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1、2018年江苏省连云港市中考英语试题、单项选择从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1. Zanco,American tech company, made tiniest phone in the world-the Tiny 11.A. the; a B. an; / C. /; a D. an; the【答案】D【解析】句意:Zanco美国的一家科技公司,制造了世界上最小的手机 the Tiny 11.。不定冠词a/an 一个,表示泛指,a用于辅音开头的单词前,an用于元音开头的单词前;定冠词 the这个,那个,通常用于特指,在这里是用于最高级前;故选 D点睛:不定冠词的

2、用法1.用于可数名词的单数形式前,指人或事物的某一类。2.指某人或某物,但不具体说明。3.表示“一”这个量词。4.用于某些固定词组中,例如: a few。定冠词的用法1.特指某人或某物。2. 指双方都知道的人或物。3.指上文提到过的人或物。4.用于世界上独一无二的事物前,例如:the moon。5. 用于序数词和最高级前。6. - I m sorry I tok your school uniform by mistake. But where is ?-Dont worry. Let me help you find it.A. he B. his C. mine D. yours【答案】C

3、【解析】句意:一一对不起,我拿错了你的校服,但是我的在哪儿?一一不要担心,让我帮你找到它。A. he 他; B. his 他的; C. mine 我的; D. yours 你的;根据 I m sorry I tookour school uniform bymistake. But where is可知是说我的在哪儿呢;故选 C7. How amazing this robot is! Wow, it has video cameras in its eyes, so it see and interact with people.A. may B. can C. must D. should

4、【答案】B【解析】句意:一一这个机器人多么惊人啊!一一在它的眼睛里有摄像机,因此它能看见和人打交道。A. may 可以,可能; B. can 能; C. must 必须; D. should 应该;根据 it has video cameras in its eyes,可知是能看见;故选B点睛:can能,会can t不能,不可能,通常用于否定句的推测;should应该,shouldn t不应t亥;may可以,可能,通常用于肯定句的推测,may not可能不;must必须,一定 mustn t必须不能。情态动词后not 。 must引导的一般疑问句,表示接动词原形,变疑问句时把情态动词提前,变否

5、定句在情态动词后加必须时,否定回答用 needn t; may引导的一般疑问句,否定回答用 can t8. 一 Have you heard about Zhangjiajie Glass Footbridge?Of course, it s built over a canyon in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.A. 300-meter-deep B. 300-meters-deep C. 300 meter deep D. 300-meters deep球求峡谷上.根出红数匕 名词单数 彭溶漏 兜妇;一十歹的富米力的:丛数词名词 Z 他容词

6、几岁/1几米小等:故总4J9. Look! Somebody the lights. Well, it wasn t me. I didn t do it.A. turns off B. is turning off C. was turning off D. has turned off 【答案】D【解析】句意:一一看,有人把灯关了。一一不是我,我没做它。根据 it wasn t me. I didn西般里动作已经发生,现在的结果是灯灭了,所以用现在完成时态;故选 D10. 一 Bill, did you see Tom? Yes, he just parked his car here a

7、nd then hurried the street.A. through B. over C. past D. across【答案】D:像祈丁的芭:比分:你若见汤蜩了吗学.基的二净肥三甲f这儿:然后胸犷娶过爸道R through穿过!从物体中间穿过 九over跌3 (在物体上方.不搂触 : past挣过 小也边经过j : 瓦across(从坳体&面梗矍:故2D:11. Harry, you should mind your manners. It is to push in before others.Sorry. Mum. I won t do it next time.A. polite

8、 B. rude C. active D. careless【答案】B【解析】句意:哈瑞,你应该注意你的礼貌,插队是粗鲁的。一一对不起,妈妈,我下次不这样了。A. polite礼貌的; B. rude粗鲁的; C. active积极的;D. careless粗心的;根据 push in before others.插队,可知是不礼貌的,粗鲁的;故选 B12. National Treasure quickly rose to the top television rating ranks after it was presented on CCTV .It means a growing in

9、 traditional culture among China s youth.A. interest B. direction C. habit D. dream【答案】A【解析】句意:国宝在电视上播出后,很快上升到电视排行榜榜首,它意味着在中国年轻人中对传统文化越来越感兴趣。A. interest兴趣;B. direction方向; C. habit习惯; D. dream梦想;根据NationalTreasure quickly rose to the top television rating ranks after it was presented on CCTV .可知感兴趣的人

