonC.an experienceD.a talk24.A

6、. throughB .togetherC.alongD .away25.A.brothersB .childrenC.fellowsD .classmates26.A.normalB .necessaryC.pleasantD .possible27.A.deepenB .startC .expressD .settle28.A.touredB .stopped overC.reachedD.moved to29.A.lostB .kept inC .neededD .got in30.A.thinkB .writeC .enjoyD .read31.A.drivenB .beatenC .

7、surprisedD .honored32.A.neverB .seldomC .sometimesD.once33.A.realizedB .judgedC .thoughtD .expected34.A.wellB .oftenC .muchD .soon35.A.laterB .anyhowC .tooD .again36.A.usB .anyone elseC.someoneD .my brother37.A.mail servicesB.transportC.phonesD .relatives38.A.poorB .easyC .popularD .busy39A.believeB

8、.decideC .argueD . forget40.A.habitB .choiceC .methodD . plan【总体评析】最近几年来的完形填空试题材料选材上,都力图选取一篇有教育意义和现实实用价值的文章。受到更多先进快捷媒体比如internet 的冲击的现状,作者通过回顾和现状事实的对比描述,也表达了自己的担忧:未来书信何去何从?通常来讲, 这样的文量均会是一篇记叙文或者一个与生活有关的一些经历描述: 这篇文章就是亦属于与生活相关: 这是一篇教育性或倡导性文章:通过描述自己与哥哥的交往变化来倡导书信在交流中的重要性作者措述了一个有趣的事实:在相聚中,自己与哥哥相处不好, 忽视了它的

9、优点: 但是分开后 多亏了没有现代化的交通工具电话、email.所以只能写信.再次展现哥哥的品质,所以连作者本人都发 出感叹 :“Because we live in an age of easy communication(讯),people often forgetthat they don alwt ays have to phone or email. They have a choice . And that is to write. (因为 ” 我们生活在通讯工具便捷的时代, 人们难免会忘掉我们不必总得用电话或电子邮件联系, 我 们还有另一种选择,那就是写信。 )这样的记叙思路恰好

10、是全国卷高考英语命题的潜在思想,达到了教育性启迪性的目的。该试题的难度和前几年相比, 难度相当; 用词选项方面, 都间接考查了构词法: reread, deepem 等,类似于去年的acceptance,难度上略微有所增加。详细解析21. D解析:前文有 enjoy, read,不可能是 received 或 returned,只能是 重读“。Rewritten 表示 重 写22. C 表示保持两人的友谊23. A 根据后文举例说明,故用 give an example24. C get through 通过,完成; get together 聚会,聚焦; get along 相处; get

11、away 走开, 离开25. B Children 与后面的 grow apart 呼应26. C 根据后文的 our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels ,推理出 “不愉快 ” , 选择 pleasant27. A根据情感变化是加深误解",故选用deepen,该题主要考构词法28. D 搬家,迁居, move to some place29. A 失去联系 lose touch with sb.30. B 根据上下文,鼓励我写信 encourage me to write31. A. drive 驾驶;驱动;驱赶。

12、这里是为他的语言文字所驱使或驱动之意。32. D 忆往昔,曾几何时,这些品质恰是我尊重哥哥的原因。 Once 曾经33. C 但 “认为 ”他不再具备这些品质。 Thought 说明过去的想法34. A 强调写信的好35. D 我们再一次成为朋友。 Again “再一次,又”36. D 整句话是虚拟语气, “如果哥哥去的地方不是因为没有电话,他将不会给我写信”是哥哥的身上发生的事37. C 同 36 题38. B当代是通讯发达的年代,故选easy,表示便捷的意思。39. D 根据文章,人们忘掉了这一点(参考总体评析) 。此处提醒人们要记得并非必须用电 话、电子邮件才能交流40. B 另一种选择

13、 choice (2010 .重庆)Introduction to Letters to SamDear Reader,Please allow me to tell you something before you read this book. When my 36 , Sam, was born, my heart was filled with joy. I had been sitting in a wheelchair for 20 years before then, and I have been 37 ill many times. So I wondered if I wo

14、uld have the 38 to tell Sam what I had 39 .For years I have been hosting a program on the 40 and writing articles for a magazine.Being 41 to move freely, I have learned to sit still and keep my heart 42 , exchanging thoughts with thousands of listeners and 43 . So when Sam was born, I 44 to tell him

15、 about school and friendship, romance and work, love and everything else. That s how I started to write these45 . I hope that Sam would 46 them sooner or later.However, that expectation 47 when Sam showed signs of autism ( 自闭症 ) at the age of two. He had actually stopped talking before the discovery

16、 of the signs. He 48 to communicate with others, even the family members. That was 49 for me but didn stop me writing on. I realized that I had even 50 now to tell him. I wanted him to 51 what it means to be“ different ” from others, and learn how to fight against the misfortune he 52 as I myself, h

17、is ll grandfather, did. I just 53 if I could write all that I wanted to say in the rest of my life.Now, 54 the book has been published, I have been given the chance. Every chapter inthe book is a letter to Sam: some about my life, and all about what it means to be a 55 .D aniel Gottlieb36. A. son B.

