1、AUSTRALIA澳大利亚介绍Local Customs风土人情 知识问答1. Which two oceans is Australia located between?2.What is theareaofAustralia?Local Customs风土人情 知识问答1. Which two oceans is Australia located between?南太平洋和印度洋2.What is theareaofAustralia?Local Customs风土人情 知识问答1. Which two oceans is Australia located between?南太平洋和印
2、度洋2.What is theareaofAustralia?万平方公里Local Customs风土人情Australia is located in the south Pacific and Indian Ocean, between the Australian mainland and Tasmania island and the overseas territories.Local Customs风土人情Australia is located in the south Pacific and Indian Ocean, between the Australian mainla
3、nd and Tasmania island and the overseas territories.澳大利亚位于南太平洋和印度洋之间,由澳大利亚大陆和塔斯马尼亚岛等岛屿和海外领土组成。Local Customs风土人情It faces the Pacific on the east of the coral sea and the tasman sea, west, north, threefacing south and its marginal sea in the Indian Ocean, about 36700 km long coastline. An area of 7692
4、 square kilometers, accounting for most of Oceania, is surrounded by water, desert and semidesert accounted for 35% of the national area. The country is divided into the eastern mountain, the central plains and western plateau three areas.Local Customs风土人情It faces the Pacific on the east of the cora
5、l sea and the tasman sea, west, north, threefacing south and its marginal sea in the Indian Ocean, about 36700 km long coastline. An area of 7692 square kilometers, accounting for most of Oceania, is surrounded by water, desert and semidesert accounted for 35% of the national area. The country is di
6、vided into the eastern mountain, the central plains and western plateau three areas.它东濒太平洋的珊瑚海和塔斯曼海,西、北、南三面临印度洋及其边缘海,海岸线长约万公里。面积万平方公里,占大洋洲的绝大部分,虽四面环水,沙漠和半沙漠却占全国面积的。全国分为东部山地、中部平原和西部高原个地区。Local Customs风土人情The fishing industry has been the main industry in Tasmania. The last century whaling ships turne
7、d into fishing boats (shrimp, lobster and crab), which accounted for 3/4 of the Australian fishing industry.Local Customs风土人情The fishing industry has been the main industry in Tasmania. The last century whaling ships turned into fishing boats (shrimp, lobster and crab), which accounted for 3/4 of th
8、e Australian fishing industry.渔业曾一直是塔斯马尼亚的主业。上个世纪的捕鲸船变成专门捕甲壳动物(虾,龙虾和蟹)的渔船,它们营业额占澳大利亚渔业的四分之三。Local Customs风土人情South of Tasmania, Australia, there is the end of the world, nature dominates all. It is the smallest state in Australia, is the only one people can can turn a circle with a few days.Local Cu
9、stoms风土人情South of Tasmania, Australia, there is the end of the world, nature dominates all. It is the smallest state in Australia, is the only one people can can turn a circle with a few days.塔斯马尼亚岛位于澳大利亚的南面,那里是“世界的尽头”,大自然主宰着一切。它是澳大利亚最小的州,是唯一一个人们可以用几天就可转一圈的州。Famous Buildings著名建筑The exterior of the S
10、ydney Opera House is heading to the white sail, with the ocean around the scenery side by side. Each year, about 3000 Games held in Sydney Opera House, about 2 million viewers to watch, is one of the worlds largest performing arts center for the performing arts.Famous Buildings著名建筑The exterior of th
11、e Sydney Opera House is heading to the white sail, with the ocean around the scenery side by side. Each year, about 3000 Games held in Sydney Opera House, about 2 million viewers to watch, is one of the worlds largest performing arts center for the performing arts.悉尼歌剧院悉尼歌剧院的外型犹如即将乘风出海的白色风的外型犹如即将乘风出