10、多; 故选 A13. 一 will the project of high-speed railway connecting Xuzhou to Lianyungang be completed? In about two years.A. How long b. How far C. How soon d. How often【答案】C【解析】句意:连接徐州和连云港的高铁项目还有多久完成?大约2年后。A. How long多长,主要对做某事用多长时间进行提问;B. How far多远,提问两地距离;C. How soon过多久,指将来某个动作发生这段时间提问,常用于一般将来时态中, D. H

11、ow often多久,对频率进行提问,根据In about twoyears.大约2年后,可知问过多久完成;故选 C点睛:how much多少,后用不可数名词;how many多少,后用可数名词复数;how long多长,主要对一段时间进行提问,例如: Howlong do you wtach TV at weekend? ; how often 多久,对频率进行提问 ,例如:How often do you go home?Once a week. ; how soon多久,指将来某个动作发生这段时间提问,常用于一般将来时态中,例如:How soon will you come back?1

12、4. The total number of online literature website users had to 352 million by the end of June 2017. And the number is still growing.A. increased B. influenced C. included D. introduced【答案】A【解析】句意:到 2017年6月底网上文学网站的使用者的总数已经上升到了352百万,这个数字仍然在增长。A. increased 上升; B. influenced 影响; C. included 包括; D. introd

13、uced 介绍;根据 And thenumber is still growing.这个数字仍然在增长,可知是上升;故选 A15. - I m sorry toon you, but there are one or two things I don t understand.-It doesnt matter.A. cut downB. cut outC. cut inD. cut off【答案】C【解析】句意:一一对不起打断你,但是又一两个问题我不理解。一一没关系。A. cut down砍倒; B. cutout 砍掉; C. cut in 插嘴,打断; D. cut off 切断;根据

14、there are one or two things I don t understand.可知是插嘴;故选 C16. The Shape of Water was a big winner at the 90th Academy Awards, winning four Oscars: Best Production Design,Best Score,Best Director and Best Picture.A. as soon as B. as well as C. as much as D. as good as【答案】B【解析】句意:水形物语是第 90届奥斯卡最大赢家,赢得了

15、4个奥斯卡:最佳设计奖,最佳分数,最佳导演和最佳影片。A. as soon as -就-;B. as well as 还有; C. as much as 和-一样多; D. asgood as和 样好;根据 winning four Oscars: Best Production Design, Best Score,Best Director and BestPicture.可知是还有;故选 B17. Lisa, don tnOoiy things at one time, or you ll be tired out. You can tA. burn the candle at both

16、 ends B. provide for a rainy dayC. put all your eggs in one basket D. do as Romans do when in Rome【答案】A【解析】句意:丽莎,一次不要做这么多事情,否则你会累坏的,你不能过分耗费。A. burn the candle at bothends 你不能过分耗费;B. provide for a rainy day 未雨绸缪; C. put all your eggs in one basket 孤注一掷;D. do as Romans do when in Rome 入乡随俗;根据 don t do

17、 many things at one timeT知是你不能过分耗费;故选A18. Do you know? On July 15th. So after the exam, you can enjoy most of the matches.A. when will the 2018 Football World Cup endB. when the 2018 Football World Cup will endC. where will the 2018 Football World Cup be heldD. where the 2018 Football World Cup will

18、 be held【答案】B【解析】句意:一一你知道2018年足球世界杯什么时候结束吗?一一在7月15号,考试以后,你可以欣赏大部分比赛。这是疑问词引导的宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除 A/C;根据On July 15th,可知问什么时间;故选B点睛:疑问词引导的宾语从句要用陈述语序,例如: Do you know who they are waiting for? 如果主句是 一般过去时,从句要用过去的某一个时态,例如: I knew she had swept the floor.如果从句是叙述的客观真理/自然现象时,则不受主句时态的限制,仍用一般现在时态,例如:They knew the su

19、n is much biggerthan the earth.19. Could you help me carry the equipment to the basketball field, Robin?.I ll do it at once.A. Not at all B. No problem C. Wait a moment D. That s right 【答案】B【解析】句意:一一您能帮我把这些器材搬到足球场吗,罗宾?一一没问题,我马上做它。A. Not at all 不客气; B. No problem 没问题; C. Wait a moment 等一下; D. That s

