



1、英文推荐信格式模板注意格式的英文推荐信是宣传和包装外企求职者的最有效工具。下面是小编整理的英文推荐信格式模板,谢谢你的阅读。英文推荐信格式模板( 一 )Dear Sir/Madam,MS. XXX requested a letter of reference from me tosupport her application for graduate studies at youruniversity.Asher research adviserwhen shewas agraduatestudentinmyschoolofscience BeijingUniversityofChemica

2、l Technology,Iam pleasedtocomply with her request.( UI have known Ms. Zhang since 2003, when she wasadmittedasa Master of Science candidate intotheschool.Asherresearchadviser,Idirectedherresearchand foundhera promisingyouthradiatingwithintelligenceand creativity.During herfirstyear,shegot a very goo

3、d record in major courses and earnd goodscores majorandgeneralGPA 3.3.She particularlyenjoyed challenging areas of studies such as QuantumChemistry and Theory of Electrochemistry.During the following two years, Ms. Zhang workedon a computationaltheorystudy ofinorganicfunctionalmaterials project for

4、his degree thesis“ TheoreticalStudyofElectronicStructuresofSeveralRepresentativeMetalElementintheHydrotalciteSlabs ” .Tomake thetheorymodelmeettheactualmaterials,she faceddown many practicalproblems,suchas building reasonable module of inorganic materials,andcalculationtechniques.Workinghardandindep

5、endently,she crackedtheproblemsone by one,andcame up with a thesisthatwas characterizedby academicexcellence.DuringherM.S.period,shehadthreepapers published in international journals.Judging by her outstanding performance while shestudied with me, I am convinced that Ms. Zhang hasacquiredtheknowledg

6、eand intellectualsophisticationon the basis of which she can undertake world-classtraining.I thereforelendhermy enthusiasticsupportand would appreciate your favorable consideration ofher application.英文推荐信格式模板( 二 )Dear Sir/Madam,It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Fuping Wang forhisapplicationto gradu

7、atestudiesinyourschool.Mr.Wang has been my research assistant of the NationalScienceCouncil'sproject-"TheUnitedStatesand theUnitedNations'FinancialCrisis: The Roleof U.S. Congress" since September 1997.Hismajorresponsibilitiesincludeinformationcollecting,analyzingandtranslating.Hei

8、sanenthusiastic and progressive young man with extremelyhighpotentiality.Mr.Wang isnotonlyquickatlearning and good at solving difficult problems, butalsowitha logicalmind thatenables him toeffectivelyanalyze difficulties. All the work handed to him wascompletedsatisfactorily.Actually, heisso reliabl

9、ethat I assign him with heavy responsibilities.Withhishelp , Ihave been able tospend more timein writingtheresearchpaper.I reallyconsidermyselfvery fortunate to have such a capable assistant. I amcertain hisdiligence , coupledwith a good competenceand pleasantpersonality, willassurehim ofacademicach

10、ievementsinhisfutureacademicpursuits.Istronglyrecommendhisadmissionwithoutanyreservation.英文推荐信格式模板( 三 )Dear Sir/Madam,I am pleased to write this letter for my formerstudent Miss Nan Li, who graduated from this Collegewith an L.B. degree in June 1978.Miss Li was admitted to the Department of Law ofth

11、isCollegein1974throughhighlycompetitiveentrance examination which is conducted annually andis open to the whole nation. Even in such a selectivegroup.Miss Limade herselfdistinguished.As professorand dean of the College, I have access to her recordsof academic work and moral conduct, In her fourth ye

12、arstudy,IinstructedherinAnglo-AmericanLaws onTrespass. So I have known her quite well.MissLi's performance,like thatinmany othercoursesshe taken,was excellentwitha superiorgradeof 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the secondsemester. In our university and in other universityhere,80isconsidered"A",the highestlevel.As far as I know, Miss Li wishes to continue herstudy in Law for an advanced degree. I am sure she hashad suff


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