12、海的白色风帆,与周围的海洋景色相映成趣。每年在悉尼歌剧帆,与周围的海洋景色相映成趣。每年在悉尼歌剧院举办的表演大约院举办的表演大约3000场,约场,约200万观众前往观万观众前往观看,是世界上最大的表演艺术中心之一。看,是世界上最大的表演艺术中心之一。Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院Opera house white roof is paved by Sweden terracotta, and through special processing, so not afraid of the wind, under the roof is Sydney opera perform
13、ance of two places - a concert hall and opera houseSydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院Opera house white roof is paved by Sweden terracotta, and through special processing, so not afraid of the wind, under the roof is Sydney opera performance of two places - a concert hall and opera house歌剧院白色屋顶是由瑞典陶瓦铺成,并经过特殊处理,
14、因此不怕海风的侵袭,屋顶下方就是雪梨歌剧的两大表演场所-音乐厅和歌剧院。Great Barrier Reef世界遗产-大堡礁The reef is located on the northeast coast of Australia, belongs to coral reefs, is formed by numerous polyps piled up over 1, 000 years, at present in the area total more than 700 size coral island, respectively consist of 350 kinds of c
15、oral, is regarded as one of the eight wonders in the world.Great Barrier Reef世界遗产-大堡礁The reef is located on the northeast coast of Australia, belongs to coral reefs, is formed by numerous polyps piled up over 1, 000 years, at present in the area total more than 700 size coral island, respectively co
16、nsist of 350 kinds of coral, is regarded as one of the eight wonders in the world.大堡礁坐落在澳洲东北海岸,属于珊瑚礁,是由无数的珊瑚虫经过1万5千年的堆积而形成,目前海域内共有700多大小珊瑚岛,分别由350多种珊瑚构成,堪称世界8大奇观之一。The University of Sydney悉尼大学University of Sydney was founded in 1850, is located in the financial capital of Australia, Sydney city cent
17、er of a worlds leading history, by the authority of the media as one of the worlds most beautiful university campus.The University of Sydney悉尼大学University of Sydney was founded in 1850, is located in the financial capital of Australia, Sydney city center of a worlds leading history, by the authority
18、 of the media as one of the worlds most beautiful university campus.悉尼大学始建于1850年,是坐落于澳洲金融之都悉尼市中心的一所世界顶尖历史名校,被众权威媒体誉为世界最漂亮的大学校园之一。The University of Sydney悉尼大学One and a half century, teachers and students of the University of Sydney has created a WiFi, pacemakers, and aircraft black box world changing
19、 invention; 1 / 3 of the Australian Nobel laureate is for alumni of the University of Sydney, this figure far ahead of other university in Australia, leading the Australian Science and technology development.The University of Sydney悉尼大学One and a half century, teachers and students of the University
20、of Sydney has created a WiFi, pacemakers, and aircraft black box world changing invention; 1 / 3 of the Australian Nobel laureate is for alumni of the University of Sydney, this figure far ahead of other university in Australia, leading the Australian Science and technology development.一个半世纪以来,悉尼大学师
21、生先后创造了WIFI、心脏起搏器、飞机黑匣子等改变世界的发明;1/3的澳洲诺贝尔奖得主更是为悉尼大学校友,这一数字遥遥领先于澳洲其他大学,领跑着整个澳洲科学与技术的发展。Gold Coast黄金海岸Gold Coast is Australias holiday resort, located in the eastern coast of australia. Where there is bright sunshine and the rolling white sandy beaches, clear blue water, romantic palm trees, people her
22、e for a holiday more here to add a lot of vitality and dynamic. The center of the Gold Coast is the paradise of the surf.Gold Coast黄金海岸Gold Coast is Australias holiday resort, located in the eastern coast of australia. Where there is bright sunshine and the rolling white sandy beaches, clear blue wa