18、 nephew C. brother D. grandson37. A. seriously B. mentally C. slightly D. quietly38. A. ability B. time C. courage D. responsibility39. A.writtenB.sufferedC. observed D.lost40. A.radioB.televisionC. stage D. bed41. A.readyB.unable C.anxious D. eager42. A.warmB.broken C.closed D. open43. A. hosts B.

19、visitors C. readers D. reporters44. A. began B. stopped C. forgot D. decided45. A.lettersB.emails C. books D. diaries46. A.findB.read C. collect D. keep47. A. developed B. disappearedC. changed D. arrived48. A.triedB.refused C. regrettedD.hoped49. A.excitingB.acceptable C. strangeD.heartbreaking50.

20、A. less B. everything C. more D. nothing51. A. understand B. explain C. believe D. question52. A. fear B. faceC. know D. cause53. A. feltB. guessedC. sawD. doubted54. A. as B. once C. though D. if55. A. teacher B. child C. man D. writer【语篇解读】本文介绍了“Letters to Sam这本书的创作背景和写作目的。36. 答案:D解析:根据as I myself

21、 , hisgrandfather 可判断, Sam 是 “我 ” 的孙子。37. 答案:A解析: 由 I had been sitting in a wheelchair for 20 years before then 和 I wondered if I would havethe time可知作者在这期间重病了几次。所以用 seriously.38. 答案: B解析:由这一段可知,作者是想告诉他的孙子,但担心自己的身体,所以不知道是不是有时间。此处用 time 符合上下文。39. 答案: C解析: observe 看到,注意到。根据全文内容的理解,作者想告诉他孙子的是他的经历,只有 ob

22、serve 合题意。40. 答案:A解析:由下文的 with thousands of listeners 可知,作者是主持广播节目,所以选 radio.41. 答案:B解析:由第一段可知,作者在轮椅上待了 20 年,所以不能自由活动。42. 答案:D解析:由下文中与听众和读者交流思想可知,作者敞开心扉,所以选open。43. 答案:C解析: 由第二段开头可知, 作者主持广播节目和为杂志写文章, 所以此处是和听众和读者交 流。44. 答案: D解析:由下句这就是我怎样开始写这些信的可知,这儿应用decided.是因为我决定告诉Sam学校与友谊、浪漫与工作、爱情与其它一切,才开始写这些信。45.

23、 答案: A解析:由本文的题目可知是介绍的 Letters to Sam 这本书,下文中也告诉我们这本书的每一章都是一封信,所以这儿选 A 。46. 答案: B解析:因为信是写给Sam 的,所以作者希望Sam 迟早会读到这些信。47. 答案:C解析:由于Sam 患了自闭症,所以作者的这种期望改变了。48. 答案:B解析:因为Sam 患了自闭症,这儿是说他拒绝与别人交流。49. 答案:D解析:由上文可知,作者对Sam 希望很大,而 Sam 却患了自闭症,这对作者来说是令人心碎的。50. 答案: C解析: 由上面一句语, 但是并没有阻止我继续写下去和下文中的我想让他理解与别人不同意味着什么,学会和

24、我一样与面对的不幸作斗争可知,作者是有了更多的东西要写。51. 答案:A解析:见第50 题。52. 答案:B解析:见第50 题。53. 答案:D解析:由上文可知,作者的身体不好,所以他怀疑他是不是能写下所有他想说的话。54. 答案:A解析: as 引导原因状语从句。句意:因为这本书出版了,所以我有机会让Sam 看到我所有想说的话。55. 答案: C解析: 这本书的每一章都是一封信, 一些是关于我的, 所有都是关于作为一个人意味着什么 的。(2011 .全国新课标卷)In our discussion with people on how education can help them succ

25、eed in life, a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory 36 course about 20 years ago.The professor 37 the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans (豆),and invited the students to _38_how many beans the jar contained. After _39 shouts of wildly wrong guesses