20、right是对的; 根据 Could you help me carry 和 I ll do it at once可知是没问题;故选 B、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项Grandma called me in from the yard.Would you please go to the store for me? Im ready to makecaisn t enough yeasts母).Take a quarter from my little change 16. “ I found Grandma s wallet and

21、put thequarter in my pocket.I was soon in the little general store that 17 our farming community.Mr. Jenkins,I said,Grandma rsome yeast. Mr. Jenkins set three cakes of yeast on the counter. His eyes shone, and he8 at me. And whatelse do you need? ” I knew what he meant. I was always allowed to pick

22、a penny candy when I came to the woheGrandma.How much 19 do I have from a quarter?I asked.Seven cents.Mr. Jenkins replied. I tworth as a reward for coming to the store alorDid you put the change back in my wallet?20 that quickly. I would have a nickel and two pennies back.I was sure Grandma wouldn 2

23、1 if I spent tone penny. and if she were here, she might even say I could have them both. The22 I looked at the candy display, the more certain I became that I needed two pennies did so.Yes, Grandma.I replied, hurrying out to the yard.I hadn t really lied to Grandma,I argiThank you, Grandma said whe

24、n 23 the yeast on the table.24 all the change I had.But I had 25 two pennies without Grandm a s permissions 许).The second piece of candy in my pocketdidn t sound like a good idea any more. I knew I had lied to Grandma, and I was 26 about it. Grandma lovedme so much that I couldn t bear to keep anyth

25、ing from her.27 Grandma took the hot cakes from the oven, I told her about the candy. She 28 when I finished mystory. I know just 29 you feel, she said. We all feel like that when we 30de ceveudone 骗的).I m glad you told me about the pennies, and of course I ll forgive you. Grandma hugged me tight, a

26、nd siI felt as though a big stone was gone from my stomach.16. A. handbag B. coat C. wallet D. pocket17. A. gave B. served C. offered D. bought18. A. laughed B. shouted C. smiled D. pointed19. A. dollars B. pound C. cents D. change20. A. as B. to C. out D. about21. A. care B. use C. think D. like22.

27、 A. bigger B. longer C. less D. shorter23. A. lied B. laid C. lay D. lain24. A. put back B. put in C. put out D. put up25. A.foundB. costC.spentD,took26. A. gladB.unhappyC. relaxedD. surprised27. A.SinceB. WhenC. IfD. Though28. A.shookB. refusedC. agreedD. nodded29. A.whereB. whyC. howD.when30. A. s

28、omething B. nothing C. anybody D. everybody【答案】16. C17. B 18. C 19. D 20. D 21. A 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. C 26.B 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. A【解析】文章讲述了作者去给奶奶买酵母,然后偷偷用零钱买了两块糖,没有告诉奶奶,后来因为对奶奶撒谎感觉愧疚,终于告诉奶奶真想,奶奶原谅了他,他感觉心里一块石头落了地。16.句意:从我零钱包里拿两角五分。A. handbag手提包;B. coat外套;C. wallet钱包; D. pocket口袋;根据I found Grandma

29、 s waller知是钱包;故选 C17.句意:我很快进了服务我们农场社区的那个小商店。A. gave 给; B. served 服务; C. offered 提供; D. bought 买;根据our farming community 可知是服务;故选B18. 句意:他对我微笑。A. laughed 笑;B. shouted 大声喊;C. smiled 微笑;D. pointed 指着;根据 His eyes shone,和And what else do you need?可知是对我微笑;故选 C19. 句意:从这两角五分里我还有多少零钱?A. dollars 美元;B. pound 英

30、镑;C. cents 分; D.change零钱;根据how much修饰不可数名词,排除 A/C ;根据from a quarter可知是零钱;故选 D20. 句意:我很快的想想它。根据 think about 考虑-;故选D21. 句意:我确信我花一美分,奶奶不在意。A. care 关心;B. use 使用;C. think 想;D. like 喜欢;根据 if she were here, she might even say I could have them both. 可知是不在意;故选A22. 句意:我看那两块糖越长时间,我就认为那两美分作为我独自来商店的奖励越应该。根据文意可知

31、作者因为纠结是否买糖,所以应是看得时间越长;故选B23. 句意:当我把酵母放在桌子上。A. lied 撒谎(过去式); B. laid 放置(过去式); C. lay 躺(过去式); D. lain躺(过去分词);根据the yeast on the table可知是放置;故选 B24. 句意: 我把我有的所有零钱都放回去了。A. put back 放回;B. put in 放进;C. put out 熄灭;D.put up 举起;根据 Did you put the change back in my wallet?Yes, Grandma 放回霉ep|ie散选A25. 句意:但是没经过奶奶

