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1、其中模拟夜间考试需要用到的四个灯光开关,如下:前照灯开关。左图片为关闭状态,向左按一档为翻开尾灯示廓灯、前照灯的小灯、仪表盘的仪表灯;向左按到底二档为翻开前照灯大灯。向右按到底为关闭。转向灯、远光灯、近光灯开关。在前照灯翻开的情况下,向上抬为右转向、向下为左转向。往方向盘这边抬一下为远光灯和近光灯切换,即假设当前为近光灯时朝方向盘这边抬一下变换为远光灯,假设当前为远光灯时朝方向盘这边抬一下变换为近光灯;连续抬两下翻开远近灯光交替变换。雾灯开关。向右按到底为翻开,向左按到底为关闭。双闪灯开关。又称警示灯、双蹦灯。向右按到底为翻开,向左按到底为关闭。 二、模拟夜间灯光考试的语音、文字及操作说明根据

2、123号令升级内容,科目三考试增加了模拟夜间考试,以下8选5。具体语音提示如下: 语音提示:请开始考试,下面将进行模拟夜间行驶场景灯光使用的考试,请按语音指令在5秒内做出相应的灯光操作:1、夜间在没有路灯,照明不良条件下行驶。 开启前照灯,翻开灯光开关:把向左按到底2、请将前照灯变换成远光。 变换成远光灯:朝方向盘这边抬一下,它会自己弹回去,开启远光灯3、在刚刚同样条件下紧跟前车行驶。 变换成近光灯,朝方向盘这边抬一下4、夜间通过急弯、坡路、拱桥、人行道或没有交通信号灯控制的路口。 远、近光灯交替使用:先变远光再变近光;操作就是朝方向盘这边连续抬两下5、与对方会车,距对方来车将近150米。 近

3、光灯。在远光时抬一下变近光6、夜间在道路上发生故障或交通事故,阻碍交通又难以移动。 开启双闪灯向右按到底+示宽灯7、雾天行驶。 保持近光灯,开启双闪灯和雾灯,都是向右按到底8、夜间在窄路、窄桥与非机动车会车。 近光灯。在远光时抬一下变近光模拟夜间考试完成,请关闭所有灯光,请起步继续完成考试。以上8项为全部内容,实际考试时仅抽取其中的5项。三、实际模拟夜间灯光考试语音实录以下八种情况为根据实际道路模拟练习的语音整理而成。模拟情形一:请开始考试,下面将进行模拟夜间行驶场景灯光使用的考试,请按语音指令在5秒内做出相应的灯光操作:1、夜间在没有路灯,照明不良条件下行驶。 开启前照灯,翻开灯光开关:把向

4、左按到底2、请将前照灯变换成远光。 变换成远光灯:朝方向盘这边抬一下,它会自己弹回去,开启远光灯3、在刚刚同样条件下紧跟前车行驶。 变换成近光灯,朝方向盘这边抬一下,它会自己弹回去,开启近光灯4、请将前照灯变换成远光。 朝方向盘这边抬一下,开启远光灯5、与对方会车,距对方来车将近150米。 近光灯,朝方向盘这边抬一下,开启近光灯6、夜间在道路上发生故障或交通事故,阻碍交通又难以移动。 开启双闪灯,向右按到底+示宽灯模拟夜间考试完成,请关闭所有灯光,请起步继续完成考试。模拟情形二:请开始考试,下面将进行模拟夜间行驶场景灯光使用的考试,请按语音指令在5秒内做出相应的灯光操作:1、夜间在没有路灯,照

5、明不良条件下行驶。 开启前照灯,翻开灯光开关:把向左按到底2、请将前照灯变换成远光。 变换成远光灯:朝方向盘这边抬一下,它会自己弹回去,开启远光灯3、在刚刚同样条件下紧跟前车行驶。 变换成近光灯,朝方向盘这边抬一下,它会自己弹回去,开启近光灯4、请将前照灯变换成远光。 朝方向盘这边抬一下,开启远光灯5、夜间在窄路、窄桥与非机动车会车。 变换成近光灯,朝方向盘这边抬一下6、夜间在道路上发生故障或交通事故,阻碍交通又难以移动。 开启双闪灯,向右按到底+示宽灯模拟夜间考试完成,请关闭所有灯光,请起步继续完成考试。模拟情形三:请开始考试,下面将进行模拟夜间行驶场景灯光使用的考试,请按语音指令在5秒内做