26、 the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the _40 answer, and went on saying, " You have just 41 an important lesson about science. That is: Never 42 _ _ _ _ _ "your own senses.Twenty years later, the 43 could guess what the professor had in mind. He44 himself, perhaps,as inviting

27、 his students to start an exciting _45 into an unknown world Invisible (无形的) to the 46 ,which can be discovered only through scientific 47 .But the seventeen-year-old girl could not accept or even 48 the invitation. She was just 49 to understand the world. And she 50 that her firsthand experience co

28、uld be the 51 .The professor, however, said that it was _52 .he was taking away her only 53 for knowing and was providing her with no substitute. "I remember feeling small and54 , " the women says:and I did the only thing I could do. I 55 the course that afternoon, a nd I haven ' t gon

29、e near science since.”36. A. artB. historyC. scienceD. math37. A. searched foB. looked atC. got throughD. marched into38. A. countB. guessC. reportD. watch39. A. warningB. givingC. turning awayD. listening to40. A. readyB. possibleC. correctD. difficult41. A. learnedB. preparedC. taughtD. taken42. A

30、. loseB. trustC. sharpenD. show43. A. lecturerB. scientistC. speakerD. woman44. A. describedB. respectedC. sawD. served45. A. voyageB. movementC. changeD. rush46. A. professorB. eyeC. knowledgeD. light47. A. modelB.sensesC. spiritD. methods48. A. hearB. makeC. presentD. refuse49. A. suggesting B. be

31、ginning C. pretendingD. waiting50.A. believedB. doubtedC. provedD. explained51.A. growthB. strengthC. faithD. truth52.A. firmB. interestingC. wrongD. acceptable53.A. taskB. toolC. successD. connection54.A. cruelB. proudC. frightenedD. brave55.A. droppedB. startedC. passedD. missed【答案】36.C 37.D 38.B

32、39.D 40.C 41.A 42.B 43.D 44.C 45.A 46.B 47.D 48.A 49.B 50.A 51.D52.C 53.B 54.A 55.A【解题导语】文章用插叙顺序的主线,通过Ti中年女士对即年前一次科学课程的回忆,从侧面揭 示出教黄如何让人的生活更加成功。本文蕊含了双教宣方式与方法的讨诒w追【答案】C【解析】考查名词,本段上文出现了名词“UC触im (教育),下一段中出现了 a的器口和向,貌似 是教授在做实验j于是选择C*而文章在最后一句说LLard I haenFt gone near science since."也印证 了选择 e ducal io

33、n :教育3二【答案】D【解析】考查动词词组,根据动作的先后依序,数费把周口罐放在桌子前应该己轻在讲堂里了,于是 排除限b;/打匕的曲的含义从介词though,基a过、穿过的意思,那么自然不靠谱,最终选择口march into 是含义是“行军、走过”3【答案】B1解析】去杳动词.根据后文mI小,ronc guesses 的樵天,诜撵义3我1答案】D【解析】考查动词,短动作的曳出者是:那么教授就对大窸的猜测只育居听到.选择d 加答案】C【解析】考查形容词,修饰名词ww,实验是载授像的.那么他说出的数目自然是正确皈 41,【答案】&【解析】书支的同,谟动忙是学生对课程做出的.那么自然是在学

34、习课程,选择人42 L答案】B【解析】考查动词,根据上面的叙述,显然喊想说的是不要相信自己的感觉,于是选择a43. «F* D【解析】考查名词 本段开始用了,'二十年后R作为开头说胆叙事史-宜逢黄的,而自首段提出本 文叙述的任务就是;h Ev/onan.选择u 口44“答案】C【解析】考查动词,教授会对自己做的动作首先不会是“尊重”和“服务”,排除M h无关选项©而 根据后旬艇说明,邀请学生开始一次兴-奋的前程去大力世界,这是他自己认为的事喟.desmbe (45 述,是与后文中该与确定的事实连用,畸寸此处显然不适用。选择以本题假45答案】A【解析】考查名词,学生对

35、未知世界开启的是一次航程,而非“运动”、“改变”亦或者“匆忙冲进”,于是选择Ao46 .【答案】B【解析】考查名词,解题关键是invisible,并且给出了中文注释。中文注释是必须关注的,给出中文注释的词未必是大家不认识的,但必须是解题的关键,本题就是完全的体现,对于什么而言是无形的,形状自然是眼睛看到的,于是选择B本题难。47 .【答案】D【解析】考查名词,因为我们说过三段开始由 “二十年后”引出,说明前后段逻辑紧密, 而前一段说明的事情是我们不能相信自己的感觉做科学,于是本题中能够发现那个肉眼无法识别的无形未知世界的绝不是“感觉”或者“精神”,排除B、C;而model的含义是“模型”,显然