32、允许我花了两美分。A. found发现; B. cost花费,主语是物;C. spent花费,主语是人;D. took花费,通常用于it takes sb some time to do sth结构;根据two pennies ;故选C点睛: spend,/cost/take/pay 都可以表示花费。spend 主语是人,1 spend time/money on sth 在 - 上花时间、金钱。2 spend time/money (in) doing sth 花费时间或金钱做某事;cost 主语是物或某种活动,sthcosts money 某物花了多少钱;take 通常是一个固定结构it

33、takes sb time to do sth 做某事花了某人多长时间; pay 主语是人,pay money for sth 买某物花了多少钱。26. 句意: 关于这件事我不开心。A. glad 高兴;B. unhappy 不高兴 ; C. relaxed 放松;D. surprised惊讶;根据 The second piece of candy in my pocket didn t sound like a good idea any more. I knew I had lied toGrandma, 可知对奶奶撒谎,让作者不高兴;故选B27. 句意: 当奶奶拿出热蛋糕时。A. Si

34、nce 自从;B. When 当 -时候;C. If 如果, 是否;D. Though 尽管;根据 Grandma took the hot cakes from the oven, I told her about the candy.可知是当奶奶拿出蛋糕时,我告诉了她;故选 B28. 句意:她点点头。 A. shook 摇晃; B. refused拒绝; C. agreed同意; D. nodded点头;根据 “Iknow just 14 you feel, she said. We all feel like that when we 15 deceveud one 骗 的).I m g

35、lad you told me about the pennies, and of course I ll forgive you.可知曷ndmahugged me tight,头;故选D29. 句意:我知道你感觉怎样。 A. where 哪里; B. why为什么;C. how怎样; D. when什么时候;卞!据 We all feel like that可知是感觉怎样;故选 C30. 句意:当我们做了欺骗的事情。A. something 某事; B. nothing没事; C. anybody任何人; D.everybody每个人;根据上文应是做了欺骗的事情;故选 A三、阅读理解阅读下面

36、短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AA Giant Opportunity for ConversationVisit Toronto s most exciting attraction this year, the Xie Shou Giant Panda Eencsi The two giant pandas will be on show from 2017 to 2019 to confirm our long-term conversation partnership promise between China and Canada. Opening on

37、 May 18th, 2017, the show features themes including Eating Bamboo, Threats to Ciant Pandas and Saving Ciant Pandas. Come eye-to-eye with the pair of giant pandas. This show is open year round and included with regular Zoo admission.About usWe are one of Canada s best zoos with over 6000 animals repr

38、esenting more than 450 species.Come and explore a world class zoo with award winning shows such as the Gorilla Rainforest, GreatBarrier Reef and the 10-acre Tundra Trek. Don t miss our young white lions in the African Savannaor our African penguins that are built to swim, dive and fly through the se

39、a!Family fun includes daily keeper talks, five indoor buildings and over 700 acres to explore. Seasonal areas also include kid s areas such as the Discovery Zone, Splash Island, Kids Zoo and theWaterside Theatre.DirectionsBy car: Take Hwy 401 East or West to Meadowvale Rd. in Toronto(Exit 389).By tr

40、ansit: For T.T.C.(public transil) call 416-393-4636 or visit ttc.ca.AdmissionMay 1-Oct. 31General (ages 13-64)=$28Senior (ages 65+)=$23Child (ages 3-12)=$18Child (ages 2 and under尸FREE7. toronto*9 zooInformation: Tel(416) 392-5929torontozoo. comTourism Toronto: 1-800-363-1990Nov.1-April 30General (a

41、ges 13-64)=$23Senior (ages 65+)=$18Child (ages 3-12)=$14Child (ages 2 and under尸FREE31. What s the purpose of the giant panda show in Toronto?A. To come eye-to-eye with the pair of giant pandas and explore the world class zoo.B. To let people know the threats to Giant Pandas and raise money to save

42、Giant Pandas.C. To attract visitors to have a family fun in daily keeper talks and five indoor buildings.D. To confirm our long-term conversation partnership promise between China and Canada.32. What shows will you be awarded if you win in exploring a world class zoo? young white lions 10-acre Tundr