6、出相应的灯光操作:1、夜间在没有路灯,照明不良条件下行驶。 开启前照灯,翻开灯光开关:把向左按到底2、请将前照灯变换成远光。 变换成远光灯:朝方向盘这边抬一下,它会自己弹回去,开启远光灯3、在刚刚同样条件下紧跟前车行驶。 变换成近光灯,朝方向盘这边抬一下,它会自己弹回去,开启近光灯4、请将前照灯变换成远光。朝方向盘这边抬一下,开启远光灯5、夜间通过急弯、坡路、拱桥、人行道或没有交通信号灯控制的路口。 远、近光灯交替使用:先变远光再变近光;操作就是超方向盘这边连续抬两下6、雾天行驶。 开启双闪灯和雾灯,均向右按到底模拟夜间考试完成,请关闭所有灯光,请起步继续完成考试。2021年浙江省普通高中学业

7、水平考试 英语卷选择题局部一、单项填空此题有10小题,每题1分,共10分 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。1. Please be reminded that speed limit here is thirty miles per hour.A. 不填B. anC. aD. the2. Why dont you get yourself a job? Thats said than done. A. easyB. easierC. easilyD. easiest3. Rachel will have a party tonight. She it since t

8、wo months ago.A. will planB. plannedC. plansD. has planned4. Both drivers and passengers wear seat belts while their cars are running on the highway.A. mustB. canC. may D. need5. Which colour shirt would you choose, purple or white? , in case I need a change.A. NoneB. Both C. Either D. Neither6. Jus

9、t your head or simply keeping silent is not acceptable when answering questions in class; you need to talk!A. to nodB. noddedC. noddingD. nod7. Einstein was one of the greatest scientists changed the way we think.A. whichB. whoC. whoseD. what8. I often cycle through the countryside its good for my h

10、ealth.A. unlessB. becauseC. although D. while9. Millions of wild flowers colour the valleys, during the months of April and May .A. in particularB. in returnC. in briefD. in conclusion10. Id like a glass of orange juice. What about you? . Ill have the same.A. No problemB. Never mind C. Sounds good D

11、. Take care二、完形填空此题有15小题,每题2分,共30分 阅读下面的材料,掌握其大意,然后在1126各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。 Many people like to go to amusement parks to have fun, but I dont! Last year, a group of my friends decided to spend a whole 11 at an amusement park in my city. I thought I would have fun, but I was wrong. I had the 1

12、2 time ever.We went on too many roller coasters (过山车). At first, they were all very 13 and I screamed loudly all the time. My friends wanted to 14 more of them, and so for three hours we didnt stop to rest. We went on one coaster after another 15 I started feeling really sick. I 16 threw up (呕吐) on

13、the last coaster. My friends decided that we needed a lunch break to help me 17 the whole day. My stomach was 18 feeling terrible, but they insisted that I should eat if I was going to have enough 19 for the rest of the day. I spent six dollars on a large order of fries. I picked up the saltshaker (

14、小盐瓶), and to my 20 the top fell off, leaving all the salt on my food. My fries were ruined!By now I was really 21 and my face was red, so my friends suggested we go on a water ride so that I could cool down. I thought it was a good idea, but when we rode it, I forgot to 22 my glasses. At one point,

15、my poor glasses fell off and into the water. I watched helplessly as 23 sank to the bottom. I had to go through the rest of the day almost 24 .I have decided that I will never go to amusement parks again, 25 someone offered me a million dollars to do it!11. A. weekB. dayC. monthD. night12. A. worstB

16、. busiestC. greatestD. freest13. A. disappointingB. expensiveC. excitingD. peaceful14. A. driveB. rideC. drawD. watch15. A. becauseB. afterC. unlessD. before16. A. carelesslyB. partlyC. finallyD. extremely17. A. rememberB. surviveC. startD. escape18. A. stillB. everC. hardlyD. never19. A. foodB. tim

17、eC. moneyD. energy20. A. delightB. satisfactionC. surpriseD. joy21. A. gladB. safeC. quietD. upset 22. A. take offB. push upC. put onD. clean up23. A. IB. theyC. weD. it24. A. awakeB. tiredC. blindD. wet25. A. even ifB. as ifC. so thatD. now that三、阅读理解此题有两节,共16小题,每题2分,共32分 第一节:阅读以下材料并做2641题。从每题所给的A、

18、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。A Interviews can be quite frightening but our tips can help you. Dont worryrelax! Remember these things and youll be fine. Be on time. Find out exactly where the interview is and how to get there. Remember that buses and trains can often be late so allow plenty of time. Its better

19、 to be early than late. Be prepared. Think about what the interviewer will ask you. He or she will probably ask about your qualifications (资历) and your experience but theyll also ask you why you want the job. Think of some possible questions and prepare your answers before you go. Wear comfortable c

20、lothes. If you wear something new it will make you feel uncomfortable. Its best to wear something smart but something you like and feel happy in.Make eye contact. In the interview, dont sit looking at your feet. Make sure you sit up and look the interviewer in the eye. This makes you look honest and

21、 more confident (自信).Ask a question. Its a good idea to ask questions at the interview. Ask about the company or the job. Prepare some questions before the interview. It makes you look more interested if you do this.26. How many tips does the writer give in this passage?A. Three.B. Four. C. Five.D.