23、ter, romantic palm trees, people here for a holiday more here to add a lot of vitality and dynamic. The center of the Gold Coast is the paradise of the surf.黄金海岸是澳大利亚的假日游乐胜地,位于澳大利亚的东部沿海。这里有明媚的阳光、连绵的白色沙滩、湛蓝透明的海水、浪漫的棕榈林,来这里旅游度假的人们更为这里增添了不少生机和动感。黄金海岸的中心就是冲浪者天堂。Gold Coast黄金海岸Famous Spots著名景点 知识问答1. What
24、 are the famous buildings in Australia?Famous Spots著名景点 知识问答1. What are the famous buildings in Australia?Sydney Opera HouseGreat Barrier ReefThe University of SydneyGold Coast Famous Spots著名景点 知识问答2.How many performances are there in Sydney Opera House each year? Famous Spots著名景点 知识问答2.How many per
25、formances are there in Sydney Opera House each year? 3000Famous Spots著名景点 知识问答3. What is the Great Barrier Reef mean and which side is it located on? Famous Spots著名景点 知识问答3. What is the Great Barrier Reef mean and which side is it located on? The reef is located on the northeast coast of Australia.大
26、堡礁坐落在澳洲东北海岸。知识问答What famous food in Australia do you know?Local Delicacies当地美食 澳洲龙虾Australian Lobster belongs to the rare sea shrimp, the fire red, claw for the gold, the most delicious meat. Body fat, shrimp in more than 750 grams; fast growth, high yield; nutrient rich, tender meat, slippery crisp
27、, delicious sweet, flavor unique.Local Delicacies当地美食 澳洲龙虾Australian Lobster belongs to the rare sea shrimp, the fire red, claw for the gold, the most delicious meat. Body fat, shrimp in more than 750 grams; fast growth, high yield; nutrient rich, tender meat, slippery crisp, delicious sweet, flavor
28、 unique.澳洲龙虾属于名贵海水经济虾种,通体火红色,爪为金黄色,肉质最为鲜美。体大肥美,成虾在750克以上;生长快,产量高;营养丰富,肉质细嫩、滑脆、味道鲜美香甜,风味别具一格。Local Delicacies当地美食 鳄鱼肉Crocodile meat is a low fat, low cholesterol meat, health quality of crocodile meat is not only delicious, but also nourishing heart and lungs, blood and bones, kidney Gujing and Exorc
29、ism dehumidification effect, regular consumption Nourishing Qi, relieving cough and asthma.Local Delicacies当地美食 鳄鱼肉Crocodile meat is a low fat, low cholesterol meat, health quality of crocodile meat is not only delicious, but also nourishing heart and lungs, blood and bones, Exorcism dehumidificatio
30、n effect, regular consumption Nourishing Qi, relieving cough and asthma.鳄鱼肉是一种低脂肪、低胆固醇的肉类,健康优质的鳄鱼肉不但好吃,而且还有滋心润肺、补血壮骨和驱邪除湿的功效,经常食用可补气养血、平喘止咳。澳大利亚民谣-剪羊毛Out on the board the old shearer standsGrasping his shears in his long bony handsFixed is his gaze on a bare-bellied joeGlory if he gets her, wont he
31、make the ringer goClick go the shears boys, click, click, clickWide is his blow and his hands move quickThe ringer looks around and is beaten by a blowAnd curses the old snagger with the blue-bellied joeIn the middle of the floor in his cane-bottomed chairIs the boss of the board, with eyes everywhe
32、reNotes well each fleece as it comes to the screenPaying strict attention if its taken off cleanThe colonial-experience man he is there, of courseWith his shiny leggins just got off his horseCasting round his eye like a real connoisseurWhistling the old tune Im the Perfect LureThe tar-boy is there a
33、waiting in demandWith his blackened tar-pot and his tarry handSees one old sheep with a cut upon its backHeres what hes waiting for Tar here Jack! 河那边草原呈现白色一片,好像是白云从天空飘临,你看那周围雪堆像冬天,这是我们在剪羊毛剪羊毛.洁白的羊毛像丝绵,锋利的剪子咔嚓响,只要我们大家努力来劳动,幸福生活一定来到来到.绵羊你别发抖呀你别害怕,不要担心你的旧皮袄,炎热的夏天你用不到它,秋天你又穿上新皮袄新皮袄.洁白的羊毛像丝绵,锋利的剪子咔嚓响,只要我们大家努力来劳动
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