36、的无关选项,排除;最终选择 D,科学的方法。48 .【答案】A【解析】考查动词,even是一个强烈的递进关系词,那么根据语义,相比不能接受这些邀请更加强烈的情况是不去听这些邀请。49答案】BI解析】考查动词,女茯 十七岁,正是刚开始认识世界的年纪,选择50 .【答案】A【解析】考查动词.与之相关的是后句的内容:“她的第一感觉会是正确的对这件事情她没有“证 明”或者.解稀“,自然可排除口 D-无关选巩而她对自己的菜一选择是绝对的相信的。51 .【答案】D【解析】考查名词,女孩认为第一感觉是正确的.选以酊叫钟成长strsHh力置用此信念.51【答案】C【解析】考营形容词,教授使文孩认为第一就是错误

37、的,53 .【答案】B【解析】考查名词,为了知道未知世界,我手中唯一的是工具,于是选择队其他选项不合理。54【答案】C【解析】考查形容词,mnd提示文章此处是并列关磊 而与感觉渺小并列的是感觉害怕,仃屉的含X 是“残忍的",语义自然不合适,排除,55.【答案】A【解析】考查动词,被教授伤害后,我对这个科目能做的动作显然不是“开始学习”或者“通过”,于是排除B、C;而missed的含义是“失去”,无关选项;选择A, “放弃”B2 夹叙夹议文(2012 .三明联考)This is a story that can teach us a good lesson. One day, a ma

38、n in rags begged from door to door along the street. With an old wallet in his hand, he was asking for a few coins to buy something to eat. He kept complain- ing about his bad fortune and kept _16_ why those who had so much money were never 17 and were always desiring more.“Asfar as I'm concerne

39、d, if I had only enough to 18 and to wear, I would not want anything more. ”Just at that moment Goddess Fortune, who came down the _19 saw the beggar and said to him, “ Hi, I have wished to _20 you for a long time. Now, open your _21 _and I will pour my gold into it. But I will do that only on this

40、_22 _lA11 that falls into the wallet will be pure gold; but every piece falling upon the _23一 shall become dust. Do you understand ?”“I see. " said the beggar.“Then you should _24_ ! It's obvious that your wallet is a(an) _25_ one, so don't load it too heavily , “ said the Goddess Fortu

41、ne.The excited beggar could hardly _26_ to have gold. He quickly opened his wallet, and a _27of yellow coins was poured into it. The wallet grew heavier and heavier.“Is that enough? Isn't it cracking ? ” asked Fortune.“Never 28_ .It's still strong enough now." answered the begThe wallet

42、 was filled with so many coins that the beggar's hands began to _29”Ah, if only the golden stream would _30_ forever! Just a little more , “ said the beggar, 31 " just a handful or two. ”T There! It's full. The wallet will _ 32_ . 'warned the Goddess, but the beggar requested, “It w

43、ill 33 a little more, just a little more."One more piece was added and the wallet split. The _34_ fell upon the ground and became dust. The greedy beggar had now 35 but his broken bag.16. A.showingB. explainingC. provingD. wondering17. A.relaxedB. satisfiedC. worriedD. depressed18. A.learnB. wa

44、tchC. eatD. play19. A.streetB. bridgeC. yardD. forest20. A.praiseB. forgiveC. helpD. comfort21. A.coatB. pocketC. boxD. wallet22. A.occasionB. suggestionC. situationD. condition23. A.handB. feetC. groundD. street24. A.look outB. look afterC. look upD. look down25. A.smallB. emptyC. wornD. full26. A.

45、standB. waitC. breatheD. think27. A.streamB. pieceC. pairD. variety28. A.stopB. requestC. fearD. insist29. A.spreadB. closeC. looseD. shake30. A.pourB. endC. dryD. melt31. A.takeB. addC. lendD. send32. A.flowB. burstC. disappearD. change33. A.attractB. permitC. includeD. hold34. A.presentB. foodC. t

46、reasureD. metal35. A.nothingB. anythingC. everythingD. something【要点综述】一个沿街乞讨的乞丐遇到了财富女神,财富女神给了乞丐许多金币,同时告诫乞丐,金币掉到地上则化为灰尘。贪婪的乞丐不听劝告,导致金币撑破钱包化为灰尘, 乞丐又变得一无所有。故事告诫人们面对金钱不要贪得无厌。16. D 根据第一段最后一句,为什么那些人如此有钱却从不满足,还想得到更多。可 知乞丐对此百思不得其解,“keep wondering乙直想知道)符合句意。17. B 还想得到更多,所以不满足,B项符合句意。18. C 由常识可知,乞丐最重要的是要解决吃和穿