22、Six.27. Finding out exactly where the interview is and how to get there will help you to .A. receive some adviceB. be on timeC. prepare your answersD. remember the timetable28. According to this passage, the interviewer will probably ask you about .A. your family membersB. your health conditionC. yo

23、ur demand of paymentD. your working experience29. Which of the following does the writer say is a sign of honesty?A. Making eye contact.B. Travelling by bus or train.C. Wearing something smart.D. Showing your qualifications.B Best known as an author of fairy tales (童话), Hans Christian Andersen (1805

24、1875) wrote such childrens stories as The Ugly Duckling, The Little Mermaid, and The Emperors New Clothes. However, he was also an actor, a singer, and an artist. As an artist, he was particularly good at paper cutting. Andersen had many reasons for making his paper cuttings, but the main one was to

25、 give pleasure. Andersen loved to tell his interesting stories to anyone who would listen. As he spoke, he would take out his scissors (剪刀) and make a wonderful paper cutting to help his words. He also found that his paper cuttings helped with a better communication between himself and others. Altho

26、ugh a shy man, he still loved to tell his stories face to face with his listeners. His stories and paper cuttings helped him to communicate when he would have otherwise felt uncomfortable. The paper cuttings also became great gifts for friends and families. He would give his cuttings not only to chi

27、ldren but also to grown-ups. When his writing became famous, these gifts were even more valued.Now more than 100 years old, many of Andersens fine paper cuttings still exist in a museum in Denmark devoted to his works. While Andersen will always be remembered for his fairy tales, his beautiful works

28、 of art also remain for all to enjoy.30. This passage mainly discusses Hans Christian Andersen as a(n) .A. singerB. artistC. actorD. writer31. It can be learned from the passage that Andersen did his fine paper cuttings in the .A. 1500sB. 1600sC. 1700sD. 1800s32. His paper cuttings made it much easi

29、er for Andersen to .A. live quite a busy lifeB. become a well-known writerC. get along well with othersD. write wonderful stories for children33. Which of the following about Andersen is discussed in this passage?A. Why he was fond of paper cutting.B. Which fairy tales he had published.C. How he bec

30、ame good at paper cutting.D. When he became famous as a story-teller.C Going Zero Waste means more than dealing with the rubbish we create. It means reducing it, too. People who go Zero Waste are careful about what they do. They never take more than they need, they reuse plastic bags, and they make

31、good plans not to buy more than necessary before going shopping. Kamikatsu, a Japanese village, has already gone Zero Waste. The 2,000 villagers recycle (循环利用) everything possible. There are 34 different boxes at the recycling center! The villagers sometimes just feel unhappy about what they have to

32、 do, but they also see the good side. Lets think about how to enjoy a Zero Waste Christmas. By sending recyclable cards, we can help our friends and family reduce waste. And wouldnt it be better to enjoy the spirit of Christmas with a real tree that can be re-planted in spring?Going Zero Waste requi

33、res us to think more about what happens before and after we act. It is not always easy. But just think how good it would be, both for ourselves and for the environment, if we never had to waste anything. 34. The underlined word “it in Paragraph 1 refers to .A. a plastic bagB. the rubbishC. a difficu

34、lt thing D. going Zero Waste35. Which of the following is a way of going Zero Waste?A. Planting trees at Christmas.B. Using plastic bags when shopping.C. Sending recyclable cards for Christmas.D. Buying food when you are very hungry.36. What is the purpose of this passage?A. To persuade people to re

35、duce waste.B. To teach people how to enjoy Christmas.C. To introduce the life of Japanese villagers.D. To tell people how to deal with difficulties.37. How is the passage developed?A. TopicExamplesDiscussion B. ExamplesArgumentTopic C. TopicExplanationArgument D. ExamplesExplanationDiscussion第二节:阅读以

36、下材料,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出符合5356小题要求的最正确选项。Lily, Emily, James and David are talking about computer games. Choose from the four views on computer games (A, B, C and D) and match with the four opinions marked 53-56.38. Lily: Computer games have influenced the students reading achievements.39. Emily: Even

37、play-for-free computer games may cost a lot of money.40. James: Some computer gamers may buy games illegally (非法地).41. David: The nature of games could benefit society.ASome students are just crazy about computer games. People have to accept the fact that these machines are having a terrible effect

38、on students reading ability. Students are no longer interested in reading these days. Instead, they just stare at the computer screen, pushing those buttons. They dont have to use their brains or their memory. Obviously, these machines are the cause of so much underachievement in todays society.BGam

39、e developers worry about how to prevent people copying the games illegally. Some companies have been trying to make sure that everyone who plays the game is a legal user. For example, you might have to have an internet connection to play. This is a problem for some people if their internet connectio