43、a Trek Discovery Zone the Gorilla Rainforest Great Barrier ReefA. B. C. D.33. If a family of five want to visit the zoo, including parents, grandfather aged 66 and two children aged 10 and 2, how much should they pay at least?A. $55 B. $69 C. $78 D. $97【答案】31. D 32. D 33. C【解析】这是加拿大一个动物园关于大熊猫表演的一个广告

44、。34. 根据 The two giant pandas will be on show from 2017 to 2019 to confirm our long-term conversation partnershippromise between China and Canada.可知目的是为了两国之间一个长期的交流;故选 D35. 根据 Come and explore a world class zoo with award winning shows such as the Gorilla Rainforest, GreatBarrierReef and the 10-acre

45、Tundra Trek.故选 D36. 根据 General (ages 13-64)=$23 Senior (ages 65+)=$18 Child (ages 3-12)=$14 Child (ages 2 and under尸FREE故选CBI spent a lot of time making a large shelf for my cave. I found a big tree and chopped it down. This took three days. Then, I chopped off the branches. This took another two da

46、ys. After that, I chopped the wood away from one side, and then from the other side. This took more than one month. Altogether it took forty-two days. In England, two men with a good saw could have made six of these shelves from that tree in half a day.I also spent a lot of time looking after my cor

47、n and rice crops. I had to protect them from wild animals and birds, so I made a fence around them. I shot some of the birds and hung them up near thecorn. After that, all the other birds stayed away. I used one of the old swords I had taken from the ship to cut down the corn when it was ready. I wa

48、s very proud of my corn and rice and worked hard to increase my crops. A few years later, I would have enough corn to make bread. I had to find a way to grind the corn into flour, but the rocks on the island were not hard enough. I finally discovered that a very hard piece of wood would do. I used s

49、ome cloth to separate the meal from the husks. Not having anoven, I made some square pots with lids and covered them with hot ashes. This baked the dough, and I had bread! I made my cave bigger again to hold the corn and flour so that I could make bread whenever I needed to.I sometimes wondered how

50、I could get to the land which was visible from the other side of the island. I went to the ship s boat that was blown onto the beain the shipwreck. However, I could not get it to the water. It was too heavy.I tried many different ways of doing it, but none of them were successful.37. From Paragraph

51、1, we know that the writer.A. made a foolish mistake in chopping down a big treeB. felt hopeless and couldn t have made a shelf himselfC. spent a long time making a large shelf without a sawD. made a small canoe with the wood he chopped down 35. The writer to protect his corn and rice.A. watched out

52、 for them day and nightB. divided the cave into several different partsC. put some old swords from the ship around themD. built a fence and hung some birds bodies near the corn36. In which order did the writer make bread successfully?a. The writer found a way to grind the corn into flour.b. The writ

53、er baked the dough with square pots.c. The writer separated the meal from the husks.d. The writer made some square pots with lids.A. a-c-d-b B. a-d-c-b C. b-d-c-a D. c-b-a-d37. The underlined word“visible insthparagraph means.A.偏僻的 B. 看得见的 C.模糊的 D. 遥远的【答案】34. C 35. D 36. A 37. B【解析】文章讲述了作者在一个小岛上的经历。

54、38. 根据I spent a lot of time making a large shelf for my cave.可知作者做一个大架子花了好长时间;故选 C39. 根据 I had to protect them from wild animals and birds, so I made a fence around them. I shot some of the birdsand hung them up near thecorn可知作者为了保护他的庄稼做了一个篱笆,挂了一些鸟在附近,其他的鸟都不敢靠近了;故选 D40. 根据 I had to find a way to gri

55、nd the corn into flour, I used some cloth to separate the meal from the husks. I made some square pots with lids This baked the dough, and I had bread!故选 A41. 根据 I sometimes wondered how I could get to the land which was visible from the other side of the island. 有时我想知道我怎么到达在这个小岛的对面的能被看见的陆地。故选 BCFre

56、sh off his MasterChef Junior run, Evan Robinson, who is only 12 years old, is using his kitchen skills to raisemoney for Puerto Rico. The TV show contestant wanted to offer help after hurricanes( 飓风)hit the country lastSeptember.I ve been seeing, all over the news, people struggling, Evan said. They can t get fresh waterget really anything. I know I m just a kid, but I think if a lot of people do something, a lot of things will get better.He raises money by baking and taking online orders for homemade empanadas(馅 饼).He started cooking on ar


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