47、的问题。eat(吃)对应下面提到的“穿",符合语境。learn学习;watch看,观察;play游戏;均不符合语境。19. A 根据第一段,乞丐在沿街乞讨,所以财富女神降落到大街上才能看到乞丐。 street(街道)符合语境。bridge桥;yard院子;forest森林;均不符合语境。20. C根据下文,“打开你的钱包,我要给你一些金子”,可知财富女神在帮助乞丐。 所以选help,意为:帮助。praise表扬;forgive原谅;comfort安慰;均不符合语境。21. D 根据第三段中“All that falls into the wallet will be pure gol

48、d所有进入你钱包的都(是纯金)可知乞丐打开的是一个钱包,所以选 wallet,意为“钱包”。22. D 只有在这种条件下,"我”才会去做。"All that falls into the wallet will be puregold; but every piece falling upon the shall become dust 指上文提至U的这种条件。condition "条件、状况”,符合句意。23. C句意:每一枚金币掉到地上都会变成尘土。ground(地面)符合语境。24. A 根据下文财富女神告诫乞丐不要装得太重,提醒乞丐注意、当心。所以选 lo

49、ok out。look after 照顾;look up 仰视,向上看;look down 俯视。25. C 上文中“With an old wallet in his hand表明这是一'个旧钱包,所以选 worn ,意思 是:用旧的。26. B could hardly wait to do sth.意为:迫不及待做某事。句意:激动的乞丐早已迫不 及待地想拿到金子。27. A 根据倒数第三段中提到"golden stream可知'答案。28. C 通过乞丐告诉财富女神钱包现在还很结实,可知不要为钱包担心。Never fear.不要害怕。29. D 句意:钱包装了如

50、此多的金币,乞丐的手开始发抖。shake(发抖)符合语境。spread伸展;close关闭;loose放松;均不符合语境。30. A乞丐希望金子源源不断地流出,四个选项中只有pour(流出)能形象地描绘出乞丐的贪婪。31. B 对应前文的“ Just a little more , "可知,这里表达的意思是:贪婪的乞丐想再 往钱包中多装一两把金子。add(添加)符合句意。take拿,携带;lend借出;send发送;均不符合语境。最后一段的第一句话也有原词复现:One more piece was added and the walletsplit。32. B 钱包已经装满了,而且是

51、一个旧钱包,继续装可能会裂开。所以选burst “破裂”。 下文中的“split为同义词复现。33. D 贪婪的乞丐认为钱包还能多装一点。hold “容纳”,符合语境。34. C treasure(财宝)这里指代金币。钱包破裂后金币自然会掉到地上。present礼物;food食物;metal金属;均不符合句意。35. A句意:贪婪的乞丐除了破裂的钱包一无所有。nothing什么也没有。(2012 .九江一模)One day all the employees of a very famous company reached their office and all saw a big sign

52、 on the main door which said this :“Yesterday, the 16 who has been hindering (阻碍)your growth in this company _17 . We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has been _18_ in the gym. ”In the beginning, they all got 19_ for the death of one, of their colleagues, but after a while they starte

53、d getting _20_ to know who was that person that hindered the _21_ of their colleagues and the company itself?The 22 in the gym was such that security agents were ordered to control the crowd _23 the room. The more people _24_ the coffin ( 棺材),the more the excitement heated up. Everyone thought, &quo

54、t;_25 is it that was hindering my progress ?"One by one the intrigued(弓I起好奇心的 )employees got closer to the coffin, and when they looked inside it, they _26_ became speechless.They all got to stand near the coffin, and felt shocked and 27 , as if someone had touched the deepest part of their 28.

55、 There was a mirror inside the coffin: everyone who29 it could see themselves! There was also a sign next to the mirror that _30 :“There is only one person who is capable of setting 31 to your growth and IT IS YOU ! ” Your life does not _32 when your boss changes, when your friends change, when your

56、 parents change, when your husband or wife changes No, your life changes when YOU change, when you _33 your limiting beliefs inside.Examine yourself; watch yourself. Don't be afraid of _34_ , impossibilities and losses. Be a winner; build yourself and your reality. _35_ , it's the way you face life itself that makes the difference.16. A.personB.bossC. signD.funeral17. A.died awayB. died outC. passed awayD. passed out18. A. protectedB. preventedC.


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