40、n isnt reliable. So they would rather buy pirated versions (盗版) which dont have these limits.CI realize that a lot of these play-for-free games are designed to make money. You play for free, but once youve devoted time and effort to your game, you start paying real money to progress further into the

41、 game. With people spending lots of money on virtual (虚拟的) items, I can see why governments might want to make rules for games like these.D A lot of games are attractive because the virtual world is fairer than the real world. Your success isnt determined by your age, social position or education. B

42、esides, the sense of being together in the gaming world is really strong. Therefore, people should stop blaming these games and start thinking about how we can bring the good things of gaming into our real lives.非选择题局部四、单词拼写共8小题,每题1分,共8分根据以下句子及所给单词的首字母,写出各单词的完全形式每空限填一词。42. How many days are there in

43、 a week? S days.43. East or w , home is best. 44. We cant live w water or air.45. Which do you p , tea or coffee? I like tea better.46. This book b to me. That one is yours.47. USA is the short form for the U States of America.48. A g is someone who shows tourists around places such as museums or ci

44、ties.49. In China, men and women are e ; they have the same rights and opportunities as each other.五、书面表达此题有1小题,共20分50规那么是社会文明的标志,人人都应该遵守。请根据下面的提纲,用英语写一篇短文向英语报English Times投稿,简要表达上周一下午你在学校阅览室做作业时看到的不遵守规那么的现象,并谈谈你的看法。·When and why were you in the reading-room?·What did you notice there? (eg

45、. students talking loudly, )·What is your opinion?注意:(1) 短文须包括上述全部要点,应适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;(2) 词数:100左右。短文开头已给出不计词数。 Rules are important in our daily life. Following rules actually starts with very small acts, in the school reading room for example. 参考答案和评分标准一、单项填空1. D2. B3. D4. A5. B6. C7. B8. B9. A1

46、0. C评分细那么 此题共10小题,共10分,每题1分。选错答案包括多项选择或不选一律不给分。二、完形填空11. B12. A13. C14. B15. D16. C17. B18. A19. D20. C21. D22. A23. B24. C25. A评分细那么 此题共15小题,共15分,每题1分。选错答案包括多项选择或不选一律不给分。三、阅读理解26. C27. B28. D29. A30. B31. D32. C33. A34. B35. C36. A37. A38. A39. C40. B41. D评分细那么 此题共16小题,共32分,每题2分。选错答案包括多项选择或不选一律不给分。

47、四、单词拼写42. Seven43. west44. without45. prefer46. belongs47. United48. guide49. equal评分细那么 此题共8小题,共8分,每题1分。写对一处给1分。五、书面表达50. One possible student version: Rules are important in our daily life. Following rules actually starts with very small acts, in the school reading room for example. Last Monday af

48、ternoon, I was in the school reading-room, doing my lessons. I had thought that I could have a nice time there. Unfortunately, two students sitting by my side were talking loudly. It went on for quite some time. During my break, when I tried to find myself something to read, I found many magazines w

49、ere put in the wrong places. I think every one of us knows such rules for the reading room. However, many never follow them. It is very important for everyone not only to know the rules, but also to act accordingly. (97 words)评分细那么 此题总分值为20分;按5个档次给分。一评分原那么: 为了培养学生的创新精神和语言实践能力,促进英语写作教学,要严格按5个档次给分。既要敢

50、于打低分,更要敢于打高分;内容和语言共计20分。在评分时,要以作文的整体谋篇和语言水平看其是否地道来评判。应当着重考虑考生自我观点的表达,如恰当、合理,要给高分。要先确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,微调得分。最后,看其词数和卷面整洁程度。如词数太少不到80个词的或书写欠整洁,应酌情再扣1-2分,但不倒扣分。二内容要点:1去学校阅览室的时间和原因2在学校阅览室所见到的不守规那么的现象如大声谈论等3考生的感想三各档次的给分范围和要求: 第五档:1620分 包含全部要点;语言根本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚。 第四档:1215分 根本包含要点,遗漏少量次要点;语言有少量错误;行文根本连贯,表达

51、根本清楚。 第三档:811分 包含局部要点;语言虽有较多错误,尚能达意。 第二档:47分 要点不明确;语言错误多,影响意思表达。 第一档:03分 白卷或文不对题;错误百出,不知所云。四注意:第五档有5分的差距,旨在鼓励考生写出优秀作文。请根据学生佳作把握分寸。附录词汇表说明:1本表共收约2000个单词。2本词汇表不列词组和短语。3局部可根据构词法推导出的副词、名词等不单列。Aa (an) art.ability n. able a.about ad. & prep.above prep., a.& ad.abroad ad.absent a.accent n.accept vt.accident n.according ad.account n.ache vi. & n.achieve vt.ackn


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